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1、 UNIT 1听录音。这些学生是怎样为考试而学习的?写出上面1a中的字母。男孩:嗨,同学们。星期二有一次大型考试。我非常需要一些帮助。你们能告诉我你们是如何为大型考试而学习的吗?同学们的声音:当然!是的,我们肯定会。男孩:梅平,你在上次的英语考试中做得很好,是不是?梅平:是啊,我做得还可以。男孩:那么你是如何备考的?梅平:通过制作单词卡。男孩:也许我会尝试一下。那么你如何备考,彼得?彼得:通过向教师求助。她总是很高兴地回答我的问题。男孩:那很有趣。你如何备考,托尼?托尼:我喜欢通过听录音带学习。但有时我妈妈认为我在听音乐。然后她会生气。男孩:哦,那我可能不会那样做。听录音,标出()你所听到的问

2、题。男士:欢迎来到英语俱乐部。今天我们要谈谈学习英语的最好的方法。有人通过看录像学习英语吗?女孩1:没有。听懂英语口语太难了。男孩1:写英文日记怎么样?你用那种方法学英语吗?女孩1:是的。它有助于我每天写英语。男孩2:你曾参加过小组学习吗?女孩2:是的,参加过!我用那种方法学到了很多知识。男孩2:你和朋友一起用英语谈话吗?女孩2:哦,是的。它确实提高了我的口语技能。女孩1:大声读来练习发音怎么样?Section A1b Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.Boy: Hey, ev

3、erybody. Theres a big teston Tuesday.I really need some help.Can you tell me how you study for abig test?Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will.Boy: You did really well on the lastEnglish test, didnt you, Meiping?Meiping: Yeah, I did OK.Boy: Well, how did you study for it?Meiping: By making word cards.Boy:

4、 Maybe Ill try that. So, how do youstudy for a test, Peter?Peter: By asking the teacher for help.Shes always happy to answer myquestions.Boy: Thats interesting. How do youstudy, Tony?Tony: I like to study by listening to tapes.But sometimes my mother thinks Im listening to music. And then shegets ma

5、d.Boy: Oh, maybe I wont do that then.2a Listen and check () the questions you hear.Man: Wele to the English club. Todaywere goingto talk about the best waysto learn English. Doesanyone learn English by watching videos?Girl 1: No. Its too hard to understand spoken English.Boy 1: What about keeping a

6、diary in English? Do you learn English that way?Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every day.Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group?Girl 2: Yes, I have! Ive learned a lot that way.Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friendsin English?Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speakingskil

7、ls.Girl 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronu- nciation?男孩1:我有时那样做。我认为那样会有所帮助。女孩2:我也那样做。而且我经常在词典中查阅新单词。男孩2:那是个好主意!再听一遍录音,把下面的每个答案和上面的问题搭配起来。男士:欢迎来到英语俱乐部。今天我们要谈谈学习英语的最好的方法。有人通过看录像学习英语吗?女孩1:没有。听懂英语口语太难了。男孩1:写英文日记怎么样?你用那种方法学英语吗?女孩1:是的。它有助于我每天写英语。男孩2:你曾参加过小组学习吗?女孩2:是的,参加过!我用那种方法学到了很多知识。男孩2:你和朋友一

8、起用英语谈话吗?女孩2:哦,是的。它确实提高了我的口语技能。女孩1:大声读来练习发音怎么样?男孩1:我有时那样做。我认为那样会有所帮助。女孩2:我也那样做。而且我经常在词典中查阅新单词。男孩2:那是个好主意!Boy 1: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up newwords in adictionary.Boy 2: Thats a great idea!2b Listen again.Match each answer below with a question above.

