Birthday party 生日派對


視頻内容: Today we are talking about birthday parties 今天我們來談關於生日派對 1.Invitation card 邀請卡 We send invitation cards to invite our friends 我們發送邀請卡邀請朋友 2.Banner 横布條 Balloon 氣球 Bunting 彩旗 We use banners, balloons and bunting as birthday party decorations. 我们用橫布條,氣球和彩旗作爲生日會的裝飾品 3.Birthday cake 生日蛋糕 We blow out candles on our birthday cakes 我們吹滅生日蛋糕上的蠟燭 4.Party hat 派對帽 Party horn 派對號角 Party popper 彩紙爆竹 We wear party hats, blow party horns and pull party poppers at birthday parties. 我們在派對上戴派對帽,吹派對號角,拉彩紙爆竹 5.Birthday gift 生日禮物 We give birthday gifts to birthday boys and girls 我們給過生日的男孩和女孩送生日禮物 6.Popcorn 爆米花 Snacks 零食 Beverage 飲料 Normally there are popcorn, snacks and beverages at birthday parties 生日聚會上通常有爆米花、零食和飲料 7.Magician 魔術師 Some birthday parties have magicians perform magic tricks 一些生日派對上有魔術師表演魔術 8.Party game 派對游戲 Piñata 皮納塔 One party game is hitting a piñata 擊打皮納塔是派對游戲的一種

Birthday Vocabulary 生日詞彙和練習題

1. Balloon 氣球
2. Beverage 飲料
3. Birthday Cake 生日蛋糕
4. Birthday Gift 生日禮物
5. Bunting 彩旗
6. Candle 蠟燭
7. Confetti 五彩碎紙
8. Cup Cake 杯子蛋糕
9. Invitation Card 邀請卡
10. Party Hat 派對帽
11. Party Horn 派對號角
12. Party Popper 彩紙爆竹
13. Photo Props 攝影道具
14. Piñata 皮納塔玩具(一種內裝糖果的動物形狀物件,在聚會上孩子們可以用杆子將其打破取出其中的糖果)
15. Popcorn 爆米花
16. Streamers 彩帶
1. a) Candle
2. c) Streamers
3. b) Party Hat
4. b) Beverage
5. c) Birthday Gift
6. a) Balloon
7. a) Photo Props
8. b) Cup Cake
9. a) Popcorn
10. b) Birthday Cake
11. c) Invitation Card
12. c) Piñata
13. a) Bunting
14. c) Party Horn
15. b) Confetti
16. b) Party Popper

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