Pat - 褎芯褉屑褘 邪薪谐谢懈泄褋泻芯谐芯 谐谢邪谐芯谢邪

袩褉懈屑械褉褘 褎褉邪蟹
袩褉懈屑械褉褘 锌褉械写谢芯卸械薪懈泄
Simple Tense
Continuous Tense
Perfect Tense
Perfect Continuous Tense
pat 3 褎芯褉屑褘 谐谢邪谐芯谢邪

袗薪谐谢懈泄褋泻懈泄 谐谢邪谐芯谢 pat 褟胁谢褟械褌褋褟 锌褉邪胁懈谢褜薪褘屑 谐谢邪谐芯谢芯屑. 袝谐芯 胁褌芯褉邪褟 懈 褌褉械褌褜褟 褎芯褉屑邪 芯斜褉邪蟹褍褞褌褋褟 锌褉懈 锌芯屑芯褖懈 芯泻芯薪褔邪薪懈褟 -ed.

3 褎芯褉屑褘 谐谢邪谐芯谢邪 pat

Infinitive 袧邪褔邪谢褜薪邪褟 褎芯褉屑邪 Past Simple 袙褌芯褉邪褟 褎芯褉屑邪 Past Participle 孝褉械褌褜褟 褎芯褉屑邪
[ p忙t ]
[ 藞p忙t瑟d ]
[ 藞p忙t瑟d ]

袛褉褍谐懈械 褎芯褉屑褘:

  • 袩褉懈褔邪褋褌懈械 薪邪褋褌芯褟褖械谐芯 胁褉械屑械薪懈:
    patting [ 藞p忙t瑟艐 ]
  • 3-械 谢懈褑芯 械写懈薪褋褌胁械薪薪芯谐芯 褔懈褋谢邪:
    pats [ p忙ts ]

袟薪邪褔械薪懈褟 谐谢邪谐芯谢邪 pat

  • 褕谢褢锌邪褌褜
  • 锌芯褏谢芯锌褘胁邪褌褜
  • 锌芯褌褉械锌邪褌褜
  • 锌芯谐谢邪卸懈胁邪褌褜

袩褉懈屑械褉褘 褎褉邪蟹

pat hand
锌芯谐谢邪写懈褌褜 褉褍泻芯泄

袩褉懈屑械褉褘 锌褉械写谢芯卸械薪懈泄

His explanation was too pat to be believable.
袝谐芯 芯斜褗褟褋薪械薪懈械 斜褘谢芯 褋谢懈褕泻芯屑 褍屑械褋褌薪芯, 褔褌芯斜褘 斜褘褌褜 锌褉邪胁写懈胁褘屑.
Tom patted himself on the back.
孝芯屑 锌芯谐谢邪写懈谢 褋械斜褟 锌芯 褋锌懈薪械.
He patted her back.
袨薪 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢 械褢 锌芯 褋锌懈薪械.
Pat is very talkative.
袩褝褌 芯褔械薪褜 褉邪蟹谐芯胁芯褉褔懈胁.
Tom patted Mary on the back.
孝芯屑 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢 袦褝褉懈 锌芯 褋锌懈薪械.
Tom pat his son on the back.
孝芯屑 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢 褋褘薪邪 锌芯 褋锌懈薪械.
She patted herself on the back.
袨薪邪 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢邪 褋械斜褟 锌芯 褋锌懈薪械.
Tom patted his son on the shoulder.
孝芯屑 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢 褋褘薪邪 锌芯 锌谢械褔褍.
He patted his brother on the shoulder.
袨薪 锌芯褏谢芯锌邪谢 斜褉邪褌邪 锌芯 锌谢械褔褍.
He patted me on the shoulder with a smile.
袨薪 褍谢褘斜薪褍谢褋褟 懈 锌芯褋褌褍褔邪谢 屑械薪褟 锌芯 锌谢械褔褍.
He had the whole story pat enough.
袝谐芯 懈褋褌芯褉懈褟 锌褉懈褕谢邪褋褜 胁械褋褜屑邪 泻褋褌邪褌懈.
Postman Pat's head is stuffed with explosives.
袚芯谢芯胁邪 锌芯褔褌邪谢褜芯薪邪 袩褝褌邪 薪邪褔懈薪械薪邪 胁蟹褉褘胁褔邪褌泻芯泄.
You make me pat my keyboard every once in a while.
袠蟹-蟹邪 褌械斜褟 褟 锌械褉懈芯写懈褔械褋泻懈 锌芯谐谢邪卸懈胁邪褞 泻谢邪胁懈邪褌褍褉褍.
"We shall fish here," Gray said, patting the oarsman's shoulder.
"袟写械褋褜 斜褍写械屑 谢芯胁懈褌褜 褉褘斜褍," 褋泻邪蟹邪谢 袚褉褝泄, 褏谢芯锌邪褟 谐褉械斜褑邪 锌芯 锌谢械褔褍.

小锌褉褟卸械薪懈械 谐谢邪谐芯谢邪 pat 胁芯 胁褉械屑械薪薪褘褏 褎芯褉屑邪褏

Simple Tense - 袩褉芯褋褌芯械 胁褉械屑褟

Present Simple
袩褉芯褋褌芯械 薪邪褋褌芯褟褖械械
I pat
you pat
he, she pats
we pat
they pat
Past Simple
袩褉芯褋褌芯械 锌褉芯褕械写褕械械
I patted
you patted
he, she patted
we patted
they patted
Future Simple
袩褉芯褋褌芯械 斜褍写褍褖械械
I will pat
you will pat
he, she will pat
we will pat
they will pat

Continuous Tense - 袛谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械 胁褉械屑褟

Present Simple Continuous
袧邪褋褌芯褟褖械械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I am patting
you are patting
he, she is patting
we are patting
they are patting
Past Simple Continuous
袩褉芯褕械写褕械械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I was patting
you were patting
he, she was patting
we were patting
they were patting
Future Simple Continuous
袘褍写褍褖械械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I will be patting
you will be patting
he, she will be patting
we will be patting
they will be patting

Perfect Tense - 小芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械 胁褉械屑褟

Present Perfect
袧邪褋褌芯褟褖械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械
I have patted
you have patted
he, she has patted
we have patted
they have patted
Past Perfect
袩褉芯褕械写褕械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械
I had patted
you had patted
he, she had patted
we had patted
they had patted
Future Perfect
袘褍写褍褖械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械
I will have patted
you will have patted
he, she will have patted
we will have patted
they will have patted

Perfect Continuous Tense - 袛谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械 胁褉械屑褟

Present Perfect Continuous
袧邪褋褌芯褟褖械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I have been patting
you have been patting
he, she has been patting
we have been patting
they have been patting
Past Perfect Continuous
袩褉芯褕械写褕械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I had been patting
you had been patting
he, she had been patting
we had been patting
they had been patting
Future Perfect Continuous
袘褍写褍褖械械 褋芯胁械褉褕械薪薪芯械 写谢懈褌械谢褜薪芯械
I will have been patting
you will have been patting
he, she will have been patting
we will have been patting
they will have been patting
袙芯泄写懈褌械 懈谢懈 蟹邪褉械谐懈褋褌褉懈褉褍泄褌械褋褜, 褔褌芯斜褘 芯褋褌邪胁懈褌褜 泻芯屑屑械薪褌邪褉懈泄
袛褉褍谐懈械 谐谢邪谐芯谢褘:
  • clap
  • thrash
  • spank
  • smack
  • fit
  • snip
  • avenge
  • deafen
  • enrage