Grammar Into vs. In to: Should I Use In to or Into? |
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Into vs. In to: Should I Use In to or Into?

Whether to use the preposition into or the phrase in to can be a source of confusion. We’ll take a closer look at both to help clarify which is correct in its context.


Into Meaning: to the inside of
Usage Example: The children jumped into the lake for a swim.

Into Meaning: toward or in the direction of
Usage Example: She turned into the driveway.

Into Meaning: indicating the result of a transformation or change
Usage Example: The caterpillar changed into a butterfly.

Into Meaning: suggesting occupation or involvement
Usage Example: Unfortunately, her brother got into drugs.

Into Meaning: indicating introduction, insert, or inclusion
Usage Example: The nations entered into an alliance.

Into Meaning: indicating a point within time or space
Usage Example: We are now well into the year.

Into Meaning: indicating a mathematical dividend
Usage Example: The number 4 goes into 8 two times.

In to

Sometimes the word in is paired with a verb to form a phrasal verb; this is an example of in being used as a verb particle. When the word to follows the verb particle, it functions as a modifier of the phrasal verb. The words in and to remain separate to convey the intended meaning.

In to Usage Examples
He turned his paper in to the teacher. (The phrasal verb is turn in; to the teacher is an adverbial prepositional phrase indicating to whom he turned in the paper. You can understand why using into here would be a mistake: We would be suggesting he magically turned the paper into a person.)

The administrators wouldn’t give in to the demands of the protesters. (The phrasal verb is give in; to the demands of the protesters is an adverbial prepositional phrase communicating to whom the administrators wouldn’t give in.)

Rachel dived back in to rescue the struggling boy. (The phrasal verb is dive in; to rescue the struggling boy is an infinitive phrase that modifies it.)

into vs. in to

We hope this helps you further understand of the usage of into and in to. Now that we’ve considered their differences, let’s see how you do on our Pop Quiz.


Pop Quiz

1. As a child, I was too afraid to go [into/in to] the Halloween haunted house.

2. I’m going to turn the wallet I found [into/in to] the police.

3. If your battery is running low, you’ll need to plug your power cord [into/in to] the socket.

4. I will look [into/in to] the options you have suggested.

5. She came [into/in to] warm her hands and feet.

6. Her brother Billy is really [into/in to] sports.

7. Excuse me, I’m going to tune [into/in to] watch the nightly news.

8. The agreement goes [into/in to] effect on October 1.



1. As a child, I was too afraid to go into the Halloween haunted house.

2. I’m going to turn the wallet I found in to the police.

3. If your battery is running low, you’ll need to plug your power cord into the socket.

4. I will look into the options you have suggested.

5. She came in to warm her hands and feet.

6. Her brother Billy is really into sports.

7. Excuse me, I’m going to tune in to watch the nightly news.

8. The agreement goes into effect on October 1.

Into vs In to Quiz

If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the "Comment" box at the bottom of this page.

522 responses to “Into vs. In to: Should I Use In to or Into?”

  1. Tom Miller says:

    Thanks for these daily tips. They are very helpful.
    I would love to see a tip on use/used ….I use/used to be a student at Indiana State University.
    Thanks again.

    • Jane says:

      The correct usage in this situation will always be “used to.”
      GrammarBook update: Due to readers’ requests, we did write a grammar tip on this topic: “ I Don’t Use Use To but I Used To.”


      I would like to get some tips on ” upto and up to”

      • says:

        Up to is always written as two words.

    • TakePride says:

      Yes, but sloppy English is a bad excuse for evolving language. Otherwise, why bother with education? Conformity? Clarity? Just ask the French, lol! (use of an Internet abbreviation as pun intended).

    • says:

      The word however prevents it from being a run-on sentence. To be more formally correct, we could have chosen to use a semicolon rather than a comma after true.

  2. Ray says:

    Dive into fun or dive in to fun?

    • Jane says:

      Dive into fun.

      • paisho says:

        As you step into /in/in to new phase of life. Which is the correct one?

        • says:

          “As you step into a new phase of life” is correct. Note the addition of the article a.

      • tina says:

        which is correct??
        I am into/in to the challenge

        • says:

          Our post Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.”
          I am into the challenge. It is more common to say “I am up for the challenge.”

  3. jessica says:

    blends in to or blends into?

    • Jane says:

      Great question! You would say, “After years of fame, she hopes now to blend in with the crowd.” However, this next example comes from The Chicago Manual of Style in its discussion of copyright laws: In the case of online publishing, reproduction and distribution blend into the act of transmitting the work on demand to the reader’s computer. So it seems that blend in with and blend into are the common expressions.

  4. Billy says:

    Log into/in to a computer?

    • Fellow Inquisitor says:

      AP Stylebook says “log in to my computer … “

  5. Billy says:

    Figured it out.

    Log into a computer. If there is a verb associated with the to then you use in to. For example:
    He went in to run an errand vs. he went into the store to run an errand

    • Jane says:

      Either into or in to seems to be acceptable.

      • Lauren says:

        Couldn’t both be true, such as in the following examples?

        You will need to log in to complete your activties.

        You can complete your activities by logging into your secure homepage.

        • says:

          One could argue for either form in the case of your second sentence. “Into” implies entrance, which one could say is meant figuratively here, even if not literally. Either into or in to seems to be acceptable.

          • Marge says:

            Funny we’ve always said “log on!”

            • says:

              Many people use log on and log in interchangeably. Others make a distinction that you first go to the internet and log on to a website (URL), then you can log in to sign in with a username and password.

    • J says:

      login to

      • says:

        Usually, when the word login is used, it is used as a noun meaning “the act of logging in to a database, device, or computer, especially a multiuser computer or a remote or networked computer system.” For example, “We are excited about the number of logins to our website.” The verbs are two words: log in and log out, whereas the nouns are login and logout. Therefore, in the verb form, I favor log in to.

        • ari says:

          About into/in to and log in/log on

          Log in to a database. While performing the login, ensure you have your password handy.

          You log on to a computer/system. Mostly for gaining access into your hardware. Any application on your computer or websites and personal accounts have to be logged in to.

  6. Brina says:

    I’m into or in to sports? (As in, I enjoy sports)

    • Jane says:

      “I’m into sports” is the expression.

      • Jasper says:

        I’ve read somewhere that English experts think that using “into” as slang is unacceptable. Therefore the expression ” “I’m into sports” is wrong!?

        They say that using “into” as someone into something should not be used!

        Is this correct?

        • says:

          Using the word into to mean “involved with or interested in” is common in American English. It is, however, sometimes defined as “informal” English, therefore it could be considered unacceptable in formal writing.

  7. Becky Cudo says:

    get back into or in to the workforce

    • Jane says:

      I think you could argue for either form in this case. Into implies entrance, which one could say is meant figuratively here, even if not literally.

  8. Micaela says:

    Climb into bed???

    • Jane says:


  9. Jay says:

    The caterpillar turned into/in to a butterfly? Thanks!

    • Jane says:

      The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.

      • Mandy Yeoh says:

        His locked locked onto/ on to mine?? :\

        • says:

          You probably meant to write “His eyes locked onto/on to mine.” This is one of those situations that could go either way, depending on whether you consider the verb to be locked, taking the preposition onto; or locked on, taking the preposition to. It makes no difference really.

