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新PEP人教版 六年级下册
Unit 1~Unit 6 期末专项突破
Unit 1 How tall are you
Animal Height Weight
The elephant 3.19 m 5000 kg
The tiger 1 m 270 kg
The rabbit 0.26 m 2.5 kg
The rabbit is 2.5 kilograms. The tiger is 270 kilograms. The elephant is 3.19 metres. The tiger is 1 metre. The rabbit is 0.26 metre. The tiger is taller than the rabbit. But the tiger is shorter than the elephant. The elephant is the tallest. The elephant is 5000 kilograms. The tiger is much heavier than the rabbit. But the elephant is much heavier than the tiger. The elephant is the heaviest.
Name Zhang Peng Wu Yifan
Age 12 11
Height 1.7 m 1.65 m
Weight 60 kg 55 kg
要求:根据上表信息,以“My friends”为题,写一篇小短文,用上……than……的比较级句型。要求语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范,可适当发挥,不少于50个单词。
My friends
I have two good friends. Zhang Peng and Wu Yifan. Zhang Peng is 12 years old. Wu Yifan is 11 years old. Zhang Peng is older than Wu Yifan. Zhang Peng is 1.7 metres tall. Wu Yifan is 1.65 metres tall. Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Yifan. Zhang Peng is 60 kilograms. Wu Yifan is 55 kilograms. Zhang Peng is heavier than Wu Yifan.
姓名 张鹏 李明
年龄 11 11
身高 1.61 metres 1.64 metres
体重 48 kilograms 50 kilograms
Hello! I’m Zhang Peng. I have a good friend. His name is Li Ming. Both of us are eleven years old. But Li Ming is taller and heavier than me. He is 1.64 metres. I’m 1.61 metres. And I’m 48 kilograms. He is 50 kilograms.
Hello! I’m Zhang Peng. I have a good friend. His name is Li Ming. He is 1.64 metres. I’m 1.61 metres. And I’m 48 kilograms. He is 50 kilograms. Both of us are eleven years old. But Li Ming is taller and heavier than me.
Name Tom Peter
Age 11 12
City New York London
Weight 43 kilograms 45 kilograms
Hobby draw pictures take a trip
Favourite food vegetables beef
Hello, I’m Mike. Tom and Peter are my pen pals. Tom lives in New York. Peter lives in London. Tom is 11 years old. He’s one year younger than Peter. But Peter is heavier than Tom. Tom is 43 kilograms, and Peter is 45 kilograms. Tom likes drawing pictures, but Peter likes taking a trip. Vegetables are Tom's favourite food. Peter’s favourite food is beef. They are different, but they are both my best friends.
Hello, I’m Alice. This is my friend, Kim. I am eleven years old. Kim is one year older than me. He is 1. 6 metres tall. I am shorter than him. My shoes are smaller than his. I like swimming. He likes playing football. We are good friends. We often help each other.
Unit 2 Last weekend
请以“Zoom's Weekend”为题,描述一下Zoom周末都做了些什么吧。
Zoom's Weekend
Zoom had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he washed his schoolbag and went to the park. He did his homework and went fishing on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning, he cleaned his room and visited his grandparents. He played football and watched TV on Sunday afternoon. Zoom was very tired.
以“My Last Weekend”为题写一篇短文,运用一般过去时介绍自己上周末的活动。要求:语句通顺,条理清晰,不少于50个单词。
My Last Weekend
I had a happy weekend. Last Saturday morning, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, I watched some children's shows on TV. They were great! Last Sunday morning, I read storybooks. In the afternoon, I went to the park with my friend, Mike. We played together. In the evening, we had dinner in a restaurant. I had a good time.
Hello ! I’m Chen Jie. I have four good friends. They are Zhang Peng, Tom, Jane and Oliver. We often play together on the weekend. But last weekend, they were busy. What did they do Zhang Peng cooked at home. Tom cleaned his room. Jane rode a bike. And Oliver went fishing.
Hello! I’m Wu Yifan. I love to travel. Last summer holiday, I took a tip with my family. We went to Xinjiang. It's far from my home. We went there by train. Xinjiang was beautiful. I took many pictures. And I bought gifts for my friends. I really had a good time in Xinjiang!
My Last Weekend Saturday morning clean my room
afternoon wash my clothes
evening do my homework
Sunday morning cook breakfast
afternoon read a book
evening watch TV
My Last Weekend
Hello, I'm Ann. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. On Saturday afternoon, I washed my clothes. On Saturday evening, I did my homework. On Sunday morning, I cooked breakfast. I read a book on Sunday afternoon. Then I watched TV on Sunday evening.
Unit 3 Where did you go
请以“Tom's Holiday”为题写一篇作文,描述一下Tom的假期吧!
