“Fill in”和”Fill out”意思有甚麼不同?

有朋友說搞不懂”Fill in”和”Fill out”這兩個片語動詞(Phrasal verb),它們到底是有沒有分別?

"Fill in"中文意思

“Fill in”和”Fill out”都是可以指「填寫」的英文片語。

(1) Please fill in the form and wait here.

A: I want to apply for a job.
A: 我想申請工作。

B: Please fill out this form and submit it with your resume.
B: 請填寫這張表格,然後把你的履歷一併呈交。

除了填寫表格之外,”Fill in”還可以用於「填」其他東西,比如「填充題」英文是”Fill-in-the-blank questions”。

A: How many questions were on the test?
A: 測驗有多少題目?

B: There were 10 multiple-choice questions and 20 fill-in-the-blank questions.
B: 有十題選擇題和二十題填充題。

A: It’s a long form. Do I have to fill in all the fields?
A: 這表格很長,所有欄位都要填嗎?

B: No, just fill in your name and phone number.
B: 不用,只要填你的姓名和電話就可以。

(5) There is a hole on your wall. Are you going to fill it in?

“Fill in”還可以是中文「代替」的意思喔。

A: I’m not feeling well.
A: 我不太舒服。

B: Oh, you should go home and get some rest. I’ll ask Carol to fill in for you.
B: 喔,那你應該回家休息,我會請Carol代你。

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