人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking 教学设计

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人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking 教学设计


Unit 5 Music
Reading and Thinking 教学设计
This lesson is selected from the Reading section of Music, Unit 5, Compulsory High School English, Human Education Edition. The central topic of this lesson is music, music genres, and bands. The author first introduces the formation of a band and then describes the band's unusual growth from a fake band to a real one. Through the study of this article, students will understand the charm of band music and the process of fame, and summarize the factors of success of the band. In the teaching process, the teacher should let the students summarize the development of the band and the differences between it and other bands, guide the students to discuss the elements of the success of the band, and further guide the students to think about how to use its success in their own study and daily life.
High students' English learning is still in the high cohesion in the early stage, influenced by the interest in learning.The content of this article is very strange and the band is an old band involved in the last century . For students it’s too far away for a long time.They are unfamiliar with it. So, at the time of import you should choose red band to stimulate students' enthusiasm. Then arouse the learning interest of this lesson content.
Unit 5 Music--The virtual choir
Reading and Thinking 教学设计
To learn about experiencing music online.
To scan and circle the information in the text.
To find the numbers and dates to fill in the timeline.
To learn more about music by completing the sentences with the correct forms of the words and phrases.And then make a mind map about the outline of the passage.
To know the music about different choirs and improve the quality of music.
1.To guide students to pay attention to reading strategies,such as prediction,self-questioning and scanning.
2.To help students sort out the main meaning of each paragraph and understand
the narrative characteristics of "timeline”in illustrative style.
3.To lead students to understand the changes that have been caused by the Internet.
学法指导:Cooperative learning
教学环节 教学内容 学生活动 设计意图
Activity 1 : (5minutes) Lead-in : Show a song for students and arise their curious about reading. 1.To share a song with Students, showing music has its magic. 2.Free talk:Students like listening to music and singing songs, so ask them : What are the ways for you to experience music 3.Video time : Share a short video to make them know something about the virtual choir. 1.Introduce the topic of this unit 2.Let students have a brief understanding of the passage.
Activity 2 : (10minutes) Fast reading : Have students read the passage quickly for the Ask Ss to look at the title and the picture and answer : If you were the writer, what would you write about this topic (The Virtual 1. Train students some reading skills. 2.Develop the
first time Q1:What’s the main idea of the passage Q2:What ’ s the structure of text Choir) prediction ability.
Activity 3 : (15minutes) Careful reading : Have students work in pair to complete 1. Divide the passage into several parts according the main idea. 2. Carry out the group division and discussion. 3. Analyze the function of the quote :“Music helps me to forget my problem. With music,I become someone else Complete the structure of the text.
the the task.Explain passage
detailed students. for
Activity 4 : (10minutes) Summary : Let students look back at the text and think about the structure of text. 1. Review the full text and think about the relationship between the title and text. 2. Think about the importance of music. Stimulate students to produce their own thinking.
Homework:1.Search the Internet to get more information about the virtual choir.
2.Write a summary about the music refer to the virtual choir.
Unit 5 Music-The virtual choir
Reading and Thinking
The main idea:
paragraph1:the definition (what)--definition and significance
paragraph2:the founder(who)--Eric Whit acre
paragraph3:the creation(how)
paragraph4:the development
paragraph5:the influence(what)--a wonderful way and a better place
Book 2 Unit 5 Music Discover useful structures 教学设计
《英语课程标准》对于语法的要求:高中阶段英语语法知识的学习是义务教育阶段语法 学习的延伸和继续,应在更加丰富的语境中通过各种英语学习和实践活动进一步巩固和恰当 运用义务教育阶段所学的语法知识,学会在语境中理解和运用新的语法知识,进一步发展英 语语法意识。
本单元的话题是Music,本节课的教学内容 Discover useful structures 是文本的第三 个课时。结合上一单元对过去分词作定语和宾语补足语的学习,本节课将对文本中出现的过 去分词作表语和状语的用法进行学习,帮助学生更好地运用这一结构表达情感和描述情境。
This class is a grade one ordinary parallel class, most of the students have
poor English foundation. However, many students ’ learning
enthusiasm and self-consciousness is not strong, sometimes can not finish the ta sk assigned by the teacher independently on time, so teachers need to strengthen the guidance and supervision. The logical thinking ability of the students is not strong, so it is necessary to guide the students to summarize in time.
教学重点: 学生能掌握过去分词作表语与在被动语态中的区别,及过去分词作状语的功能。
Teaching methods: Question and answer teaching method; Free discussion method;
Pair work and individual work method; Exploring.