Tom’s Holiday
Tom went to Beijing by plane on his holiday. Every day he had fun with his parents. They went to the park. They rowed a boat(划船). They went swimming. They ate lots of fresh food. They also took many beautiful pictures. In a word, they enjoyed themselves very much.
以“My Holiday”为题写一篇短文,描述一下你某个假期的经历。
参考词汇:Dalian, Beij ing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, parent, grandparent, friend, buy, go shopping, take pictures, go to the beach, train, plane
参考句型:I went to……with……. I/We went there by……
My Holiday
That was my Labour Day holiday. I went to Dalian with my parents on May 1st. We went there by train. We got to Dalian in the afternoon. We had a rest. On the second day, we went to the beach. It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. On the third day, we went shopping. I bought some gifts for my friends. And we went back to Beijing at night. The holiday was fun.
I went to Harbin last winter holiday. I went there with my parents. We went there by plane. It was very cold in Harbin. We went ice-skating and made a snowman. We were very happy. I took many pictures. And my parents bought some gifts for their friends. We had a good time in Harbin.
Unit 4 Then and now
1. 在梦中我们去了哪里?怎样去的?看见了什么?做了什么?我们可以抓住这些来介绍梦境。(一般过去时)
2. 能以“变化”为话题,正确运用一般现在时和一般过去时进行谈论人物的变化; 谈论学校的变化; 谈论社会环境的变化。
Hi, I am Amy. I'm 12 years old. I'm 1.6 metres tall. I'm taller than before. Before, I was quiet and I didn't like sports. I liked listening to music. Now, I'm different. I'm active in class. I like doing sports. I like climbing mountains on weekends.
根据表格提示,以“Tim’s changes” 为题写一篇短文。
要求: 1. 内容符合表格信息,语法正确;
2. 不少于5句话。
Tim’s change
Tim changed a lot. Before, he was short and thin. Now, he is tall and strong. Before, he was shy. Now, he is active in class. Before, he couldn't ride a bike or ice skate. Now, he can ride a bike and ice skate very well. Before, he liked reading books and listening to music. Now, he likes playing football and singing songs. He is very different now.
请以My changes(我的变化)为题,结合表格中所给信息来秀一秀你的变化(也可结合自己实际变化来谈)!不少于50个单词。
before short and thin go cycling quiet
now tall and strong ice-skate active
My changes
Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Peng. I’m 12 years old. I am different now! Before, I’m short and thin. Now, I’m tall and strong. Before, I liked going cycling. Now, I like ice-skating.
Before I was quiet. Now, I’m active in class. Before, I had long hair. Now, I have short hair. Before, I couldn’t play badminton. Now, I can play badminton well. Before, I didn’t like maths. Now, I like maths very much. I think it’s interesting.
同学们,你做过梦吗?梦有趣吗?你在梦中做什么了?请以“What a dream!”为题,写一篇作文描述你做过的有趣的梦。不少于50个单词。
What a dream!
I had a nice dream last night. In my dream,I went to the moon. I went there by spaceship. It was very exciting. I saw Chang’e. She was very beautiful. She could fly. I saw the rabbit. The rabbit could speak. I saw the tree. I took many pictures there. I was so happy. Then I woke up. It was a dream.
Zoom had an interesting dream last night. In his dream, he was on the moon. He went cycling there. He played badminton with Chang'e. He ate a peach. Then he woke up. It was all a dream!
1. 根据表格内容提示写一篇小短文。
Tom 11 years old 1.6 metres 50 kilograms
Jim 13 years old 1.59 metres tall 60 kilograms
Jim and Tom are good friends. Jim is 13 years old. He is two years older than Tom.Tom is 1.6 metres tall and Jim is 1.59 metres tall.Tom is 50 kilograms and Jim is 60 kilograms.They often play games together.
2. 根据所给词汇提示, 以“Mike’s yesterday”为题写一篇小短文。
参考词汇: Yesterday, busy, did his homework, cleaned his room, went to the supermarket,visited his grandparents,watched TV,played computer games ,listened to music
Yesterday was Saturday. Mike was very busy. He did his homework and cleaned his room in the morning. In the afternoon, he went to the supermarket to buy some fruit. Then he visited his grandparents. They watched TV and drank tea together. In the evening, Mike played computer games and listened to music. He was busy but very happy.
3. 暑假马上要来了,你有什么打算呢?请你根据图片提示,用“be going to ”句型结构,以“My plan”来写一写今年暑假的假期计划吧!
Summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. I’m going to read some books.I’m going to clean my room and ride my bike every day.I’m going to see a film and watch TV. I’m going to learn swimming with my friends. I’m going to take a trip to Wuhan.I think it will be so happy.
