
少年 杨家将四郎几集出现


剧中何润东饰演杨延辉,年幼时随父母上战场,与父母在战乱中失散,被崔应龙收养并授以武功,成年后返回杨家,眼见杨家风光的背后是自己十多年的孤苦漂泊,无法释怀,本想偿还生育 之恩后,与杨家断绝关系,后因在战场上与父兄并肩作战,终于化开误解。











【英文介绍/For English】:

Shiro appeared in episode 16 of "The Young General of the Yang Family". Shilang temporarily stayed in Tianbo Mansion to treat his asthma. He couldn't let go of the knot in his heart. He offended Sai Hua, left Yang Mansion, and went to Luo's daughter's place. It happened that Pan Bao fell ill. Luo's daughter had already seen that Qiu Muyi was Yang Shilang and persuaded him to do so. Put down the hatred and persuade him back to the Yang family. During the recruit training in Yanlin, Yang Ye was plotted against him. In order to save Yang Ye, Shiro was also poisoned, and his life and death were on the line. In order to avoid making Shiro regret, Luo Shi's daughter told the Yang family that Qiu Muyi was Shiro's secret.

In the play, He Rundong plays Yang Yanhui. He went to the battlefield with his parents when he was young. He was separated from his parents in the war. He was adopted by Cui Yinglong and taught martial arts. He returned to the Yang family when he became an adult. Unable to let go, he cut off ties with the Yang family after he wanted to repay the gift of childbirth. Later, because he fought side by side with his father and brother on the battlefield, the misunderstanding was finally resolved.