
辨别 衣服 质量的方法有哪些














Q: 衣服起球是因为质量差吗?

A: 不一定。起球是由于衣服表面的长绒或纤维短锋相互摩擦导致的,因此即使是优质的衣服,也有可能会出现起球的情况。当然,质量低劣的衣服由于原材料的问题,容易出现起球的情况。

Q: 衣服如何避免起球?

A: 衣服在生产时,可以选择采用优质的原材料并加强表面处理,如起绒、起毛等,这样可以减少衣服起球的概率。除此之外,穿着和保养也影响衣服起球的程度。混合纤维衣物穿着过程中需要避免和金属物品、粗糙表面等物体摩擦,洗涤时可以使用柔顺剂加强防静电效果,而在晒衣时应该选择阴凉通风处晾晒,避免阳光直射。

Q: 起球的衣服还能不能继续穿?

A: 起球衣服可以继续穿,但需要注意,衣服起球会影响整体美观度。因此,建议避免和容易摩擦的物品搭配穿着,并及时处理起球问题。

【英文介绍/For English】:

1. Open the clothes and check the seams: the seams of good quality clothes are very tight and firm. Gently pull on the seam, if the opening is wide, the quality is poor.

2. Rub it when buying pure cotton clothes: Hold the clothes tightly and release them after a few seconds. If the fabric becomes wrinkled, it means that the clothes may be like rags after being put into the water for the first time, and they will not be durable.

3. Pull apart the fabric to check: quality clothes can maintain the original outline. When buying a dress or skirt, pull the elastic part. If it deforms after letting go, it means that the quality is poor.

4. Look at the label: Fabrics made of natural materials, such as cotton, silk, wool, etc., are more durable than synthetic fabrics. However, 100% cotton clothes are easy to shrink and deform after washing, and 5% to 30% synthetic fabrics are better.

5. Observe the zipper: Metal zippers are more durable, and plastic zippers are often broken. Generally, cheap clothes use plastic zippers.

6. The height of both sides of the zipper should be the same: whether it is a skirt, a dress or other clothes, the height of both sides of the zipper must be the same, and the colors must match.

7. Check button openings: In order to make more clothes, some factories tend to ignore the details. The seams at the buttons should be tight and cut open.

8. Check the color of the folds: carefully check the handles, straps and the like to see if there is any fading or mottled.

9. The side seams should be wide enough: the side seams of trousers and skirts should be at least 4 cm wide, and the side seams of shirts should also be 2 cm wide. If the edge seam is too narrow, the quality will be poor.

10. Check the stitches at the seams: If the stitches at the seams are very rough, or the colors are not well matched, it means that the clothes were made in a hurry. Such clothes often only pay attention to the quantity, not the quality.

The above is the method of identifying the quality of clothes that Xiaobian shared with you. I hope the above method will be helpful to you.