What about your summer holiday Can you tell me
4. 根据所给词汇提示写一篇小短文。依据下面的思维导图,描述一下你去年暑假的情况吧!题目“Last summer holiday”
Last summer holiday
Last summer holiday, I went to Wuhan with my friends . We went there by car .On the first day, We ate delicious food and climbed a mountain. On the second day ,we took many pictures and bought some gifts .We saw many horses, but I didn’t ride a horse .On the third day, We went swimming and saw a film in the evening. It was a hot but happy holiday.
5. 我们都有很多朋友,那你最好的朋友是谁? 她/他是怎样的一个人?请你以“My friend ”为题,动手写一写,向我们介绍一下你的这位好朋友吧! (要求:用词恰当,书写工整,不少于40个词。)
提示词:tall/short,active/quiet,long/shorthair ,is good at, likes singing/playing football, goes to school on foot/by bus..........
I have a good friend.Her name is Sarah. She is 12 years old. She is from the USA. She is short and thin.She is only 35kg. She is good at English,so she is very active in English class.Her favourite season is summer. Because she likes swimming and playing football. She likes beef noodles very much.We often go to school and play games together. How about your good friend.
6. 你对一年四季有何感受,根据图片活动提示,以“My seasons”为题,写一写你的一年四季的感受和最喜欢做的事情吧。
There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is warm. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. We can go on a picnic. Summer is hot and rainy. I like summer best, because I can go swimming , eat ice cream and wear my beautiful dress. Autumn is cool. The leaves are beautiful. We can pick apples and oranges . Winter is cold and white. It often snows, we can make a snowman . I love the four seasons.
7. 听说上个周末同学们都过很不错,你的上个周末是怎么过的呢,请一“My last weekend”为题写一篇小短文,跟我们分享一下吧。
Hello, I’m Lily. I had a good time last weekend. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. In the afternoon, I went to the science museum with my friend Amy. We saw lots of robots and play games there.
On Sunday morning, My parents and I went to a park and took many pictures. In the afternoon, I went to the bookstore and bought two books. Then I do homework at home. In the evening, I watch TV with my grandparents. What a busy but happy weekend!
8. 亲爱的同学们,教过我们的老师很多,那你最喜欢的老师是谁? 她/他是怎样的一个人?请你以“My favourite teacher”为题,动手写一写,向我们介绍一下吧! (要求:用词恰当,书写工整,不少于40个词。)
提示词:tall/short,funny/strict,long/shorthair , likes singing/speak English, goes to work on foot/by bus..........
My favourite teacher
Mrs Chen is my favourite teacher. She teaches us English.She is short and thin. She has long hair. She is a funny but strict teacher . She usually goes to work on foot. Sometimes she goes to school by bike.She likes singing and speaking English in class. She often goes to the park and have a picnic with her friends. She studies English every morning. She asks us to study and read English every day. She is good with us,we all love her.Can you tell me about your favourite teacher
9. 今年暑假,你和家人最想去哪里旅行,有什么活动计划呢?请你根据词汇提示,来写一写今年暑假的旅行计划吧! (要求:用词恰当,书写工整,不少于40个词。)
提示词:will / be going to ,where,what,who,how,feel, take pictures,eat good food .......
暑假就要到了。我很兴奋。今年暑假我要去武汉。我要和我父母一起去。我们要坐火车去那里。我们要去黄鹤楼(黄鹤楼). 我父亲要去看望他最好的朋友李叔叔。我妈妈打算给她的朋友们买些礼物。我要去科学博物馆和汉阳动物园。我要去博物馆看机器人。我也要去动物园看很多动物。我等不及了!
Summer holiday is coming. I am very excited. I’m going to Wuhan this summer holiday. I’ m going with my parents. We are going there by train. We are going to the Tower of Yellow Crane (黄鹤楼). My father is going to visit his best friend, Uncle Li. My mother is going to buy some gifts for her friends. And I am going to the science museum and Hanyang Zoo. I am going to see robots in the museum. I’m going to see many animals in the zoo, too. I can’t wait!
What about your trip plan Can you tell me
10. 同学们,你们现在和过去有什么不同吗? 请以“My changes”为题写一篇小短文,描述一下自己以前和现在的改变(10分)
参考提示词:before, I didn’t / couldn’t , quiet/active, now, taller, hobbies,can...well, ......
Hello,I'm Zhang Hua. I'm a girl.I'm 12 years old.There are many changes in my life. Before, I had long hair,but I have short hair now. I was thin and short before.I'm stronger and taller now.I like pink now, but I didn't like pink before. I liked playing ping-pong before. What do I like now I like playing badminton now. Before, I couldn’t ride a bike, but now I ride my bike every day . What about you Do you have any changes




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