



A: If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss our train.
A: 如果我們現在不走,就會趕不上火車。

B: We can take the later train.
B: 我們可以搭晚一點的那班火車。

A: Can I make an appointment with Dr. Lee?
A: 我可以預約看李醫師嗎?

B: Sure. Would you like to come in at 2PM this afternoon?
B: 當然可以,今天下午2點OK嗎?

A: Do you have a later appointment time? Say after 4PM?
A: 有晚一點的時間嗎? 4點之後?

B: Sure… how about 5PM?
B: 好的,5點可以嗎?

A: Your phone looks like mine.
A: 你的電話跟我的很像。

B: Yours is a later model.
B: 你的型號較新。


A: May I speak to Jason, please?
A: 麻煩你可以請Jason接電話嗎?

B: He’s not here right now. Could you call back later?
B: 他目前不在,你可以晚一點打來嗎?

(5) I have a meeting in 5 minutes. I’ll talk you you later.


“Latter”是形容詞,它是「後期的」 、「後面的」的意思。

(6) Our company will start hiring more people in the latter part of this year.

A: Have you finished your project?
A: 你的專案已經完成了嗎?

B: No, the client decided to hold when we ran out of budget in the latter part of the project.
B: 還沒,在專案的後期預算不足,客戶決定暫停。

A: Would you like an apple or an orange?
A: 你想要蘋果還是橘子?

B: The latter.
B: 後面那個。[橘子]

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