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开放英语2. Unit 19. 1.Not … ..until …… 表示 “ 直到 …… 才 … .. ” eg: They didn ’ t turn up until 9.00 last night. 2.a mess/to be in a mess, 指 “ 杂乱,乱七八糟的样子 ” eg: This room is a real mess! My hair is a real mess. What happened to you? You look a mess.

lois lois
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  1. 开放英语2

  2. Unit 19 1.Not…..until……表示“直到……才…..” eg: They didn’t turn up until 9.00 last night. 2.a mess/to be in a mess,指“杂乱,乱七八糟的样子” eg: This room is a real mess! My hair is a real mess. What happened to you? You look a mess. My room’s in a mess.

  3. 动词的过去式:不规则变化:大体上归纳有以下六条记忆法: 1. 以t结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。 如:put--put, let--let, cut--cut, beat-beat 2. 以d结尾的词,把d变成t。 如:build-built, lend-lent, send-sent, spend-spent 3. 以n结尾的词,在词后加t。 如:mean—meant, burn—burnt, learn—learnt 4. 以ow / aw结尾的词,把ow / aw变成ew。 如:blow—blew, draw—drew, know—knew, grow—grew 5. 含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。 如:keep—kept, sleep—slept, feel—felt, smell—smelt 6. 含有元音字母o / i的词,将o / i变成a。 如:sing—sang, give—gave, sit—sat, drink—drank Key to Activity 3 :1. closed 2. answered 3. helped 4. cried5. agreed 6. played 7. arrived 8. shopped

  4. 规则动词的过去式 • 一般过去式用来表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态. 1.一般过去式的否定式,do not---did not/didn’t , is not---was not , are not—were not eg: I did not (didn’t) like swimming when I was a child. He was not (wasn’t) late. They were not (weren’t) at home yesterday. 2.情态动词can的过去式是could,否定式是could not (couldn’t) eg: She could not (couldn’t )come to the party. 3.当have表示“有”时,过去式是had,否定式是had not (hadn’t).当不表示“有”时,其否定式是did not (didn’t) have eg: We hadn’t books before. They didn’t have a good time.

  5. 4.一般过去式疑问句与简略回答 Did you go swimming yesterday? Yes,I did. Did she watch television last night? No,she didn’t. Was Polly at the party? Yes, she was. Were they in the restaurant? No,they weren’t. 5.一般过去时的特殊疑问句 特殊疑问句常常以疑问词(who, what, where, why, when, how)开头. eg: where did you go ? Who did you see there? What did you do ? When were you in the pub? 6.不规则动词的过去式 stopped went (go) saw (see) said (say) flew (fly) had (have) came (come) told (tell)

  6. 1.时间短语 一般过去时的句子常常带有表示过去时间概念的短语,如:yesterday, last month等 eg: We cleared up this morning. Did you have a good time last night? 2.anyone ,someone, no one (anybody, somebody, nobody)在肯定句中一般用someone/somebody和no one/nobody,在否定句中和疑问句中一般用anyone/anybody. eg: He didn’t talk to anyone else. I talked to someone .He didn’t talk to anyone. He talked to no one else the whole evening. 3.形容词修饰anything,something,nothing等不定代词时应放在其后面 eg: I don’t want to watch anything sad. I like something exciting like an adventure film.

  7. Unit 20 连词although,but,because的用法 Although表示“虽然…..,但是…..”既可放在句首,也可放在句后.But表示语气的转折. eg: Although the plot is weak, the action is really fantastic. Although the action is really fantastic, the plot is weak. The action is really fantastic, although the plot is weak. It is very enjoyable, but it’s not a film to watch before bedtime! Rather simple but very funny. Because表示解释事情的原因 eg: I like this film because the actors are very good and the plot is interesting. Because it was late,they did not go to the film.

