How Do You Spell SQUEEZE?

Pronunciation: [skwˈiːz] (IPA)

The word "squeeze" can be a tricky one to spell due to the combination of letters used in its pronunciation. IPA phonetic transcription notes that the word starts with the /sk/ sound, followed by a long /ē/ sound as in "bee". Then, the word ends with /z/, which is pronounced similarly to /s/ but with added buzzing. Remembering the proper order of the letters can help spell the word correctly, as well as recognizing and pronouncing each individual sound.

Meaning and Definition
Top Common Misspellings
Other Common Misspellings
Similar spelling words
Conjugate verb

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The spelling of the word "SPERBER" is straightforward when using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). In IPA, "SPERBER" is transcribed as /ˈspɛʁbɐ/, which clearly shows each ...


Nearby Words

  • squeegeeing
  • squeegees
  • squeez
  • squeezability
  • squeezable
  • squeeze
  • squeeze box
  • squeeze by
  • squeeze dry
  • squeeze hand
  • squeeze in


Correct spelling for squeeze
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SQUEEZE Meaning and Definition

  1. The term "squeeze" can be primarily defined as an act of applying pressure by firmly pressing or compressing something. It often involves the action of pressing two opposing sides or surfaces together, resulting in the reduction of an object's size or volume. This pressure can be applied manually or with the aid of mechanical devices.

    In a literal sense, "squeeze" commonly refers to the action of applying force to extract a liquid, substance or object from a confined space. For example, squeezing a lemon involves exerting pressure on the fruit to release its juice. Similarly, squeezing a tube of toothpaste refers to compressing it to dispense the desired amount.

    Additionally, "squeeze" can also encompass the concept of confined space, such as being pressed tightly between two objects or into a narrow area. It can connote discomfort or restriction caused by limited space, as in the phrase "being squeezed in a crowded bus."

    Figuratively, "squeeze" can be used to describe applying pressure in various circumstances, including financial or time-related constraints. For instance, one might say they are feeling financially squeezed due to debts or expenses. Likewise, the phrase "to be in a squeeze" is often used to describe being under pressure or facing difficulty in a particular situation.

    Overall, "squeeze" entails the act of exerting pressure or reducing space, encompassing both literal and figurative contexts.

  2. • To press between two bodies; to embrace closely; to oppress by extortion; to crowd closely together; to press.
    • The act of one who squeezes; pressure between bodies.

    Etymological and pronouncing dictionary of the English language. By Stormonth, James, Phelp, P. H. Published 1874.

Top Common Misspellings for SQUEEZE *

  • sqeeze 32.9317269%
  • squeese 16.064257%
  • squeze 11.6465863%
  • squezze 5.2208835%
  • squize 2.8112449%
  • squeaze 2.8112449%
  • squese 1.2048192%
  • squueze 1.2048192%
  • squees 0.8032128%
  • squezee 0.8032128%
  • squeize 0.8032128%
  • sqweeze 0.8032128%
  • queeze 0.8032128%
  • squezz 0.8032128%
  • sceeze 0.8032128%
  • sqeezed 0.4016064%

* The statistics data for these misspellings percentages are collected from over 15,411,110 spell check sessions on from Jan 2010 - Jun 2012.

Other Common Misspellings for SQUEEZE

  • squez
  • squeege
  • squeegie
  • sleeze
  • squeek
  • squeerl
  • squeezzed
  • squeme
  • squease
  • squeeaed
  • sqezze
  • squeee
  • squeekey
  • sqeese
  • squeeky
  • sweeze
  • squezzes
  • squeexe
  • squeegy
  • squeel
  • squere
  • squegee
  • suqeeze
  • squeeks
  • squeesed
  • sqeezes
  • squieezed
  • squeem
  • squence
  • squeeezed
  • sqeeuze
  • squezed
  • equeze
  • squezy
  • squeels
  • squeeker
  • squoze
  • sqeaze
  • squesse
  • squuezed
  • squeeses
  • queez
  • squezes
  • squeezy
  • squeece
  • squeazed
  • seeze
  • sqweez
  • squeezey
  • squeed
  • queezy
  • squeely
  • squegie
  • squezzed
  • swqueeze
  • squeeeze
  • syueeze
  • squaeze
  • squeeza
  • squeezec
  • squerie
  • queese
  • quezze
  • Squeazie
  • Squeecey
  • Skweela
  • squele
  • Squenge
  • sqeze
  • squeezby
  • squeent
  • Squeerd

Etymology of SQUEEZE

The word "squeeze" traces its origins back to the Old English word "squeezan" which meant "to apply pressure or force by pressing or gripping". This word eventually evolved into Middle English as "sqweze" and later into the modern spelling of "squeeze". The origin of the word can be further traced to the Proto-Germanic word "skwesanan" and the Proto-Indo-European root "swek", meaning "to tighten or compress". The word has been used in various contexts, including describing physical pressure, financial constraints, and tight or cramped spaces.

