
混血儿有什么 缺陷

混血儿的坏处就是可能会有更多的显性 基因,而这些基因中很有可能会有疾病基因。







1. 混血儿有智力上的缺陷吗?


2. 混血儿有身体上的缺陷吗?


3. 混血儿一定美丽吗?


4. 混血儿的身份认同容易混淆吗?


【英文介绍/For English】:

The downside of being mixed is that there may be more dominant genes, and those genes are likely to have disease genes.

Since hybrid children inherit both paternal disease genes and maternal genetic disease genes, compared with purebreds, there will be more disease genes, but most of them are hidden, but they do exist. The first generation of mixed blood does not show it, but it will also show in the second and third generations.

Mixed-breeds are good and bad, because mixed-breed genotypes and phenotypes are more discrete than pure-blooded ones. Raising mixed-breeds is like gambling. You win for a while and lose for the rest of your life. In addition, there are basically one or two births now, and the single-line inheritance can't bear the risk of separation! Once it occurs, it basically means that the inheritance will be broken.

The generation of modern hybrids is related to the great geographical discovery. On April 22, 1500, the Portuguese colonists Cabral and his party landed on the land of Brazil, inspected the coastal areas for 9 days, and left Brazil after leaving two prisoners on death row. The two death row prisoners combined with the local Indians to form the earliest mixed race.

Looking back in history, modern Eurasians are hybrids of humans and their distant relatives, Neanderthals, and there are 1.5% to 4% of Neanderthal genes in modern Eurasian genes (almost no role in the brain and testes). ), interbreeding between the two species may have occurred only 4 times, and some diseases are closely related to Neanderthal genes.