

出自古训《增广贤文》:“昔时贤文,诲汝谆谆,集韵增文,多见多闻。 观今宜鉴古,无古不成今。知己知彼,将心比心。酒逢知己饮,诗向会人吟。相识满天下,知心能几人。相逢好似初相识,到老终无怨恨心。近水知鱼性,近山识鸟音。易涨易退山溪水,易反易覆小人心。运去金成铁,时来铁似金,读书须用意,一字值千金。逢人且说三分话,未可全抛一片心。有意栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成阴。画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。钱财如粪土,仁义值千金。流水下滩非有意,白云出岫本无心。当时若不登高望,谁信东流海洋深。 路遥知马力,事久见人心。 两人一般心,无钱堪买金,一人一般心,有钱难买针。相见易得好,久住难为人。马行无力皆因瘦,人不风流只为贫。饶人不是痴汉,痴汉不会饶人。是亲不是亲,非亲却是亲。美不美,乡中水,亲不亲,故乡人。莺花犹怕春光老,岂可教人枉度春。相逢不饮空归去,洞口桃花也笑人。红粉佳人休使老,风流浪子莫教贫。在家不会迎宾客,出外方知少主人。黄金无假,阿魏无真。 客来主不顾,应恐是痴人。 贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲。谁人背后无人说,哪个人前不说人。有钱道真语,无钱语不真。不信但看筵中酒,杯杯先劝有钱人。闹里有钱,静处安身。 来如风雨,去似微尘。长江后浪推前浪,世上新人赶旧人。近水楼台先得月,向阳花木早逢春。莫道君行早,更有早行人。莫信直中直,须防仁不仁。 山中有直树,世上无直人。自恨枝无叶,莫怨太阳偏。大家都是命,半点不由人。一年之计在于春,一日之计在于寅,一家之计在于和,一生之计在于勤。责人之心责己,恕己之心恕人。守口如瓶,防意如城。宁可人负我,切莫我负人。再三须慎意,第一莫欺心。虎生犹可近,人熟堪亲。来说是非者,便是是非人。远水难救近火,远亲不如近邻。有茶有酒多兄弟,急难何曾见一人。人情似纸张张薄,世事如棋局局新。山中也有千年树,世上难逢百岁人。力微休负重,言轻莫劝人。无钱休入众,遭难莫寻亲。平生莫作皱眉事,世上应无切齿人。士者国之宝,儒为席上珍。若要断酒法,醒眼看醉人。求人须求大丈夫,济人须济急时无。渴时一滴如甘露,醉后添杯不如无。久住令人贱,频来亲也疏。酒中不语真君子,财上分明大丈夫。出家如初,成佛有余。积金千两,不如明解经书。养子不教如养驴,养女不教如养猪。有田不耕仓廪虚,有书不读子孙愚。仓廪虚兮岁月乏,子孙愚兮礼义疏。同君一席话,胜读十年书。人不通今古,马牛如襟裾。茫茫四海人无数,哪个男儿是丈夫。白酒酿成缘好客,黄金散尽为收书。救人一命,胜造七级浮屠。城门失火,殃及池鱼。庭前生瑞草,好事不如无。欲求生富贵,须下死工夫。百年成之不足,一旦败之有余。人心似铁,官法如炉。善化不足,恶化有余。水太清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。知者减半,省者全无。在家由父,出家从夫。痴人畏妇,贤女敬夫。是非终日有,不听自然无。宁可正而不足,不可邪而有余。宁可信其有,不可信其无。 竹篱茅舍风光好,道院僧堂终不如。 命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求。 道院迎仙客,书堂隐相儒。庭栽栖凤竹,池养化龙鱼。 结交须胜己,似我不如无。 但看三五日,相见不如初。 人情似水分高下,世事如云任卷舒。会说说都是,不会说无礼。 磨刀恨不利,刀利伤人指。 求财恨不得,财多害自己。 知足常足,终身不辱。知止常止,终身不耻。有福伤财,无福伤己。差之毫厘,失之千里。若登高必自卑,若涉远必自迩。 三思而行,再思可矣。使口不如自走,求人不如求己。 小时是兄弟,长大各乡里。 妒财莫妒食,怨生莫怨死。 人见白头嗔,我见白头喜。 多少少年亡,不到白头死”。






【英文介绍/For English】:

