
房间如何看 开间 进深






1. 准备好测量工具:卷尺、量角器、水平仪。

2. 找到房间相对的两个墙面,用卷尺在地面量出两墙之间的长度。

3. 使用量角器测量两个墙角之间的夹角,确保垂直度。

4. 放置水平仪在一墙的顶部,检查另一墙的顶部是否与其水平。如果不水平,采取调整。

5. 将测量结果记录并计算出宽度和深度。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Looking at the depth of the room, you need to know that the bay refers to the width of the house, which refers to the actual distance between the positioning axis of one wall in a room and the positioning axis of the other wall. Because it is the width of a natural room, it is also called a bay. The residential bay is generally not more than 3.0-3.9 meters, and the brick-concrete structure residential bay is generally not more than 3.3 meters. Architecturally, depth refers to the actual length of a single room from the front wall to the back wall. In order to ensure that the completed house has good natural lighting and ventilation conditions, the depth of the house has certain requirements in design. At present, the depth of a large number of urban residential rooms in my country is generally limited to about 5 meters, which cannot be expanded arbitrarily. Traditionally, we call the main lighting surface of a building (or room) as the bay (or surface width), and the perpendicular to it as the depth.

For a bay, for a room, when the window facing the living room is located on the lighting surface, the bay (the width) between the walls on both sides is the bay (the width), and the width perpendicular to the surface is called the depth. South, then east and west are open rooms, and north and south are deep.