      • Alfred Wilson says:

        Turned into a butterfly is correct? It’s a transformation, a metamorphism, surely not an entrance. What about, “It changed from one thing in to another.”?* (I know “It changed from one thing to another” is more common.)(*Should the question mark have been placed inside the quotation marks?)

        • says:

          Our post “ Into vs. In To (Expanded)” says, “Into can refer to a state or condition.” Therefore, “turned into a butterfly” and “changed from one thing into another” are correct. The question mark should be outside the quotation marks and the period omitted.

  10. Dean says:

    Great differentiations. How about…”Enter the final number into the last column of the spreadsheet.” Although a column is bounded on two sides, I would propose that it is better to use “in” in this case. However, because a cell (or field) of a spreadsheet is more specifically bounded on four sides, the use of “into” would be more appropriate if the sentence read, “Enter the final number into cell C-4 of the spreadsheet.” What is your opinion, Jane?

    • Jane says:

      I agree that “Enter the final number into cell C-4 of the spreadsheet” is better because 1. the cell is bounded on four sides, as you say and 2. it answers the question “where?” However, I would also use “into” in your first example, “Enter the final number into the last column of the spreadsheet” because it is still answering where the number should be placed. In addition, it is more common to hear of entering numbers into things. Example: I entered my birth date into the box provided.

      • Rene Post says:

        Regarding, ”Enter the final number into the last column of the spreadsheet.”
        If one use ‘in’, as in ”Enter the final number in the last column of the spreadsheet.” ‘in’ in this sentence could mean ‘coming out’ (depending on context). For instance, in a situation like this “Enter the final number as your password. You can find that number in the last column of the spreadsheet.” For a more experienced user who asked, which number do I need to entert, one could just say, ”Enter the final number in the last column of the spreadsheet.”

        • says:

          We should use in for where something is, its location or position. We should use into for where something is going: its direction or destination.

  11. Judy says:

    You grant us the right to insert the logo in to your ad.
    You grant us the right to insert the logo into your ad.

    • Jane says:

      “You grant us the right to insert the logo into your ad.” However, because you have already said “insert,” “into” is a bit redundant. You may want to write, “You grant us the right to insert the logo in your ad.”

  12. Tim says:

    I will look in to/into the options you have suggested.

    • Jane says:

      “I will look into the options you have suggested.”

  13. Jessica says:

    Do your kids define cleaning their room as shoving everything into/in the closet?

    • Jane says:

      “Into” suggests actual entrance; therefore, “shoving everything into the closet.”

  14. Abby says:

    Turn this into/in to a family event?

    • Jane says:

      I would use “into” because you mean “become.” If you say “turn this in to,” it means there is a thing being turned in.

  15. Colleen says:

    Tune into channel 4 or Tune in to channel 4?

    • Jane says:

      tune in to Channel 4
      “Tune in” is an expression when used with television shows.

      • Tim says:

        “Tune to Channel 4” is also correct.
        Some websites, like Google, use “sign in to your account” or “log in to your account,” but I can see “sign/log into” as correct because you are entering or moving into a new area, albeit a virtual one.

        • says:

          You make an interesting point.

        • Tim says:

          Not to be confused with “login,” which is a noun. You use your login to log into a system. So “login to the system should never be used.”

        • Roland says:

          “Some websites, like Google, use “sign in to your account” or “log in to your account,” but I can see “sign/log into” as correct because you are entering or moving into a new area, albeit a virtual one.”

          That’s the biggest error people make and keep doing it wrong. Phrasal verbs just can -never- have their “in” part combined with any other preposition in the first place, no matter what the meaning the verb refers to. One can e.g. dive into a pool allright, but not sign or log “into” something – it doesn’t make any sense more that one can sign/log “outof” something. Can’t put it more simple than this. As a matter of fact, Facebook currently still doesn’t get it and uses “log into”. They should wake up .

          • Peter says:

            Despite all GB’s corrective instructions I still want to write “I got in to work (late)”. Not into. Because I’ve never been into working. Only resting.

            • says:

              Because come in and get in are common phrasal verbs, we agree with you.

          • Daniel says:

            When it comes to logging in or signing in, Roland has a valid point, and it’s really more simple than you think.

            When using these phrasal verbs, the “to” is just a replacement for “at” and can therefore never be combined with the “in” part as with any phrasal verb, which would simply cause the verb’s meaning to change. You can sign into a book to register at a hotel for instance, or an application can log its log data into a log file. Doing so on a website does not make any sense and just looks silly. No wonder these verbs are often included in style guides.

            The argument of entering something or somewhere (for logging in or signing in) is merely a coincidence and does not validate nor justify the use of “into” at all. That would validate for diving (not phrasal), but not for logging or signing, which are verbs of their own. One can even hear it – never noticed the stress on the “in” part for the phrasal verbs?

            Simply put, if you can replace the “to” by “at” and/or you can hear the stress on “in”, separate it. Ask other grammarians and they will agree.

  16. Peg says:

    This fall I will be going in to my second year of high school or into my second year of high school. If I opt not to rewrite the sentence, which of the two would be appropriate?

    • Jane says:

      I would say that either “in to” or “into” is correct.

  17. Dorothy says:

    Your name will be entered in/into a raffle for a fun prize. I’m thinking “into”, am I right?

    • Jane says:

      “Into” is fine here.

  18. Jo says:

    It was good to run in to/into you yesterday?

    • Jane says:

      Either “run in to” or “run into” would be correct; however, I would use “run in to” since you don’t literally mean “collide.”

  19. Wes says:

    He was always one to lean into/in to a fight (as in, he has an aggressive personality)

    • Jane says:

      I think the expression is “lean into” rather than “lean in to.”

  20. Kathryn says:

    Leap into/in to Science?

    • Jane says:

      Leap into science.

  21. Margie says:

    Get into or in to college?

    • Jane says:

      into college

  22. Nicole says:

    an artistic glance into/in to the chilling pits…

    I can’t tell which to use. Can you help?

    • Jane says:

      “an artistic glance into the chilling pits…”

  23. Nicole says:

    it is transformed into/ in to a situation mirroring the…

    • Jane says:

      We recommend “into.”

  24. Sahil Malhotra says:

    The result is that venture firms are putting much less money in/into technology startups than in the past?

    • Jane says:

      “…venture firms are putting much less money into technology…”

  25. Courteney says:

    The agreement goes into/in to effect on October 1st and will remain in effect for one year.

    • Jane says:

      “Into” works just fine here.

  26. Matt says:

    Controversy has followed Britney Spears since she shimmied her way into/in to pop culture as a provocative schoolgirl over a decade ago.

    • Jane says:

      “into pop culture”

  27. Toni says:

    …will be incorporated in/in to/into the proposal

    • Jane says:

      We recommend “into.”

      • Deanna says:

        Would it be “incorporated into” or “incorporated within”?

        “I found myself flashing back to the DuFour quote incorporated into/within your response.”

        Thank you!

        • says:

          “Into” would be better.