From the ancient precept "Zengguang Xianwen": "In the past, the virtuous essays taught you earnestly, collected rhymes and enriched the essays, and saw a lot. Looking at the present should learn from the past, and the past can not make the present. Know yourself and the enemy, and compare your heart with your heart. When you drink with your confidant, you can drink poetry. Sing to the meeting people. Acquaintance is all over the world, how many people can know each other. Meeting is like acquaintance for the first time, and there is no resentment in old age. Knowing the nature of fish near the water, and the sound of birds near the mountains. Mountains and streams are easy to rise and retreat, easy to reverse and easily overwhelm the villain's heart .Gold becomes iron when it is transported, and iron is like gold when it comes. Reading must be intentional, and a word is worth a thousand gold. When you meet people, you can talk a little bit, but you can’t give up all your heart. Planting flowers intentionally will not bloom, but unintentionally planting willows and willows will become yin. Painting tigers and painting skin It's hard to draw the bones, knowing people and knowing the face but not knowing the heart. Money is like dung, benevolence and righteousness are worth a thousand gold. It is not intentional to go down the beach, and the white clouds come out of the Xiu. There is no intention. If you don't climb high at that time, who would believe that the ocean is deep in the east. See people’s hearts. Two people have the same heart, no money can buy gold, one person has the same heart, money can’t buy a needle. It’s easy to meet each other, but it’s hard to live for a long time. Horses are weak because they are thin, and people who are not romantic are just poor. Forgive others I am not an idiot, idiots will not forgive others. I am not a relative, but I am a relative if I am not a relative. Beauty is not beautiful, the water in the village, relatives or not, people in my hometown. Yinghua is still afraid of the old spring, how can she teach people to spend spring in vain. Meet If you don’t drink and go back, the peach blossoms at the entrance of the cave will also laugh at people. The beauty in pink will not let you grow old, and the vagabond will not teach you to be poor. You will not welcome guests at home, but you will know the young master when you go out. Gold is not fake, fertiliser is not true. When guests come, they don’t care. I'm afraid I'm an idiot. No one asks me if I live in a poor city, but I have distant relatives in the mountains when I'm rich. No one tells me behind my back, and who doesn't tell me before. If you have money, you can tell the truth, but if you don't have money, you can't tell the truth. Advise the rich first. If you have money in the hustle and bustle, stay in a quiet place. Come like wind and rain, go like dust. Early, even early pedestrians. Don't believe in the straight and the straight, you must guard against the benevolent. There are straight trees in the mountains, but there are no straight people in the world. You hate the branches without leaves, and don't blame the sun. The plan lies in spring, the plan of a day lies in Yin, the plan of a family lies in harmony, and the plan of a life lies in diligence. The heart of responsibility is responsible for oneself, and the heart of forgiveness is forgiving. Don't betray others. You must be careful again and again, and the first thing is not to deceive your heart. Tigers can be close, and people are familiar with each other. Those who talk about right and wrong are right and wrong. Far water can't save near fire, and distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. There is tea. There are many brothers in wine, and there is no one in adversity. Human affection is like a piece of paper, and the world is like a new chess game. There are also thousand-year-old trees in the mountains, and it is rare to meet a hundred-year-old person in the world. The strength is weak, and the words are light. Don’t persuade others. Don't seek relatives when you are in trouble. Don't frown in your life. There should be no teeth-gnashing people in the world. Scholars are the treasures of the country, and Confucianism is a treasure on the table. If you want to stop drinking, keep your eyes open to see intoxicated people. Ask for help and help others. One drop at a time is like nectar, and it is better to have nothing after getting drunk. Long-term residence makes people humble, and frequent visits make relatives rare. A true gentleman is not spoken in wine, but a real gentleman is clear in money. A monk is as good as a young man, and he has more than enough to become a Buddha. .Adopting a son without education is like raising a donkey, and raising a daughter without education is like raising a pig. If you have land but don’t cultivate it, you can’t cultivate it. If you have books, you can’t read it. It’s foolish for your descendants. People don't understand the past and present, horses and cows are like skirts. There are countless people in the vast world, how can they A man is a husband. Baijiu brews hospitality, and gold is scattered to collect books. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. A fire broke out at the gate of the city, which affected the fish in the pond. Growing embroidered grass before the court is worse than nothing. If you want to live and be rich, you must work hard. It is not enough to succeed in a hundred years, but it will be more than enough once defeated. The human heart is like iron, and the law is like a furnace. There is not enough benevolence, but more than deterioration. If the water is too clear, there will be no fish, and if people observe it, there will be no disciples. Those who know are halved, and those who save are nothing. At home by the father, monks by the husband. Idiots fear women, virtuous women respect their husbands. There is right and wrong all day long, and if you don't listen to it, there will be nothing. It is better to be righteous but not enough, not to be evil and have more than enough. It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not. The scenery of the huts with bamboo fences is good, but the Taoist temples are not as good. Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it. The Taoist temple welcomes the immortals, and the book hall conceals Confucianism. Plant phoenix bamboos in the courtyard, and raise dragon fish in the pond. To make friends, you must win yourself, like me is worse than nothing. But look at three to five days, the meeting is not as good as before. Human feelings are like water ups and downs, and world affairs are like clouds. Will say yes, not rude. It's not good to sharpen a knife, and the sharpness of the knife hurts people's fingers. I can't wait to ask for money, and more money will harm myself. Contentment is always enough, and life will not be humiliated. Knowing what to stop and always stopping, never to be ashamed for life. If you are blessed, you will hurt your wealth, but if you are not blessed, you will hurt yourself. A slight difference is a thousand miles away. If you climb high, you will feel inferior; if you travel far, you will feel inferior. Think twice before you act, and think again. It's better to go by yourself than to talk, and it's better to ask for yourself than to ask others. When I was young, I was a brother, and when I grew up, I grew up in various villages. Don't be jealous of wealth, don't be jealous of food, don't resent life or death. People are angry when they see bald heads, but I am happy when they see bald heads. How many young people die, less than a white head dies."