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The Practicum Experience
“Don’t waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself
on the work before you, well assured that the right
performance of this hour’s duties will be the best
preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essayist and Poet, 1803-
Chapter Objectives
 Identify the purpose of a practicum.
 List three benefits of a practicum experience.
 Describe three ways to prepare for a practicum.
 Is an exciting learning experience that affords you the
opportunity to observe and participate in diverse
experimental community or clinical settings.
 During the practicum, personal change, professional
growth, and self-assessment will empower your sense
of development as a professional.
 The opportunity to work in a practical setting within your
field coupled with supportive guidance from
the instructor will give you a strong sense of
professional self-growth.
 A practicum is an exciting opportunity to learn and gain
"real world" experience in the field.
 Although it is recognized that field experience requires
time, energy and personal commitment beyond that of
traditional University classes practicum are a fun part of
the educational program which many students have
considered to be a highlight of their education.
 Is a course, often in a specialized field
of study, that is designed to give
students supervised practical
application of a previously or
concurrently studied theory.
 Practicums (student practicals/
experiments/ community development
projects) are common for improving
education and social work majors. It is
also called work placement.
The Purpose of a Practicum
 Educational programs – clinicals, externship,
internship, hands-on experience, on-site learning,
experiential learning
 “Real-life” learning experience obtained through
working on-site in a health care facility while still
enrolled as a student.
 Practicum-type learning experience before you
 Some programs begin the practicum experience early
in the curriculum, integrating classroom instruction with
hands-on experience.
 Other programs complete classroom instruction first
and schedule the practicum at the end of the program
just prior to graduation.
Why should I worry about my
Your practicum
is one of the
most important part
of your education.
The Benefits of a Practicum
 Is an oppportunity to apply the knowledge
and skills you've acquired during the
classroom portion of your training in an
actual health care setting while still a
 If you perform well, your practicum could
also result in an employment
recommendation or a job offer when you
 Some practicums include monetary
compensation, but most do not.
Reminders for Practicumers
 The site supervisor will assign your work hours, break times,
duties and responsibilities.
 You are there as a student to learn and to hone your
knowledge and skills. You are not there as an employee.
 Participating in a practicum is a privilege. Whether your
practicum is in a physician practice, surgery department,
imaging center, or clinical lab, you are a guest in that facility.
 The site supervisor has the right to terminate your practicum
at any point in time if he/she believes that your appearance,
attitude, or performance negatively affects the site's patients,
visitors, physicians, or employees.
 Practicum is an excellent opportunity to “prove yourself”.
Apply everything you've learned and begin establishing your
own reputation as a health care professional.
Benefits of Practicum
 It may help you determine what types of
patients you'd like to work with after
 Your practicum can help you make
decisions before you accept a job offer,
without having to realize later that it's not
a good match for you and your career
Real life scenario
 Working in pediatrics can be very rewarding, but it takes a certain type
of person to do this. Sometimes students have an unrealistic image of
working with children. They imagine themselves holding and cuddling
newborns and small children. They don't always think about children
being sick and parents being upset. Experience shows about half of
the students who say they want to work in peds change their minds
after a pediatric practicum.
 Radiography students who think they want to specialize in neuro
procedures, or surgical technology students who think they want to
scrub in on cardiovascular cases may change their minds after
working with these types of patients during clinicals.
 Pharmacy technician students may think that a hospital pharmacy
would be their first choice and physical therapy assistants may plan on
working in an outpatient rehabilitation center after graduation. But
after their practicum experience, the pharmacy techs might instead
aim for jobs in retail pharmacies and the physical therapy assistants
might seek employment in acute care hospitals.
Tips for Practicumers
 Your performance during your practicum will be evaluated based on
criteria established by your educational program. It's likely that you will
receive a grade based on your performance.
 While you are on your practicum, feel free to ask questions.
 The employees who work there will know that you are a student. They
expect you to be a little bit nervous at first and won't hold you
accountable for knowing everything when you start.
 By asking questions, you will show an interest in what goes on at the
 While it's a good idea to ask questions, it's equally important to
remember the answers and not ask the same questions repeatedly.
 Asking the same questions multiple times could not only irritate
people, it could make you appear incompetent.
 If you want to remember something important, write it down on a
Preparing for Your Practicum
 Some educational programs schedule on-site observations
for students to visit potential sites prior to selecting, or being
assigned to, a practicum location.
 During an observation, you'll gain valuable information about
the people who work there and the pace at which they work.
 It's a good idea to do some research before you get there.
The more that you know about the site, the better prepared
you will be and the more at ease you will feel on your first
 On your first assigned day allow sufficient travel time to
arrive at the site at least 15 minutes early so you will feel
more comfortable and less rushed. You don't want to arrive
late or appear unprepared.
 Remeber: You never get a second chance to make a
good first impression.
 Is it a friendly, service-oriented facility?
 How do the employees interact with their
coworkers, patients, physicians, and visitors?
 Is the environment fast-paced or slow-paced?
 Which type of environment would be most
comfortable for you?
Some students prefer a fast paced environment
and they get bored when things move too
slowly. Other students prefer a slower pace and
feel rushed if things move too quickly.
 Do they have a web site or printed materials
that you could review?
Tips in Preparing for
 Make contact with the site supervisor before your first
assigned day.
 Check with your instructor first to get permission, then call
the site and introduce yourself.
 Ask about the dress code, even if your instructor has already
told you about it.
 Confirm your start date and the hours that you will be there.
 If there are days when you will need to leave early for a prior
commitment, this is the time to let the site supervisor know.