  28. Allison says:

    Teachers fall in to/in to one of three groups.

    • Jane says:

      “Teachers fall into one of three groups.”

  29. Susan says:

    When is it preferable to use in to? From all that I’ve read here, it seems as though into is always correct. Is that true?

    • Jane says:

      No, sometimes “in to” is the only correct answer.
      He turned his paper in to the teacher.
      The administrators wouldn’t give in to the demands of the protesters.

  30. Susan says:

    Thanks so much for clarifying this for me.

    • Jane says:

      You are welcome.

  31. Jim says:

    My favorite is when crooks turn themselves into police.

    • Jane says:

      Good one.
      Since a criminal doesn’t become a police officer, “in to” is the correct answer.

  32. Jim says:

    If I edit to what-I’d-consider-over-hyphenation, it would look like this:
    Sometimes I long for the-return-of-hyphenation.
    I fantasize
    “Crooks turn-themselves-in to police.”
    as being correct.
    Over-hyphenation, maybe, but I appreciate the-singularitization-which-can-be-brought-about-by-the-use-of-hyphens.
    Lynn Truss’s chapter-title “A Little Used Punctuation Mark” is self-illuminating.
    I will not be holding-my-breath!

    • Jane says:

      This is overkill.

  33. Jim says:

    Yes. Actually, that is kindly-put. Thank you.

    • Jane says:

      You’re welcome; however, kindly put should not be hyphenated here.

  34. Jim says:

    Wow. Of course, you are right! Thanks!

  35. Stephanie says:

    When did you take it into/ in to work?

    • Jane says:

      When did you take it in to work?

  36. Kelly says:

    “We have settled in to our new house” or “We have settled into our new house”

    • Jane says:

      We have settled into our new house.

  37. Nancy says:

    Additional expense would only come in to/into play of there were more co-defendants.

    • Jane says:

      “into play”

  38. Dawn says:

    plug into the power of prayer?

    • Jane says:

      Yes, “plug into the power of prayer” is similar to Pop Quiz question #3, “If your battery is running low, you’ll need to plug your power cord into the socket.”

  39. Bailee says:

    Governor Brownback settles into/in to Topeka?

    • Jane says:

      Governor Brownback settles into Topeka.

  40. Mesa says:

    What about putting something into/in to words?
    Like, “Yeah I have this great idea but I don’t know how to put it into/in to words?” or something

    • Jane says:

      “Putting something into words” would be the correct usage.

  41. Eugene says:

    “The document was simplified to fit into 2 pages.” or could I simply say “The document was simplified to fit 2 pages.”

    • Jane says:

      The document was simpified to fit into two pages.

  42. Helen says:

    What about: disappearing into the dark recess vs. disappearing in to the dark recess? Or should it be: disappearing within the dark recess? Perhaps you could advise me. Thanks!

    • Jane says:

      “Disappearing into the dark recess” would be the best usage.

  43. Laura says:

    She carefully smoothed and tamed the unruly hair into the usual neat and tidy bun.

    • Jane says:

      In your sentence, the word “into” indicates figurative movement from the outside (unruly hair) to the inside (neat and tidy bun).

  44. Kevin says:

    What ingredients go in to/into the cake?

    I could rewrite it “what ingredients go in the cake” so shouldn’t it be “in to”?

    Can you expound upon your basic rule of locations being “into”. Do we also use “into” if the action is a combining, blending or becoming of something else like your example from July 2010 regarding the caterpillar turning into a butterfly?

    Using the police and crooks example from November 2010…
    “crooks turn themselves into police” would be correct if they were coming from different directions and physically turned and bumped into one another or if the criminal became a law enforcement officer. I understand that. “The caterpillar turned into a butterfly”? The caterpillar is crawling along and bumps into a butterfly? The caterpillar becomes a butterfly makes sense but it’s not a location so if you could just clarify.


    • Jane says:

      What ingredients go into the cake?
      Locations with “into” suggest movement from the outside to the inside, such as the car moving into the garage.
      “Into” can take on various meanings. In the butterfly example, it shows a change of state.

  45. Antonia says:

    What about Break in to / Break into? Technically a person is gaining entrance when they break in. But at the same time the verb is “to break in” not “to break” right? Thanks for your help.

    • Jane says:

      “Break into” would be correct. In this case, the verb “break,” when used in this way, does mean enter, rather than smash or separate into pieces.

      • Clem says:

        I strongly disagree. “Breaking” is not the same as going in to, hence the crime of breaking AND entering. “Breaking in” however carries the the idea of both the breaking of the seal and the entering of the the building.

        • says:

          The phrase “break in” is an idiomatic verb phrase meaning “to force entry into a place.” This is one of those cases where it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the use of either into or in to.

  46. Jason says:

    We’re five weeks into/in to the new year.


    • Jane says:

      We’re five weeks into the new year.

  47. Laurie says:

    tricked him in to signing the paper or tricked him into signing the paper?

    • Jane says:

      tricked him into signing the paper

  48. Brandon says:

    He’s just not that into you?

    • Jane says:

      He’s just not that into you. OR
      He’s Just Not That Into You (for the book or movie title)

  49. Jill says:

    Worth looking into/in to?

    • Jane says:

      The correct usage would be “worth looking into.”

  50. Sunshine says:

    To me, it seems like if you can say your sentence without the object – it works with just “in”. But, if it doesn’t sound right or make sense without the object – it should be “into”.

    When did you take it in…to work — YES
    Teachers fall in…to one of three groups. — NO
    My favorite is when crooks turn themselves in…to police. — YES
    Do your kids define cleaning their room as shoving everything in…to the closet? — NO

    I’m sure someone might find fault in my logic or there might be an instance in which this doesn’t apply, but it seems to help me (again, in most instances).

    • Jane says:

      That is great if you are able to make the distinction that way. Your method may not work for everyone, however. What “sounds right” to one person might not “sound right” to another. It would be wonderful if there were a universal shortcut that worked for everyone!

  51. Ken S. says:

    Plug in to/into the cloud? This is the headline to a tech magazine I got in the mail. I think “in to” but my friend says “into.”

    • says:

      Plug into the cloud

  52. Bill says:

    “I’m too tired to recount the unpleasantries one-by-one” or “one by one”? Thank you so much.

    • says:

      I’m too tired to recount the unpleasantries one by one.

  53. Brenna says:

    I was hoping not to get into/in to this (situation)?

    • says:

      I was hoping not to get into this situation.

  54. Rudi says:

    In biological classfication we say genera are grouped in to families and families are grouped in to orders. Or should it be into?

    • says:

      You would say that genera are grouped into families and families are grouped into orders.

  55. Tom says:

    that’s something I’d be in to/into?

    • says:

      That’s something I’d be into.

  56. Dennis says:

    Walking into a wall I blackout, waking in to a word of wonder.

    • says:

      Walking into a wall I black out, waking into a world of wonder.

  57. Janet says:

    I require the information to download onto my computer

    • says:

      Your sentence is correct.

  58. Phil says:

    Regarding “I’m really into/in to sports,” I think we could extrapolate this example to any situation where into/in to is used to convey interest in something. If “into” is the preferred form, it becomes ambiguous when we’re talking about interest in something that you can also literally also go into.

