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    Unit 7 Invention and Innovation 单词课件2024-2025学年中职英语高教版(2023修订版)基础教程2

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    UNIT 7Invention and Innovation1virtual /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ adj. (计算机仿真)虚拟的单词讲解例句Everything is run through virtual reality (虚拟现实) .一切都是通过虚拟现实运行的。2software /ˈsɒft weə(r)/ n. 软件单词讲解hardware n.硬件例句You must have an good knowledge of office-related software.你必须对办公软件有很好的了解。3video /ˈvɪ diəʊ/ n. 录像,视频单词讲解例句We'll make a music video show together!我们将一起制作一个音乐视频秀!4operate /ˈɒpə reɪt/ v. 操作单词讲解operative adj. 运转着的例句I don’t know how to operate the new washing machine.我不知道如何操作这台新洗衣机。5pick /pɪk/ v. 挑选;摘单词讲解pick up 捡起, 提起, 接载例句We must pick up rubbish and keep our city clean.我们必须捡起垃圾,保持城市清洁。6recommend /ˌre kəˈmend/ v. 推荐单词讲解recommendation n. 推荐;建议;推荐信例句I recommend the book to all my students.我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书。7latest /ˈleɪtɪst/ adj.最新的;最近的单词讲解例句We want to introduce the latest technology to schools.我们想要介绍最新的技术给学校。8customer /ˈkʌs tə mə(r)/ n. 顾客单词讲解custom n.风俗;习俗例句He ran outside but the customer was gone.他跑出去,但顾客已经走了。9function /'fʌŋ(k) ʃ(ə)n/ n. 作用单词讲解functional adj. 功能的例句The function of the ear is to listen.耳的功能是听10spray /spreɪ/ v. 喷(液体)单词讲解sprayer n. 喷雾器;洒水车例句Spray some water on the flowers.给花喷点儿水。11delivery /dɪ'lɪ v(ə) rɪ/ n. 递送单词讲解deliver vi.传送;投递例句His father is a delivery man.他的爸爸是一名送货员。12guarantee /gæ r(ə)n'tiː/ n. 保修单;保证 v.保证;确保;单词讲解例句Every new television comes with a guarantee.每台新电视机都有保修单。1314单词讲解theater/’ θɪə tə(r)/n.电影院;剧场He liked going to the theater when he was young.例句=theatre当他年轻时,他喜欢去电影院。smart /smɑːt/ adj. 智能的;机智的 n.刺痛,疼痛单词讲解例句How smart the driverless car is!无人驾驶汽车多智能啊!15online /ˌɒn ˈlaɪn/ adj.在线的;联网的单词讲解例句The girl is having online class.这个女孩正在上网课。反:offline adj.离线的16surround /səˈraʊnd/ v. 围绕单词讲解例句Trees surround the lake.树木环绕着湖。surrounding adj.周围的;附近的17introduce /ɪn trəˈdjuːs/ v. 引进;介绍单词讲解introduction n. 介绍;引进;采用例句It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you.很荣幸向你介绍我自己。introduce A to B 把A介绍给B18feature /'fiːtʃə/ n. 特点单词讲解例句Her eyes are her most obvious feature.她的双眼是她最明显的特征。19besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ prep(介词). 除了;另外单词讲解beside 在...旁边;与...相比 例句Besides local food, some people eat Western food.除了当地食物,有些人会吃西餐。Besides, they make the school lively and colorful.此外,他们使学校生动多彩。20benefit /ˈbe nɪ fɪt/ v. 有益于单词讲解beneficial adj. 有益的例句Young people benefit from outdoor activities.年轻人从户外活动中受益。21in the beginning 开始;起初单词讲解例句In the beginning, I dared myself to make a difference in the life of another person.一开始,我敢于让自己为另一个人的生活带来改变。22be doubtful about 对……感到怀疑单词讲解doubtful: adj. 怀疑的例句No one is gonna be doubtful about your motive.没有人会怀疑你的动机。23in a way 在某种程度上单词讲解例句Balance life and work in a new way.以新的方式平衡生活和工作。24turn on / off 开(关)灯单词讲解on:开 off:关 例句They will turn on the lights.他们会打开灯。25innovation /ɪ nə'veɪ ʃ(ə)n/ n. 创新;新事物innovate v. 创新invention /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n.发明27Pre-listening“Do you know any inventions and innovations ?”平衡饮食、 适量运动、 戒烟限酒、 心理健康。Pre-listening平衡饮食、 适量运动、 戒烟限酒、 心理健康。Pre-listeningdrone /drəʊn/ n. 无人机;雄蜂31平衡饮食、 适量运动、 戒烟限酒、 心理健康。Think and match.将以下技术与其应用场景相匹配。ABCvirtual reality (VR)1Wi-Fi2DAbluetooth3Edrone (无人机)5C3D printer4Fsmart watch6BDEF虚拟现实蓝牙3D打印机3D printersmart watch dronebluetooth virtual reality wifi 平衡饮食、 适量运动、 戒烟限酒、 心理健康。Think and describe.两人一组,询问对方最喜欢的高科技产品。What kind of high-tech products or software do you often use in your daily life? What would life be like without      ?I often use      in my daily life.It will be       .For example:Wi-Fi, bluetooth, GPS, Internet, computer, smart phone …高科技inconvenient(不方便的) / boring(无聊的)/ dull(枯燥的)/ inefficient(效率低的)Listening and speakingListen and tick.