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Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam. Period 1. Traffic Jam Introduction Reading & Vocabulary. Introduction-1 Brainstorm(4ms) Say which means of transport you can use to get around your town. means of transport. Introduction-2. Vocabulary (2ms) Find out the words with their definitions. coach.

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Traffic Jam

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  1. Traffic Jam

  2. Period 1 Traffic Jam Introduction Reading & Vocabulary

  3. Introduction-1 Brainstorm(4ms)Say which means of transport you can use to get around your town. means of transport

  4. Introduction-2. Vocabulary (2ms) Find out the words with their definitions. coach 1. It’s a bus used for long distance. 2. It’s got two wheels and it’s fast. 3. This bus is connected to electric wires. 4. You must pay to use this car. 5. This is a suburban railway. It’s usually under the city. 6. It’s slow, cheap and has two wheels. motorbike trolleybus taxi underground bike

  5. Introduction-3. Discussion (4m) What kind of words could come into your mind? • Have you ever stuck in a traffic jam? • Where were you going? • How long were you in the jam? • What did you do then? • If you haven’t met a traffic jam, can you • imagine what will happen in it? __________ _________ traffic jam rush hour

  6. Reading -1. Scanning (4m) Read the passage quickly and fill in the blank. advantages disadvantages Taxis Buses &trolleybuses Minibuses Underground Pedicabs

  7. advantages disadvantages 24 hours on the street / easy to get Taxis expensive Buses&trolleybuses cheap crowded only in some areas always get a seat Minibuses terrible in rush hours fast & convenient Underground worth using when to explore the narrow alleys expensive Pedicabs

  8. Reading - 2. Skimming (4m) Read the passage and finish Activity 2, on Page 13. Answers: • Raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. • They’re red. • They’re often very crowded. • The 103 bus. • 12 people. • It’s fast and convenient. • It closes at 11:00 pm. • The narrow alleys of old Beijing.

  9. Post-reading-3. Discussion (4m) Suppose you are traveling in Beijing, discuss in groups, decide which means of transport you will choose and tell why. e.g. I would like to take a pedicab. Because I am interested in the narrow alleys of old Beijing.

  10. Post-reading-4. Vocabulary quiz (4m) Discuss the following things with your partner. bus terminal ship / ferry catch / get on / board get off take off journey

  11. Homework Try to find some information about the traffic jam on Internet.Then show it to the classmates tomorrow.

  12. Period 2 Module 2 Traffic Jam Listening and Speaking

  13. Listening & Speaking-1.Speaking (5ms) Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? If not, can you imagine what will happen in it?

  14. Listening & Speaking -2.Pre-listening (4m) Before you listen, tick the topics you think they will talk about.Then listen and check them. traffic jams the Olympic Games roadworks bad drivers

  15. Listening & Speaking -3. Ordering(5m) Listen to the tape,and finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 14. • Answers: • speaker 2 • speaker 5 • speaker 4 • speaker 1 • speaker 3

  16. Listening & Speaking -4.Prediction(6m) Listen to the tape,and finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page 14. • Answers: • B • C • C • A • C

  17. Listening & Speaking -5.Answering(3m) listen to the tape again ,the answer the following questions. • What problem did speaker 1 have after the tea party? • What did speaker 2 tell the taxi driver to do? • What is the cause of traffic jams, in the opinion of • speaker 3? • What solutions to the traffic problem does speaker 4 • talk about? • 5. What is speaker 5 surprised at?

  18. What problem did speaker 1 have after the tea party? • 2. What did speaker 2 tell the taxi driver to do? • 3. What is the cause of traffic jams, in the opinion of • speaker 3? The traffic still don’t move. To turn back and go home. People disobeying traffic rules.

  19. What solutions to the traffic problem does speaker 4 • talk about? • 5. What is speaker 5 surprised at? Limit the number of cars, build more underground lines, and build roads in the sky. The fact that people see what causes the problem, then do the same thing again.