    Example: I’m really into cars.
    Even worse: He’s been into Sarah lately.

    Seems like “in to” might be a better choice?

    • says:

      We can understand why there is so much confusion. The word “into” has several meanings. Not all indicate actual entry. One of the meanings of the word is “involved with or interested in.” That is the case with the examples you gave.

  59. Olivia Oxendine says:

    What about the use of in vs. into in the following sentence?

    I would like to incorporate a flower (in or into) the oil painting.

    • says:

      I would like to incorporate a flower into the oil painting.

  60. Erik says:

    These are GREAT examples of when to use “into” and “in to” . Thank you very much for your input.

    • says:

      We are glad that you find the information helpful.

  61. Elle O. says:

    Check in to a hotel or check into a hotel? Since “check in” is an expression like
    “Tune in” (from above), I lean towards “check in to…” but “check into…” makes sense, too.

    • says:

      “Check into a hotel” would be correct.

  62. Emily says:

    Are these correct?

    I have noted the true thought, attention and care that they put into each patient encounter.

    Putting all that I am into everything I do…


    • says:

      Yes, they are correct.

  63. Christi says:

    I got into Las Vegas late last night/ I got in to Las Vegas late last night

    • says:

      I got into Las Vegas late last night.

  64. Vicki says:

    The patient came into the office today for a consultation or The patient came in to the office today for a consultation.

    • says:

      The patient came into the office today for a consultation.

  65. Holly says:

    I will not get into/in to a vehicle with strangers. ??

    • says:

      I will not get into a vehicle with strangers.

  66. Lynne says:

    She leaned in to him/She leaned into him?

    • says:

      She leaned into him.

  67. Robin Sullivan says:

    “Yes you are,” Aaron replied, separating the pieces into/in to piles.

    • says:

      “Yes, you are,” Aaron replied, separating the pieces into piles.

  68. Vi says:

    I was turning into my driveway. Or he turned into the parking lot.

    I’m not sure if it should be into, which is correct, I think, or if it should be in to for clarity.

    • says:

      Using the interpretation that one of the main uses of the preposition into is to indicate movement toward the “inside” of a place, the sentences would be: I was turning into my driveway. He turned into the parking lot.

  69. Laurie says:

    I will look into it or I will look in to it

    • says:

      I will look into it.

  70. Lauren says:

    I was booked into our local hospital/ I was booked in to our local hospital?

    • says:

      I was booked into our local hospital.

  71. jawa says:

    “The Awkward Moment Wen U Wake Up In The Morning n See Ur Phone Into Pieces” is this a correct usage ? ? ?

    • says:

      We are assuming that this is purposely written in a “text message” style. The phrase is not grammatically correct as it is not a complete sentence, so we are assuming it would be used as a headline or title. If so, the correct wording would be “The Awkward Moment When You Wake Up in the Morning and See Your Phone Is in Pieces.”

  72. Rique says:

    Don’t give in to temptation


    Don’t give into temptation

    Which is correct?


    • says:

      Don’t give in to temptation.

  73. Cheryl says:

    find the area you can plug in to, or find the area you can plug into?

    • says:

      Find the area you can plug into.

  74. Maria says:

    What about: I poured countless hours in to the creation of my portfolio.

    • says:

      I poured countless hours into the creation of my portfolio.

  75. Deborah says:

    WAWA is the perfect start into low-risk surgery.


    in to low-risk surgery?

    • says:

      WAWA is the perfect start into low-risk surgery.

  76. Joshua says:

    “Step into these shoes and step in to fashion.” Correct?

    • says:

      “Step into these shoes and step into fashion.”

  77. Dorie Morgan says:

    pulled into the Taco Bell parking lot or in to?

    • says:

      pulled into the Taco Bell parking lot

  78. Jessica says:

    into “big-kid” underwear or in to “big-kid” underwear?

    • says:

      We would have to see more of the sentence.

  79. Pam says:

    This is referring to a voicemail service.

    It’s actually a service that they call in to?

    • says:

      You would either say, “They are calling into the voicemail service,” or “They are calling in to retrieve their voicemail.”

  80. fusun says:

    Please throw the toilet paper into/in to the basket.

    • says:

      “Into the basket” is correct.

      • Cheray says:

        Our skip trucks load and unload their skip bins from the rear, using two parallel hoists . Therefore there are limitations to where you can get a skip into.

        • says:

          We assume you are asking about the use of into vs. in to. The word into is correct in your sentence.

  81. Ashley says:

    incorporate the policy values in to my response letter or to incorporate the policy values into my response letter?

    • says:

      “Incorporate the policy values into my response letter” would be correct.

  82. Mark says:

    The cost could reach well into/in to the billions of dollars?

    Gut says into….

    • says:

      You are correct. Into would be the right choice here.

  83. Julie says:

    …time-and-money-saving features built right into it/time-and-money-saving features built right in to it.

    • says:

      “Time-and-money-saving features built right into it” would be correct.

  84. Rachel says:

    Wonderful site. Thank you.
    Here’s one. What about turn data into/in to insight? My guess is “in to” because I can’t “enter” into insight. Am I correct?

    • says:

      “Turn data into insight” would be correct, since you are not actually turning data in. In this case “into” indicates movement or direction rather than entry.

  85. LD says:

    I’m not sure if I understood this correctly…You mention above that it is not correct to use “log into” since the expression is “log in” so we should therefore use “Log In To”…but later you say to use “plug into” but isn’t the expression “Plug in” so shouldn’t that also be “Plug In To”?

    Secondly, why would we say, “He’s just not that into you.” when obviously we are not talking about him going inside or becoming ‘you’?

    Thanks for the help!

    • says:

      If you were to say, “I need to plug in to charge my phone” (or do another task), then you would use “plug in.” Otherwise you would use “plug into” (something). Regarding “He’s just not that into you,” in this case the word “into” means “involved with or interested in.” It does not indicate actual entry or movement.

  86. Todd says:

    Is there a difference in usage when discussing hobbies?

    For example:

    I’m into sports.
    I’m in to playing sports.

    • says:

      The correct usage would be “I’m into sports” or “I’m into playing sports.” In both cases, the word “into” means “involved with or interested in.”

  87. Cathy says:

    (There’s or there is) no longer a need to sort documents (in to or into) two categories which will be a more efficient process.

    • says:

      “There is no longer a need to sort documents into two categories, which will be a more efficient process,” is correct. In formal writing it is recommended that contractions such as there’s should be avoided.

  88. Peggy says:

    How about the use of “into” with “only”?

    Where should I place the qualifier “only” when trying to distinguish between when a record should be entered into the Red file, but not into the Red file AND the Green file?

    Would one use
    “A record should be entered only into the Red file in the following situations”
    “A record should be entered into only the Red file in the following situation”?

    (It should definitely NOT be “A record should be entered into the Red file in the following situations only” or “only the following situations” because we are not qualifying the situation, we are qualifying the file.)


    • says:

      The word “only” is commonly misplaced in sentences. “Only” should emphasize the word or phrase that immediately follows it. Since you want to emphasize the red file, “A record should be entered into only the red file in the following situations,” would be better.