听录音,勾选出对话中智能冰箱具备的功能。Wi-Fibluetoothmaking phone calls√leaving notesplaying videos√老年人Listen and choose.再听录音,选择正确答案。√Which is true about the smart refrigerator?A. It will make sounds when there is not enough food inside.B. It’s hard for elderly people to operate the system.C. It can be managed by giving voice commands.发出声音v.操作指令Listen and complete.再听录音,补全以下产品简介。Smart RefrigeratorFunctions: 1)       the food by connecting to Wi-Fi;2)    to your family to check the food inside;give voice commands to 3)     the computer.Advantages:It’s easy to operate, especially for elderly people. It is of 4)       quality and works longer..manageleave notesoperatebetterScript录音原文Helen: Hi, Tony, what are you doing?Tony: I’m watching a video about the smart refrigerator I ordered online.Helen: Oh! What is so smart about it?Tony: It can help you manage the food inside by connecting to Wi-Fi, and it leaves notes for your family when you’re running out of food or if the food is out of date.Helen: It sounds like a robot. Is it easy to operate?Tony: Yes. It’s especially great for elderly people who are not very good at operating computers. Just give it a voice command and it will do as you say!Helen: Amazing! It must be more expensive than a traditional one, isn’t it?Tony: Yes, a little bit. But it’s of better quality and works longer. Helen: Fair enough. Can I watch the video with you?Tony: Sure.智能的v订购耗尽很不错过期的fair adj. 公平的常考含义:① v. 命令;点菜;订购② n. 顺序重点补充2. and it leaves ...... running out of food or if the food is out of date.短语:run out of 耗尽;用完补充:run out of 后结宾语,表示“用完”,主语只能是人;“run out of”也可以表示“跑出”。Eg: He ran out of gas a mile from home. 他在离家还有一公里的地方把汽油用完了。 He ran out of the room. 他跑出了房间。翻译海伦:嗨,托尼,你在干什么?托尼:我正在看一个关于我在网上订购的智能冰箱的视频。海伦:噢!它有什么聪明之处?托尼:它可以通过连接Wi-Fi来帮助你管理里面的食物,当你的食物用完或食物过期时,它会给你的家人留下笔记。海伦:听起来像个机器人。操作起来容易吗?托尼:是的。它特别适合那些不太擅长操作电脑的老年人。只要给它一个语音命令,它就会按照你说的去做!海伦:太棒了!它一定比传统的贵,不是吗?托尼:是的,有一点点。但质量更好,用的时间更长。海伦:很不错。我可以和你一起看视频吗?托尼:当然。Listen, read and underline.听录音并跟读,标出讨论科技产品及其应用的语句。At the Science and Technology Expo (科技博览会), one guest is interested in the use of drones and comes to the receptionist for more information.Receptionist: Good afternoon, sir! What can I do for you?Guest: Good afternoon. I want to pick a drone that can help me on the farm. Receptionist: What kind of drone are you interested in?Guest: I’m still not sure. The type with high quality and reasonable price, I guess. What do you recommend?Receptionist: How about this one? It’s the latest product and is well received by customers. 对...感兴趣无人机接待员挑选农场最新的不可数想,猜建议做某事:recommend doing sth.推荐给某人某物:recommend sb. sth. 或 recommend sth. to sb.pick up 拿起;拾起pick out 辨认出; 挑出Listen, read and underline.听录音并跟读,标出讨论科技产品及其应用的语句。Guest: What’s the function of it?Receptionist: It can help farmers check the growth of crops, plant seeds and spray to kill pests (害虫).Guest: I see. Can you tell me more about it?Receptionist: Sure. Drones can also be used for picture taking, delivery, light shows at celebrations, etc. And we have a two-year guarantee on our new product.Guest: Wow, sounds great. Is it easy to operate?Receptionist: Yes. We’ve got training videos for you. This way, please检查派送,送货n. 庆典help sb. do 帮助某人做...被用来...翻译在科技博览会,一位顾客对无人机的应用感兴趣,于是向接待员咨询更多信息。接待员: 下午好,先生!我可以为您做什么?顾客: 下午好。我想选一款能够在农场使用的无人机。接待员: 您对哪款无人机感兴趣?顾客: 我还不确定。我想应该是质量好、价格合理的那种。你能给我些建议吗?接待员: 这款怎么样?这个最新产品很受顾客的欢迎。顾客: 它有什么功能?接待员: 它可以帮助农民检查作物的生长、播种和喷洒杀虫剂。顾客: 我明白了。你可以再介绍一下它的其他功能吗?接待员: 当然可以。无人机还可以用于拍照、送货、庆典灯光表演等。我们的新产品有两年的保修期。顾客: 哇,听起来不错。它容易操作吗?接待员: 是的,我们为您准备了培训视频。请这边走。Imitate and practice. 模仿上个活动,与同伴练习对话。