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10.12 | 周五 中国电音教父Mickey Zhang[HOLDING]

10.12日周五,中国电子舞曲文化的领军人物Mickey Zhang将来到echobay。

与Dommy Liu,NELSON W一起,进入Mickey Zhang的“Hold”。

10.12 On Friday, Mickey Zhang, the leader of Chinese electronic dance music culture, will come to echobay. Join Dommy Liu, NELSON W and enter Mickey Zhang's "Hold".



Beijing CHINA

Mickey Zhang(张然)是中国电子舞曲文化的领军人物。在23年的音乐生涯中, Mickey不仅仅以DJ、制作人、派对活动主办方的身份推动着中国电音文化的发展,他更像是中国乃至亚洲的电音大使,是最被国际认可的亚洲电子音乐人之一。

Mickey Zhang (Zhang Ran) is a godfather of Chinese dance music. His massive 23 years career spans DJing, producing, sound tracking, and numerous album releases. Taken together, he has become an ambassador for China’s burgeoning electronic mu- sic scene.

来自宁夏的Mickey出身于艺术世家,从小就深受中国古典音乐、舞蹈和戏曲的熏陶,11岁时便考入北京舞蹈学院。结束6年的深造后,Mickey被分配到广东工作,凭借那里临近 香港的地理优势,第一次为电子舞曲的魅力所撼动。在观看了 T e c h n a s i a 的现场之后,Mickey决定搬到北京,全心投入音乐事业。

So where did he come from? Well, most people outside of China wouldn't know the in- land Chinese province of Ningxia, but that’s where young Mickey was grew up. His artistic family ( = classical music, opera, and dance) was the ideal launch pad into the Beijing Dance Academy at age 11. A dance background may not be the norm for elec- tronic music producers, but if you think about it, it makes perfect sense for China’s premier dance music DJ.

2016 Boiler Room Beijing Mickey Zhang DJ and Live set

第一个在柏林传奇俱乐部Tresor演出,第一个登上ADE(阿姆斯特丹电子音乐节)、西 班牙Sonar(享誉全球的前卫艺术、科技及音乐节)、法国MIDEM(法国戛纳国际音乐 博览会),以及Wire(日本最大的室内 Techno 音乐节)等国际顶级音乐节,第一个在国 内发行原创电子乐专辑——Mickey创造了中国电子乐发展史上的许多个第一。他还曾与Laurent GarnierKen Ishii、石野卓球、Technasia等国际级DJ同台献艺,在不断与众多电 子音乐高手的切磋中磨砺出猛烈纯粹的Tehcno风格,并逐步确立起他在中国电音界的领 军地位。2004年,Mickey参与成立「凹凸文化」,推出了派对活动品牌「焱-YEN」。为 了推动中国电子音乐文化的发展,「焱-YEN」更青睐于冉冉升起的本土明星,而不是为 了短期票房去盲目追求国外艺人。历经三年,「焱-YEN」已成为代表中国电子音乐的国际知名Party品牌,吸引和培养了大量的电子音乐从业者和爱好者。

As his career took off, Mickey went on to set many “firsts” in China’s growing electronic music scene: the 1st Chinese artist to perform at Berlin’s legendary Tresor club, the first to play at Sonar in Spain, MIDEM in Cannes, Wire in Japan; and the first to release an original electronic album in China itself. He also has a myriad of international col- laborations under his belt – including Laurent Garnier, Ken Ishii, Ishino, and Technasia (to name but a few).

“Best Screenplay2009” Cannes Film Festival

Film Title: Spring Fever, Director Lou Ye (China, France)

License Track: “China”

不仅如此,Mickey还将自己对电子音乐的热爱延伸至其他诸多领域。他的作品ChinaGood evening Beijing被娄烨选中,作为配乐分别呈现在电影《春风沉醉的夜晚》(第62届戛纳电影节最佳编剧奖)和《浮城谜事》之中。他还与哥哥张巍组建WHAI()乐 队,尝试催化电子节拍与中国古典乐器之间的化学反应;还曾担任汽车广告片、Burning Man Promotion Video (中国版)、上海时装周等项目的音乐总监;为叶明子的Listen to Your Heart(由小室哲哉谱曲)Ken Ishii The Axe Murderer、华人乐坛一哥陈奕迅《娱 乐天空》制作Remix;参与ADE、加拿大音乐周、IMS亚太峰会等音乐论坛与交流项目; 受邀担任2017年迷笛电子音乐节总导演......Mickey下一步将迈向哪里?让我们拭目以 待。

Mickey has also played a key role in the wider electronic music industry in China. Back in 2004, he co-founded 02 Culture the company behind China’s massive electronic par- ty brand YEN. Mickey helped push YEN to support domestic music talent, rather than following others to slavishly chase after foreign DJs for the sake of a bit of ticket rev- enue. After just three years, it was clear that the strategy paid off – YEN was estab- lished as a leading player in the Asian electronic music scene and the hub for electron- ic music in China.

From here, Mickey’s love for electronic music spilled into many other areas. His tracksChina and Good Evening Beijing were used by Lou Ye on the soundtrack of the award- winning film “Spring Fever”, as well as “Floating City Mystery”. An experimental collaboration with his brother Zhang Wei saw Chinese classical instruments being blended with electronic dance rhythms in the WHAI band. Mickey took on the job of musical director for Shanghai Fashion Week and the China edition of the Burning Man Promotional Video. He has also been on remix duty for Ye Mingzi’s Listen to your Heart, Ken Ishii’s The Axe Murderer, and Chinese star Eason Chan. He’s been on stage in panels at ADE, Canadian Music Week and the IMS Asia Pacific; and most recently was invited to be director of the 2017 Midi Electronic Music Festival.What’s next? Well, just wait and see...


