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Unit 1: Herman Melville’s
        Moby Dick

      ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   1
Unit 1 outline

•   Herman Melville’s life, works and literary
•   An introduction to Moby Dick (1851)
•   Movie: Moby Dick, dir. John Huston (1956)
•   Novel: analysis of chapters 1, 28, 34, 41

               ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   2
1. H. Melville’s Life, Works and Literary Significance

 Handout pp. 1-4
 The basics:
 • Heredity but loss of fortune
 • Works at several odd jobs
 • Sails on various whaler ships (lives with a tribe
   in the Marquesas, explores in Tahiti and Eimeo,
 • 1844 starts writing, with irregular success, revival
   from 1919
 • Psychological, economic and familiar distress
                   ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez    3
Main works

Typee (1846)
Omoo (1847)
Mardi (1849)
Redburn (1849)
White Jacket (1850)
Moby Dick; or The Whale (1851)

          ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   4
Main works (cont.)

Pierre (1852)
Israel Potter (1855)
The Piazza Tales (1856)
The Confidence Man (1857)
Battle Pieces (1866)
Clarel (1876)
Billy Budd (posthumous, 1924)

         ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   5

•“The man who lived among the cannibals”
•“The first American literary sex symbol”
•Mostly appreciated as author of travel narratives
•Not admired for more philosophical works
•Criticised for his style and morals
•Forgotten in the postbellun literary world
•Revival on centennial in 1919
•Today: mass consumption of Melville in
classroom and popular culture
                  ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez     6
Main themes

• Religion: original sin and evil / innocence
• Man in society and nature
• Man as maker of his own identity:
   – Appearances
   – Mortality
   – Inability to know the universe
   – Need for love and his fellow men
• Race
   – civilized/savage
• Gender and sexuality
   – Masculine world
                     ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   7
   – Homoerotic overtones      Falquina
Melville’s influences and style
Experience (sea voyages, whaling)
• Influence in Moby Dick (dedicated to Hawthorne): style,
   quest for the meaning of life…
• Melville’s review “Hawthorne and his Mosses” (1850)
In common:
• obscurity, darkness and pessimism
• Romantic concern with good and evil
• philosophical ideas and obsessions
• Two kinds of audience: the mob and the eagle-eyed
• Hawthorne: individuals
• Melville: philosophical or metaphysical matters (more
                     ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez         8
   negative view)              Falquina
Melville’s influences and style

Dark Romanticism
• Hawthorne, Melville, Edgar Allan Poe
• View of Man: moral struggle with evil; feelings and
  intuition; dark interior
• View of God: good v. evil; sin and its psychological
  effects on people
• View of Nature: evil found in setting and symbol;
  often the supernatural
• View of Society: must be reformed
Shakespeare (Style, poetic diction, verbal
 exuberance, especially in dramatic monologues)
The Bible (Old Testament)
                   ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez        9
An introduction to Moby Dick

Handout p. 5
•   Reception and relevance
•   Context
•   General interpretation
•   Plot
•   Themes
•   Characters
•   Narrative voice
•   Influences, style and tone
•   Symbolism
•   Epilogue
                      ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   10
Reception and Relevance
“ an ill compounded mixture of romance and
matter of fact. It is a crazy sort of affair, stuffed
with conceits and oddities of all kinds, put in
artificially, deliberately and affectedly” (Boston
Post, November 20, 1851)

“The best American novel”
“An American classic by the American
Shakespeare” (common views, today)
                    ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez      11
ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   12
ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   13
ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   14
ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   15
Coming of age of the US (economical, political,
  – definition of Americanness, American democracy, …

Mexican-American war 1846-48 and
Civil War 1861-65
  – Imperialism, liberty, American individualism, race…

In literature:
•1850s American Renaissance
•Debate: American vs. English
                   ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez         16
General interpretation

Two narrative levels:
•A voyage on board a whaler which ends tragically
•The conflict between human life and nature, the
quest for the meaning of life

Various possible readings:
•Religious symbolism
•Adventure story
•Nature documentary
                 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   17
Initial situation

• Ishmael goes on his first
  whaling voyage aboard
  the Pequod.

