
赐复是什么 意思 敬辞

赐复的意思是以特恩免除赋税和徭役,敬称人覆信的套语。出处是《 后汉书·光武帝纪下》。《后汉书》是“二十四史”之一,是一部记载汉朝东汉时期历史的纪传体断代史,由中国南朝宋时期的历史学家范晔编撰。与《史记》、《汉书》、《三国志》合称“前四史”。








【英文介绍/For English】:

The meaning of shifu is to exempt from taxation and corvée, respectfully called the formula of people replying to the letter. The source is "Later Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu Ji Xia". "The Book of the Later Han" is one of the "Twenty-Four Histories". It is a biographical and chronological history that records the history of the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was compiled by Fan Ye, a historian of the Southern Dynasties and Song Dynasties in China. Together with "Historical Records", "Han Shu" and "Three Kingdoms", it is collectively called "the first four histories".

The "Han Han Shu" is divided into ten records, eighty biographies and eight records (taken from Sima Biao's "Continued Han Book"). Xiandi Jian'an twenty-five years (220 years), a total of 195 years of historical events.

Most of the "Han Han Shu" followed the ready-made styles of "Historical Records" and "Han Shu", but in the process of writing the book, Fan Ye made some innovations and changes according to the specific characteristics of the history of the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The "Han Han Shu" has a rigorous structure and an orderly arrangement. For example, the 80 biographies are generally arranged according to the chronological order of the times. The first three volumes are figures of the times between the Han and Han Dynasties. The next nine volumes are the royal families and important generals of the Guangwu era.