3D printer• print 3D models for jewelry designs• print parts for machinessmart watch• receive phone calls and emails • keep health data in daily life/ˈdʒuːəlri/ 珠宝Imitate and practice. 模仿上个活动,与同伴练习对话。A: Good morning, madam! What can I do for you?B: Good morning. I want to pick a 3D printer that can help me in my factory.A: What kind of 3D printer are you interested in?B: I’m still not sure. The type with high quality and reasonable price, I guess. What do you recommend?A: How about this one? It’s the latest product and is well received by customers.B: What’s the function of it?A: It can print 3D models for jewelry designs.B: I see. Can you tell me more about it?A: Sure. 3D printer can also print parts for machines. And we have a three-year guarantee on our new product.B: Wow, sounds great. Is it easy to operate?A: Yes. We’ve got training videos for you. This way, please.Role play.假设你的公司在做展销,根据以下信息为不同的顾客推荐合适的科技产品。CustomersProductsVR GlassesFunctions:• sightseeing• 3D home theater• basketball gamesMedical RobotFunctions:• help with medical operations• help safely move the patients• help distribute medicine to the patients• a doctor who needs some help at work• an office worker who doesn’t have much time to go out and have funRole play.假设你的公司在做展销,根据以下信息为不同的顾客推荐合适的科技产品。A: I want to pick a medical robot that can help us in the hospital.B: What kind of medical robot are you interested in?A: The type with high quality and reasonable price. What do you recommend?B: How about this one? It’s the latest product.A: What’s the function of it?B: It can help safely move the patients and distribute medicine tothe patients. What’s more, it can also help with medical operations.Unit 7Invention & InnovationReading and WritingPre-reading.Task9 Think and discuss.思考并讨论科技发明带给人们的好处。comfortfast speedInventionnew experiencesave both time and labour;clean,convenience...51Task10 Read and choose.阅读课文,选择本文的写作意图。 A.To tell people the future is all about robots and smart homes. 告诉人们未来是关于机器人和智能家居的。 B.To give typical examples of great technologies. 举一些伟大技术的典型例子。 C.To warn people about the dangers of online shopping. 警告人们网上购物的危险。 D.To prove that technologies have changed our lives. 证明科技改变了我们的生活。√52Read and complete.根据课文,补全信息。Technology has 1)      on our lives. left a markYou can order onlineand 2) .    to your doorstep.More than 90% ofpeople prefer3) .   .Every person issurrounded bytechnology such as4) .   .You can check theweb, make calls,watch videos, andeven work on your5)       .get itdeliveredonline shoppingInternet of thingssmart phoneTechnological innovations have truly changed our lives.Believe it or not, technology has left a mark on our lives. In the past, you had to go out to get food, and now you can order online and get it delivered to your doorstep. In the beginning, people were doubtful about spending money on a product without seeing it face to face, but now more than 90% of them prefer online shopping.印记在过去外出点餐配送门阶怀疑的面对面leave a mark on 在...中留下了印记in the end 最后重点补充1. Believe it or not, technology has left a mark on our lives. 短语及词汇:Believe it or not 信不信由你 mark v.做记号;评分 n. 标志;迹象 Eg:Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him!信不信由你,他向我求婚!Language point analysis6. prefer 是一个及物动词,“宁愿, 更喜欢,更倾向于” preferring, preferred 第三人称单数:prefers (1) prefer A to B 相比B,更喜欢A; I prefer tea to coffee.(2) prefer doing A to doing B = prefer to do A rather than do B 与做B事相比,更喜欢做A事 I prefer reading books to doing sports ; I prefer to read books rather than do sports. 和运动比起来, 我更喜欢读书56翻译 信不信由你,科技已经在我们的生活中留下了印记。以前,你必须走出家门才能买到食物,现在你可以在网上订购并要求送货上门。一开始,人们对看不见产品就掏钱购买持怀疑态度,但现在超过 90%的人更喜欢网上购物。Analyse the text:在某种程度上,每个人都被科技包围着。