
蕴含 历史故事的 成语






出自《史记孟尝君列传》:齐孟尝君出使秦被 昭王扣留,孟一食客装狗钻入秦营,偷出狐白裘献给昭王妾以说情放孟。孟逃至函谷关时昭王又令追捕。另一食客装鸡叫引众鸡齐鸣骗开城门,孟得以逃回齐。










【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Looking at plums and quenching thirst: It means plums are sour. When people see plums, they will salivate, thus quenching their thirst. It is a metaphor for unfulfilled wishes and comforting oneself with fantasy.

From Liu Yiqing's "Shi Shuo Xin Yu False Deceit" in the Song Dynasty of the Southern Dynasties: Wei Wu went to war, lost his way, and the soldiers were all thirsty, so the order said: "There is a big plum forest in front of you. Raozi, sweet and sour, can quench your thirst." When the soldiers heard it, water came out of their mouths. . Take advantage of this to reach the former source.

2. To cover one's ears and steal the bell: It was originally to cover one's ears and steal the bell. Cover your ears and steal a bell, thinking that if you can't hear others, you can't hear it. It's a metaphor for deceiving yourself and others.

The source is "Lu's Spring and Autumn Self-knowledge": Fan's demise, if the people have a bell, if they want to bear it and walk away, the bell will be too big to bear; If the wicked hear it, it's okay; if the wicked themselves hear it, it's contradictory. "

3. Chicken crowing and dog stealing: Refers to insignificant skills. Also refers to sneaky behavior.

From "Historical Records of Mengchangjun Biography": Qi Mengchangjun was detained by King Zhao when he was sent to Qin. When Meng fled to Hangu Pass, King Zhao ordered him to be hunted down again. Another diner pretended to be a chicken and crowed to attract all the chickens to trick him into opening the city gate, and Meng was able to escape back to Qi.

In addition, idioms that contain historical stories include painting cakes to satisfy hunger, having a well-thought-out plan, high mountains and flowing water, etc.