教学环节 教学内容 学生活动 设计意图
Lead-in (3 minutes) Review that the past participles can be used as the attribute and the object complement. Review the usage of past participles used as the attribute and the object complement and list some examples. e.g. 1. They use the same flag, known as the Union Jack. 2. They had castles built all around England. 巩固复习 明确目标 导入主题
Activity 1 (10 minutes) Discuss with your partner and share your own ideas with other students. 1. Describe the following pictures and find what component does the past participle serve as. 1). ____________ 2). ____________ 2. Look at the following sentences and discuss the difference between past participles used as the predicative and the passive voice in pairs. 1.The store is now closed. 2.The library is usually closed at 8: 00 pm. Difference : ______ 1.学生描绘图 片,观察句子, 关注句子中过 去分词作表语 的用法 2.学生合作探 究,讨论发现 过去分词作表 语和在被动语 态中的区别
Activity 2 (10 minutes) 1. The usage of past participles used as the adverbial 2. Master functions of the past participle used as the adverbial 1. Look at the following sentences and find what component does the past participle serve as. 1). Built thirty years ago, the house looks very beautiful. 2). Born in the USA on 2 January1970, Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988. 3). Moved by this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for the first time. ” 2. Look at the following sentences and underline the past participles. In pairs, discuss their functions. 1). Discussed many times, the problems were settled at last. 2) .Given more time, we could do it much better. 1. 学 生 观 察 例句,关注句 子中过去分词 作为状语的用 法 2. 学 生 互 相 交流,合作学 习,并讨论发 现过去分词作 状语时的功能 及功能的种类
3). Done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes. 4). Exhausted by the climb, we continued our journey. 5). He began to cry as if bitten by a snake. 6). Mrs. Wu came in, followed by her daughter. Functions :
Activity 3 (10 minutes) Do some 1. Rewrite the following sentences using past participles as the adverbial. 1) When he was told that his mother was ill, Li Lei hurried home quickly. ________________ 2) If I am compared with you , I still have a long way to go. ________________ 3) Although he was mocked at by everybody, he had my sympathy. ________________ 4) As he was greatly touched by the teacher’s words, the boy did a lot of things to help his classmates. ________________ 5) The patient got off the bed, and he was supported by the nurse. ________________ 2. Complete the following sentences 1) ______ the heroic deeds, the children couldn’t help crying. 孩子们被英雄事迹所感动,情不自禁地哭了 起来。 2) ______ the examination result, the girl stood there without saying a word. 因为对考试结果很失望,那个女孩儿一句话 也没说。 3) ______, the dictionary will be very popular. 一旦出版,这本字典将会很受欢迎。 4) ______, he continued his study. 尽管被许多人嘲笑,他还是继续他的研究。 学生能够发现 问题,并通过 合作的方式解 决问题,形成 体系化的语法 结构
Activity 4 (5 minutes) Summarize Summarize what you learned by using the mind map 通过画思维导 图巩固学生对 过去分词用法 的学习
Activity 5 Homework 1.巩固复习过去分词作表语和状语的用法。 2.完成课本上 54 页的练习。 巩固提高
Unit 4 Music
Discover useful structures
Past participles as the predicative
predicative or passive voice
Past participles as the adverbial
Unit 5 Music
Reading for Writing 教学设计
《英语课程标准》对于写作的要求:高中阶段英语写作知识的学习是义务教育阶段写作 学习的延伸和继续,应在通过各种英语写作和实践活动进一步巩固和恰当运用义务教育阶段 所学的写作知识,学会在语境中理解和运用新的写作知识,进一步发展运用英语来写作的意 识。
教材简析:The writing project of this unit is to write a speech, which is different from the previous practical writing. Speech is to face the audience to publish, so in the choice of words and sentences, we should pay more attention to the selection of words that can convey emotions, and enhance the attraction of speech.
学情分析:The students have enough English words to express their opinions and views.
基础性目标:Summarize the general outline ,the important information and acquire some language features of a speech(rhetorical devices: Simile(明喻) Metaphor(隐喻) Rhetorical question(设问) Personification(拟人) Quote(引用) Repetition(重复):);
拓展性目标:produce, check and revise a speech about how music can change a person’ s life.
挑战性目标:develop students’ writing and cooperating abilities
1.Stimulate students to have a good understanding of how to write a speech 2.Cultivate students to write a speech properly and concisely.
Teaching methods: Double activities teaching method;Question and answer teaching method;Free discussion method;Pair work and individual work method;Exploring.
