副词(Adverb )是用来修饰动词(Verb)、形容词(Adjective)以及其他副词的词汇,KP阶段了解其修饰动词的相关内容即可。 副词用来传达有关when, how, where, how much, how often的信息。副词可以是一个词,也可以是一个短语。 review:
形容词修饰名词:He's a careful driver. 副词修饰动词:He drives carefully. 一些动词也会被形容词修饰:You sound miserable.
副词的形式 副词的种类 副词在句中的表达顺序


1. 通常情况下,在形容词后加-ly,就能将形容词变副词。变化规则有: 有些词汇看起来很像副词,但实际上是形容词,比如:friendly, likely, lonely, lovely, silly, ugly...当想用这些词做副词形式时,我们需要将其变为一个短语:He spoke in a friendly way. 2. 还有一些副词并没有明显的副词特征,比如:well, very, never, always, often, still... 3. 还有还有一些副词,它们和形容词形式完全一致:


1. Adverbs of Manner——How

He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?) They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?) James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?)

2. Adverbs of Place——Where

Please sit here. (Where should I sit?) They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?) Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?)

3. Adverbs of Time / Frequency ——When / How often

He came yesterday. (When did he come?) I want it now. (When do I want it?)
They deliver the newspaper daily. (How often do they deliver the newspaper?) We sometimes watch a movie. (How often do we watch a movie?)

Bonus time~

能够体现确切的频率的频率副词有: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly (每小时、每天、每周、每月、每年) every second, once a minute, twice a year(每秒、一分钟一次、一年两次) once, twice, once or twice, three times(一次、两次、一两次、三次) 无法体现确切频率,只能表现出大概频率的频率副词:

4. Adverbs of Degree——How much

She entirely agrees with him. (How much does she agree with him?) Mary is very beautiful. (To what degree is Mary beautiful? How beautiful is Mary?) He drove quite dangerously. (To what degree did he drive dangerously? How dangerously did he drive?)


1. 修饰动词的时候

2. 修饰形容词的时候,通常副词在形容词前

She gave him a really expensive gift.

3. 不同种类的副词,在句子中的位置通常也会不同


将下列句子中的副词调整到正确位置 1. You will learn quickly English. 2. I missed yesterday the train. 3.I enjoyed very much that television programme. 4. I never have been to Spain. 5. They still were waiting when we arrived.

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1. You will learn English quickly. 2. I missed the train yesterday. 3.I enjoyed that television programme very much. 4. I have never been to Spain. 5. They were still waiting when we arrived.


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