  8. 1. 提出建议 How about seeing this one? What about dinner? Why don’t we go to a restaurant? Shall we have a sandwich? Let’s do that. 2.回复别人提出的建议并表达个人偏好 同意:Ok./Ok then./That’s a good idea./Great. 非常赞赏:Brilliant./Fantastic./That’s a fantastic idea. 不同意:Shall we go to the theatre tonight? I’d prefer to see a film. I prefercinema/seeing film I’d rather go to the cinema . I’d rather not. I’m quite tired.

  9. 1.点菜用语 常用这样几种句型:Cold we have…? I’ll have…, I’d like…, for eg: Could we have the goat’s cheese and green salad, please? I’ll have a steak ,please. The seafood pie for me,please. I’d like fried cod(鳕鱼),please 2.用very, really修饰形容词 Really语气比very要强,very不能和表示极限的形容词搭配,例如fantastic, amazing,perfect . eg: very good job ,very funny film ,very bad relationship,very brilliant idea,very great danger. eg: really great ,really amazing special effects,really fantastic acting ,really perfect film, really excellent idea

  10. Unit 21 1.短语动词 to come across to bring back to name…….after to take part in to get on(with) to point out to find out 2.动词to return和to give back的用法 均表示返还的意思 eg. I lent her a book. She returned it last Monday. She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday. 3.动词to rent和 to hire的用法 to rent表示“租用住房”to hire表示“雇佣人做事” eg. I am going to rent a flat. I will hire that company to organize gig.

  11. 现在进行时表示将来 1.现在进行时可以用来表示已经确定无疑的将来的安排. eg. Steve and I are getting the 4.30 pm train. 2.will,to be going to 和现在进行时的区别 1)现在进行时可以用来表示已经做好的安排. I’m visiting my cousins in Australia later this year. 2)to be going to用来表示预先计划好的事情,强调打算,计划性. I’m going to visit my cousins in Australia later this year. 3)will用来表示说话时即时决定做的事,预先没有安排. I’m hungry. I think I will make dinner.

  12. Unit 22 sport 动词play,go和do与运动项目的搭配使用 1.play一般与球类运动搭配使用,也常与game使用. You play football/ice hockey/snooker/golf. You play cards /chess /mah-jongg /draughts. 2.go与涉及身体移动的体育活动搭配使用,通常用go+doing的形式. We go running/jogging/swimming/boating/shopping. 3.参加何种体育运动用动词do. Which sports do you do ? I do Tai Chi /high jump/kung Fu/karate(空手道)/athletic.

  13. 表示频度的词语 1.never occasionally sometimes often usually always 表示频度增高,一般放在行为动词之前,动词宾语之后或句首. I usually go swimming on Tuesday. Occasionally I go jogging. I play cards occasionally during the week. 2.every+表示时间的名词 every day/week/month/year every morning/noon/afternoon/evening every Monday/Tuesday…. 3.基数词+times+a+表示时间的名词 once a week twice a day three times a month four times a year At least twice a month I play cards with friends.

  14. 形容词副词比较级 1.规则变化 1)单音节词末尾加-er(比较级),-est(最高级) I great greater greatest small smaller smallest 2)单音节如以e结尾,只加-r(比较级),-st(最高级) fine finer finest nice nicer nicest 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er(比较级),-est(最高级) big bigger biggest hot hotter hottest 4)少数以-y,-er,ow,-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er 比较级),-est(最高级)。以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅 字母,则变y为-i,再加-er和-est。以-e结尾的词只加-r和-st。 clever cleverer cleverest narrow narrower narrowest 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more,most来构成比较级和最高级 important more important most important • 不规则变化 • 原级 比较级 最高级 good /well(健康的) better best bad/ ill(有病的) worse worst much/many more most little less least old older/elder oldest/eldest far farther/further farthest/furthest

  15. 1.动词ing 结构 (risk, enjoy, feel like…) They stopped playing when it rained . They finished playing tennis at seven . Would you mindmy opening the window? 2.副词的种类 1)时间副词already still now before today then last year等 It isstillraining. 2)地点副词downstairs around here there down near away等 The children are playing downstairs. (句末) 3)程度副词really very just too quite definitely much等 The weather was quitewarm. (被修饰的形容词或副词) 4) 频度副词ever, often, sometimes, never, always等 I oftensee her in the park. (动词之前/ 宾语之后/ 句末) 5) 方式副词slowly, quickly, well, badly等 He put on his coat quickly. (动词+宾语 之后)

  16. 1. 现在完成时 I’ve had a tennis lesson. I’ve never played tennis before. Have you eaten yet? 2.过去分词 play played eat eaten try tried stay stayed have had see seen go gone come come 3.现在完成时的用法 1)表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果 She has lost her wallet . 2)表示某人的经历 I’ve been to Beijing. She has read the book twice.