  20. Listening & Speaking -7.Extra-listening (3m) Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks. • Speaker 1 On my way ______ a few days ago, I got ______ again in the traffic. While I was waiting, I saw a group of ______ drivers in front of me getting out of their cars. They seemed to know each other. They had ___________ and one of them carried a thermos flask and poured out some hot water to __________. It was quite ________! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still ________ and we still couldn’t move. stuck home taxi coffee cups make tea funny jammed

  21. Speaker 2 A few weeks ago I had to ______ a plane to Sichuan Province. The plane _________ at 5:30 pm so I ____ ____ at 2:30 pm to allow plenty of time to get to the airport. But it wasn’t __________ time. At 5 pm I was still only at the _______ ring road. It was just ___________! There was _________ I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to _______ ______ and go home. catch took off set off enough third ridiculous no way turn back

  22. Speaker 3 It’s only _______ kilometres from my home to my place of work. But every day, it is almost ________ there will be a traffic jam as I get near the _______ fourth ring road. _______________ It takes _______ 15 to 20 minutes to get through it. I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people ___________ traffic rules. To get to the front of the line, they often ______ the bicycle lane. It’s ______________ pede-strians and cyclists. They don’t wait for the _______ light to pass. seven certain west It’s so annoying! at least disobeying the same with take green

  23. Speaker 4 Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably _______ recently. The causes seem to be _____________ as the city prepares for the ____________ , and a huge _________ in new car owners and new drivers. Whatever the cause, it’s enough to ______________! Why not ______ the number of cars, build more ______________ lines or follow Shanghai and build roads in the _____? These days I only _______ in my car at night after 9 pm. That way I avoid the ______ of the traffic. worse road-works Olympics increase drive you mad limit underground sky go out worst

  24. Homework Write a short story that happen to you when you are stuck in a traffic jam.

  25. Period 3 Traffic Jam Grammar Function Speaking

  26. Speaking - 1. Exercises (5ms) Finish the exercises on Activity 1 & 2 , on page 17. 1. Why not use / take underground? 2. Why not use minibus? 3. Why not travel at a different time? 4. Why not build new ones? 5. Why not employ more traffic policemen? 6. Why not build underground car parks? They are giving advice.

  27. Function -1.Observation(5m)What do they have in common? • You should check the cab has a business permit. • Make sure you ask for a receipt. • It’s a good idea to have your destination written in Chinese. Find more examples of the phrases in the passage.

  28. Function –2 . Practice(3ms)Do you know how to give advice? • You’d better (not) … • Why (not) …? • How / What about …? • Make sure that …. • Please don’t …. • You should always / never …. • You have to …. • Shall we / I …? • Let’s …. • It’s a good idea to ….

  29. Grammar-1. Look & Say (5ms) Look at the signs and say what they do. advice permission instructions instructions information Turn right. Don’t go faster than 90 kph. Don’t turn left. / No left turn. Don’t walk. / No pedestrians. Don’t stop. / No parking.

  30. Grammar-2. Observation (3m) What’s the feature of imperatives? • Listen to me carefully. • Come in and sit down, please. • Don’t close the window – it’s hot. • Be quiet! • Let’s try our best to improve our environment. Listen sit Come Don’t Be Let’s

  31. Grammar-3. Conclusion (5m) • Do 型 (以行为动词开头) Stand up! Don’t stand up! / Never stand up! • Be 型 (以be动词开头) Be careful. Don’t be late./ Never be late. • Let型 (以let开头) Let him in. Don’t let him in.

  32. Grammar-4.Conclusion (5ms) • Do be patient! • Do sit down. • Do write back when you receive his letter. • Tom, you clean the room. • Don’t you be late again next time! 加强祈使句语气的方式: 在谓语前+ do / you

  33. Grammar-5. Observation (5ms) Do you know how to make imperatives more polite? • Open the window, please. • Will you go fishing with me this afternoon? • Would you do me a favor? • Could you show me how to get to the railway station? • Hand the dictionary to me, will you? • Let’s go out for a walk, shall we? • Why don’t you get something to drink? • I suggest we (should) take the train.

  34. Grammar-6. Summary(3ms) • Will you / Would you / Could you + 动词原形? • 句末, + please? • 句末, + will you / shall we? • Why not do something? • Why don’t you do something? • You’d better do something. • Suppose / Supposing …. • I suggest ….

