最近有很多热心网友都十分关心怎么钓鲢鱼 钓鲢鱼的方法,请问钓鲢鱼怎么钓最实用?这个问题。还有一部分人想了解钓鲢鱼怎么钓最实用。对此,绿润百科小编「青栀如初」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。

怎么钓鲢鱼 钓鲢鱼的 方法

1、这个可是垂钓鲢鳙的最重要的步骤,请广大钓友注意:鲢鳙喜雾化好的 饵料,味型以,酸、臭为好。注意:饵料的酸臭都是在味型上的,可不是恶臭、恶酸。










【英文介绍/For English】:

1. This is the most important step in fishing silver carp and bighead carp. Please pay attention to the majority of fishing friends: silver carp and bighead carp like atomized bait, and the taste type is preferably sour and smelly. Note: The sour smell of bait is all about the taste type, not foul smell or bad acid.

2. 500 grams of corn flour, 200 grams of fish feed, 100 grams of wheat bran (fine), 100 grams of white flour, add about 50 grams of sugar, add water 1:0.8, and stir well. Seal it in a plastic bag and expose it to sunlight. After about a week, it will ferment and become sour. When using it, you can add some stinky tofu, and just add a piece according to the amount you use. Remember, this bait does not need to be steamed, and the fermented bait can be used directly in the reservoir. If the stickiness is slightly poor, you can add some white flour or commercial bait to improve the stickiness.

3. The use of water monsters is just a name in the scientific name, and there are many aliases: mines, frames, flower baskets, and baskets. No matter how it is called, the bait is filled inside, and the atomization of the bait is used to make silver carp and bighead carp suck continuously, and finally the hook left outside is sucked into the mouth to catch the fish.

4. To use a flying hook, the bait introduced just now must be steamed. After steaming, hold it on the spring just like this. The bait is continuously atomized. This process is the process of gathering fish. Fishing silver carp and bighead carp is an unhurried process. The bait is slowly atomized, and we wait slowly. At this time, the floating image of the medium fish is particularly obvious. Yes, suddenly there is a black ticket, the rod must be lifted quickly, it is "lifting the rod", and the fishbone must be hit first.