台风灾害英语作文 ,有关台风的英语作文几句就行

一提起台风灾害英语作文 想必大家都想知道。那么,就有必要说一下了,台风是一种可怕的自然灾害英语和有关台风的英语作文(几句就行)台风灾害英语作文 的内容,方便您深入了解有关台风的英语作文几句就行,一起深入了解。

台风灾害英语作文 :有关于台风的英语作文80个词

  At least one child was killed and millions were affected as typhoon Morakot slammed into Chinese provinces on the eastern coast on Sunday, destroying houses and inundating farmlands.
  Morakot landed in the coastal areas of Beibi Town, Xiapu County in Fujian Province, at 4:20 p.m., packing winds up to 118.8 kilometers per hour in its eye, the province's meteorological bureau said.
  The sky turned completely dark in Beibi and people caught in rainstorms staggered with flashlights on. Many trees were uprooted, with some even breaking apart in strong winds.
  Farmers were trying to recapture a sizeable quantity of fish flushed from mudflat aquafarms by uprising waves.
  In Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, 34 domestic flights were cancelled and 20 delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions. The city also suspended most passenger bus services.


台风灾害英语作文 :有关台风的英语作文几句就行

1、Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season.
They Are great wind storms;
when they strike land they may do great damage.
However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way.
He will send out warnings about.
People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time.
In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also,
we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity.
Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.
2、When I was ten years old, I met a typhoon. It really was a frightening typhoon. That evening was so dark. I still can't forget it. It was a rainy day. Although it was early, the sky was very dark. I was walking in the street with my mother. We were going home. The wind blew more and more strongly. We felt the difference. We started to run fast in order to go home in no time. But the wind was still faster than feet. Suddenly, lots of litter was blown away. The typhoon blew up.
We couldn't hold the umbrella. It was raining heavily and we were all wet. Cold and fright went through our bodies. The big trees began to shake. Leaves fell down. We couldn't breathe. The wind blew in our face.
It was so sharp. I was afraid I would be blown away, too. I held my mother tightly. We tried our best to run. But we couldn't.I was excited because we were near our home. A few minutes later, we arrived home. "I am still alive," I said to myself happily. I saw the big typhoon through the window. "How strong the typhoon is! I want to be strong, too."



台风灾害英语作文 :一篇写台风的英语作文 有谁会写

Typhoon formation The typhoon origin, until now still was unable extremely todetermine, but known it is comes by the tropics atmosphere inperturbation development. On the tropics sea, the sea level because ofcauses the vertical incident solar rays the sea temperature toelevate, the sea water is easy to evaporate the water vapor to spreadin airborne, therefore on tropics sea air temperature high, humiditybig, this kind of air high inflates because of the temperature, causesthe density to reduce, the quality reduces, but nearby equator windpower weak, therefore is very easy to rise, has the convectioncurrent, simultaneously periphery the colder air inflow supplemented,then rises again, so moves in endless cycles, the end must entirecause for the temperature higher, the weight to be all lighter,a density smaller air, this has formed so-called "the tropicaldepression". However flowing of the air is the proud barometricpressure flows to the low atmospheric pressure, looks like is thewater flows to the low spot from the high place to be same, all aroundthe barometric pressure compares the high place the air to have tocompare the low spot to the barometric pressure to flow, but forms"the wind". In summer, because the vertical incident solar rays regionmoves by the equator to the north, causes of southeast trade crossingthe line the southern hemisphere to change the southwest monsoon toinvade Northern Hemisphere, meets one another with the originalNorthern Hemisphere's Northeast Tradewind, compels crowds this airrise, the increase convection current, again because the southwestmonsoon and the Northeast Tradewind direction is different, meets oneanother often creates the undulation and the whirlpool. This kind ofsouthwest monsoon and the Northeast Tradewind meet one another thespoke which creates to gather the function, with the originalconvection current continuously, causes to form continues for the lowatmospheric pressure whirlpool to deepen, when is causes all aroundthe air speeds up to the whirlpool center class, the inflow quickly,its wind speed is bigger; When the near ground most gale fast arrivesor surpasses each second 17.2 meters, we called it is the typhoon. Saw from the typhoon structure, the so giant colossus, it producesmust meet the unique requirement. First, must have broad high temperature, the humidity atmosphere. Thetropics on first floor atmosphere temperature and the humiditymainly decided to the sea level water temperature, the typhoon onlycan form Yu Haiwen is higher than 26 ℃ - 27 ℃ is warm on,moreover in 60 meters depths sea water water temperatures all must behigher than 26 ℃ - 27 ℃; Second, must have the lower atmosphere high level to gather, theinitial perturbation to the central spoke which proliferates tooutside. Moreover the high level spoke disperses must surpass theunderlying bed spoke to gather, can maintain the enough ascendantcurrent, the underlying bed perturbation can unceasingly strengthen; Third, the vertical direction wind speed cannot differ too in a bigway, on the lower level air relative motion is very small, can causeto dive the heat energy centralism preservation which in the initialperturbation the water vapor congeals releases in the area center, forms and strengthens the typhoon warm centerstructure Fourth, must have the enough big place to transfer thefunction, the earth rotation function is advantageous to the cyclonevortex production. Transfers approaches nearby the equatorto zero, increases to the north and south two-pole, the typhoon occursprobably is leaving above the equator 5 latitudes on.


台风灾害英语作文 :有关台风的英语作文

Typhoons and Pacific Ocean storms that come to Taiwan in summertime or fall season.
They Are great wind storms;
when they strike land they may do great damage.
However, the weatherman always knows when one is on the way.
He will send out warnings about.
People can board up their windows and do many other such things to protect themselves if they know about a Typhoon in time.
In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of a power failure. Also,
we save some water in pails because the pump will not work without electricity.
Then we like to sit by the door watching the rain and wind blow loudly.
一场台风(A Typhoon)
When I was ten years old, I met a typhoon. It really was a frightening typhoon. That evening was so dark. I still can't forget it. It was a rainy day. Although it was early, the sky was very dark. I was walking in the street with my mother. We were going home. The wind blew more and more strongly. We felt the difference. We started to run fast in order to go home in no time. But the wind was still faster than feet. Suddenly, lots of litter was blown away. The typhoon blew up.
We couldn't hold the umbrella. It was raining heavily and we were all wet. Cold and fright went through our bodies. The big trees began to shake. Leaves fell down. We couldn't breathe. The wind blew in our face.
It was so sharp. I was afraid I would be blown away, too. I held my mother tightly. We tried our best to run. But we couldn't.I was excited because we were near our home. A few minutes later, we arrived home. "I am still alive," I said to myself happily. I saw the big typhoon through the window. "How strong the typhoon is! I want to be strong, too."


以上就是关于台风灾害英语作文 ,有关台风的英语作文几句就行的全部内容,以及台风灾害英语作文 的相关内容,希望能够帮到您。

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