9、Man: Wele to the English club. Todaywere goingto talk about the best waysto learn English. Doesanyone learn English by watching videos?Girl 1: No. Its too hard to understand spoken English.Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to writ

10、e English every day.Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group?Girl 2: Yes, I have! Ive learned a lot that way.Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friends in English?Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speakingskills.Girl 1:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?Boy 1: I do that some

11、times. I think it helps.Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up newwords in a dictionary.Boy 2: Thats a great idea!保罗发现学英语很难。听录音,完成他所谈到的学习方面的挑战。曼森女士:你看起来很忧虑,保罗。保罗:是的,曼森女士。我学英语有困难。曼森女士:你说过你喜欢英语。有什么困难?保罗:我不能准确发音。曼森女士:哦,听会有帮助。你为什么不通过收音机听英文歌曲,并且重复那些很难的单词呢?Section B1c Paul finds it difficult to learn Engl

12、ish. Listen and plete the learning challenges he talks about.Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. Im having trouble learning English.Ms. Manson: You said you liked English.Whats the problem?Paul: I cant get the pronunciationright.Ms. Manson:Well, listening can help. Why dontyou

13、 listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?保罗:那是个好主意。但是所有的新单词呢?我忘记很多生词。曼森女士:你可以一直把新单词写在笔记本上,不时地复习它们。你甚至可以在上学的路上坐地铁时学习。保罗:那也许确实有所帮助!谢谢。曼森女士:当人们和你说话时,你能听懂吗?保罗:哦,并不总是能听懂。有时,我就是不明白人们在说什么。曼森女士:你为什么不参加一个英语语言俱乐部来练习说英语呢?英语俱乐部在星期二和星期四放学后开放。保罗:也许我会去。仅有的另外一个问题是我没有得到大量的写作练习。曼森女士:也许你应该找


15、森女士:你为什么不参加一个英语语言俱乐部来练习说英语呢?英语俱乐部在星期二和星期四放学后开放。Paul: Thats a good idea. But whatabout all the new words? I forget a lot of the new words.Ms. Manson: You can always write the newwords in your notebook andreview them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.Paul: That m

16、ight really help! Thanks.Ms. Manson: Can you understand whenpeople talk to you?Paul:Well, not always. SometimesI just dont understand whatpeople are saying.Ms. Manson: Why dont you join an Englishlanguage club to practicespeaking English? The Englishclub meets after school onTuesdays and Thursdays.P

17、aul:Maybe Ill go. The only otherproblem is that I dont get muchwriting practice.Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.Paul:That sounds like a fun way topractice writing. Thanks, Ms.Manson.1d Listen again.plete the solutions.Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. Im having t

18、rouble learning English.Ms. Manson: You said you liked English.Whats the problem?Paul: I cant get the pronunciationright.Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why dont you listen to English songs on theradio and repeat the difficult words?Paul: Thats a good idea. But whatabout all the new words? I f

19、orget a lot of the new words.Ms. Manson: You can always write the newwords in your notebook andreview them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.Paul: That might really help! Thanks.Ms. Manson: Can you understand whenpeople talk to you?Paul:Well, not always. Someti

20、mesI just dont understand whatpeople are saying.Ms. Manson: Why dont you join an Englishlanguage club to practicespeaking English? The Englishclub meets after schoolonTuesdays and Thursdays.保罗:也许我会去。仅有的另外一个问题是我没有得到大量的写作练习。曼森女士:也许你应该找个笔友。保罗:那听起来像是练习写作的一个有趣的方法。谢谢你,曼森女士。Paul:Maybe Ill go. The only othe

21、rproblem is that I dont get muchwriting practice.Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.Paul:That sounds like a fun way topractice writing. Thanks, Ms.Manson.UNIT 2听录音,正确的圈T,错误的圈F。玛丽:多么棒的一天啊!比尔:是的,确实很有意思!玛丽:你最喜欢什么?比尔:我喜欢那些比赛!它们看起来确实很有趣。那些龙舟队真是好极了!玛丽:是的!看那些船的颜色。它们多么美啊!比尔:我同意!但我认为有点儿太拥挤了。玛丽:我不知道我

