Ocular anatomy

In this section the IOM seeks to provide you with complete information on the main pathologies which affect our ocular health, and on the most appropriate treatments for dealing with them.

The section includes a brief glossary with the key terms associated with the conditions which usually affect our eyesight the most frequently.

  • Cornea:聽transparent tissue at the front of the eye which provides most of its refractive power
  • Pupil:聽opening in the central part of the iris which controls the entry of light
  • Iris:聽coloured part of the eye which acts as a diaphragm
  • Lens:聽transparent lens located behind the pupil which makes it possible to focus
  • Vitreous humour:聽transparent gel occupying the rear part of the eye
  • Aqueous humour:聽transparent liquid in the anterior chamber which nourishes the cornea and the lens
  • Retina:聽inner layer of the eye which transforms light into nerve impulses
  • Macula:聽central part of the retina responsible for seeing details and colours
  • Optic nerve:聽transports the electrical impulses of the retina to the brain