• In New Bedford he meets

• Introduction of the
  Pequod crew ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   18
“How it is I know not; but there is no place
like a bed for confidential disclosures
between friends. Man and wife, they say,
there open the very bottom of their souls
to each other; and some old couples often
lie and chat over old times till nearly
morning. Thus, then, in our hearts'
honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg—a cosy,
loving pair” (Chapter 10)

              ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   19

• Ishmael is caught up in
  Captain Ahab’s quest for
  revenge on the White
  Whale, Moby Dick.

• Ahab makes his first
  appearance and shows
  his obsession

                 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   20
“Come, Ahab's compliments to ye; come and
see if ye can swerve me. Swerve me? ye cannot
swerve me, else ye swerve yourselves! man has
ye there. Swerve me? The path to my fixed
purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul
is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges,
through the rifled hearts of mountains, under
torrents' beds, unerringly I rush! Naught's an
obstacle, naught's an angle to the iron way!”
(Chapter 37)

               ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   21


• While Ahab searches for
  Moby Dick, the Pequod
  continues everyday
  whaling activities

• Conflict     between     the
  official purpose of the ship
  and Ahab’s secret one
                ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   22

Between Chapter 36 (Ahab’s declaration of his
  real quest) and Chapter 133 (Ahab sees
  Moby Dick):
  –   Whale biology, industry, and sea voyages
  –   An extra boat crew
  –   The Pequod’s journey
  –   Bad omens

• Captain Ahab sights Moby Dick.

                  ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   23
ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   24
Everett Henry
The Voyage of the Pequod from the book Moby Dick by Herman Melville.
Cleveland: Harris-Seybold, 1956

                      ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez                   25
“Fashioned at last into an arrowy shape, and
welded by Perth to the shank, the steel soon
pointed the end of the iron; and as the blacksmith
was about giving the barbs their final heat, prior to
tempering them, he cried to Ahab to place the
water-cask near.
‘No, no - no water for that; I want it of the true
death-temper. Ahoy, there! Tashtego, Queequeg,
Daggoo! What say ye, pagans! Will ye give me as
much blood as will cover this barb?’ holding it high
up. A cluster of dark nods replied, Yes. Three
punctures were made in the heathen flesh, and the
White Whale's barbs were then tempered.
‘Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in
nomine diaboli!’ deliriously howled Ahab, as the
malignant iron scorchingly devoured the baptismal
blood” (Chapter 18)
                 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   26


• The     Pequod
  chases    Moby
  Dick for three

            ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   27

• Moby Dick
  destroys the
  Pequod and
  nearly everyone
  on board is
• Ahab’s drowning/
  strangling death

              ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   28
“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying
but unconquering whale; to the last I
grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab
at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last
breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all
hearses to one common pool! and since
neither can be mine, let me then tow to
pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied
to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give
up the spear!” (Chapter 135)

              ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   29


• Epilogue: only Ishmael
  survives to tell the
• He is saved by
  Queequeg’s coffin

                 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   30

•Obession, revenge and madness
•Fate and free will
•Truth, knowledge, language
•Gender and sexuality

               ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   31
•Moby Dick
•Fedallah ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez
Narrative voice

•Ishmael as first person narrator
  – Central (protagonist)
  – Peripheral (observer)
•Third person narrator, omniscient
•Dramatic style

               ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   33
Influences, Style and Tone

•Tragedy and medieval romance
•Cetology and other areas of knowledge

•Complex, adorned, metaphorical, exuberant...

