
成人的正常 温度是多少度

人的正常 体温测量的部位不同,体温正常值也不一样,腋窝体温正常值是36-37度,口腔正常值是36.3-37.2度,直肠的温度是37.5度左右。





【英文介绍/For English】:

The normal body temperature of a person is measured in different parts, and the normal temperature is also different. The normal temperature of the armpit is 36-37 degrees, the normal temperature of the oral cavity is 36.3-37.2 degrees, and the temperature of the rectum is about 37.5 degrees.

The temperature inside the human body is called body temperature. Maintaining a constant body temperature is a necessary condition to ensure the normal progress of metabolism and life activities. Body temperature is the product of material metabolism into heat energy.

The body temperature of normal people is relatively constant, and it maintains a dynamic balance of heat production and heat dissipation through the thermoregulation center of the brain and hypothalamus, regulating and neurohumoral functions. Under normal physiological conditions, when body temperature rises, the body maintains a relatively constant body temperature by reducing heat production and increasing heat dissipation; conversely, when body temperature drops, heat production increases and heat dissipation decreases, maintaining body temperature at a normal level.