
“心怀怡静, 处处皆风景” 意思是只要你内心平静淡然,没有焦急和不安的情绪的话,你眼中的世界会变成到处都是美丽的风景。一般用来劝人放下哪些让他不安的事情或者一些让他内心有很大波动的事情。

快乐总是很短暂,痛苦总是很漫长,而这短暂与漫长的区别,则完全取决于心间的念想。幸福,是一种心境;苍凉,同样是一种心境。而纵使明白的我们,也常常难以左右自己的心绪。我们常常 悲伤,悲伤是因为孤独。我们一直孤独,只因为我们背对着阳光。如果你能放下你的悲伤,让你的心自由去游荡,你就能甩掉痛苦,这个有些阴暗的世界也会

【英文介绍/For English】:

"With a peaceful heart, there are scenery everywhere" means that as long as your heart is calm and indifferent, without anxiety and restlessness, the world in your eyes will become beautiful scenery everywhere. It is generally used to persuade people to let go of things that make him uneasy or things that make his heart fluctuate greatly.

<p>Happiness is always short, pain is always long, and the difference between short and long depends entirely on the thoughts in the heart. Happiness is a state of mind; desolation is also a state of mind. And even if we understand it, it is often difficult to control our emotions. We are often sad, sad because of loneliness. We have been alone, just because our backs are facing the sun. If you can let go of your sorrow and let your heart wander freely, you can shake off the pain, and so can this dark world