22、有点儿喜欢和更多的人在一起。它使事情更精彩。比尔:那是真的。噢,我非常喜欢吃粽子。玛丽:噢,我也是!那些甜的是我最喜爱的。比尔:我想知道他们明年是否还要举行比赛。玛丽:当然了!他们每年都举行。比尔:那么我相信我明年还要回来观看比赛!玛丽:我也是!听吴明和哈里之间的对话并圈出句中的正确词语。哈里:在假期中你做什么了,吴明?吴明:我看望了我在某某的姑姑和姑父。哈里:哇!那么你做什么了?吴明:噢,我们在外面吃了很多。我认为我们一天至少吃五顿饭!那食物好吃极了!我胖了五磅!哈里:哈哈!是的,某某的食物很好吃。你还做了什么了?吴明:当然是购物了。某某是一个购物的好地方!我花了很多钱。Section A1

23、bListen andT for true or F for false.Mary: What a great day!Bill: Yes, it was really fun!Mary:What did you like best?Bill: I loved the races! They were really interesting to watch. How fantasticthe dragon boat teams were!Mary: Yes! And look at the colors of theboats. How pretty they were!Bill: I agr

24、ee! But I guess it was a little toocrowded.Mary: I dont knowI kind of like to havemore people around. It makes thingsmore exciting.Bill: Thats true. Oh, and I really likedeating zongzi.Mary: Oh, me too! Thesweet ones are myfavorite.Bill:I wonder if theyll have the racesagain next year.Mary: Of cours

25、e! They have them every year.Bill: Then I believe that Ill be back againnext year to watch the races!Mary: Me, too!2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and the correct words in the sentences.Harry: What did you do on yourvacation, Wu Ming?Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle inHon

26、g Kong.Harry: Wow! So what did you do?Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot. I believethat we ate at least five meals aday! How delicious the food is!Ive put on five pounds!Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in HongKong is delicious. What else didyou do?Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kongis a great place for

27、shopping! Ispent so much money.哈里:那么这次旅行中最好的局部是什么?吴明:噢,当然是端午节了。他们有来自世界各地的队!哈里:我正在计划明年去某某旅游。我想知道6月是不是个好时间。吴明:是的,如果你想看龙舟比赛的话。但在6月,天气相当热。那是我不喜欢的一件事情。哈里:噢,我不介意热天气。吴明:好,那么我认为6月将是你参观的好时间。吴明做了很多有趣的活动,但也有不好的一面。再听一遍录音并填表。哈里:在假期中你做什么了,吴明?吴明:我看望了我在某某的姑姑和姑父。哈里:哇!那么你做什么了?吴明:噢,我们在外面吃了很多。我认为我们一天至少吃五顿饭!那食物好吃极了!我胖了五

28、磅!哈里:哈哈!是的,某某的食物很好吃。你还做了什么了?吴明:当然是购物了。某某是一个购物的好地方!我花了很多钱。哈里:那么这次旅行中最好的局部是什么?吴明:噢,当然是端午节了。他们有来自世界各地的队!哈里:我正在计划明年去某某旅游。我想知道6月是不是个好时间。吴明:是的,如果你想看龙舟比赛的话。但在6月,天气相当热。那是我不喜欢的一件事情。哈里:噢,我不介意热天气。吴明:好,那么我认为6月将是你参观的好时间。Harry: So what was the best part of thetrip?Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival forsure. Th

29、ey had teams from all overthe world!Harry: Im planning a trip to Hong Kongnext year. I wonder whether Juneis a good time.Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boatraces. But its quite hot in June.Thats one thing I didnt like.Harry: Oh, I dont mind hot weather.Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would

30、be a perfect time for you to visit.2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart.Harry: What did you do on yourvacation, Wu Ming?Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle inHong Kong.Harry: Wow! So what did you do?Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot

31、. I believethat we ate at least five meals aday! How delicious the food is!Ive put on five pounds!Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in HongKong is delicious. What else didyou do?Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kongis a great place for shopping! Ispent so much money.Harry: So what was the best part of th

32、etrip?Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival forsure. They had teams from all overthe world!Harry: Im planning a trip to Hong Kongnext year. I wonder whether Juneis a good time.Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boatraces. But its quite hot in June.Thats one thing I didnt like.Harry: Oh, I dont min

