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Motivation Monday: Be Brave

Motivation Monday: Be Brave on Katie Crafts;

Last year, I did a Featured Etsy Shop post for Fickle Fox Design (formerly Kyle Looby Jewelry). She gave away a beautiful “Be Brave” bracelet in the post, and sent me one as a thank you as well (along with a customized Katie Crafts one!) I wear Be Brave every day with my bangles, as a daily reminder.

So cute, right?!?!

Right now, my Dad is in the hospital. Without going into details, this week has been very hard and I’ve had to remember to stay strong and be brave each day, especially around him. That’s why I thought this very simple message that I look at daily would be a great Motivation Monday quote, for anyone else who may need a little reminder today.

Do you have some motivation to share for this Monday? Post your quotes below!

6 thoughts on “Motivation Monday: Be Brave

  1. Best wishes to your dad, Katie!

    1. Thanks Natalia!

    2. Thank you Natalia!

  2. hope your dad gets better soon. Be Brave.. thanks for the reminder.. often it’s easier said than done.

    1. Thank you! I know. It really is hard to follow through on sometimes.

  3. Love the bangles Katie! Definitely cute 馃檪

    Stay strong Katie, I hope your dad feels better!

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