  17. 4.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 (结果有无影响,延续性) He worked in that factory for 20 years. He has worked in that factory for 20 years. 5. 形容词和副词 easy easily quick quickly loud loudly bad badly good well fast fast hard hard early early far far 比较级和最高级 better best faster fastest harder hardest earlier earliest farther/further farthest/furthest He drove fast because he was late. He threw it very far, but you threw it furthest.

  18. Unit 23 1.现在进行时 表示正在进行的活动或发生的事情。 eg Ranny is holding a glass of wine. She’ssmiling. 描述人们的穿着打扮时,表示状态 eg He`s wearing a red shirt and jeans. She`s having a pair of blue jeans on. 2.冠词的用法 单数服饰前面用不定冠词,复数前不用冠词。 eg He’s wearing a T-shirt /an open-necked shirt. She’s wearing trousers/ jeans/ boots/ sandals/ shorts/ earings.

  19. 1.多个形容词做修饰语时的位置 观点,判断+长度,高度,形状等+颜色,性质,式样等+材料+物体 my long black silk skirt a tall thin man your short cotton shirt a big red bus a little round wooden house a little old car a long baggy T-shirt a dark blue square table She wore a lovely blue dress.

  20. 1.too 和 not enough的用法 These shoes are too big. These shoes aren`t big enough。 2.one 和ones的用法 用来指代前文提到的某事或某物,以避免重复。复数用ones --You can borrow my dress. --Which one do you mean? Which ones shall we buy ? I like the red ones. *one可以与 this和 that连用 ,而 these和 those后则用ones Look at these shirts. Do you like this/that one? No , but I do like these/those.

  21. 现在完成时 • 表示发生在过去,而且与现在或将来有一定的联系 I`ve bought you a T-shirt. I`ve been shopping. *He`s gone to England .(还没回来) He`s been to England.(现在已经回来了) 有具体时间用过去时。 I went shopping this morning. I loaded the van at ten o`clock.

  22. 1.物主代词 形容词性物主代词:my ,your ,his ,her our their its 名词性物主代词:mine yours his hers ours theirs 2.其他表示所属的方法 Mary`s Charles`

  23. Unit 25 have /get something done have somebody do something使人或安排人做某事 eg I`ve had the first page simplified. I`ve told them that we needed to have the website redesigned. I`ve the car serviced every three months. *have或 get 前常常用need to或 must eg I need to have the car fixed. I must get some slides made.

  24. 反身代词 • 单数:myself yourself himself herself itself • 复数:ourselves yourselves themselves • 反身代词用做状语时,常常起强调作用,译为“亲自”“自己”如果省略也不影响句子的意思。 eg I did it myself . Can you do that yourself or do you want me to do it for you ? *作宾语的时候不可省略。 He hurt himself . *与介词连用 She cooked a meal for herself . He went out by himself .

  25. either, either…or…, either of… • 这几个词都表示两者之间的选择 His name is either Richard or Roland.I am not sure which it is. The new web page can be either blue or red. Which do you want ? You can have either of them . Can either of you come to the meeting?

  26. neither, neither of…,neither…nor • 表示为两者都不 -Which of these two hotels do you like? -Neither. -which of these newspapers would you like ? -Neither of them , thanks. It has neither conference rooms nor email facilities. Neither the Concorde nor the Napoleon has a swimming pool.

  27. both , both of….,both….and… • 用来表示两者都。。。。 -Which of these newspapers have you read? -I`ve read both(of them) -Which of these two hotels do you prefer? • I like both of them . This modern hotel offers both luxury and convenience. Both the Eiffel and the Concorde have email facilities.