33、d hot weather.Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June wouldbe a perfect time for you to visit.Section B听录音并回答如下问题。吴雨:嗨,简,关于万圣节前夕,你知道什么?简:噢,它是北美一个很受欢迎的节日。吴雨:在中国我们确实不庆祝它。我知道它在10月,对吗?1bListen and answer the questions.Wu Yu: Hey Jane, what do you know aboutHalloween?Jane:Oh, its a popular festival in NorthA

34、merica.Wu Yu: We dont really celebrate it in China. Iknow that its in October, right?简:是的,是10月31日。它是一个很恐怖的节日,但我认为它很有趣!吴雨:人们在那天做什么?简:许多人使他们的房子看上去很恐怖。他们可能关掉灯,点上蜡烛。他们有时也在门和窗子的周围挂上像蜘蛛和鬼怪之类的东西。吴雨:哇,那听起来很恐怖!简:没有那么糟。甚至小孩子都装扮成鬼怪或者黑猫。他们还可以装扮成有趣的东西,像卡通人物。有些父母也装扮起来参加到这种乐趣中!吴雨:父母带着他们的孩子在社区索要糖果和要求款待吗?简:是啊。孩子们在每一


36、卡通人物。有些父母也装扮起来参加到这种乐趣中!吴雨:父母带着他们的孩子在社区索要糖果和要求款待吗?简:是啊。孩子们在每一家门口说“不招待就捣乱!这意味着如果你不招待他们,他们就会捉弄你!Jane: Yes, October 31st. Its a scary festival,but I think its fun!Wu Yu: What do people do on that day?Jane: Many people make their houses lookscary. They may turn off the lightsand light candles. They somet

37、imesalso put things like spiders and ghostsaround the doors and windows.Wu Yu: Wow, that sounds quite scary!Jane: Its not that bad. Even little kidsdress up as ghosts or black cats. Theycan also dress up as fun things likecartoon characters. Some parents joinin the fun by dressing up, too!Wu Yu: Do

38、parents take their children aroundthe neighborhood to ask for candiesand treats?Jane: Yeah. Kids say“Trick or treat!atevery house. This means that if youdont give them a treat, theyll play atrick on you!Wu Yu: It sounds like a really fun festival! Iwonder if itll ever bee popular inChina.1c Listen a

39、gain and fill in the blanks.Wu Yu: Hey Jane, what do you know aboutHalloween?Jane:Oh, its a popular festival in NorthAmerica.Wu Yu: We dont really celebrate it in China. Iknow that its in October, right?Jane: Yes, October 31st. Its a scary festival,but I think its fun!Wu Yu: What do people do on tha

40、t day?Jane: Many people make their houses lookscary. They may turn off the lightsand light candles. They sometimesalso put things like spiders and ghostsaround the doors and windows.Wu Yu: Wow, that sounds quite scary!Jane: Its not that bad. Even little kidsdress up as ghosts or black cats. Theycan

41、also dress up as fun things likecartoon characters. Some parents joinin the fun by dressing up, too!Wu Yu: Do parents take their children aroundthe neighborhood to ask for candiesand treats?Jane: Yeah. Kids say“Trick or treat!atevery house. This means that if youdont give them a treat, theyll play a

42、trick on you!吴雨:这听起来像是一个非常有趣的节日!我想知道它是否会在中国变得受欢迎。Wu Yu: It sounds like a really fun festival! Iwonderif itll ever bee popular inChina.UNIT 3听录音,并完成1a图片中的对话。对话1女孩:打扰一下,你能告诉我在哪里可以买到一些邮票吗?男孩:是的。在中心大街有一家邮局。女孩:噢,你能告诉我怎样去中心大街吗?男孩:当然。你看到那里的那家银行了吗?女孩:嗯噢,是的。男孩:只需经过银行,然后向右拐。邮局在右边,在图书馆旁边。女孩:多谢!对话2男孩:打扰一下,你知道我在