教学环节 教学内容 学生活动 设计意图
明确目标 情景导入 Step1. Warming up : Students enjoy some pieces of music, then choose suitable words to describe your feelings and emotions. After enjoying the music, Ss need to express the 学 生 听 歌 畅 所 欲言,激活他们 的经验知识,引 出主题。为直接
Step2 Task 1. Students scan the text and judge the type of it : ________________________ feeling and judge the type of text 切 入 到 这 一 文 本 的阅 读 做 视 觉和思维准备。
活动一 Students read the text, and find out the function and main ideas of each paragraph. Paragraph1 : The writer’s experience with music. Paragraph2:Welcome the audience, make a self-introduction and give the topic of the speech. Paragraph 3 : Relate her experience to the audience (give her advice) Paragraph 4 : Close the speech. Paragraph 5 : Her feeling about music Ss can work in pairs to find the main idea. 通过主旨大意, 让 学 生 抓 住 文 本关键信息,更 好地理解文章, 为 后 面 分 析 文 章 的 语 言 和 结 构作铺垫。
活动二 Compare the left sentences with the right ones, select the better one you think, and tell your partner the reasons.and then understand the following definition : The definition. 1. Simile(明喻) : A simile compares two things by using words such as “like” or “as”. eg. “John is as cunning(狡猾的) as a fox. ” 2. Metaphor( 隐 喻 ) : A metaphor compares two things that are unrelated, but which are similar in some way. eg. “ That businessman is a real fox. ” 3. Rhetorical question( 设 问 ) : A rhetorical question is a question that isn't meant to elicit(引出) an answer, but is When writing, Ss need to know the figure speech,like Simile, Metaphor and so on.They need to deal with it well. 分 析 语 言 表 达 特 色 , 关 注 与 感 官 相 关 联 的 用 词 与 表 达 , 为 学 生 在 后 面 的 模 仿 写 作 中 丰 富 自 己 的 语 言 提 供 帮 助 和 支撑。 其 次 , 分 析 文 中 句 子 的 不同 位置,让学生弄 明 白 文 本 的 框 架结构,为后面 模 仿 写 作 构 建 框架知识。 2. 分析文中不 同 的 句 子 , 让
asked to make a point. eg. “How could I be so stupid ” 4. Personification( 拟 人 ) : Personification is when a thing, idea, or animal is given human attributes(特征). eg.“The sky weeps. ” 5. Quote( 引 用 ) : To quote is to repeat a short passage, word, phrase, or sentence that came from somewhere or sb. else. eg. “… as Longfellow says, 'Music is the universal language of mankind.' ” 6. Repetition(重复) : Repetition is the use of the same word or phrase in a poem, speech, etc. eg. Julius Caesar's famous saying“I came, I saw, I conquered. ” Task 5. Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. Task 6. recognize all rhetorical devices used in the following speech, then write down their names/types. For example : Have you ever been in deep sorrow wanting to be nothing 学 生 明 白 , 为 学 生 在 自 己 的 习 作 中 学 会 恰 当 使 用 过 渡 句 使 得 文 章 更 连 贯作铺垫。 3. 在 掌 握 基 本 语 言 特 色 和 基 本框架之后,再 次 进 行 延 伸 和 拓 展 , 细 化 词 汇、框架知识、 文章内容,为后 面 的 模 仿 写 作 提 供 更 充 足 的 语 言 准 备 和 更 详 细 的 框 架 知 识。
⑴Hello, my name is Lihua, I'm greatly honored to share with you Miss Xiao's experience of how music has helped her. ⑵Have you ever been in deep sorrow wanting to be nothing ⑶One year ago, she got her finger hurt during the COVID-19. ⑷She couldn't use her finger to wash face and chopsticks to eat. ⑸So, she cried with tears pouring down her cheeks like spring. ⑹She felt so alone and discouraged. ⑺ Her friends suggested that she should listen to some positive music, which helped her recover. ⑻As John A. Logan once said “ Music is the medicine of the mind. ” ⑼It is absolutely true! ⑽ Music helps her to face up to the injury, music helps her to overcome loneliness, music helps her to gain the joy of happiness, music encourages her to relax her mind and soul. ⑾It’s like sunshine always warming her heart. ⑿ Hoping that music can be your companion too. Thank you for your attention.
活动三 Pre-writing : Think about your experiences with music and how it has changed your life, or think about how the life of someone you know has been changed by his/her experience with music, then fill in the blanks below with some of the rhetorical devices you hope to use in your speech. Students will watch
some pieces of video to learn how to start a speech. Metaphor:_______________ Personification : _______________ Quote: ______ said, “___________ ” Repetition: Music makes / gives / helps me / him / her ... 1. ____________ 2. ______________ 3. ________________ Rhetorical question: Have you ever Simile (verb + like) : ________________________ Task 8. write your own speech with music and how it has changed your life, or how the life of someone you know has been changed by his/her experience with music. according to the structure of the speech and use the rhetorical devices. Ss think about their experiences with music and write the draft. 回顾框架结构, 让 学 生 结 合 所 学 的 内 容 进 行 思考,在写作中 运 用 并 内 化 所 学的内容,将知 识转化为能力, 为 独 立 写出 初 稿提供保障。
课堂小结 反馈提升 Group work: Exchange drafts in groups of four, and use this checklist to help you revise the draft. After that, every group will recommend one of your works to share with us. Does the writer explain how music has changed his/her/someone else's life Are some of the rhetorical devices included and used properly Does the writer talk about how music makes him/her/someone feel Is the first word in each sentence capitalized Does the writer use correct punctuation Ss exchange the draft and polish it by themselves. 学生交换初稿, 利 用 评 价 清 单 从 结 构的 合 理 性、内容的完整 性、语言的准确 性和恰当性、以 及 语 言 的 丰 富 性 和 生 动 性 等 方面进行反馈, 为 同 伴 提 供 反 馈 过 程 中反 思 自己的写作,促 进 知 识 的 进 一 步内化,形成良 好的自我反思。
Homework:Students polish (润色)their speech , then write down it on their exercise book.
Main Idea:
Para1 para2 para3 para4 para5




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