Idioms with the word SQUEEZE

  • squeeze sb dry The idiom "squeeze sb dry" means to extract or take as much money, resources, or energy from someone as possible, leaving them with nothing or in a depleted state. It implies exploiting or depleting someone to their maximum capacity.
  • be sb's main squeeze The idiom "be sb's main squeeze" refers to being someone's primary romantic partner or significant other. It signifies being in a committed relationship with someone and having a central role in their affection and attention.
  • put the squeeze on sb To "put the squeeze on someone" means to exert pressure or force on someone in order to make them comply with a request or do something against their will. It involves applying pressure, usually through coercion or intimidation, to achieve a desired outcome.
  • put the bite on sb, at put the squeeze on sb The idiom "put the bite on someone" or "put the squeeze on someone" means to pressure or manipulate someone to give or do something, typically involving asking for money or favors in a forceful or insistent way. It implies exerting coercion or putting someone in a difficult or uncomfortable position to obtain what one wants.
  • squeeze sth out of sb/sth The idiom "squeeze something out of someone/something" means to extract or obtain something, usually information, money, or effort, by applying pressure or persistence. It implies that the desired outcome is obtained reluctantly or with difficulty.
  • squeeze sb/sth out (of sth) The idiom "squeeze sb/sth out (of sth)" means to force someone or something out of a particular place or situation, often through pressure or competition. It can also refer to pushing someone or something aside or excluding them.
  • put the squeeze on sb/sth The idiom "put the squeeze on someone/something" means to apply pressure or force in order to obtain a certain outcome or advantage. It refers to exerting influence or coercion on a person or situation to achieve a desired result.
  • squeeze by (sm or sth) The idiom "squeeze by (someone or something)" means to carefully maneuver or pass through a narrow or tight space while facing difficulty or limited room. It often suggests barely managing to get through a challenging situation or obstacle.
  • squeeze sth out of sth The idiom "squeeze something out of something" means to extract or obtain something from a source or situation with great effort or difficulty. It implies that the desired outcome or information is scarce, requiring a strenuous or persistent effort to obtain it.
  • squeeze sth from sth The idiom "squeeze something from something" typically means to extract or obtain something from a difficult or limited source, often through effort, pressure, or persuasion. It implies that the resource or information being obtained is scarce or not readily available.
  • squeeze sm or sth up The idiom "squeeze someone or something up" means to make space for someone or something in a crowded or tight area by moving closer together or rearranging the available space. It implies physically adjusting or accommodating to ensure there is enough room for all involved.
  • squeeze sm or sth into sth The idiom "squeeze someone or something into something" means to fit or force someone or something into a small or crowded space. It can also mean to make room for someone or something in a schedule or plan that is already full.
  • put the squeeze on sm To "put the squeeze on someone" means to exert pressure or make someone feel cornered or uncomfortable, typically in order to achieve a specific outcome or gain an advantage over them. This expression conveys the idea of applying force or applying tactics that restrict or limit someone's options.
  • squeeze out of The idiom "squeeze out of" means to forcefully extract or obtain something, often through manipulation, persuasion, or coercion. It implies getting information or resources that someone is unwilling to give or keeping someone from avoiding a responsibility or obligation.
  • be (one's)/the main squeeze The idiom "be (one's)/the main squeeze" typically refers to a person who is someone's primary or most important romantic partner. It suggests that this person holds a significant or influential role in the individual's life, often implying a close and committed relationship.
  • budget squeeze The idiom "budget squeeze" refers to a financial situation where there is limited or insufficient funding available to cover expenses or meet financial goals. It signifies a tight or constrained budget that may result in difficulties or challenges in managing expenses and achieving financial objectives.
  • put the squeeze on somebody (to do something) The idiom "put the squeeze on somebody (to do something)" means to exert pressure, force, or influence on someone in order to make them do something they may not want to do or feel reluctant about doing.
  • squeeze something out of something The idiom "squeeze something out of something" means to obtain or extract something, often with difficulty or effort. It implies a situation where something desired is obtained by applying pressure, persuasion, or maximum effort to overcome obstacles.
  • squeeze (themselves) together The idiom "squeeze (themselves) together" means to move close to each other in a tight or crowded space, often due to a lack of enough room. It can also refer to taking up less space by compacting oneself or fitting into a small area.
  • squeeze sm or sth together The idiom "squeeze someone or something together" means to press or push someone or something into a smaller space, often forcefully or tightly. It can also refer to the act of compressing or compacting objects to fit within a confined area.
  • squeeze up against The idiom "squeeze up against" typically means to press or push oneself closely against someone or something, especially when there is limited space available. It implies the act of being in close proximity or tight contact with another object or person.
  • squeeze together The idiom "squeeze together" means to bring two or more things or people closer or to make them fit tightly together by applying pressure. It can be used both in a literal sense, referring to physically compressing objects, or in a figurative sense, describing a situation where a limited space or time requires things or people to be closely positioned or aligned.
  • squeeze sm or sth through (sth) The idiom "squeeze someone or something through (something)" means to force or maneuver someone or something through a tight or narrow space or passage. It can also be used metaphorically to describe the act of completing a task or overcoming an obstacle in a limited amount of time or with limited resources.
  • squeeze through The idiom "squeeze through" means to barely manage to pass through a narrow or tight space, often with difficulty or limited room.
  • squeeze somebody dry The idiom "squeeze somebody dry" means to exploit or exhaust someone financially, emotionally, or physically by taking advantage of them or draining them of their resources. It refers to the act of continuously extracting all possible benefits or resources from someone until they have nothing left to give.
  • squeeze through sth The idiom "squeeze through something" typically means to successfully pass or navigate through a narrow space, obstacle, or difficult situation, often with minimal margin or effort. It can refer to physical situations where a person manages to fit through a tight or small area, as well as metaphorical scenarios where someone maneuvers through challenges or obstacles.
  • squeeze up against sm or sth The idiom "squeeze up against someone or something" means to press or push oneself closely next to someone or something, usually due to limited space or to fit in a crowded area. It implies physical contact and being in close proximity to the person or object.
  • squeeze (themselves) up The idiom "squeeze (themselves) up" typically means to make more room or accommodate additional people or objects in a crowded space. It implies the act of arranging things or people closely together to fit within the limited available space.
  • squeeze-box A slang term for an accordion, a musical instrument with a keyboard and bellows that is played by compressing and expanding the bellows to create sound.

