lorries是什么意思 lorries的翻译、中文解释

  lorries是什么意思 lorries的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  Lorries is a British term that refers to large vehicles designed for transporting goods or materials. As an English teacher, here are four aspects to consider when teaching this word:

  1. Vocabulary: It is important to teach learners the meaning of the word, including its synonyms and antonyms. Lorries are also known as trucks or semi-trucks, while smaller vehicles used for shipping goods are called vans. It is also useful to teach related words such as cargo, freight, and haulage.

  Example sentence: The lorry driver was stuck in traffic for hours due to an accident on the highway.

  2. Spelling and Pronunciation: Learners should be made familiar with the spelling and unciation of the word. It is ounced as “lor-e” with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is essential to teach correct unciation to help learners communicate effectively.

  Example sentence: The lorry was so loud that we could hear it from a distance.

  3. Cultural Context: It is also important to teach learners about the cultural context surrounding lorries. In the UK, lorries are a common sight on motorways and are integral to the country’s economy. The transportation industry, which includes lorries, is one of the largest industries in the UK, and it is useful for learners to understand its importance and impact.

  Example sentence: The lorry driver was transporting goods from Birmingham to London.

  4. Usage and Connotation: It is also essential to teach learners how to use the word appropriately and understand any connotations that may be ociated with it. Lorries are often used for commercial purposes and may be ociated with heavy industry and pollution. It can be useful to discuss the positive and negative aspects of lorries and how they contribute to society.

  Example sentence: The company uses lorries to transport its goods across the country.

  Example sentence: The lorry caused a traffic jam on the road during rush hour.




  1. Lorries are essential for transporting goods across the country. (货车在全国范围内运输货物至关重要。)

  2. The lorries were stuck in traffic on the motorway for hours. (货车在高速公路上被困在交通堵塞中数小时。)



  例句:We can flip lorries, coaches, buses, anything over with a nitrogen cannon with enough power. (我们可以让货车、旅游车、公交车及任何车辆翻转, 只要氮气炮有足够的力量。)


  例句:This bridge is strong enough to support heavy lorries. The director were trying to get rid of her, but her staff all supported her. (董事都想把她撤掉,可是她那部门的人员都支持她。)


  例句:We’re putting up lamp platforms so we can load lorries with cement from the exhibition site. (所以我们能从展台那里把水泥上到车上 我想你有屋主的许可吗?)


  例句:Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. (翻译:在防御墙外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。)

  lorries一般作为名词使用,如在tipper lorries([英国英语] = tipper truck)等常见短语中出现较多。

  tipper lorries[英国英语] = tipper truck1. We’re putting up lamp platforms so we can load lorries with cement from the exhibition site. (翻译:所以我们能从展台那里把水泥上到车上 我想你有屋主的许可吗?)

  2. Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. (翻译:在防御墙外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。)

  3. Mexican lorries are not allowed to carry hazardous material into America, but the tragedy hardly inspires confidence. (翻译:这项计划将禁止载有危险物品的墨西哥卡车进入美国境内,但是由于这场灾难,使得人们对这项计划丧失了信心。)

  4. The bridge can take four lorries abreast. (翻译:这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。)

  5. Here it had deteriorated so badly that I could often overtake the fabulously ornate “jingly jangly” wagons – Bedford lorries imported from Britain in the 1960s and still in service. (翻译:这里的公路就破损得非常厉害了,以至我常常能超过那些装饰得花花绿绿的卡车。xx年代从英国进口的贝德福德卡车仍可以见到在使用中。)

  6. Foreign lorries are throe times more likely to be in a crash than British Lorries. (翻译:外来货车发生车辆碰撞事故的可能性是英国注册货车的三倍。)

  7. Some children could be smuggled out in lorries, or in trams supposedly returning empty to the depot. (翻译:有些孩子是用大卡车偷运出去的,或者放在原本就准备空车返回仓库的有轨电车里运出去。)

  8. Lorries seem to outnumber cars on Vernon’s streets. (翻译:在弗农街头,卡车看起来比轿车还要多。)

  9. All the railways were destroyed and the lorries had no petrol. (翻译:所有的铁路都被摧毁了 而卡车都没有汽油了)

  10. Hundreds of camels are being loaded onto lorries. (翻译:数以百计的骆驼正被装上运货卡车。)

  11. The car went slowly through all the traffic of the big town with its buses, lorries and cars, and all the noise along the narrow streets. (翻译:汽车缓缓穿过大城市里公共汽车、卡车和轿车汇成的车流,以及嘈杂无比的狭窄街道。)

  12. Outside the ramparts, a snakelike convoy of brightly coloured lorries waits to unload fuel hauled from Pakistan and Central Asia. (翻译:在防御墙外,色彩明亮的卡车车队排成了一条长蛇,等待着卸下从巴基斯坦和中亚运来的燃料。)

  13. Ms Kroes’s father owned a road-haulage firm, and as a girl she travelled in lorries to Antwerp and Dusseldorf. (翻译:Kroes夫人的父亲拥有一家公路运输公司,在Kroes年轻的时候她曾进搭乘卡车从Antwerp到Dusseldorf。)

  14. An alarm has been raised – whistles, sirens, soldiers start running and getting into some lorries. (翻译:我们看到. 警报响起来 – 口哨, 汽笛, 士兵开始奔跑…)

  15. The lorries come in one color, go out another. (翻译:卡车开进来是一个颜色 开出去是另一个颜色)


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