43、哪里可以买到词典吗?女孩:当然。在主大街有一家书店。男孩:噢,请你告诉我怎样去那里好吗?女孩:是的。沿着中心大街走,然后在主大街向左拐。然后你会看到那家书店在大街的另一边。男孩:谢谢!你知道那家书店今天什么时候关门吗?女孩:我认为它今天下午7点关门。听录音。你将听到下面的一些指路用语。根据你听到的顺序给这些指路用语标上序号。男孩1:打扰一下,你能告诉我在哪里能买到一些药吗?男孩2:是的,在购物中心有一家超市。男孩1:你知道怎样去那里吗?男孩2:是的。去二楼,然后然后向左拐。咱们想想然后经过书店。嗯超市在花店和书店之间。你应该能在那里买到药。Section A1bListen and plete

44、 the conversations in the picture in 1a.Conversation lGirl: Excuse me, could you tell me where Ican buy some stamps?Boy: Yes. Theres a post office on Center Street.Girl: Oh, could you tell me how to get toCenter Street?Boy: Sure. You see that bank there?Girl: Hmmoh, yes.Boy: Just go past the bank an

45、d then turn right.The post office is on the right, next tothe library.Girl: Thanks a lot!Conversation 2Boy: Excuse me, do you know where I can geta dictionary?Girl: Sure. Theres a bookstore on Main Street.Boy: Oh, could you please tell me how to getthere?Girl: Yes. Go along Center Street and then tu

46、rn left on Main Street. Then you will see the bookstore on the other side ofthe street.Boy: Thanks! Do you know when the bookstore closes today?Girl: I thinkit closes at 7:00 p.m. today.2a Listen. You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order you hear them.Boy 1: Exc

47、use me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?Boy 2: Yes, theres a supermarket in this shopping center.Boy 1: Do you know how to go there?Boy 2: Yes. Go to the second floor and thenthen turn left. Lets seeThen go past the bookstore. And ummthe supermarket is between the flowerstore and the b

48、ookstore. You should beable to get medicine there.男孩1:行,好极了。噢,还有一件事。你知道这家购物中心今晚什么时候关门吗?男孩2:我不确定,但你可以在那里问一下。男孩1:好,多谢。男孩2:不客气。再听一遍录音。在上图中画线来指出这个男孩是如何步行去超市的。男孩1:打扰一下,你能告诉我在哪里能买到一些药吗?男孩2:是的,在购物中心有一家超市。男孩1:你知道怎样去那里吗?男孩2:是的。去二楼,然后然后向左拐。咱们想想然后经过书店。嗯超市在花店和书店之间。你应该能在那里买到药。男孩1:行,好极了。噢,还有一件事。你知道这家购物中心今晚什么时候关门吗

49、?男孩2:我不确定,但你可以在那里问一下。男孩1:好,多谢。男孩2:不客气。Boy 1: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping centercloses tonight?Boy 2: Im not sure, but you can ask forinformation over there.Boy 1: OK, thanks a lot.Boy 2: Youre wele.2b Listen again. Draw a line in the picture above to show how th

50、e boy walks to the supermarket.Boy 1: Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?Boy 2: Yes, theres a supermarket in this shopping center.Boy 1: Do you know how to go there?Boy 2: Yes. Go to the second floor and thenthen turn left. Lets seeThen go past the bookstore. And ummthe superma

51、rket is between the flowerstore and the bookstore. You should beable to get medicine there.Boy 1: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping centercloses tonight?Boy 2: Im not sure, but you can ask forinformation over there.Boy 1: OK, thanks a lot.Boy 2: Youre wele.听对话,并完成句子。对

52、话1男孩:你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?职员:当然。在太阳城有许多好饭馆。你在寻找哪种食物?男孩:我想吃新鲜的蔬菜。职员:我会尝试去绿土地。他们有美味的沙拉。对话2女孩:你知道这附近是否有公共厕所吗?Section B1cListen to the conversations and plete the sentences.Conversation 1Boy: Could you tell me where theres a goodplace to eat?Clerk: Of course. There are a lot of goodrestaurants in Sunville. W