Every person is surrounded by technology in a way. A typical example is Internet of Things (IoT). It introduces the features of smart homes where you can turn lights on and off through your smart phone. Similarly, it allows you to lock the doors of your entire house by making a few clicks. Hence, besides making lives easier, it is promoting a safe environment at home.物联网(IoT)就是一个典型的例子。它介绍了智能家居的功能,你可以通过智能手机打开和关闭灯。同样地,它允许你通过点击几下来锁上你整个房子的门。因此,除了使生活更容易,它还促进了一个安全的家庭环境。promote v.促进allow sb. to do...允许某人做...58重点补充 It ......where you can turn lights on and off through your smart phone. 短语:turn on 打开 turn off 关闭补充: turn out 最后是;结果是 turn down 关小音量;拒绝 turn up 调大,出现It is amazing to think that we managed to go from the big landline phones to small wireless computers in only a few decades. Now, you can check the web, make calls, watch videos, and even work on your smart phone.设法成功做某事固定线路无线的wire(导线)+less(否定后缀)令人惊讶的是,我们在短短几十年的时间里就成功地从大型固定电话发展到小型无线计算机。现在,你可以用手机上网、打电话、使用各种应用程序,甚至在手机上工作。Technological innovations have truly changed our lives in so many ways. They are benefiting almost every industry while changing the way things work. And, of course, innovation has not stopped. You will surely welcome bigger and better innovations sooner or later. After all, the future is all about robots, smart homes and self-driving cars.v.使受益与...同时毕竟迟早benefit v.有益于 n.优势;益处adv.无疑; 一定重点补充6. It is amazing to think that we managed to go from the big landline phones to small wireless ......while conj. ① 当……的时候;在……时 ②(表示对比)而 ③ 虽然;尽管= although翻译 科技创新已经在如此多的方面改变了我们的生活。它们在改变事物运行方式的同时,几乎使所有行业受益。当然,创新并未停止,你将迟早迎来更大更好的创新。毕竟,在未来世界,机器人、智能家居和自动驾驶汽车将无处不在。Task12 Read and decide.再读课文,判断以下说法的正误。1) Online shopping is very popular among people now.2) The Internet of Things allows you to control your machines at home with smart phones.3) It took a hundred years to change from the big landline phones to small wireless computers.4) Robots, smart homes and self-driving cars will make people lazy in the future.TTFF6413 Read and judge.关于科技发展带来的影响,选出以下积极的观点。1)Smart phones have become part of the daily life for more and more people2)The Interenet connect us closely with the outside world3)Technology creates more opportunities for our study,and makes the distance learning and working come true4)The popularity of onlin shopping makes people want to stay at home.They become lazier5)The earth’s resources have been overexploited with the development 67高教版 基础模块上 unit7+Invention and Innovation第3课时 culture understanding be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。ThinkWhat inventions and innovations do you know that change the world? be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Share互联网电灯泡青霉素 be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Share指南针人工智能 be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Culture UnderstandingGreat Inventions Change the WorldThere have been many great inventions that change the way we live and allow us to do things we have never dreamed of. The first great invention was the wheel. 伟大的梦想...轮子伟大的发明改变世界 许多伟大的发明改变了我们的生活方式,甚至说我们能够完成以前根本想不到的事情。第一项伟大的发明是轮子。重点补充1. There have been many great inventions that change the way we live and allow us to do things we have never dreamed of. 拓展: dreamland 理想世界 dream up 凭空想象; 虚构 dream come true 美梦成真 短语:allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事Eg:If you work hard constantly, you will make your dream come true. 如果你坚持不懈,你将会美梦成真。 be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Culture UnderstandingGreat Inventions Change the WorldThis invention made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long distances. The four great inventions of ancient China greatly promoted(促进) the development of our economy, politics and culture at that time and advanced world civilization as well.提;携距离四大发明促进也;还重点补充2. The four great inventions ...... and advanced world civilization as well. 