Similar spelling words for SQUEEZE

  • squeak,
  • squeegee,
  • squeaky.

Plural form of SQUEEZE is SQUEEZES

Conjugate verb Squeeze


I would have squeezed
you would have squeezed
he/she/it would have squeezed
we would have squeezed
they would have squeezed
I would have squeeze
you would have squeeze
he/she/it would have squeeze
we would have squeeze
they would have squeeze


I would have been squeezing
you would have been squeezing
he/she/it would have been squeezing
we would have been squeezing
they would have been squeezing


I would squeeze
you would squeeze
he/she/it would squeeze
we would squeeze
they would squeeze


I would be squeezing
you would be squeezing
he/she/it would be squeezing
we would be squeezing
they would be squeezing


I will squeeze
you will squeeze
he/she/it will squeeze
we will squeeze
they will squeeze


I will be squeezing
you will be squeezing
he/she/it will be squeezing
we will be squeezing
they will be squeezing


I will have squeezed
you will have squeezed
he/she/it will have squeezed
we will have squeezed
they will have squeezed


I will have been squeezing
you will have been squeezing
he/she/it will have been squeezing
we will have been squeezing
they will have been squeezing


you squeeze
we let´s squeeze


to squeeze


I was squeezing
you were squeezing
he/she/it was squeezing
we were squeezing
they were squeezing




I had squeezed
you had squeezed
he/she/it had squeezed
we had squeezed
they had squeezed


I had been squeezing
you had been squeezing
he/she/it had been squeezing
we had been squeezing
they had been squeezing


I squeeze
you squeeze
he/she/it squeezes
we squeeze
they squeeze


I am squeezing
you are squeezing
he/she/it is squeezing
we are squeezing
they are squeezing




I have squeezed
you have squeezed
he/she/it has squeezed
we have squeezed
they have squeezed


I have been squeezing
you have been squeezing
he/she/it has been squeezing
we have been squeezing
they have been squeezing


he/she/it squeeze


I squeezed
you squeezed
he/she/it squeezed
we squeezed
they squeezed


Correct spelling for squeeze
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