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1、中华人民共和国公司法COMPANY LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA 目录: TABLE OF CONTENTS第一章:总则 Chapter One: General Provisions第二章:有限责任公司的设立和组织机构 Chapter Two: Establishment and Organs of Limited Liability Company第一节:设立 Section One Establishment第二节:组织机构 Section Two Organs第三节:国有独资公司 Section Three. Wholly State-own

2、ed Company第三章:股份有限公司的设立和组织机构 Chapter Three: Establishment and Organs of Joint Stock Limited Company第一节:设立 Section One. Establishment第二节:股东大会 Section Two. Shareholders general committee第三节:董事会、经理 Section Three. Board Of Directors And General Manager第四节:监事会 Section Four. Board Of Supervisors第四章:股份有限公司

3、的股份发行和转让 Chapter Four: Issue and Transfer of Shares of Joint Stock Limited Company第一节:股份发行 Section One. Issue Of Shares第二节:股份转让 Section Two. Transfer Of Shares第三节:上市公司 Section Three. Listed Company第五章:公司债券 Chapter Five: Company Bonds第六章:公司财务、会计 Chapter Six: Financial and Accounting Affairs of Compan

4、y第七章:公司合并、分立 Chapter Seven: Merger and Division of Company第八章:公司破产、解散和清算 Chapter Eight: Bankruptcy, Dissolution and Liquidation of Company第九章:外国公司的分支机构 Chapter Nine: Branch of Foreign Company第十章:法律责任 Chapter Ten: Legal Liabilities第十一章:附则 Chapter Eleven: Supplementary Provisions第一章:总则 Chapter One: Ge

5、neral Provisions第一条:为了适应建立现代企业制度的需要,规范公司的组织和行为,保护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,根据宪法,制定本法。Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution, in order to meet the needs of establishing a modern enterprise system, to regulate the organization and conduct of companies, to protect

6、 the lawful rights and interests of companies as well as the shareholders and creditors thereof, to maintain social and economic order, and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.第二条:本法所称公司是指依照本法在中国境内设立的有限责任公司和股份有限公司。Article 2 A company referred to herein means a limited liabilit

7、y company or a joint stock limited company established within China in accordance herewith.第三条:有限责任公司和股份有限公司是企业法人。Article 3 Limited liability companies and joint stock limited companies are enterprise legal persons.有限责任公司,股东以其出资额为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任。In the case of a limited liability company

8、, the shareholders are liable thereto to the extent of their capital contribution, and the company is liable for its debts to the extent of all of its assets.股份有限公司,其全部资本分为等额股份,股东以其所持股份为限对公司承担责任,公司以其全部资产对公司的债务承担责任。In the case of a joint stock limited company, its total capital is divided into stocks

9、 of equal value, and the shareholders are liable thereto to the extent of their share holdings, and the Company is liable for its debts to the extent of all of its assets.第四条:公司股东作为出资者按投入公司的资本额享有所有者的资产受益、重大决策和选择管理者等权利。Article 4 As contributors of capital, the shareholders of a company enjoy the righ

10、ts of proprietors in proportion to their respective share of capital contributions to the company, such as deriving benefits from its assets, making major decisions, and selecting its management.公司享有由股东投资形成的全部法人财产权,依法享有民事权利,承担民事责任。The company enjoys the full property rights of a legal person in resp

11、ect of assets resulting from the investment by its shareholders, and enjoys civil rights and bears civil liabilities in accordance with the law.公司中的国有资产所有权属于国家。Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State.第五条:公司以其全部法人财产,依法自主经营,自负盈亏。Article 5 A company, with all of its asset

12、s owned by it as a legal person, shall operate autonomously and be responsible for its own profit and loss in accordance with the law.公司在国家宏观调控下,按照市场需求自主组织生产经营,以提高经济效益、劳动生产率和实现资产保值增值为目的。The company shall, under the states macro-regulation, organize its production and operation autonomously in light