  28. 1.动词ask和request的用法 • 动词ask表示“要求”“请求”时,可以有下列用法 to ask +for something I asked for tickets to Paris. to ask+somebody+for something I`ve asked Elaine for a list to ask+somebody+to do something I`ve asked John to check it. 动词 ask还可以表示“询问”,如在下列用法中: to ask (+somebody)+about something I`ve asked( them )about hotels. 动词request表示“要求”“请求”时,比ask显得更正式一些。用法如下: to request +something I`ve requested early flights. • 2。表达请求的不同方法。动词常与一起使用,比显得更礼貌一些。 Can you pick up the tickets tomorrow afternoon, please? Please could you pick up the tickets for Paris?

  29. Unit 26 Making Journeys 1。现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 现在完成时着眼于眼前,而一般过去时着眼于过去 2。by 和 until/till 的用法 • by和until/till都可以与表示时间的词或词组搭配使用,但意思有所不同。 • by表示“不晚于…..,在……之前”;而until/till表示“到……为止”。 • 例如:I’ll finish them by 12.30. We need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock. I’m in a meeting until1.00 They’ll be in Paris till Tuesday. • until 常与否定句连用。not…..until 意为“直到….才”。 例如:I can`t go until this evening.

  30. to tell 的用法 • 动词to tell的用法和to ask很相似,后面可以接不定式,用于ask/tell sb (not)to do sth 结构: I`ll ask her to book one. I`ve told her not to worry about that. • to tell后面也可以接双宾语,即tell sb sth或tell sb about sth He told her about the trip. He told me a long story. • to tell 还可以用来转述他人的话,引导间接引语 “I want a meeting.” I told him (that) I wanted a meeting.

  31. 1.情态动词 • can, could, may, might ,must 都是情态动词,情态动词可以表示推测 • eg He could be at home . She can`t be a teacher. John must be in his seventies. • 情态动词+现在完成时(must ,should, could+have+过去分词)表示对过去事情的猜测。但语气不同,意思也有所不同。 • Could have done …..表示过去能做的事情而没有做,惋惜之情。 • Must have done ……表示多过去事情的推断,具有较大的可能性。 • Should have done…….表示应该做的事而没有做。 • eg I/He must have left it in the café. I/They could have left it in a shop. I/She should have put it in my bag.

  32. 2. 不定代词 • anything,everything, something,nothing; 和anybody/anyone,everybody/everyone, somebody/someone ,nobody/no one ,前者指物或事情,后者专指人。 • not……anything=nothing • not……anybody/anyone=no one • eg David did not buy anything. He bought nothing. She did not say anything. She said nothing. I did not see anybody with it . I saw nobody with it. • anything 和something的区别 以any开头的不定代词表示“任何…..”,是泛指;而以some开头的不定代词表示“某个/些……”,是不明确的特指。 You can wear anything you like. I’ve bought something to eat. 但在下列问句中,可以互换使用。 Do you want something to eat ? Do you want anything to eat ?

  33. 3.不定副词 everywhere ,nowhere ,somewhere , anywhere 是不定副词,在句中一般用做状语。 They looked everywhere. I`m going nowhere until you are back. I am not going anywhere. He lives somewhere around here. 4.before ,after, while 用于引导时间状语从句, before“在….之前”after“在……之后”while“当……时候” After they checked in , they went through to the departure lounge. Before they embarked , they had a coffee. While they were eating ,they discussed the website. * 当主句和从句的主语一致时,before ,after, while 也可以直接接动词ing形式。

  34. 5. In spite of +名词=although+句子,表示“尽管……”在句中作状语。 In spite of rain, she liked the trip. Although it rained, She liked the trip. 6动词to go的习惯用法 动词to go除了“去”的意思,还有表示事情的进展情况,常和how一起使用。 How is the conference going? How did the conference go? It went very well, thanks. 6.There be 结构可以有不同的时态。 Is there going to be a film? Yes, There`s one in the evening. Will there be a match on Saturday? Yes, There will be one at four o`clock. Is there a letter for me ?Yes ,There is one on the table.