  89. Margaret says:

    Question: Was it a direct hit to your mouth or was it a specific side of your mouth? Answer: Straight into my mouth. I’m thinking into because it wasn’t inside of his mouth but to the inside corner of his mouth. Is this correct?

    • says:

      Since it was not inside the mouth, “Straight to my mouth,” would be the best usage here.

  90. Mel says:

    I appreciate the effort you put into/in to the recommendation?

    • says:

      I appreciate the effort you put into the recommendation.

  91. Lisa says:

    What about the following:

    a. They braved their way into/in to nursing.
    b. They couldn’t be talked into/in to touring the mansions
    c. They were wrong to goad the into/in to war.
    e. They caved into/in to using the old musket.
    f. They tried to incense her into/in to saying something against her will.
    g. They could coax the devil into/in to shedding his evil ways.
    h. They recruited the townsfolk into/in to taking sides.
    i. They motivated them into/in to putting up a good fight.
    j. They had to wean them into/in to the sound of a gun.
    k. They were shamed into/in to deserting.
    l. They chimed into/in to help him sing the remaining hymn
    m. They baited him into/in to giving up his secret.
    n. They gave into/in to signing up the petition.
    o. They couldn’t be duped into/in to changing their minds.

    • says:

      In to is correct for sentences e, l, and n. The others would use into. In sentence n, the word up is an extra preposition and is not needed in the sentence. Sentence j is not standard usage.

  92. Jill says:

    He will be sworn into the Washington Bar. Or, He will be sworn in to the Washington Bar?

    • says:

      He will be sworn into the Washington Bar.

  93. ryan dunne says:

    Pity we’re not really into/in to imbeciles?

    • says:

      Although this appears to be either a serious insult or a marginally distasteful sarcastic remark, we will say that the correct usage would be into.

  94. Marla says:

    Earlier, you posted that the correct way to use in to/into in the following sentence was this: She is into sports. I am confused, however because that sentence does not anwer the question “where.” It’s WHAT does she enjoy? So wouldn’t it be “She is in to sports?”

    • says:

      in this case, the word into means “involved with or interested in.” When you are speaking of a hobby or interest, you would say that they are “into” it.

  95. Emily says:

    What about “You will never fit into/in to this family.”

    • says:

      You will never fit into this family.

  96. Leslie says:

    Bring a pair of shoes to change into. -or- Bring a pair of shoes to change in to.

    • says:

      When speaking of a change of clothing, change into is an idiomatic verb and it is highly unlikely that anyone will interpret that a person will become a pair of shoes. Therefore, write “Bring a pair of shoes to change into.”

  97. mj says:

    All age groups will be broken down into divisions. (into or in to?)

    • says:

      All age groups will be broken down into divisions.

  98. Bhupender says:

    The policeman prevented us from entering in/into the hall. or just The policeman prevented us from entering the hall.

    • says:

      Since the word entering means “going in,” the words in or into are unnecessary.

      The policeman prevented us from entering the hall.

  99. Jessica says:

    Our new house is so big that we have plenty of room to grow into/in to.

    • says:

      Our house is so big that we have plenty of room to grow into.

  100. Scott says:

    How about this one:

    Consent to Enter Into Settlement Agreement, or

    Consent to Enter In To Settlement Agreement

    (Both refer to the name of a document)

    No matter how many time I look at this I get confused.

    • says:

      Consent to Enter Into Settlement Agreement

  101. Nixon says:

    I just tuned into/in to NPR.

    • says:

      Since the phrasal verb is tune in, I just tuned in to NPR is correct.

  102. Amanda says:

    What about “She is looking in to/into joining a gym.”

    • says:

      She is looking into joining a gym.

  103. jean says:

    I am glad someone had the time to go 100 pages back in to my blog.

    • says:

      I am glad someone had the time to go 100 pages back into my blog.

  104. Fran says:

    The 5-year-old boy was brought into/in to the walk-in clinic by his grandmother. ?

    • says:

      The 5-year-old boy was brought into the walk-in clinic by his grandmother.

  105. Bill says:

    Party A enters into/in to a contract for services?
    Other agreements Party B would enter into/in to are for similar services?


    • says:

      Party A enters into a contract for services.
      Other agreements Party B would enter into are for similar services.

  106. Matt says:

    “brings into being” or “brings in to being”?

    “It is a poem in which the author brings in to being the counter-intuitive argument that better people make the world a worse place.”

    • says:

      “brings into being”

  107. Tamiko says:

    The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.
    The caterpillar turned a test in to a butterfly.

    • says:

      Your sentences are correct as written, although we imagine the second one would apply to a storybook, animated film, or cartoon where a caterpillar is a student in a class taught by a butterfly.

  108. Keesha says:

    Place the fruit in/into the container.

    • says:

      The following sentences are both grammatically correct:

      Put the fruit in the container.
      Put the fruit into the container.

  109. Jamie says:

    Providing input into the budget process . . . (seems redundant)
    Providing input to the budget process . . . (this was my suggested edit)

    • says:

      We agree that the first sentence is redundant. “Providing input to” or “Providing input on” is better.

  110. Gemma says:

    ‘Jenny and her mum moved in to a new house’? Or could I just remove the ambisuity with ‘Jenny and her mum moved to a new house’?

    • says:

      Either of the following is grammatically correct:
      Jenny and her mum moved into a new house. OR
      Jenny and her mum moved to a new house.

  111. shon.25 says:

    Slightly off from the topic but very similar, can you help me with this phrasing? The wording of the original was – Mortar had turned to sands and powder. – but I wanted to expand into metaphor…

    Mortar had turned to the sands and powder of time.
    Mortar had turned into the sands and powder of time.

    Was the original incorrect?

    • says:

      One of the definitions of turn is “to become changed, altered, or transformed.” Therefore, any of the phrases would be grammatically correct.

  112. Lisa says:

    I’ve read through almost all examples posted and am a bit dizzy …
    There are two sentences in each example below that use the term into/in to (wrote them out individually to better compare, but am still not clear which is correct):

    “Parents who tune into their TV might well be tuning out their children … Playing games together is one way parents can tune back into their kids.”
    “Parents who tune in to their TV might well be tuning out their children … Playing games together is one way parents can tune back in to their kids.”

    I’m thinking “tune into their TV” and “tune back in to their kids,” yet, am not 100% sure (have been going back and forth). What’s your view Jane? Thanks!

    • says:

      Tune in is an expression meaning “to listen to or view a broadcast of.” Another definition is “to associate oneself with what is happening or one’s surroundings.” Therefore, we recommend:

      Parents who tune in to their TV might well be tuning out their children … Playing games together is one way parents can tune back in to their kids.

  113. Lea Ogborn says:

    The children were drawn in to the story.
    The children wer drawn into the story.

    • says:

      Both sentences are valid.

  114. Mike says:

    I’m not 100% on this one. I think it’s “into” but could use an explanation. Thanks.
    “I’m going to settle into/in to a new look.”

    • says:

      The phrase settle into is defined in some dictionaries as “to become comfortable in a new place or situation.” The phrase settle in means “to become adapted to and at ease in a new home, environment, etc.” Although both are closely related, we favor settle into but we don’t think you’d get much argument with either into or in to.