词汇及短语:1.advance n. 进展; 进步 v. 发展;提前in advance 提前in advance of 在...之前Eg: The mind needs exercise as well as the body. 大脑同身体一样需要锻炼。2.as well 也;还 其余表达:also、too、plus、likewise、either......翻译--Marco Polo and His Book译文伟大的发明改变世界 这项发明使人们更容易携带重物和长途旅行。中国古代的四大发明极大地促进了当时中国在经济、政治和文化上的发展,并且推进了世界文明。 be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Culture UnderstandingGreat Inventions Change the WorldIn the 19th century, many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera and the light bulb. There were more great inventions in the early 20th century, such as the plane, and the movie with sound(有声电影). Nylon(尼龙) came out in the 1930s and changed the kind of clothes people wear.在...之中照相机灯泡出现穿;戴19世纪有许多伟大的发明。其中包括照相机和灯泡。20世纪初有更多伟大的发明,比如飞机和有声电影。尼龙在20世纪30年代问世,改变了人们穿的衣服种类。 be adj of/for sb ,形容词修饰的是「人」,就用 of ,表示「某人怎么样」;形容词修饰的是「事情」,就用 for,表示「做某事对某人怎么样」。Culture UnderstandingGreat Inventions Change the WorldStarting from the second half of the 20th century, scientists began looking for ways to go into space. Many countries, including the United States and China, have made their steps into space, too.从...开始寻找太空迈出步伐从20世纪下半叶开始,科学家们开始寻找进入太空的方法。包括美国和中国在内的许多国家也迈出了进军太空的步伐。重点补充3. Starting from the second half of the 20th century, scientists began looking for ways to go into space. 重点短语及词汇:①start from... 从...开始②look for 寻找类似表达:seek、search重点短语及词汇:③space当space表示“空间,距离”或“范围,处所”时,它是不可数名词。例如,在谈论太空或某个物理空间时,我们通常不会使用复数形式。当space表示“空隙,空白”或“一段时间”时,它是可数名词。例如,在谈论电脑键盘上的空格键或时间上的间隔时,我们可以使用复数形式。并列句Unit 7 - Invention and Innovation高教版中职英语基础模块2Grammar语法Grammar01并列句:两个或者两个以上的相互并列的主谓结构的句子连接起来叫并列句。主语谓语主语谓语并列连词结构:简单句+并列连词+简单句82知识点一 表并列关系表并列关系的连词及词组主要有:and, not only… but (also)…, neither… nor…, both… and…, as well as等。1.andand常译为“和,并且”,也可不译出来。常用于“祈使句+and+简单句”句型。例如:I came here in 2016, and I have lived here ever since.我2016年来到这里,并且从那以后一直住在这里。Exercise more, and you‘ll be all right soon. 多锻炼身体,你很快就会好起来。2. not only… but also…not only… but also… 意为“不仅……而且……”。例如:Jack is not only good at English but he is also good at math. 杰克不但擅长英语,还擅长数学。知识点一 表并列关系3. neither… nor…neither… nor…意为“既不……也不……;两者都不……”。例如:Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不是对的。Neither does he smoke nor does he drink. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。4. both…and …both… and… 意为“两者都……”,连接主语时谓语用复数。例如:Both he and I are from Hunan. 他和我都是湖南人。5. as well as 也,还有They sell books as well as newspapers. 他们既卖书也卖报。知识点一 表并列关系典型剖析Stand over there, you’ll see the painting better.A. but B. soC. or D. and 考查连词。句意为:“站在那边,你能够更好地观赏这幅画。”表示承接关系用连词and,用于“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型中。故选D。D知识点二 表转折关系表转折关系的连词主要有but, yet, while等。1. butbut常译为“但是,可是”,不可与从属连词though或although一起使用。例如:It has a mouth, but it cannot talk. 虽然它有嘴巴,但是它不会说话。2. yetyet意为“然而”。例如:School is over, yet all the students are still studying.学校放学了,然而学生们仍然在学习。3. whilewhile意为“而”。例如:He likes white,while she likes black.他喜欢白色,而她喜欢黑色。知识点三 表选择关系表选择关系的连词及词组主要有or, either… or…等。1. or(1) or 可译为“或者”,表示选择。例如:Now you can have a break or go for a walk. 现在你可以休息或者去散步。(2) or 可译为“否则,要不然”,表示转折,常用于“祈使句+or+简单句”句型。例如:You must obey the rules, or you will be punished. 你必须遵守规则,否则你将会受到惩罚。Study hard, or you will fail in the exam. 努力学习,否则你会考试不及格。2. either… or…either… or… 表示“不是……就是……,或者……或者……”。例如:Either my sister can cook or I can cook. 我姐姐可以做饭,或者我也可以做。练习;Study hard,____you will fail in the exam.A.for B.and C.or D.butHurry up,______we’ll be late.A.and B.but C.so D.orTry your best,_____you will succeed.A.so B.and C.or D.but句意:努力学习否则你考试会不及格。D句意:快点,否则我们要迟到了。C句意:尽你最大的努力,你就会成功。B高教版中职英语基础模块2Grammar语法88表因果关系10.for 因为(因果关系)He was late for school, for he got up late.他上学迟到了,因为他起晚了。 高教版中职英语基础模块2Grammar语法89表因果关系11. so 所以(因果关系)The boy had a fever, so his mother took him to hospital.