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美国FDA认证:医疗器械如何在FDA系统中分类? 临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司   时间:2017-06-02   点击:13056 次




Medical devices marketed in the UnitedStates are subject to the  regulatory controls in the FederalFood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and the regulations in  Title 21- Code of Federal Regulations (21 CFR) Parts1-58, 800-1299.

在美国销售的医疗器械受联邦食品,药品和化妆品法案(FD&C Act)和联邦法规第21-21 CFR)第158部分,800-1299条控制。

Medical devices that emit radiation are alsosubject to  regulations for radiation-emittingelectronic products cited in 21CFR Parts 1000-1050.


Some requirements apply to medical devicesbefore they are marketed (premarket requirements), and other apply to medicaldevices after they are marketed ( postmarket requirements).



Premarket Requirements


You must follow the steps below prior tomarketing a medical device in the United States:


·         Step One: ClassifyYour Device

·        第一步:对器械分类

·         Step Two: Choose theCorrect Premarket Submission

·        第二步:选择正确的上市前提交

·         Step Three: Preparethe Appropriate Information for your Premarket Submission to the FDA

·        第三步:上市前向FDA提交适当的信息

·         Step Four: Send yourPremarket Submission to the FDA and Interact with FDA Staff during Review

·        第四步:将上市前提交发送给FDA,并在审核期间与FDA员工沟通

·         Step Five: Completethe Establishment Registration and Device Listing

·        第五步:完成企业注册和器械列表

Step One:Classify Your Device


The first step in preparing a device for marketingis to find the federal regulation that classifies your device. A medical deviceis defined by law in the section 201(h) of the  FD&C Act, and theclassification, which may be found in the Code of Federal Regulations,determines the regulatory path and regulatory requirements for your device.


While the FDA will officially classify yourmedical device when reviewing your premarket submission, it is helpful for youto identify the classification. This will allow you to select the correctregulatory submission path and become aware of the level of regulatory controlthat is necessary to assure the safety and effectiveness of the medical device.


Medical devices are categorized into one ofthree classes, based on the degree of risk they present. These classes are asfollows:


·        Class I – Lowest Risk

·        I类—低风险
An example of a Class I device is a manual toothbrush. Class I devicesare subject to  general controls.

·        I类器械的示例是手动牙刷。I类器械受一般控制。

·        Class II – Moderate Risk

·        II类—中度风险
Examples of Class II devices are male condoms and non-invasive bloodpressure monitors. Class II devices are subject to  general controls andspecial controls.

·        II类器械的示例是男性避孕套和非植入式血压检测器。II类器械受一般控制和特殊控制。

·        Class III – Highest Risk

·        III类—高风险
An example of Class III device is a heart valve. Class III devices aresubject to  general controls andpremarket approval.

·        III类器械的示例是心脏瓣膜。III类器械受一般控制和上市前批准。

To find the classification regulation ofyour device, see:


·         FDA ProductClassification Database

·        FDA产品分类数据库

·         DeviceClassification Panels

·        器械分类面板

·         Classify YourMedical Device

·        分类你的医疗器械



·        For help determining whether a product is a medical device,refer to  Device .

·        确定产品是否为医疗器械,请参阅器械。

·        If your product is a combination product - a medical device plus anotherFDA-regulated product (e.g. drug, biologics, etc.), you should contactFDA’s  Office ofCombination Product (OCP) by e-mail at: Based on yourproduct’s primary mode of action, OCP will tell you which FDA Center that youneed to contact in order to market your product.

·        如果你的产品是组合产品-医疗器械和另一个FDA管制的产品(例如药物,生物制剂等),你应通过电子邮件联系FDA组合产品办公室(OCP):。根据你产品的主要作用模式,OCP将告诉你需要联系哪个FDA中心,以便销售你的产品。

·        Even if your medical device does not require a premarketsubmission, it is your responsibility to make sure you have the correctclassification for your device.