  115. Thomas Mundell says:

    Assigned Into/In to a group?

    • says:

      The word in is unnecessary in this sentence. We recommend rewording to assigned to a group.

  116. Lori-Anne says:

    Fit your hand into clean or fit your hand in to clean.

    • says:

      Your example contains the adverb in. This is followed by the preposition to and the verb clean which together are the infinitive form of the verb to clean. Here is an example of your phrase used in a sentence:
      It is difficult to fit your hand in to clean the drain.

      Without the verb clean, you would have: It is difficult to fit your hand into the drain.

  117. Dan says:

    I have a question.
    Goes into/in to bat for…

    There was a headline that I read, that said:
    “Schoolboy goes into bat for beaten dog” where I thought it should be …goes in to bat…

    Can you shed any light on this?

    • says:

      The phrase that applies to your example is go to bat for, which means “give support or help to someone or something.” The term go in to bat for indicates pinch-hitting for someone in a baseball or softball game.

      Schoolboy Goes to Bat for Beaten Dog

      • Dan says:

        Thanks – that makes sense.

  118. Urus says:

    Should we use ‘take into process’ or ‘in process’ while writing or speaking such sentences like ‘I would take your order into process’?

    • says:

      Your example requires use of the adverb in followed by the preposition to. Also, if you are speaking of the future tense, use the auxiliary will rather than would. In addition, we recommend adding the pronoun it after the word process.

      I would take your order in to process it. OR
      I will take your order in to process it.

  119. ashley says:

    “We have incorporated the changes from the script review into/in to the attached storyboard.”

    • says:

      One of the definitions of into is “so as to be in or be included in.” Based on this definition, the following is correct:

      We have incorporated the changes from the script review into the attached storyboard.

  120. Marie says:

    What about when a color changes, like when mixing colors?

    Would it be “the colors changed into brown” or “the colors changed in to brown?”

    There is a distinction on what the color brown is, so does that mean that we would use “into?” If there is a certain line distinguishing on what is brown and is not, then there is a so-called entrance to brown, right?

    • says:

      The preposition in is unnecessary in your sentence. It would be better to write “The colors changed to brown.”

  121. Sidney says:

    I am, with an 8th grade formal education, not a person who knows much about sentence structure. For me ‘into’ is to enter into something, be it the water, a room, etc. For example the sentence:

    Let’s go in, to see if they are okay, gives me a comma after the word ‘in’, and has me thinking: Let’s go in. In to do what? To see if they are okay.

    I looked into the room (my sight went through an open space).

    At one time I was in to line dancing:
    In to what? In, to Line dancing.

    Take the road, in to town:
    In to where? In, to town.

    • says:

      Your first example is correct, but you do not need a comma after the word in. Let’s go in to see if they are okay.

      I looked into the room is correct.

      An informal definition of the word into is “involved with or interested in.” When you are speaking of a hobby or interest, you could say that you are “into” it. Therefore, At one time I was into line dancing is correct in casual usage.

      In your last example, the word into indicates movement toward or entrance. Take the road into town is correct.

      • Hoaxster says:

        If you can put the word “order between “in” and “to” and it maintains the intent, then use “in to”.

        • says:

          This is good guidance as far as it goes, but it does not always work. In the case of the following exaples, it does not make sense:

          He turned his paper in to the teacher.
          The fugitive turned himself in to the police.

  122. Not-So-Important Person says:

    How much detail should I put into this?


    How much detail should I put in to this?

    • says:

      Your sentence is most closely related to definition 5 of our recent newsletter and blog entitled “Into vs. In To (Expanded),” which says “Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion. “One of the examples accompanying that definition was “Jojo incorporated my comments into the final document.” Therefore, “How much detail should I put into this?” is correct.

  123. Jonathan says:

    “I looked in the mirror”?


    “I looked into the mirror”?

    • says:

      While either one may be grammatically correct, “I looked in the mirror” is preferred. “I looked into the mirror” carries an implication of movement toward the inside of an object or place, as though you are looking inside the mirror. Or, it could even imply you are looking into buying a mirror.

      • Jonathan says:

        Thanks so much!

  124. nathan says:

    “The water has come in to the soul.” (Meaning, the water has come in, up to the level of the soul.) Ideally it would be ‘the water has come in unto the soul” but I am trying to avoid the archaic term ‘unto’.

    • says:

      Our recent blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “One of the main uses of the preposition into is to indicate movement toward the inside of a place.” Therefore, “The water has come into the soul,” is correct.

  125. Grant says:

    Which is correct?

    Chomp into/in to a good book?

    I can’t seem to figure this one out even after looking at your previous responses and directions. Thanks!

    • says:

      This is a very unusual phrase since you are not literally taking a bite out of a book. Our blog Into vs. In to (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.” Therefore, we recommend using into.

  126. Margo says:

    I have just read ALL of the entries and find this site most entertaining and enjoyable. Thank you!

    • says:

      That is quite an accomplishment to read all of the entries! We are glad you enjoyed reading them.

  127. Lisa says:

    It gave me a wonderful insight in to/into the school? Thanks!

    • says:

      It gave me a wonderful insight into the school.

  128. Caspar says:

    Doesn’t it depend on whether the ‘in’ is part of a phrasal verb or not – or, to put it another way, whether the verb + ‘in’ means something quite different from the verb by itself (or the verb + ‘into)?

    So, to ‘turn someone in’ means to hand them over to an authority and takes ‘in to’ (‘I turned him in to the police’), while ‘turn’ by itself means deviate from a straight path (‘he turned into the driveway’), and of course you ‘turn into’ a beetle, if you do it at all.

    This rule gets over the problem of more abstract concepts like ‘inquiring into’, ‘looking into’, where there is no entering in the usual sense.

    into’ (a phrasal verb including the word ‘into’, wo

    • says:

      That’s an interesting method. We haven’t had enough experience with it to properly evaluate it. Thanks for submitting your thoughts.

  129. Talon says:

    “I can’t get into a book,” or “I can’t get in to a book?” I’m confused for this one…

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In to (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.” Therefore, we recommend using into.

  130. Cameron says:

    “The meetings gave me a lot of insight “into” what goes “in to” expanding a brand and connecting with the audience.

    Are “into” and “in to” correct here?
    Thank you!

    • says:

      Yes, the words into and in to are correct in your sentence.

      The meetings gave me a lot of insight into what goes in to expanding a brand and connecting with the audience.

  131. Widow says:

    The patient changed into/in to hospital attire.

    • says:

      The patient changed into hospital attire.

  132. Gary says:

    I have a question concerning in vs into. Is it correct to say, “I put it in my pocket.” or should it be “I put it into my pocket.”?

    • says:

      Either one is grammatically correct.

  133. Lauren says:

    Which is correect? “Everything was starting to fall into place” or “everything was starting to fall in to place” ?

    • says:

      Everything was starting to fall into place.

  134. grace says:

    How about… She looked into her soul or she looked in to her soul.
    Thank you!

    • says:

      She looked into her soul.

  135. SO says:

    I feel quite confused about this; which of the two is correct, and why so?