  35. 7.时间表示法 on Wednesday week two days later a day later the next day the day after two days ago 8.表示移动的介词 walk towards walk across run along walk through go down drive up

  36. Unit 27 • 1.great的用法 * 可以在grandparents前加 great 表示曾祖父辈以上的人。例如: great-grandparents great-great-grandparents * great也可在uncle, aunt之前,表示更长一辈 的关系。例如: great-uncle great- aunt 2.家庭成员间呢称的运用 小孩子:Mummy Daddy 通常:Mum Dad aunty/auntie granddad grandma

  37. 3.to take after ,to look like , to be like的用法 * to take after (与家中年长的人性格,长相)像,例如: I take after my grandma . We both have blond hair and blue eyes. He takes after his father . They are both very musical. * to look like (外表)长的像,例如: She looks like her mum . They have the same eyes. She looks like her Aunty Mary. *to be like (性格或行为上)像,例如: He is like his dad. He is an optimist. He`s like his mother ,always rushing around.

  38. 4.used to 的用法 肯定句: Franco used to see his cousins almost every day, but he dose not now. Franco`s father used to be a farmer ,but he isn`t now. 否定句: I didn`t use to like London, but I do now. I didn`t use to smoke , but I do now. 疑问句: Did you used to smoke ? 5 for 和since 用来表示时间 *for表示一段时间。 How long has he lived in London ?He`s lived here for three years. How long did he work there ? Three years. • How long 前一般不用for ,但在省略句中一般需要用for。For how long?/How long for ? *since自从……,用来表示从过去某个具体的时间点开始的动作或状态。 I have been in Scotland since last Friday. *两者的区别: for加时间段, since加时间点 for five minutes ,for two weeks , since yesterday , since five days ago

  39. 带有if的真实条件句 带有if的真实条件句表示可能的条件及其可能带来的结果。其结构为: if从句(表示条件)用现在时,主句(表示结果)用将来时。例如: If I buy it ,the restaurant will be twice the size. If I close it for three months, they will have enough time . If I do it ,you won`t be able to come here. *在这种结构中, if从句既可以用于句首,也可以位于句尾。位于句首时,需要用句号与主句隔开,位于句尾时不用逗号。 If I do it ,you won`t be able to come here. You won`t be able to come here If I do it

  40. So的用法 So可以用来表示强调,“如此,太” , 结果“因此” ,引起倒装,“也” ,表示目的“这样” I find my job so boring. So if I do it ,you won`t be able to come here. I think I should keep the same name. Yes ,so do I. I want to buy the place next door so that I can expand it. 注意这四种句法里的不同句式。 London is so noisy. There was a lot of traffic,so they were late. He`s hungry and so am I . I have a dog .so does he . I`ll phone him so that he can arrange the meeting.

  41. Unit 28 1.现在完成时的用法 *表示过去发生的动作,事情或经历对现在的影响或产生的结果,用现在完成时。 (1) 事情发生在过去,但着眼于现在: I`ve loaded the van. Tim and Mary have discussed the holiday. (2)过去的经历对现在的影响: I`ve played table tennis a lot. Mary has not been on a package holiday. *与ever 和never 的连用。 ever常用于现在完成时的问句中,常放在动词过去分词的前面。 Have you ever been to Mexico? Have they ever spoken to you about China?

  42. never与现在完成时连用,表示否定。意思是“从不”,相当于“not ever” I`ve never been to Mexico . He`s never heard of Bali. 现在完成时的简短回答 Yes , I have . /No , I haven`t. *have been…… have gone……的用法 have been……现在已经不在那儿, have gone……现在还在那儿 Xiaoyan`s been to Paris. Xiaoyan`s gone to Paris. 2。现在完成时和一般过去时 在回答现在完成时的问句时,常会出现时态的变化,往往先用于现在完成时作简短回答,然后用一般过去时补充说明具体情况。 Have you been shopping? Yes, I have .I went this morning.