2007 August – WIRE07 (Live) Yokohama, Japan

2008 January – Midem Opening night (DJ) Cannes, France

2008 March - Olympics museum (Live) Lausanne, Swiss

2008 August - WIRE08 (Live) Yokohama, Japan

2009 March - CANADA Music Week (DJ) Toronto, Canada

2010 January - Bangkok International Dance Music Festival 2012 July - Street

parade, Switzerland

2016 April - Boiler Room, China

2016 August - EXIT Festival (W/Whai), Serbia

2016 October – Oz Asia Festival(W/Whai), Australia

2016 October – Cervantes International Art Festival (DJ), Mexico 2016 October – China

week(DJ), Costa Rica

2016 October – ADE(DJ), Netherlands

2017 October – ADE(DJ&Live set), Netherlands

Sound track


“Best Screenplay2009” Cannes Film Festival

Film Title: Spring Fever, Director Lou Ye (China, France) License Track: “China”


Film Title: Mystery directed by LouYe License Track: “Good evening Beijing”!


Film Title: Ford x Song Zan Hotel VR, Music Director

Film Title: Burning man promotion Video (Chinese Version), Music Director Event Title: 2016

Shanghai Fashion Week “Sara Yun correction show ” , Music Director


2004 / Ye Ming Zi “listen to your heart (Stay remix)” / R&C Japan ltd 2009 / Ken Ishii “The Axe Murderer (Mickey Zhang remix) ” / 70 Drums 2014 /华人乐坛一哥陈奕迅制作新专辑主打歌《娱乐天空》


2003 / Mickey Zhang “E ective” / Modern Sky, China / Album

2008 / WIRE08 Compilation “China” / Ki/oon, Sony, Japan / V.A

2016 / B to A / Spagat Music, Germany / EP

2016 / The Root / Resopal Schallware, Germany / Vinyl EP

2017 / Huan Zhen /Ran Music, China / Vinyl Single

2018 / Electric horse / Pussyfoot, UK/ Vinyl EP

More imformation

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mickey+zahng

Mixcloud: http://www.mixcloud.com/Mickey-Zhang

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mickeyzhang

Support DJs

Dommy Liu



而在Dommy音乐风格日趋成熟的同时,他还参与了多个中国著名电音派对的组织,2009年至2011年三年间受邀参加中国顶级舞曲品牌(“YEN “Black “焱” 黑 色)派对和(YEN 焱) 7周年庆典派对。而每年都荣获登陆众多DJ无限向往的北京MIDI音乐节“焱”电音舞台,以及海洋MIDI电音舞台。与国际电音艺术家同台演出经历更让他的音乐灵感更加丰富,Dommy的音乐才华也得到相当的认可。

Dommy Liu cutting-edge electronic music representative of China, Chengdu-famous electronic music party [fog WU], founder of many organizations to send teams to the hearts of the hottest DJ. Childhood art school music professional training for his future as an excellent electronic music and laid a very solid foundation for his music excellent keen sensibility and distinctive qualities, quickly made him the electronic music scene in China electronic music players can not be ignored. And walk in the Shanghai-Chengdu-Chongqing between their favorite electronic music party, will travel with the show to enhance musical literacy as inspiration.

2003 CLUB Dommy in the country as well as different types of parties in frequent performances, not only trained his amazing charisma, more so his ability to control increasingly live music addictive, in addition to electronic music usually have a rhythm and passion, storytelling general mood music has become his musical expression tag. He has a full facial intellectual rhythm, dance concept unique personality, deeply rooted emotional choreography, from the delicate to the outbreak of the House of Techno, it has already become Dommy allow more music lovers a reason.

In Dommy musical style matured at the same time, he was also involved in a number of China's famous electronic music party organization, and between 2009 to 2011 were invited to participate in three of China's top dance music brands ("YEN" Black "Yan" Black) party and (YEN Yan) 7 anniversary party. And every year, he won numerous DJ landing infinite yearning Beijing MIDI Music Festival "Yan" electronic music scene, as well as marine MIDI electronic music scene. And international electronic music artists on the same stage experience led to his musical inspiration richer, Dommy musical talent has also been considerable recognition.


Nelson W,98年开始电音生涯,他热爱TOURING,享受电子音乐给他和他的“电粉”们带来的快感,重庆,成都,上海,深圳,广州,杭州,昆明,宁波,北京,贵阳。。。众多的FEST,CLUB,BAR,PARTY都留下了他极具个性标签和张力的HOUSE .DEEP HOUSE. TECHNO. TECH HOUSE 之音,他的现场表演从来都如此尽兴,他拥有属于自己的“电音哲学”和“电音军团”。他就是DJ nelson (wongxu) -----大型户外活动。

He began to electronic music career for 98 years, he loves TOURING, enjoy electronic music for him and his "powder" pleasure, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Kunming, Ningbo, Beijing, Guiyang... A large number of FEST, CLUB, BAR, PARTY have left him highly personalized labels and HOUSE.DEEP HOUSE. TECHNO. TECH tension HOUSE voice, his live performance has never been so much that he has his own "electronic music philosophy" and "electronic music corps". He is DJ Nelson (wongxu) - a large outdoor activity.




Mickey Zhang[HOLDING]

<Mickey Zhang, Dommy Liu, Nelson W>


40/70 RMB



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