    ‘The effort you put in to it’ OR ‘The effort you put into it’

    Thank you very much for your help!

    PS. Is it ‘Look into the matter’ OR ‘Look in to the matter’?

    Thank you, Ms Jane!

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “4. Into can indicate occupation or involvement.” and “5. Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.” Therefore, write “the effort you put into it” and “look into the matter.”

  136. Chandi says:

    “guaranteed admission into university” or “guaranteed admission to university”


    • says:

      The preposition in is not necessary, therefore we recommend “guaranteed admission to the university.”

  137. Erica says:

    I will take that into/in to consideration.

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “5. Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.” Therefore, write “I will take that into consideration.”

  138. Nicolette says:

    I saw earlier you said “Dive into fun.”

    I have a headline launching a new 2013 resort directory:

    “Dive in to your new directory.” (Should it be “into”?)

    You also mentioned that “into” would imply an entrance – would this apply to something like a book?

    • says:

      The headline should read “Dive into your new directory.” Our blog Into vs. In to (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.”

  139. River says:

    So… You do turn into a driveway, right? I don’t want people to think the driver transformed into my driveway for the story I am writing.

    • says:

      Since the preposition into can indicate movement toward the “inside” of a place, as well as “in the direction of,” we agree that turning into a driveway is acceptable. (Due to the potential for misinterpretation, this is one of those cases where we don’t believe anyone will argue with the use of either into or in to in your sentence.)

  140. Lynn says:

    I really did read all the entries before submitting this! Since I hate to have my reputation tarnished:

    Putting Intent in to Action (?)

    • says:

      Your phrase relates to the definition “Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.”

      Therefore, write “putting intent into action.”

  141. Sarah says:

    The article suggests that if regulations are not put into place, then football may turn into boxing.

    Is the use of “into” correct in this sentence?

    • says:

      Yes, it is correct.

  142. Judy says:

    What about in combination with words such as “implement” or “integrate”? For example, “Use these strategies to integrate higher order questions in/into your instruction.” Integrate already means “add in,” so the use of “in” or “into” seems redundant, but you need something. So do you use “in” alone or “to” alone?

    Compare this usage with “upload” as in “upload the files in to your system.” Upload means bring in, so I would revise to say “Upload the files to your system.”

    Thank you.

    • says:

      The word implement is defined in the dictionary as “carry out, accomplish.” We cannot think of a sentence that would properly use either into or in to with implement.

      We have to decide the best way to implement our plan.
      The company will begin to implement the new policy on January 1, 2014.

      According to The American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of the word integrate is “To make part of a larger unit: integrated the new procedures into the work routine.” Likewise, Merriam Webster’s Dictionary uses the following example sentences for the word integrate:

      They have resisted efforts to integrate women into the military.
      Many immigrants have found it difficult to integrate into American culture.

  143. Patsy says:

    My son came from school with some vocabulary to learn and there is a sentence that makes me ‘uncomfortable’.

    Every month, the whole class goes into the library.

    I would have said ‘to the library’ but I may be wrong (my mother tongue is french).

    Thanks you so much for help

    • says:

      Although the sentence is grammatically correct, since the children do go inside the library every month, the preposition in is unnecessary.

  144. Allison says:

    Improve your ability to sell into/ in to high-growth vertical markets? Thank you!

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.” Therefore, write “Improve your ability to sell into high-growth vertical markets.” Admittedly, we have a limited understanding of finance and marketing. To us, “Improve your ability to sell to high-growth vertical markets” might work fine.

  145. Sarah says:

    The family he was born into.
    The family he was born in to.

    • says:

      Your sentence is most closely related to definition 5 of our recent newsletter and blog entitled “Into vs. In To (Expanded),” which says “Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.” Therefore, write “the family he was born into.”

  146. Tii says:

    I’m writing a story and I’m wanting the grammar to be perfect, would it be “…as his mind slowly faded into numb.” or “…as his mind slowly faded in to numb.”? Also, it’s off topic, but would using numb in that context be acceptable or not?

    Thank you

    • says:

      The word numb is an adjective, therefore we recommend using the word numbness. Also, the word in is unnecessary. You could either write “His mind slowly faded to numbness” or “. . . to a state of numbness.”

  147. Anna says:

    Thank you for these Grammar tips. They are helpful and add to my knowledge.

    I am confused on how to use into and in by in sentences. What are the differences between these prepositions (into vs in).

    1. Sharon puts her shoes into a box.
    2. Sharon puts her shoes in a box.
    Which one is the correct or proper sentence? Or could them both be true?

    3. She keeps all her clothes into a wardrobe.
    4. She keeps all her clothes in a wardrobe.
    Which one is the correct or proper sentence? Or could them both be the correct or proper sentences?

    Thank you in advance for your explanation and tips.

    • says:

      Our more recent blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) goes into more depth on this topic and lists many more definitions of the word into. In your examples, the word in is used as a function word to indicate inclusion or location. In your first example, either sentence would be grammatically correct, although I favor the shorter in. In your second example, the word into is not correct.

      Sharon puts her shoes in a box.
      She keeps all her clothes in a wardrobe.

      Also, the word them in each of your questions should be they.

      • Kalita says:

        I have a similar question to Anna’s on 2/22/13, so I apologize if I just missed the point.

        On that same note, you exhibit incredible patience when answering questions from people who clearly did not read the previous posts!

        The phrase I am having trouble with comes in the context of two surfaces that will touch each other. Is it correct to say “come into contact with,” or just “come in contact with”?

        It does seem that there is an introduction of the two surfaces, so would “into” be correct?

        Also, I know this is a question of “into” vs. “in” instead of “into” vs. “in to,” but this is the most relevant blog post I could find.

        • says:

          This is a case of writer’s preference. Since into can indicate “in the direction of,” “come into contact with” is fine. However, “come in contact with” also is acceptable.

  148. TNT says:

    “What goes in to making a minister” or “What goes into making a minister”? Please help!

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “Into can imply introduction, insertion, or inclusion.” Therefore write What goes into making a minister?

  149. Amy says:

    Students who place into/in to English 101 are allowed to take other courses.

    • says:

      We recommend rewording the sentence to Students who are placed in English 101 are allowed to take other courses.

  150. Greg says:

    The decisions we will need to make now and into the future….

    ‘now and in to’ or ‘in the future’

    • says:

      The word to is unnecessary.
      The decisions we will need to make now and in the future…

  151. Jim says:

    How to log in to your laptop (Title of a Powerpoint which shows the steps used to provide a user and password logging in to the Windows operating system.)
    Could be “How to login to your laptop” or “How to log into your laptop” I am thinking the verb login is being used.

    • says:

      It appears to be widely accepted that words such as login, logon, logoff, when written as single words, are used as nouns or adjectives. The verb form is two words: log in, log on, or log off. (Associated Press Style Manual, Wikipedia,, etc.). Therefore, you should write How to log in to your laptop.
      There are some who present an argument that log on often means to visit a website, and log in means to sign in with a username and password. We cannot say whether there is any agreement on this in the technical computer community.