13、of market demand, with a view to improving economic return and productivity, and accomplishing the preservation and increase of the value of its assets.第六条:公司实行权责分明、管理科学、激励和约束相结合的内部管理体制。Article 6 A company shall adopt an internal management system which clearly sets out the rights and responsibiliti

14、es of the relevant parties, is conducive to scientific management, and combines incentive with check and balance.第七条:国有企业改建为公司,必须依照法律、行政法规规定的条件和要求,转换经营机制,有步骤地清产核资,界定产权,清理债权债务,评估资产,建立规范的内部管理机构。Article 7 If a state-owned enterprise is to be reorganized into a company, it must, in accordance with the c

15、onditions and requirements prescribed by national statutes and administrative regulations, change its operating mechanism, and orderly identify and verify its assets, determine the respective owners of the property rights therein, settle its creditors rights and liabilities, conduct assets appraisal

16、, and set up standard internal management organs.第八条:设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司,必须符合本法规定的条件。符合本法规定的条件的,登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定的条件的,不得登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。Article 8 The establishment of a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company is subject to the requirements prescribed herein. An entity meetin

17、g the requirements prescribed herein may be registered as a limited liability company, or a joint stock limited company, as the case may be; an entity failing to meet the requirements prescribed herein may not be registered as a limited liability company, or a joint stock limited company, as the cas

18、e may be.法律、行政法规对设立公司规定必须报经审批的,在公司登记前依法办理审批手续。Where the establishment of a company is subject to examination and approval as required by the relevant national statutes or administrative regulations, examination and approval procedure must be carried out in accordance with the law prior to its regist

19、ration.第九条:依照本法设立的有限责任公司,必须在公司名称中标明有限责任公司字样。Article 9 The name of a limited liability company established in accordance herewith must contain the words “limited liability company”.依照本法设立的股份有限公司,必须在公司名称中标明股份有限公司字样。The name of a joint stock limited company established in accordance herewith must conta

20、in the words “joint stock limited company”.第十条:公司以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。Article 10 The Company shall be domiciled at the place where its principal executive office is located.第十一条:设立公司必须依照本法制定公司章程。公司章程对公司、股东、董事、监事、经理具有约束力。Article 11 In order to establish a company, its articles of association must be prepar

21、ed in accordance herewith. The articles of association of the company are binding upon the company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors and general manager.公司的经营范围由公司章程规定,并依法登记。公司的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规限制的项目,应当依法经过批准。The companys business scope shall be prescribed by its articles of association and

22、be registered in accordance with the law. If an item in the Companys business scope is subject to any restriction prescribed by any national statute or administrative regulation, approval for such item shall be obtained in accordance with the law.公司应当在登记的经营范围内从事经营活动。公司依照法定程序修改公司章程并经公司登记机关变更登记,可以变更其经

23、营范围。The company shall conduct its business within its registered business scope. The Company may change its business scope by amending its articles of association in accordance with legally prescribed procedure and registering such amendment with the company registration authority.第十二条:公司可以向其他有限责任公司

24、、股份有限公司投资,并以该出资额为限对所投资公司承担责任。Article 12 A Company may invest in another limited liability company or joint stock limited company, and is liable to such company to the extent of its capital contribution.公司向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资的,除国务院规定的投资公司和控股公司外,所累计投资额不得超过本公司净资产的百分之五十,在投资后,接受被投资公司以利润转增的资本,其增加额不包括在内。Exce

25、pt for an investment company or a holding company stipulated by the State Council, where a company is to invest in other limited liability companies or joint stock limited companies, its cumulative investment may not exceed 50 percent of its net assets, provided that if after the investment, the cap

26、ital is increased using profit distribution received from the company in which it invested, the increased amount shall not be included.第十三条:公司可以设立分公司,分公司不具有企业法人资格,其民事责任由公司承担。Article 13 A company may establish branch companies, which do not have the status of enterprise legal persons, and the civil l

27、iabilities thereof shall be borne by the company.公司可以设立子公司,子公司具有企业法人资格,依法独立承担民事责任。The company may establish subsidiary companies, which have the status of enterprise legal persons and bear civil liabilities independently in accordance with the law.第十四条:公司从事经营活动,必须遵守法律,遵守职业道德,加强社会主义精神文明建设,接受政府和社会公众的监

