
Andy has few friends. (Andy沒什麼朋友)

用「a few」則表示有一些,但是只能形容可數名詞。
Andy has a few friends. (Andy有一些朋友)

There is little room in the car. (車裡沒什麼麼空間了)

「A little」是一些,和「a few」相反,只能形容不可數名詞。
We have a little time. (我們有一點時間)

Each child is unique. (每個孩子都是獨特的)
Please answer each question carefully. (請逐一仔細回答每個問題)

Every team member got their quarterly bonus. (團隊的每個成員都獲得季度獎金)
I have enjoyed every minute here. (我很享受在這裡的每一分鐘)

He exercises every morning. (他每天早上運動)


Each of the children is unique.

Look! The plane is flying at a high altitude.(看!飛機飛得好高)

Taipei 101 is the tallest building in Taiwan. (台北101是台灣最高的建築)

Sick可以形容想吐,例如「I feel sick.」代表「我想吐」。

I am sick of the inefficient meetings. (我受夠沒效率的會議了)
They make me sick. (我很討厭他們)

I have always known about some of the ill effects of smoking but did not know how harmful it could be. (我知道抽菸有不良影響,但我不知道傷害這麼大)

非常口語的用法中,ill和sick都可以用來表示太酷了,太讚了。聽到人家說「This is ill.」或「This is sick.」, 不要馬上以為是批評,分辨一下他們的神情語調,他的意思可能是「This is awesome.」

In order to lose weight, you need to eat less. (為了減重,你必須吃少一點)

I have fewer books than he does. (我擁有的書比他少)

Fewer 和 Less 分別為 few 和 little 的比較級,意思接近,用的時機卻不一樣,因為less 是副詞,fewer 是形容詞。

He has to stay in bed to rest his injured back. (他必須待在床上休養受傷的背)

通常指身體受到傷害, 尤其是撕裂傷, 用wounded。
The sergeant was seriously wounded. (那名警官傷勢嚴重)

The lady got hurt during the typhoon and was taken to the hospital. (那位颱風期間受傷的女士被送往醫院)
Take the hurt look off your face! (別再一副受傷了的表情!)

This is the last test you need to pass. (這是你必須通過的最後一科考試)

The latter is easier than the former. (後者比前者來得容易)

「latest」指最新的,the most recent。
Here is the latest news on the election. (這是最新出爐的選舉新聞)

Tom is the latest guest to arrive. (湯姆是最晚到的客人)

The school was much farther than she thought. (那間學校比她預想的來得遠多了)

Without further conversation, they started to fight. (他們沒有繼續說話,直接打起來了)

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