As I was heading into town for an interview……

i-can-do-anything….I found myself reciting in my head one of the things we taught the girls at our Girl emPower workshop.  This workshop was for girls from 7-11 years old.  Our purpose for the workshop was to give the girls some tools to help them feel good about themselves, regardless of what was happening around them.

As I was driving I noticed a few butterflies in the pit of my stomach and then all of a sudden the words “I am amazing, I can do anything!, I am amazing, I can do anything!” came into my head.

I sometimes wonder who we do these workshops for….

….because we get so much out of them ourselves.  It seems that no matter how old you are, there are still times when you have to draw on something inside to be able to do what needs to be done.

criticMost times we don’t even notice how we criticize ourselves with our internal self-talk or even our external words, constantly putting ourselves down.  What we wanted the girls to know was how amazing they were and to be able to see themselves out of the eyes of people who loved them.

Words have energy and you can either use them to feel good or you can use them to feel bad.

3 simple steps to build yourself up using your words. HappyInside

  1. Decide you will treat yourself the way you treat the people you love.  With kind loving words.

  2. Listen to your self talk both internal and external and notice if what you are saying makes you feel good or feel bad.

  3. If it makes you feel good, say it over and over to nourish yourself and if it makes you feel bad, change it to something that makes you feel good.

It is really important for us to realize that we, as adults and role models, need to be an example of what we want for our children and grandchildren.  It’s up to us to show them how to feel good by feeling good ourselves.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this and also how the 3 Simple Steps have worked for you.