28、督。Article 14 In conducting its business, a company must abide by the law, observe industry ethics, strengthen the development of socialist spiritual civilization, and subject itself to supervision by the government and the public.公司的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵犯。The companys lawful rights and interests are protect

29、ed by law and shall not be infringed upon.第十五条:公司必须保护职工的合法权益,加强劳动保护,实现安全生产。Article 15 A company must protect the lawful rights and interests of its workers, strengthen labor protection, and achieve workplace safety.公司采用多种形式,加强公司职工的职业教育和岗位培训,提高职工素质。The company shall strengthen the professional educat

30、ion and on the job training of its workers in various forms, so as to improve their quality.第十六条:公司职工依法组织工会,开展工会活动,维护职工的合法权益。公司应当为本公司工会提供必要的活动条件。Article 16 The workers of a company shall organize a labor union, which shall conduct union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the

31、 workers in accordance with the law. The Company shall provide the necessary conditions for its labor union to conduct its activities.国有独资公司和两个以上的国有企业或者其他两个以上的国有投资主体投资设立的有限责任公司,依照宪法和有关法律的规定,通过职工代表大会和其他形式,实行民主管理。In accordance with the Constitution and other relevant national statutes, democratic mana

32、gement in the form of workers assembly and other forms shall be adopted in a wholly state-owned company or a limited liability company established through investment by two or more state-owned enterprises or by two or more state-owned investment entities of other kinds.第十七条:公司中中国*基层组织的活动,依照中国*章程办理。A

33、rticle 17 Activities of the elementary-level cell of the Chinese Communist Party in a company shall be conducted in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party.第十八条:外商投资的有限责任公司适用本法,有关中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业的法律另有规定的,适用其规定。Article 18 Limited liability companies with foreign investment ar

34、e subject to this Law, provided that where the provisions of national statutes governing Sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprises, Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture enterprises, and wholly foreign owned enterprises stipulate otherwise, the stipulations therein shall prevail.第二章:有限责任公司的设立和组

35、织机构Chapter Two: Establishment And Organs Of A Limited Liability Company第一节:设立Section One Establishment第十九条:设立有限责任公司,应当具备下列条件:Article 19 The establishment of a limited liability company is subject to the following conditions:(一)股东符合法定人数;(i) The number of shareholders meets legal requirement;(二)股东出资达到

36、法定资本最低限额;(ii) The amount of shareholders capital contribution reaches the minimum level prescribed by law;(三)股东共同制定公司章程;(iii) The shareholders jointly prepare the articles of association;(四)有公司名称,建立符合有限责任公司要求的组织机构;(iv) There is a company name, and the organs meeting the requirements for a limited li

37、ability company are established;(五)有固定的生产经营场所和必要的生产经营条件。(v) There is a permanent place of business and there are necessary conditions for production and operation.第二十条:有限责任公司由二个以上五十个以下股东共同出资设立。Article 20 A limited liability company shall be established through joint investment by not fewer than 2 bu

38、t not more than 50 shareholders.国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门可以单独投资设立国有独资的有限责任公司。A state authorized investment entity or state authorized department may establish wholly state-owned limited liability companies as the sole investor.第二十一条:本法施行前已设立的国有企业,符合本法规定设立有限责任公司条件的,单一投资主体的,可以依照本法改建为国有独资的有限责任公司;多个投资主体的,可以改建为

39、前条第一款规定的有限责任公司。Article 21 In the case of a state-owned enterprise established before this Law becomes operative, if it meets the conditions prescribed herein for the establishment of a limited liability company, it may be reorganized into a wholly state-owned limited liability company in accordance

40、herewith if it was established by a single investment entity, or it may be reorganized into a limited liability company pursuant to Paragraph 1 of the previous Article if it was established by more than one investment entities.国有企业改建为公司的实施步骤和具体办法,由国务院另行规定。The implementing procedures and detailed mea

