

飞鸿踏雪泥比喻人生所经历过的地方和所经历过的事情。此句出自宋代苏轼的《和子由 渑池怀旧》。全诗悲凉中有达观,低沉中有昂扬,读完并不觉得人生空幻,反有一种眷恋之情荡漾心中,犹如冬夜微火。于“怀旧”中展望未来,意境阔远。诗中既有对人生来去无定的怅惘,又有对前尘往事的深情眷念。















【英文介绍/For English】:

Feihong treading slush is a metaphor for the places and things he has experienced in life. This sentence comes from Su Shi's "He Zi Yu Mianchi Nostalgia" in the Song Dynasty. The whole poem is full of insight in the sadness, high-spirited in the depression, after reading it, I don't feel that life is illusory, but there is a feeling of nostalgia rippling in my heart, like a little fire on a winter night. Looking forward to the future in "nostalgia", the artistic conception is broad and far-reaching. In the poem, there is not only the regret of life's uncertainties, but also the affectionate nostalgia for the past.

"Nostalgia for Hezi from Mianchi"

Knowing what life is like everywhere, it should be like Feihong stepping on slush.

Fingers and claws are occasionally left on the mud, which is what Hongfei counted.

The old monk has died and turned into a new pagoda, and the broken walls can't see the old problems.

Do you still remember the bumpy days in the past? The road was long and people were tired.


What is it like running around in a person's life? It should be like Feihong stepping on the snow.

Occasionally leave a few paw prints on the snow, but in a blink of an eye it flies away again, how can I remember where the traces are left!

Feng Xian has passed away, and his ashes have been placed in the newly built small pagoda. The wall on which the poem was inscribed at that time has broken down, so the ink stains of the old poem can no longer be seen.

Do you still remember the hardships and tribulations when you were rushing for the exam? Due to the long distance and lack of people and horses, even the lame donkey couldn't bear it.