  35. Grammar-6. Practice (3ms) • --- English has a large vocabulary, hasn’t it? • --- Yes. _______ more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. (2004 上海) • A. Know       B. Knowing    C. To know     D. Known • 2. Stand over there _______ you’ll be able to see it better. (2004天津) A. or     B. while   C. but    D. and  A D 3. ---I’ve never seen anyone run so fast.    --- ______ David go. (2004 浙江)A. just watch         B. just to watch     C. just watching    D. just having watched A

  36. Grammar-6. Practice (3ms) 4. --- Don't forget to my birthday party tomorrow.         --- ________ . (NMET 1994)  A. Yes , I won’t      B. No , I won’t   C. No , I will          D. Yes, I will  5. Be sure to write to us, ________? (NMET 1993)  A. will you     B. aren’t you    C. can you     D. mustn’t you  6. One more week, ______ we will accomplish the task. (1998上海)A. or     B. so that   C. and    D. if  B A C

  37. Grammar-6. Practice 7. _____ blood if you can and many lives will be saved.(2001上海)A. Giving     B. Give      C. Given     D. To give  8. ______ this book and tell me what you think of it. (NMET 1990)  A. Look through     B. Look on    C. Look into     D. Look up  9. ________it with me and I'll see what I can do.(NMET1998)  A. When left    B. Leaving  C. If you leave    D. Leave B A D

  38. Homework • Finish the related exercises on WB. • Review the the grammar of this period.

  39. Period 4 Traffic Jam Writing Culture corner

  40. Culture corner –1. Answering (5ms) Read the passage,then answer the following question. • What was the traffic problem in London? • What is the solution of the problem? • What is a congestion charge? • What do the Londoners think of the idea? • Would a congestion charge be a good idea in your town?

  41. 1. What was the traffic problem in London? City centre traffic jams have been part of daily life for a long time. In central London, drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues. 2. What is the solution of the problem? In February 2003 the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced a “congestion charge”. 3. What is a congestion charge? A congestion charge is a tax for cars entering the centre of the city.

  42. 4. What do the Londoners think of the idea? Most Londoners are not happy with the idea. They think the congestion charge is expensive, and limits their freedom. But rich businessmen who work in the city centre and can easily afford it. They think the charge should be higher. 5. Would a congestion charge be a good idea in your town?

  43. Writing-1.Answering (6m) Finish the questions at Activity 1.page 18. • How many problems does the writer talk about? • What are the causes of the problems? • How many solutions does the writer find? • Who are they in They should close the city centre? • Why does the writer divide the passage into two parts? Four The town is old, the streets are narrow. Two The local government / city council. The first part talks about problems, the second about solutions.

  44. Writing –2.Writing(10ms) 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家车。请你从下面表格中所给的两个题目中任选一个题目,用英语写一篇议论文,简述你的观点。 expensive, hard to find a parking place, need repairing, slow in rush hours, cause pollution and accidents convenient, comfortable, quick, get around, freely, save time As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars. _____________________ _____________________________________________.

  45. Writing- 3. Peer checking and rewriting (5m)Read your writing to your partner. Check and rewrite your writing according to the following. Then share it with the whole class. • Are you clear what happen(4Wand H)? • Do you know the writer’s attitude and emotion? • Are there any good connecting words or phrases? • Are there any good phrases or sentences? • Are there any spelling mistakes?

  46. Homework • Go to the library or surf the Internet to collect more information about your home town. Then complete a poster giving advice to visitors to your hometown. Play attention to the questions like these: • 1. Which is the best way to see your hometown ? • 2. When is the best time to use public transport? • 3. Do public transport services operate at night? etc.

  47. Language Date Bank • Language points for Reading

  48. Language Date Bank • Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in • no time. • = If you simply raise your hand, a taxi appears in no time. in no time = at once, suddenly立刻,马上 • 孩子们很快就要离开家了。 • The kids will be leaving home in no time. • in time: 及时 • Will we be in time for the six o’clock train? • on time: 按时 • We should go to school on time.

  49. Language Date Bank 2.Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing. ______ • provide 向某人供应某物;供给,提供 _________________ provide sth for sb provide sb with sth supply sth to sb supply sb with sth • The government provides / supplies these orphans with food and clothes. • Our parents provide food for us. • Our parents supply food to us.

  50. Language Date Bank 3. It’s a good idea to avoid public transport during the rush hour. • It is + a (an) + n. + to do sth. it:形式主语 to do sth.:真正的主语 处理这件事是我们的责任。 It’s our duty to deal with this matter. 否定了这个计划是个错误。 It’s a mistake to have rejected the plan. 下面该轮到你背课文了。 It’s your turn to recite the text.

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