•Versatility: thoughtful, elevated, humorous.
                     ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   34

•The Pequod
•Moby Dick
•The Gold Doubloon
•Queequeg’s coffin

             ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   35

“And I only am escaped alone to tell thee”

             ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez   36

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Presentaci n 1_melville

  • 1. Unit 1: Herman Melville’s Moby Dick ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 1 Falquina
  • 2. Unit 1 outline • Herman Melville’s life, works and literary significance • An introduction to Moby Dick (1851) • Movie: Moby Dick, dir. John Huston (1956) • Novel: analysis of chapters 1, 28, 34, 41 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 2 Falquina
  • 3. 1. H. Melville’s Life, Works and Literary Significance Handout pp. 1-4 The basics: • Heredity but loss of fortune • Works at several odd jobs • Sails on various whaler ships (lives with a tribe in the Marquesas, explores in Tahiti and Eimeo, Honolulu...) • 1844 starts writing, with irregular success, revival from 1919 • Psychological, economic and familiar distress ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 3 Falquina
  • 4. Main works Typee (1846) Omoo (1847) Mardi (1849) Redburn (1849) White Jacket (1850) Moby Dick; or The Whale (1851) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 4 Falquina
  • 5. Main works (cont.) Pierre (1852) Israel Potter (1855) The Piazza Tales (1856) The Confidence Man (1857) Battle Pieces (1866) Clarel (1876) Billy Budd (posthumous, 1924) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 5 Falquina
  • 6. Relevance •“The man who lived among the cannibals” •“The first American literary sex symbol” •Mostly appreciated as author of travel narratives •Not admired for more philosophical works •Criticised for his style and morals •Forgotten in the postbellun literary world •Revival on centennial in 1919 •Today: mass consumption of Melville in classroom and popular culture ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 6 Falquina
  • 7. Main themes • Religion: original sin and evil / innocence • Man in society and nature • Man as maker of his own identity: – Appearances – Mortality – Inability to know the universe – Need for love and his fellow men • Race – civilized/savage • Gender and sexuality – Masculine world ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 7 – Homoerotic overtones Falquina
  • 8. Melville’s influences and style Experience (sea voyages, whaling) Hawthorne • Influence in Moby Dick (dedicated to Hawthorne): style, quest for the meaning of life… • Melville’s review “Hawthorne and his Mosses” (1850) In common: • obscurity, darkness and pessimism • Romantic concern with good and evil • philosophical ideas and obsessions • Two kinds of audience: the mob and the eagle-eyed Differences: • Hawthorne: individuals • Melville: philosophical or metaphysical matters (more ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 8 negative view) Falquina
  • 9. Melville’s influences and style Dark Romanticism • Hawthorne, Melville, Edgar Allan Poe • View of Man: moral struggle with evil; feelings and intuition; dark interior • View of God: good v. evil; sin and its psychological effects on people • View of Nature: evil found in setting and symbol; often the supernatural • View of Society: must be reformed Shakespeare (Style, poetic diction, verbal exuberance, especially in dramatic monologues) The Bible (Old Testament) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 9 Falquina
  • 10. An introduction to Moby Dick Handout p. 5 • Reception and relevance • Context • General interpretation • Plot • Themes • Characters • Narrative voice • Influences, style and tone • Symbolism • Epilogue ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 10 Falquina
  • 11. Reception and Relevance From... “ an ill compounded mixture of romance and matter of fact. It is a crazy sort of affair, stuffed with conceits and oddities of all kinds, put in artificially, deliberately and affectedly” (Boston Post, November 20, 1851) To… “The best American novel” “An American classic by the American Shakespeare” (common views, today) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 11 Falquina
  • 12. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 12 Falquina
  • 13. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 13 Falquina
  • 14. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 14 Falquina
  • 15. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 15 Falquina
  • 16. Context Coming of age of the US (economical, political, social) – definition of Americanness, American democracy, … Mexican-American war 1846-48 and Civil War 1861-65 – Imperialism, liberty, American individualism, race… In literature: •1850s American Renaissance •Debate: American vs. English ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 16 Falquina