By doing this ahead of time, you will demonstrate
professionalism and an interest in the site even before you
 Travel to the site a few days before your practicum
starts.Note the travel time.

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The Practicum Experience

  • 1. The Practicum Experience “Don’t waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour’s duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essayist and Poet, 1803- 1882
  • 2. Chapter Objectives  Identify the purpose of a practicum.  List three benefits of a practicum experience.  Describe three ways to prepare for a practicum.
  • 3. Practicum  Is an exciting learning experience that affords you the opportunity to observe and participate in diverse experimental community or clinical settings.  During the practicum, personal change, professional growth, and self-assessment will empower your sense of development as a professional.  The opportunity to work in a practical setting within your field coupled with supportive guidance from the instructor will give you a strong sense of professional self-growth.  A practicum is an exciting opportunity to learn and gain "real world" experience in the field.  Although it is recognized that field experience requires time, energy and personal commitment beyond that of traditional University classes practicum are a fun part of the educational program which many students have considered to be a highlight of their education.
  • 4. Practicum  Is a course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.  Practicums (student practicals/ experiments/ community development projects) are common for improving education and social work majors. It is also called work placement.
  • 5. The Purpose of a Practicum  Educational programs – clinicals, externship, internship, hands-on experience, on-site learning, experiential learning  “Real-life” learning experience obtained through working on-site in a health care facility while still enrolled as a student.  Practicum-type learning experience before you graduate.  Some programs begin the practicum experience early in the curriculum, integrating classroom instruction with hands-on experience.  Other programs complete classroom instruction first and schedule the practicum at the end of the program just prior to graduation.
  • 6. Why should I worry about my practicum? Your practicum is one of the most important part of your education.
  • 7. The Benefits of a Practicum Experience  Is an oppportunity to apply the knowledge and skills you've acquired during the classroom portion of your training in an actual health care setting while still a student.  If you perform well, your practicum could also result in an employment recommendation or a job offer when you graduate.  Some practicums include monetary compensation, but most do not.
  • 8. Reminders for Practicumers  The site supervisor will assign your work hours, break times, duties and responsibilities.  You are there as a student to learn and to hone your knowledge and skills. You are not there as an employee.  Participating in a practicum is a privilege. Whether your practicum is in a physician practice, surgery department, imaging center, or clinical lab, you are a guest in that facility.  The site supervisor has the right to terminate your practicum at any point in time if he/she believes that your appearance, attitude, or performance negatively affects the site's patients, visitors, physicians, or employees.  Practicum is an excellent opportunity to “prove yourself”. Apply everything you've learned and begin establishing your own reputation as a health care professional.
  • 9. Benefits of Practicum  It may help you determine what types of patients you'd like to work with after graduation.  Your practicum can help you make decisions before you accept a job offer, without having to realize later that it's not a good match for you and your career goal.
  • 10. Real life scenario  Working in pediatrics can be very rewarding, but it takes a certain type of person to do this. Sometimes students have an unrealistic image of working with children. They imagine themselves holding and cuddling newborns and small children. They don't always think about children being sick and parents being upset. Experience shows about half of the students who say they want to work in peds change their minds after a pediatric practicum.  Radiography students who think they want to specialize in neuro procedures, or surgical technology students who think they want to scrub in on cardiovascular cases may change their minds after working with these types of patients during clinicals.  Pharmacy technician students may think that a hospital pharmacy would be their first choice and physical therapy assistants may plan on working in an outpatient rehabilitation center after graduation. But after their practicum experience, the pharmacy techs might instead aim for jobs in retail pharmacies and the physical therapy assistants might seek employment in acute care hospitals.
  • 11. Tips for Practicumers  Your performance during your practicum will be evaluated based on criteria established by your educational program. It's likely that you will receive a grade based on your performance.  While you are on your practicum, feel free to ask questions.  The employees who work there will know that you are a student. They expect you to be a little bit nervous at first and won't hold you accountable for knowing everything when you start.  By asking questions, you will show an interest in what goes on at the site.  While it's a good idea to ask questions, it's equally important to remember the answers and not ask the same questions repeatedly.  Asking the same questions multiple times could not only irritate people, it could make you appear incompetent.  If you want to remember something important, write it down on a notepad.
  • 12. Preparing for Your Practicum  Some educational programs schedule on-site observations for students to visit potential sites prior to selecting, or being assigned to, a practicum location.  During an observation, you'll gain valuable information about the people who work there and the pace at which they work.  It's a good idea to do some research before you get there. The more that you know about the site, the better prepared you will be and the more at ease you will feel on your first day.  On your first assigned day allow sufficient travel time to arrive at the site at least 15 minutes early so you will feel more comfortable and less rushed. You don't want to arrive late or appear unprepared.  Remeber: You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
  • 13. Observations  Is it a friendly, service-oriented facility?  How do the employees interact with their coworkers, patients, physicians, and visitors?  Is the environment fast-paced or slow-paced?  Which type of environment would be most comfortable for you? Some students prefer a fast paced environment and they get bored when things move too slowly. Other students prefer a slower pace and feel rushed if things move too quickly.  Do they have a web site or printed materials that you could review?
  • 14. Tips in Preparing for Practicum  Make contact with the site supervisor before your first assigned day.  Check with your instructor first to get permission, then call the site and introduce yourself.  Ask about the dress code, even if your instructor has already told you about it.  Confirm your start date and the hours that you will be there.  If there are days when you will need to leave early for a prior commitment, this is the time to let the site supervisor know. By doing this ahead of time, you will demonstrate professionalism and an interest in the site even before you arrive.  Travel to the site a few days before your practicum starts.Note the travel time.
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