2024届高考英语读后续写训练4(Christmas and the homeless)学案(含答案)

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2024届高考英语读后续写训练4(Christmas and the homeless)学案(含答案)


2024届高考英语读后续写训练4(Christmas and the homeless)
The icy wind howled across the empty street and it was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December twenty-fifth. Quiet, that is, except for the nurses who were standing around the nurses’ station complaining about having to work on Christmas Day, for people were supposed to be spending time with their families, exchanging gifts and wishes.
I was guiding nurse that day and had just done the cleanup in the waiting room. Since there were no patients waiting to be seen at the time, I returned to the nurses’ station for a cup of hot coffee that someone had brought in for Christmas. Just then, a colleague came back and told me I had five patients waiting to be evaluated.
I was surprised, “Five, how did I get five. I was just out there and no one was in the waiting room.”
“Well, there are five signed in.”
So I went straight out and called the first name. Five bodies showed up at my guiding desk, a pale short woman and four small children in untidy clothing.
“Are you all sick ” I asked suspiciously.
“Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.
“Okay,” I replied, unconvinced, “Who’s first ” One by one they sat down, and I asked the usual beginning questions. When it came to the descriptions of their symptoms, things got a little vague. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren’t accompanied by the normal body language of holding the head or trying to keep it still. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother complained of a cough, but seemed to work to produce it.
Something was wrong with the picture. Our hospital policy, however, was not to turn away any patient, so we would see them. When I explained to the mother that it might be a little while before a doctor saw her because there were several more critical patients, she responded, “Take your time; it’s warm in here and there is a Christmas tree.”
Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room.
The nurses, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family.
(P1) Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room.
重要情节:①_______________________________________________( 描写)
②_______________________________________________( 描写)
(P2) The nurses, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family.
重要情节:①_______________________________________________( 描写)
②_______________________________________________( 描写)
Sample 1:
Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room. ________________________
My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family. ________
Sample 2:
Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room. ________________________
My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family. ________
Sample 1:
(P1) Then she turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room.
The rest froze, eyes falling on their little sister.
The guilty mother looked upset, great sorrow clouding her face.
Met with refusal, the wretched creature was on the verge of tears.
The youngest kid was staring at gifts on the tree, exclaiming something to her mother.
Realizing they were homeless, I went back and told my colleagues what had happened.
Though warm, the room was far from comfortable for children, who nestled closely by the Christmas tree.
(P2) My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family.
With gifts in hand, the kids couldn't restrain their joy, whose laughter became quite infectious.
The waiting room pulsed with happiness and we were able to locate a shelter that would take the family in.
Soon we were busy preparing presents for our unexpected guests, who just wanted to stay warm on Christmas Day.
As they were leaving, the mother hugged each of us and whispered, “You're our angels and it's your love that warms us up!”
Sample 2:
(P1) Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room.
“Look at the little teddy bear!”
I nodded but doubt began to grow.
Soon, the other siblings followed suit.
“Madam, is this teddy bear sent by Santa Clause ”
The little girl asked me curiously, “Never have I seen a real one.”
The kids’ twittering stirred the quiet hall, attracting my colleagues to the room.
However, one little girl slipped off the chair and ran briskly towards the Christmas tree.
Maybe sensing my question, the woman staggered in embarrassment, “We have been…homeless for years.”
(P2) My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family.
The hospital was brimmed by laughter.
We decided to do something for them.
“This is the best gift I have got,” I murmured.
I squatted down and she threw herself into my arms.
The kids looked at us removing the gifts in confusion.
When hearing they were theirs, excitement was mapped on their faces.
I felt warm tears dripping down suddenly but I couldn’t tell whose they were.