53、hat kind offood are you looking for?Boy: Id like fresh vegetables.Clerk: Id try Green Land. They have delicioussalads.Conversation 2Girl: Do you know if there are any publicrestrooms around here?职员:是的。在市场大街和中心大街的拐角处,你会找到一些。 女孩:嗯它们干净吗?职员:噢,是的。它们很干净。对话3母亲:你能告诉我在太阳城是否有好的博物馆吗?职员:哦,我们有几家。你们喜欢哪种博物馆历史博物馆?科


55、:我会尝试去绿土地。他们有美味的沙拉。对话2女孩:你知道这附近是否有公共厕所吗?职员:是的。在市场大街和中心大街的拐角处,你会找到一些。 女孩:嗯它们干净吗?职员:噢,是的。它们很干净。Clerk: Yes. Youll find some at the corner ofMarket and Middle Streets.Girl: Ummare they clean?Clerk: Oh, yes. Theyre very clean.Conversation 3Mother: Could you tell me if there is a goodmuseum in Sunville?Cl

56、erk: Well, we have several. What kind of museums do you likeHistory? Science? A childrens museum?Father: What about history? I like historymuseums. Theyre fascinating.Girl 1:Oh, Dad! History museums are boring. Lets go to a science museum.Boy: Science? We always go to sciencemuseums. I want to go to

57、 a childrensmuseum. Theyre more fun.Girl 2: Well, Im too old for a childrens museum. Why dont we go to an artmuseum?Clerk: Why dont you go to the putermuseum? There are a lot of funthings for children there. You canlearn all about the history ofputers, as well as learn aboutscience.Mother: Thats a g

58、reat idea! Lets go to theputer museum.1d Listen again.Check your answers in 1c.Conversation 1Boy: Could you tell me where theres a goodplace to eat?Clerk: Of course. There are a lot of goodrestaurants in Sunville. What kind offood are you looking for?Boy: Id like fresh vegetables.Clerk: Id try Green

59、 Land. They have delicioussalads.Conversation 2Girl: Do you know if there are any publicrestrooms around here?Clerk: Yes. Youll find some at the corner ofMarket and Middle Streets.Girl: Ummare they clean?Clerk: Oh, yes. Theyre very clean.对话3母亲:你能告诉我在太阳城是否有好的博物馆吗?职员:哦,我们有几家。你们喜欢哪种博物馆历史博物馆?科学博物馆?儿童博物馆

60、?父亲:历史博物馆怎么样?我喜欢历史博物馆。它们很迷人。女孩1:噢,爸爸!历史博物馆没意思。咱们去科学博物馆吧。男孩:科学博物馆?我们总是去科学博物馆。我想去儿童博物馆。它们更有趣。女孩2:哦,我年龄太大了,不适合去儿童博物馆。我们为什么不去艺术博物馆呢?职员:你们为什么不去计算机博物馆呢?那里有许多适合孩子们的有趣的东西。你们可以学习所有关于计算机的历史,还能了解科学知识。母亲:那是个好主意!咱们去计算机博物馆吧。Conversation 3Mother: Could you tell me if there is a goodmuseum in Sunville?Clerk: Well,

61、we have several. What kind of museums do you likeHistory? Science? A childrens museum?Father: What about history? I like historymuseums. Theyre fascinating.Girl 1:Oh, Dad! History museums are boring. Lets go to a science museum.Boy: Science? We always go to sciencemuseums. I want to go to a children

62、smuseum. Theyre more fun.Girl 2: Well, Im too old for a childrens museum. Why dont we go to an artmuseum?Clerk: Why dont you go to the putermuseum? There are a lot of funthings for children there. You canlearn all about the history ofputers, as well as learn aboutscience.Mother: Thats a great idea! Lets go to theputer museum.UNIT 4听录音。鲍勃正在会见四年来第一次见面的几个朋友。他的朋友们过去是什么样子?对话1鲍勃:马里奥,是你吗?马里奥:是的,是我。你是鲍勃!你好,伙计,是鲍勃!我四年没见到你了!鲍勃:是的。我和我的父母在这儿。我们将在这儿参观两天。哇,

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