41、sures for reorganizing state-owned enterprises into companies shall be separately prescribed by the State Council.第二十二条:有限责任公司章程应当载明下列事项:Article 22 The articles of association of a limited liability company shall set forth the following:(一)公司名称和住所;(i) its name and domicile;(二)公司经营范围;(ii) its busines

42、s scope;(三)公司注册资本;(iii) its registered capital;(四)股东的姓名或者名称;(iv) the names of its shareholders;(五)股东的权利和义务;(v) the rights and obligations of its shareholders;(六)股东的出资方式和出资额;(vi) the forms and amounts of capital contribution made by shareholders;(七)股东转让出资的条件;(vii) the conditions under which the share

43、holders shares of capital contribution may be assigned;(八)公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则;(viii) its organs, the manners in which they are established and their respective powers, and the rules governing their conduct of business;(九)公司的法定代表人;(ix) its legal representative;(十)公司的解散事由与清算办法;(x) the causes for its d

44、issolution and the method for its liquidation;(十一)股东认为需要规定的其他事项。(xi) other matters which shareholders deem necessary to provide for.股东应当在公司章程上签名、盖章。Shareholders shall sign or impress their chops on the articles of association.第二十三条:有限责任公司的注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的全体股东实缴的出资额。Article 23 The registered capital o

45、f a limited liability company is the amount of capital contribution actually paid up by all shareholders and registered with the company registration authority.有限责任公司的注册资本不得少于下列最低限额:The registered capital of a limited liability company shall not be less than:(一)以生产经营为主的公司人民币五十万元;(i) Renminbi 500,000

46、 Yuan if it primarily engages in production;(二)以商品批发为主的公司人民币五十万元;(ii) Renminbi 500,000 Yuan if it primarily engages in commodity wholesale;(三)以商业零售为主的公司人民币三十万元;(iii) Renminbi 300,000 Yuan if it primarily engages in commodity retail;(四)科技开发、咨询、服务性公司人民币十万元。(iv) Renminbi 100,000 Yuan if it engages in s

47、cientific and technical development, consulting or service.特定行业的有限责任公司注册资本最低限额需高于前款所定限额的,由法律、行政法规另行规定。If for a specific industry, the required minimum registered capital exceeds any of the minimum levels prescribed above, such minimum requirement shall be separately prescribed by the relevant nation

48、al statute or administrative regulations.第二十四条:股东可以用货币出资,也可以用实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权作价出资。对作为出资的实物、工业产权、非专利技术或者土地使用权,必须进行评估作价,核实财产,不得高估或者低估作价。土地使用权的评估作价,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。Article 24 Shareholders may contribute their capital in the form of cash, as well as in the forms of tangible goods, industrial property,

49、 non-patented technology and land use rights at certain value. If any tangible goods, industrial property, non-patented technology or land use rights are contributed as capital, they must be appraised and the property rights therein must be verified, and the contributed items may not be over-valued

50、or under-valued. Appraisal on land use rights shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant national statute and administrative regulations.以工业产权、非专利技术作价出资的金额不得超过有限责任公司注册资本的百分之二十,国家对采用高新技术成果有特别规定的除外。Where industrial property or non-patented technology is contributed as capit

51、al at certain value, its valuation shall not exceed 20 percent of the total registered capital, except where the state makes special provisions for companies utilizing high and new technologies.第二十五条:股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。股东以货币出资的,应当将货币出资足额存入准备设立的有限责任公司在银行开设的临时帐户;以实物、工业产权、非专利技术或者土地使用权出资的,应当依法办理其

52、财产权的转移手续。Article 25 Each shareholder shall invest in full the capital contribution which he has subscribed for in accordance with the articles of association. If a shareholder makes his capital contribution in cash, he shall deposit in full the amount of such cash capital contribution into a tempora

53、ry bank account opened for the contemplated limited liability company; If capital contribution is made in the form of tangible goods, industrial property, non-patented technology or land use rights, the appropriate transfer procedure for the property rights therein shall be carried out in accordance