这个男孩生病了,所以她妈妈带他去看医生了有because无so; 有so无becauseBecause the boy had a fever, his mother took him to hospital.这个男孩生病了,所以她妈妈带他去看医生了高教版中职英语基础模块2Grammar语法90并列连词练习;I like this book,______ it's too expensive.A.but B.if C.so D.forI don’t at much,_____I want to lose weight.A.and B.for C.so D.yetHe didn’t study hard______he failed in the exam.A.or B.but C.and D.so句意:我喜欢这本书,但是它太贵了. but但是B句意:我吃的不多,因为我想减肥。for因为A句意:他没有认真学习,所以考试没及格。so所以D高教版中职英语基础模块2Grammar语法91并列句GrammarJust give it a voice command and it will do as you say!He failed many times, but he didn’t give up.We must hurry, or we’ll miss the train.He didn’t work hard, so he failed the exam.(并列关系)(转折关系)(转折关系)(因果关系)由并列连词连接两个或两个以上的简单句合成的句子。分句1分句2分句1分句2并列连词阅读以下短文,标出其中的并列句。Read and underline.What makes a great invention? It is state-of-the-art technology. It doesn’t just offer one solution to one problem. It either opens up new opportunities, or leads to new choices in life. A great invention is great for it may cause changes in more than one field. Like it or not, great inventions have changed our lives and the way things work, so we should embrace them. We know life is not perfect, but it will become better and better as more inventions are made.Task16 Read and complete.02用合适的连接词补全句子。1)Madame Curie was a great scientist       her notes were kept in a French library.2)The earliest cars were powered by steam,       now cars are powered by gasoline or electricity. 3)Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile. He mass-produced it      made it available to all. 4)Hedy Lamarr is called the mother of WiFi       it’s said that her patented technology led to today’s wireless Internet. 5)We use apps to pay bills and transfer money now       few young people go to banks to do such business.andbutandforsoTask17 Read and combine.02参照例句,用“ and / but / so”把下文中一些句子改为并列句。①Great inventions have changed the world. ②They help people live a better life. ③The wheel is perhaps one of the greatest inventions in history. ④The people who invented it are not known. ⑤After that, the steam engine appeared. ⑥The train was invented. ⑦Different places were connected. ⑧People can travel to different places all over the world.①&②:Great inventions have changed the world ,and they help people live a better life.③&④:⑤&⑥:⑦&⑧:The wheel is perhaps one of the greatest inventions in history, but people who invented it are not known. After that, the steam engine appeared and the train was invented. Different places were connected so people can travel to different places all over the world. Task18 Choose and complete.03选择合适的短语,用其适当形式补全句子。1) people the effect of the medicine.2) In smart homes you can the lights and taps by voice commands. 3) Because of the Internet, people are connected with each other . 4) refers to a network of real-world objects.• in the beginning • Internet of Things• in a way• be doubtful about• turn offIn the beginningwere doubtful aboutturn offin a wayInternet of ThingsTask19 Read and complete.03阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空。Today I’d like to 1)_____________ a fingerprint lock to you. It was designed for the safe in the office but later on, we find that it could better protect our homes by making them more secure. We higyly2)____________it to families, especially3)________with little children and elderly people. It is easy to operate and very convenient. 4)___________,we promote different models this season. Order one online and it is5)___________________.recommendintroducecustomersintroducecustomerguaranteebesidesrecommendBesidesguaranteedThank you~63789.6977322.18Lavf58.20.10095844.805$$
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