
风洞的中国风洞 实验室







1. 北京航空航天大学风洞实验室


2. 上海交通大学气动实验室


3. 浙江大学风洞实验室



【英文介绍/For English】:

The wind tunnel laboratories in China are distributed as follows: Southwest Jiaotong University Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Jilin Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Shantou University Wind Tunnel Laboratory, Beijing Jiaotong University Wind Tunnel Laboratory.

Wind tunnel experiments are an indispensable part of aircraft development. Not only does it play an important role in the research and development of aviation and aerospace engineering, but with the development of industrial aerodynamics, it is even more indispensable in the fields of transportation, housing construction, and wind energy utilization. In this method, the flow conditions are easy to control, based on the principle of relativity of motion. During the experiment, the model or object is often fixed in the wind to obtain experimental data economically.

In order to make the experimental results accurate, the flow during the experiment must be similar to the actual flow state, that is, the requirements of the law of similarity must be met. Due to the limitations of wind tunnel size and dynamics, it is difficult to simulate all similar parameters in a wind tunnel at the same time. Usually, some parameters with greater influence are selected for simulation according to the subject to be studied.

In addition, the quality of the flow field in the wind tunnel test section, such as the uniformity of airflow velocity distribution, the deviation of the average airflow direction from the axis of the wind tunnel, the pressure gradient along the axis of the wind tunnel, the uniformity of cross-sectional temperature distribution, the degree of turbulence and noise of the airflow Grades must meet certain standards and be regularly checked and determined.