·        即使您的医疗器械不需要上市前提交,您有责任确保您的器械具有正确的分类。

Step Two:Select the Correct Premarket Submission


After the device classification, you thenselect the premarket submission required for that regulation. The most commontypes of premarket submissions include:


·        510(k) (Premarket Notification)

·        510k)(上市前通知)

·        PMA (Premarket Approval)

·        PMA(上市前批准)

·        De Novo (Evaluation of Automatic Class III Designation)

·        De Novo(自动化III类指定评估)

·        HDE (Humanitarian Device Exemption)

·        HDE(人道主义豁免器械)


Some Class I and most Class II devicesrequire a 510(k). In a 510(k), the sponsor must demonstrate that the new deviceis “substantially equivalent” to a predicate device in terms of intended use,technological characteristics, and performance testing, as needed. Forinformation on how to prepare and submit a 510(k), see  Device Advice Premarket Notification[510(k)].


Some Class I and Class II devices are exemptfrom 510(k) if they do not exceed the limitations of exemption stated in 21 CFRxxx.9, where xxx refers to 21CFR 862-892. For example, an elastic bandageclassified under 21CFR 880.5075 is exempt from premarket notification, providedthat it does not exceed the exemption limitations stated in 21CFR 880.9.

如果某些I类和II类设备不超过21 CFRxxx.9中规定的豁免限制,则其豁免510(k),其中xxx指21CFR 862-892。例如,根据21CFR880.5075分类的弹性绷带免除上市前通知,条件是其不超过21CFR880.9中规定的豁免限制。


Most Class III devices require a PMA. A PMAis the most stringent type of premarket submission. Before the FDA approves a PMA,the sponsor must provide valid scientific evidence demonstrating reasonableassurance of safety and effectiveness for the device’s intended use.


For information on how to prepare and submita PMA, see  Device Advice Premarket Approval (PMA).


De Novo

De Novo provides a means for a new device,without a valid predicate, to be classified into Class I or II if it meetscertain criteria.

De Novo为新器械提供了一种手段,没有有效判定的情况下,如果符合某些标准,则被分类为I类或II类。

For information on how to prepare and submita De Novo request, please refer to these resources:


·         FD&C Act,section 513(f)(2)

·        FDC法案,第513f)(2)条

·         Evaluation ofAutomatic Class III Designation (De Novo Process) Summaries

·        自动化III类指定评估(De Novo过程)摘要

·         Evaluation ofAutomatic Class III Designation (De Novo Process)

·        自动化III类指定评估(De Novo过程)


HDE provides a regulatory path for Class IIIdevices that are intended to benefit patients with rare diseases or conditions.In order for a device to be eligible for an HDE, a sponsor must obtaindesignation as a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD), which is granted throughapplication to FDA’s  Office of Orphan Products Development(OOPD).


For information on how to requestHumanitarian Use Designation, see  Designating Humanitarian Use Device (HUD).


For information on how to prepare and submitan HDE application, please refer to these resources:


·         21CFR 814, Subpart H

·        21CFR814,子部分H

·         Humanitarian DeviceExemption

·        人道主义豁免器械

StepThree: Prepare the Appropriate Information for the Premarket Submission


Once you have selected the correct premarketsubmission type, you must prepare the appropriate information that will beneeded. In this section, we identify resources for assistance and informationto consider when preparing your premarket submission.




The FDA has developed several types ofresources to help you prepare your premarket submission. These include thefollowing:


·         Device Advice --comprehensive Web-based regulatory assistance

·        器械建议--综合Web-基于监管的协助

o   To prepare a 510(k), please see  PremarketNotification [510(k)]

o    准备510k),请参阅[510(k)]上市前通知

o   To prepare a PMA, please see  Premarket Approval(PMA)

o    准备PMA,请参阅上市前批准(PMA

·         CDRH Learn -- video-basedseries of teaching modules, seminars, and recorded webinars that cover avariety of policy and guidance efforts

·        CDRH学习 - 基于视频的一系列教学模块,研讨会和录制的网络研讨会,涵盖各种政策和指导工作

·        CDRH Pre-Submission Program -- prospective applicants offuture premarket submissions may request feedback from the FDA through thisprogram. Information about this resource may be found in the FDA guidance  Request for Feedbackon Medical Device Submissions: The Pre-Submission Program and Meetings withFood and Drug Administration Staff. We encourage youto read our online information and other available resources prior tosubmitting any request for feedback.