  43. 与现在完成时连用的副词 ever 和never ever表示“曾经”,常用于现在完成时的疑问句中; never表示“从不,从没有”,常用于构成现在完成时的否定句 Have you ever been to South America? No, I `ve never been there. just表示“刚刚”,强调刚过去的动作或事情对现在的影响,常放在助动词have/has与动词过去分词之间。 I`ve just looked at the list. I`ve just spoken to the caterers. yet 表示目前为止,某件计划中要做的事情还没有做。通常放在句末,用于现在完成时的疑问句或否定句。 There are few things that they have not done yet. I haven`t confirmed the reception yet. Have we booked the photographer yet?

  44. already表示“已经”,常用于肯定句中,常放在助动词have/has与动词过去分词之间,但也可以放在句尾。already表示“已经”,常用于肯定句中,常放在助动词have/has与动词过去分词之间,但也可以放在句尾。 Do you want to see the film? I`ve seen it already .I`ve already seen it. 5。条件状语从句 If 引导的条件状语从句可以和特殊疑问句连用,构成复合句。 Where can he sit if he wants to smoke ? How can I organize the plan if you don`t help me ? What will we do if she arrives late?

  45. Unit 29 • 1、描述方位 • (1)一个地方在另一个地方的东(西、南、北)方向时: • east(south,west,north) of … • Chengdu is northwest of Chongqing. • 成都位于重庆的西北。 • (2)一个地方在另一个地方范围内的某个方位: • in the east(south, west, notth) of… • Kunming is in the southwest of China. • 昆明在中国的西南。 • (3)在某条河或者海岸线上,用介词on: • Qingdao is on the coast. • 青岛在海边。

  46. (4)表示两地之间的距离:数词+距离单位+from:(4)表示两地之间的距离:数词+距离单位+from: • Beiing is 1200 kilometers from Shanghai. • 北京离上海有1200千米远。 • (5)离某地的旅途长短:a+时间+旅行方式+from. • Nanning is a four-hour train journey from Guilin. • 坐火车到桂林用四个小时。

  47. 2、提出建议 • ①Why not go to the cinema? • ②How about visiting our friend next week? • ③Why don’t you go on with it? • ④What about going to have a rest? • ⑤You should visit dali ,it is so nice. • ⑥ If I were you ,I’d would go first.

  48. 3、过去进行时 • 用法:表示过去某时正在发生的动作 • 结构:主语+was(were)+动词的现在分词 • I was writing a letter at 4 yesterday. • They were playing bsketball yesterday afternoon. • 过去进行时与一般过去时连用,前后两个句子可用when, while, as ,and 等连接。 • While I was having dinner, someone knocked the door. • As I was watching TV,he called me . • I was driving along the motorway when my car broke down.

  49. Unit 31 • worry • (1) be worried about 担心… • He was worried about the test.(他为考试担心) • worry+直接宾语:使…烦恼,焦虑 • The new work worried him so much. • 新的工作让他挺操心。 • 2、与动词、名词或形容词连用的介词在疑问句中的位置: • 在特殊疑问句中,与动词、名词或形容词连用的介词一般紧随与其连用的相应动词,名词或形容词之后: • What are they interested in? (形容词+介词) • 他们对什么感兴趣? • What has he got experience in? (名词+介词) • 他在什么方面获得经验? • Who were you talking about? (动词+介词) • 你在谈论谁? • What are you worried about? (动词+介词) • 你担心什么呢?

  50. Unit 32 • 1、被动语态 • (1)主语是谓语动作的实施对象,则用被动语态。而主动语态指句子的主语是谓语动作的执行者: • The girls clean the room every day.(主语语态) • The room is cleaned every day.(被动语态) • (2)被动语态的构成: • 主语+助动词be的各种时态形式+过去分词: • The work has been done. (现在完成时) • This room is cleaned by the woman. (一般现在时) • The laptop was stolen by his neighbour. (一般过去时) • The bike must be repaired by his father. (情态动词) • The truth will be found out. (一般将来时)

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