54、 with the law.股东不按照前款规定缴纳所认缴的出资,应当向已足额缴纳出资的股东承担违约责任。A shareholder who fails to invest the capital contribution which he has subscribed for in accordance with the previous Paragraph is liable for breach of contract to those shareholders who have invested in full the capital contribution they have sub

55、scribed for.第二十六条:股东全部缴纳出资后,必须经法定的验资机构验资并出具证明。Article 26 Upon investment in full of their respective capital contribution by the shareholders, a legally-prescribed capital verification institution must carry out capital verification procedure and issue a certificate.第二十七条:股东的全部出资经法定的验资机构验资后,由全体股东指定的

56、代表或者共同委托的代理人向公司登记机关申请设立登记,提交公司登记申请书、公司章程、验资证明等文件。Article 27 After a legally-prescribed capital verification institution has verified the shareholders full capital contribution, a representative designated by all shareholders or the agent appointed jointly thereby shall apply to the company registrat

57、ion authority for establishment registration and submit thereto documents such as the company registration application form, the articles of association, and the capital verification certificate, etc.法律、行政法规规定需要经有关部门审批的,应当在申请设立登记时提交批准文件。Where approval by the relevant authority is required by the rel

58、evant national statute or administrative regulations, the approval document shall be submitted at the time of applying for establishment registration.公司登记机关对符合本法规定条件的,予以登记,发给公司营业执照;对不符合本法规定条件的,不予登记。The company registration authority shall grant registration to an applicant who meets the requirements

59、 prescribed herein and shall issue a company business license, and shall not grant registration to an applicant who fails to meet the requirements prescribed herein.公司营业执照签发日期,为有限责任公司成立日期。The date of issuance of a company business license shall be the establishment date for a limited liability compa

60、ny.第二十八条:有限责任公司成立后,发现作为出资的实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额的,应当由交付该出资的股东补交其差额,公司设立时的其他股东对其承担连带责任。Article 28 If after the establishment of a limited liability company, it is discovered that the actual value of the tangible goods, industrial property, non-patented technology, or land use rights con

61、tributed as capital is significantly below their value fixed in the articles of association, the shareholder who contributed such item as capital shall contribute the difference in value, and the other shareholders of the company at the time it was established shall be jointly and severally liable.第

62、二十九条:设立有限责任公司的同时设立分公司的,应当就所设分公司向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。Article 29 Where a branch company is to be established contemporaneous with the establishment of a limited liability company, an application for registration of such branch company shall be submitted to the company registration authority, and it shal

63、l be issued a business license.有限责任公司成立后设立分公司,应当由公司法定代表人向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。Where a branch company is to be established after the establishment of the limited liability company, the companys legal representative shall apply to the company registration authority for registration of such branch company

64、, and it shall be issued a business license.第三十条:有限责任公司成立后,应当向股东签发出资证明书。出资证明书应当载明下列事项:Article 30 Upon the establishment of a limited liability company, each shareholder shall be issued a capital contribution certificate, which shall set forth the following:(一)公司名称;(i) the name of the company;(二)公司登记

65、日期;(ii) the date of registration of the company;(三)公司注册资本;(iii) the companys registered capital;(四)股东的姓名或者名称、缴纳的出资额和出资日期;(iv) the name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution, and the date of capital contribution;(五)出资证明书的编号和核发日期。(v) the serial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate.出资证明书由公司盖章。The companys chop shall be impressed on each capital cont

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  • 探测暗盒里的电路课件
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  • 第二章电力系统元件及其参数
  • 高锰酸钾标准溶液的配制和标定
  • 组合数学在程序设计中的应用
  • 四则运算运算定律 (3)(精品)
  • 肾病综合症诊断研究报告课件
  • 喜之郎某某年传播建议)
  • 啤酒业年度经营预算管理流程(1)
  • 商务谈判中的个性利用
  • 生产管理PPT -6劳动定额管理简介
  • 排队论模型及实例
  • 生产现场定置管理


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