·        CDRH预提交计划 - 未来上市前提交的潜在申请人可以通过该计划寻求FDA的反馈。有关该资源的信息可在FDA指导中找到医疗器械提交反馈请求:FDA工作人员提前举办计划和会议。我们鼓励您在提交任何反馈请求之前阅读我们的在线信息和其他可用资源。

Information to Consider When Preparing yourPremarket Submission


Design Controls: All Class II and Class III devices must be designed inaccordance with Design Controls under the Quality System Regulation ( 21 CFR 820.30). Some Class Idevices are exempted from Design Controls. For guidance on Design Controls,please see:  Design Control Guidance for Medical DeviceManufacturers.

设计控制:所有II类和III类器械必须按照质量体系法规(21 CFR820.30)中的设计控制进行设计。一些I类器械免于设计控制。有关设计控制的指导,请参阅:医疗器械制造商的设计控制指导。

Nonclinical Testing: The types of information and testing required to market yourdevice are determined by the device classification, mechanisms of operation,technological characteristics, and labeling. Nonclinical testing performed insupport of a premarket submission for a medical device must comply with theGood Laboratory Practices (GLPs) in  21 CFR 58.


支持医疗器械上市前提交的非临床检测必须符合21 CFR58中的良好实验室规范(GLPs)。

Clinical Evidence: PMAs, HDEs and some 510(k)s and De Novos require clinicalevidence. Prior to initiating a clinical study, the study sponsor may need toobtain approval of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) by the FDA. Thestudy will also need to be approved by the appropriate Institutional ReviewBoard (IRB). Clinical studies must comply with all applicable IDE regulationsand Good Clinical Practices (GCPs). For additional information on the IDE andGCP regulations, see  Device Advice Investigational DeviceExemption (IDE).

临床证据:PMA,HDE和510(k)和De Novos需要临床证据。在开展临床研究之前,研究发起人可能需要获得FDA批准的调查器械豁免(IDE)。该研究还需要得到适当的机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准。临床研究必须符合所有适用的IDE法规和良好临床实践(GCP)。有关IDE和GCP规则的其他信息,请参阅调查器械豁免(IDE)。

Labeling: The labeling for a device must be written according tolabeling regulations and included in your premarket submission. For additionalinformation, see  Device Labeling.


Step Four:Send Your Premarket Submission to the FDA and Interact with FDA Staff duringReview


Once you have assembled the appropriateinformation necessary for your Premarket Submission, you send your submissionto the FDA and interact with FDA staff during review.


User Fees: There is a user fee associated with the submission of a510(k) or a PMA. For more information on user fees, please see  Premarket Notification (510(k)) Review Fees and  PMA Review Fees respectively.


eCopy: Premarketsubmissions must include an electronic copy (eCopy) on a compact disc (CD),digital video disc (DVD), or a flash drive. For detailed information on eCopy,please see  eCopy Program for Medical Device Submissions.


AdministrativeFiling Review: After a premarketsubmission is received, the FDA conducts an administrative review to assesswhether the submission is sufficiently complete to be accepted for substantivereview. Please see the  Refuse to Accept Policy for 510(k)s or  PMA Acceptance and Filling Review Policy.


Interactive Review: While a submission is under review, FDA staff communicateswith applicants to increase the efficiency of the review process. Pleasesee:  Types of Communication During the Review ofMedical Device Submissions.


Step Five:Complete Establishment Registration and Device Listing


A device facility must register itsestablishment and list its devices with the FDA. Information about how toregister and list may be found at  Device Registration and Listing.

器械设备必须注册其企业并将器械列入FDA  有关如何注册和列出的信息可以在器械注册和列表中找到。

If a device requires premarket clearance orpremarket approval prior to marketing (i.e., the medical device is not exempt),the device firm must wait until it receives FDA clearance or approval beforeregistering and listing.


Registration of a device establishment,assignment of a registration number, or listing of a medical device does not inany way denote clearance or approval of the establishment or its products bythe FDA.



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