“Madam, could I give you a hug ” the girl whispered to me in awe, her eyes twinkling with innocence.
Sample 1:
Then she turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room. Though warm, the room was far from comfortable for children, who nestled closely by the Christmas tree. The youngest kid was staring at gifts on the tree, exclaiming something to her mother. Met with refusal, the wretched creature was on the verge of tears. The guilty mother looked upset, great sorrow clouding her face. The rest froze, eyes falling on their little sister. Realizing they were homeless, I went back and told my colleagues what had happened.
My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family. Soon we were busy preparing presents for our unexpected guests, who just wanted to stay warm on Christmas Day. With gifts in hand, the kids couldn't restrain their joy, whose laughter became quite infectious. The waiting room pulsed with happiness and we were able to locate a shelter that would take the family in. As they were leaving, the mother hugged each of us and whispered, “You're our angels and it's your love that warms us up!” (154 words)
1. 紧紧依偎在圣诞树旁______________________________________________
2. 大声地向妈妈说______________________________________________
3. 可怜的小家伙眼泪快要哭出来了。(句子)______________________________
4. 看起来很失落______________________________________________
5. 巨大的悲伤使她愁容满面。(句子)_____________________________________
6. 眼睛注视在某人身上______________________________________________
7. 控制/抑制他们的快乐______________________________________________
8. 房间洋溢着快乐。(句子)_____________________________________________
9. 互相拥抱并窃窃私语______________________________________________
10. 是你们的爱温暖了我们(强调句)_____________________________________
1. 紧紧依偎在圣诞树旁 nestle closely by the Christmas tree
2. 大声地向妈妈说 exclaim something to her mother
3. 可怜的小家伙眼泪快要哭出来了。(句子)The wretched creature was on the verge of tears.
4. 看起来很失落 look upset
5. 巨大的悲伤使她愁容满面。(句子)Great sorrow clouded her face.
6. 眼睛注视在某人身上 eyes fall on their little sister
7. 控制/抑制他们的快乐 restrain their joy
8. 房间洋溢着快乐。(句子)The waiting room pulsed with happiness.
Happiness lingered around the room.
9. 互相拥抱并窃窃私语 hugged each of us and whispered
10. 是你们的爱温暖了我们(强调句)It's your love that warms us up!
Sample 2:
Then the mother turned and, with a smile, settled her kids in the waiting room. However, one little girl slipped off the chair and ran briskly towards the Christmas tree. Soon, the other siblings followed suit. “Look at the little teddy bear!” The kids’ twittering stirred the quiet hall, attracting my colleagues to the room. “Madam, is this teddy bear sent by Santa Clause ” The little girl asked me curiously, “Never have I seen a real one.” I nodded but doubt began to grow. Maybe sensing my question, the woman staggered in embarrassment, “We have been…homeless for years.”
My colleagues, complaining about working Christmas, turned to sympathy for the homeless family. We decided to do something for them. The kids looked at us removing the gifts in confusion. When hearing they were theirs, excitement was mapped on their faces. The hospital was brimmed by laughter. “Madam, could I give you a hug ” the girl whispered to me in awe, her eyes twinkling with innocence. I squatted down and she threw herself into my arms. “This is the best gift I have got,” I murmured. I felt warm tears dripping down suddenly but I couldn’t tell whose they were. (170 words)
1. 从椅子上滑落
2. 快速奔向圣诞树
3. 跟着做
4. 孩子们的叽叽喳喳搅动了宁静的大厅。(句子)
5. 好奇地问我
6. 怀着尴尬的心情蹒跚地走着
7. 兴奋的心情挂在他们的脸上。(句子)
8. 医院充满了欢笑。(句子)
9. 敬畏地对我切切私语
10. 双眼闪烁着纯真的光芒。(句子)
11. 蹲下来
12. 投入到我的怀抱
13. 感受到温暖的眼泪流下来了
1. 从椅子上滑落 slipped off the chair
2. 快速奔向圣诞树 ran briskly towards the Christmas tree
3. 跟着做 followed suit
4. 孩子们的叽叽喳喳搅动了宁静的大厅。(句子) The kids’ twittering stirred the quiet hall.
5. 好奇地问我 asked me curiously
6. 怀着尴尬的心情来回踱步 staggered in embarrassment
7. 兴奋的心情挂在他们的脸上。(句子) excitement was mapped on their faces.
8. 医院充满了欢笑。(句子) The hospital was brimmed by laughter.
9. 敬畏地对我切切私语 whispered to me in awe
10. 双眼闪烁着纯真的光芒。(句子)Her eyes twinkled with innocence.
11. 蹲下来 squatted down
12. 投入到我的怀抱 threw herself into my arms
13. 感受到温暖的眼泪流下来了 I felt warm tears dripping down.
1. 她拥抱着女儿,女儿依偎在她的怀里(chest)。
2. 迈克快到了绝望(despair)的边缘。
3. 我突然见到了一件奇怪的物品。
4. 房间里仍然飘逸着她那淡淡(faint)的香水味。
5. 响声让我从睡梦中惊醒。
6. 他蹒跚着走进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。
7. 她热泪盈眶。
8. 一看见Tom,她突然大哭并投入Tom的怀抱。
1. 她拥抱着女儿,女儿依偎在她的怀里(chest)。
She hugged her daughter and her daughter nestled in her chest.
2. 迈克快到了绝望(despair)的边缘。
Mike was on the verge of despair.
3. 我突然见到了一件奇怪的物品。
My eye fell on a strange object. / A strange object came into my sight.
4. 房间里仍然飘逸着她那淡淡(faint)的香水味。
The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.
5. 响声让我从睡梦中惊醒。
A noise stirred me from sleep.
6. 他蹒跚着走进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。
He staggered in and dropped into a chair.
7. 她热泪盈眶。
Her eyes brimmed with tears.
8. 一看见Tom,她突然大哭并投入Tom的怀抱。
Bursting into tears, she threw herself into Tom’s arms the moment she saw him.




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