  • 17. General interpretation Two narrative levels: •A voyage on board a whaler which ends tragically •The conflict between human life and nature, the quest for the meaning of life Various possible readings: •Religious symbolism •Adventure story •Nature documentary •(...) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 17 Falquina
  • 18. Plot Initial situation • Ishmael goes on his first whaling voyage aboard the Pequod. • In New Bedford he meets Queequeg • Introduction of the Pequod crew ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 18 Falquina
  • 19. “How it is I know not; but there is no place like a bed for confidential disclosures between friends. Man and wife, they say, there open the very bottom of their souls to each other; and some old couples often lie and chat over old times till nearly morning. Thus, then, in our hearts' honeymoon, lay I and Queequeg—a cosy, loving pair” (Chapter 10) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 19 Falquina
  • 20. Plot Conflict • Ishmael is caught up in Captain Ahab’s quest for revenge on the White Whale, Moby Dick. • Ahab makes his first appearance and shows his obsession ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 20 Falquina
  • 21. “Come, Ahab's compliments to ye; come and see if ye can swerve me. Swerve me? ye cannot swerve me, else ye swerve yourselves! man has ye there. Swerve me? The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over unsounded gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents' beds, unerringly I rush! Naught's an obstacle, naught's an angle to the iron way!” (Chapter 37) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 21 Falquina
  • 22. Plot Complication • While Ahab searches for Moby Dick, the Pequod continues everyday whaling activities • Conflict between the official purpose of the ship and Ahab’s secret one ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 22 Falquina
  • 23. Plot Between Chapter 36 (Ahab’s declaration of his real quest) and Chapter 133 (Ahab sees Moby Dick): – Whale biology, industry, and sea voyages – An extra boat crew – The Pequod’s journey – Bad omens Climax • Captain Ahab sights Moby Dick. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 23 Falquina
  • 24. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 24 Falquina
  • 25. Everett Henry The Voyage of the Pequod from the book Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Cleveland: Harris-Seybold, 1956 ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 25 Falquina
  • 26. “Fashioned at last into an arrowy shape, and welded by Perth to the shank, the steel soon pointed the end of the iron; and as the blacksmith was about giving the barbs their final heat, prior to tempering them, he cried to Ahab to place the water-cask near. ‘No, no - no water for that; I want it of the true death-temper. Ahoy, there! Tashtego, Queequeg, Daggoo! What say ye, pagans! Will ye give me as much blood as will cover this barb?’ holding it high up. A cluster of dark nods replied, Yes. Three punctures were made in the heathen flesh, and the White Whale's barbs were then tempered. ‘Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in nomine diaboli!’ deliriously howled Ahab, as the malignant iron scorchingly devoured the baptismal blood” (Chapter 18) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 26 Falquina
  • 27. Plot Suspense • The Pequod chases Moby Dick for three days ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 27 Falquina
  • 28. Plot Denouement • Moby Dick destroys the Pequod and nearly everyone on board is killed… • Ahab’s drowning/ strangling death ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 28 Falquina
  • 29. “Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common pool! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!” (Chapter 135) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 29 Falquina
  • 30. Plot Conclusion • Epilogue: only Ishmael survives to tell the story • He is saved by Queequeg’s coffin ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 30 Falquina
  • 31. Themes •Obession, revenge and madness •Fate and free will •Good/evil •Nature •Truth, knowledge, language •Race •Gender and sexuality ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 31 Falquina
  • 32. Characters •Ishmael •Ahab •Queequeg •Moby Dick •Starbuck •Stubb •Flask •Tashtego •Dagoo •Pip •Fedallah ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez Falquina 32
  • 33. Narrative voice •Ishmael as first person narrator – Central (protagonist) – Peripheral (observer) •Third person narrator, omniscient •Dramatic style ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 33 Falquina
  • 34. Influences, Style and Tone Influences: •Hawthorne •Shakespeare •Tragedy and medieval romance •Cetology and other areas of knowledge Style: •Complex, adorned, metaphorical, exuberant... Tone: •Versatility: thoughtful, elevated, humorous. ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 34 Falquina
  • 35. Symbolism •The Pequod •Moby Dick •The Gold Doubloon •Sperm •Queequeg’s coffin ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 35 Falquina
  • 36. Epilogue “And I only am escaped alone to tell thee” (Job) ILN 2011-2012, Silvia Martínez 36 Falquina
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