Meet Terrence Zhou: the Bad Binch (TONGTONG) of fashion.


Perfect: What skills and aspects are key to constructing one of your signature silhouettes?
Terrence Zhou: Intuition and unlearning. Lots of times experience can restrict our thoughts and ideas because we have been taught the right way of doing things. There is nothing wrong with that, as a matter of fact, it will lead us to a safe zone to have things properly made. For me, I aim to challenge the experience and learn to unlearn, because creating new things is risky and dangerous. The methods should be something that has never been explored before. Although forgetting what I have learned is difficult and sounds contradictory, the way of thinking eventually leads me to a different perspective to create and free myself from the framework.

Perfect: What do you enjoy most about being creative in NYC? How has the city influenced your work?
Terrence Zhou: Being in NYC has exposed me to so many cultures. There is something unique and the quality of being a go getter among New Yorkers. I guess what deems to be impossible are all possible here if we truly believe in it. That is the magic of living in NYC.

Perfect: What can we hope to see next from Bad Binch TongTong?
Terrence Zhou: Bad binches have no plans. But let's stay tuned for surprises. I want to stay present and enjoy each moment instead of planning too far ahead.


Terrence Zhou Bad Binch TONGTONG
Amelia White

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