      • Tim says:

        When thinking of myself entering a new place, be it virtual or not, is when I lean towards log into/sign into. But I suppose logging/signing in can be thought of as a digital form of signing a guest book where you would “sign in to the meeting,” with the entering still a separate action. We’ll figure it out in 10 years. Just never use login as a verb.

        • says:

          Yes, as we mentioned in our reply to Jim above, login, logon, and logoff are used as nouns or adjectives, not verbs.

  152. Sarah says:

    What about “give into/in to”? Like give into the demands… ? Thanks!

    • says:

      “Give in to the demands” is correct.

  153. kgso4 says:

    Which one is grammatically correct??

    “My friend logs into facebook from his mobile phone.”


    “My friend logs in to facebook from his mobile phone.”

    • says:

      My friend logs in to Facebook from his mobile phone.

  154. bgnryynynr says:

    what will be the correct answer ?
    I put the noodles in/into the pan.

    • says:

      I put the noodles in the pan.

  155. Kerry says:

    Which would be correct?
    Thank you for the time and effort you put in to your teaching.
    Thank you for the time and effort you put into your teaching.

    • says:

      Thank you for the time and effort you put into your teaching.

  156. John says:

    Are you still into/in to baking?

    • says:

      Our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.”
      Are you still into baking?

  157. Barb says:

    Is it correct to say, ‘You are invited into relationship with God’?

    • says:

      Better sentences might be: “You are invited into a relationship with God,” “You are invited to enter into a relationship with God,” or “You are invited to begin a relationship with God.”

  158. cindy says:

    Which would be correct?

    An investigation in to the effects of this new program
    An investigation into the effects of this new program

    • says:


  159. Mischel says:

    What have we gotten ourselves in to/into?

    • says:

      What have we gotten ourselves into?

  160. daniel says:

    We can tie that into/in to the presentation?

    • says:

      While the word into can imply “introduction,” “insertion,” or “inclusion,” we could also consider the verb in this sentence to be “tie in” which would require a space before “to.” In this case, either would be acceptable.

  161. Pam Leverett says:

    This is verbatim (speaking of a doctor’s excuse)so I cannot reword it.

    Did you ever take that in to/into the company?


    • says:

      You should probably use “in to,” but without context it’s hard to be sure.

  162. Sam says:

    Which of the following is correct?

    1) Race into the New Year!

    2) Race in to the New Year!

    • says:

      Race into the New Year!

  163. Yadi says:

    If the claim is formalized by the lawyer into/in to a lawsuit, there are usually further negotiations.


    • says:

      The word to is unnecessary in your sentence.
      If the claim is formalized by the lawyer in a lawsuit, there are usually further negotiations.

  164. Holly says:

    Driven by her attraction, she gives into/in to his advance?

    • says:

      Driven by her attraction, she gives in to his advance.

  165. varun manchanda says:

    the thief ran in/into a park and hid there for 3 hours

    • says:

      We recommend “into.” You may also want to spell out “three.”

  166. AC says:

    Tuning into or tuning in to?

    • says:

      “Tune in” is a phrasal verb. Therefore, write “tuning in to.”

  167. Karl says:

    Poke needles (in to/ into) an effigy.

    • says:

      Poke needles into an effigy.

  168. Una says:

    To buy in to / into something?

    Eg. ‘to what extent are men buying in to (into?) the gender roles portrayed in this medium?’

    • says:

      Both buy in and buy into are common phrasal verbs, so either one would be all right here.

  169. ern says:

    progressed into/in to a dinner date
    A night out developed into/in to a commitment between us

    • says:

      You may use into for both of your examples. However, we would suggest to as a more desirable option for “progressed to a dinner date.”

  170. Derek says:

    Since English is ever changing, and peoples’ perspectives of ‘correct’ also change, here, this is easiest….

    INTO: to change, morph, make different
    IN TO: IN go towards something (action), TO the direction.

    I went IN TO the store. People came IN TO the country
    The book was made INTO a movie. The caterpillar changed INTO a cocoon. The human turned INTO a werewolf.

    Connotations of words are greater that conceptualized words….

    • says:

      It is not that simple. One of the main uses of the preposition into is to indicate movement toward the inside of a place. I went into the store and people came into the country are correct. Please see the Into vs. In To (Expanded) blog for a more detailed explanation.

  171. Sydney says:

    How can you describe the consideration of dive into and dive in to

    • says:

      One of the main uses of the preposition into is to indicate movement toward the inside of a place.
      We saw the man dive into the lake and swim toward the boat.

      The term “dive in to” (though less common) would be correct where in is a preposition and to is part of an infinitive verb:
      I will dive in to retrieve my keys from the bottom of the pool.

  172. james says:

    Turn water into / in to wine
    Turn point into / in to prizes

    • says:

      “Turn water into wine” and “turn points into prizes” are correct.

  173. Amy says:

    You have helped me a lot with this. May I ask you to clarify correct usage in this sentence please?

    I didn’t feel up to coming in to University today.

    By what I have read, it should in fact be ‘into’, is that correct?

    Or could it be either?

    Thank you so much!

    • says:

      To, into, and in to are all grammatically correct options in your sentence; however, you need to add the word the before University, and we do not recommend capitalizing university in these sentences.

      I didn’t feel up to coming to the university today. OR
      I didn’t feel up to coming in to the university today. OR
      I didn’t feel up to coming into the university today.

  174. J says:

    repurposed into/in to something purposeful?

    • says:

      Write “repurposed into something purposeful.”

  175. Haseeb says:

    I have a query, its a bit scientific but anout ‘into’ and ‘in to’.

    Cancer is a complex disease that involves a number of genetic alterations which lead to changes in cell physiology followed by progression of transformed cells and the subsequent development “into/in to” malignant tumors.

    • says:

      Use the word into in your sentence. We also recommend the addition of some commas.
      Cancer is a complex disease that involves a number of genetic alterations, which lead to changes in cell physiology, followed by progression of transformed cells and the subsequent development into malignant tumors.

  176. Jill says:

    I can’t determine if this sentence uses it correctly:

    All requests will need to be called into our service center.

    Can you help?

    • says:

      In your sentence, it depends on whether you consider called in to be the verb, or just called. Thus, you would use either in to or into; there is no one right answer. In addition, the use of the word “need” in your sentence is questionable. Better sentences might be “Please call all requests into our service center” or “All requests should be called into (or in to) our service center.

  177. Nancy says:

    Please help me with this. I have to type everything I transcribe verbatim. Here is what was said:

    My vehicle stopped near the driveway they were trying to turn in to/into.

    • says:

      Since the preposition into can indicate movement toward the “inside” of a place, as well as “in the direction of,” turning into a driveway is acceptable. This is one of those cases where it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the use of either into or in to.

  178. Lindsey says:

    “Move in to an apartment” or “move into an apartment”?

    • says:

      Since you don’t move into a building the way you walk or drive into something, we recommend move in to because move in is the verb, not move. However, there is still movement toward the inside of something so both in to and into could be justified.

  179. Hank says:

    When we speak about the act of putting on different items of clothing than those that are currently being worn by the subject of the sentence, my understanding was that “change into” was the accepted idiom, rather than “change in”. Even if there is potential confusion with the other meaning of “change into” (in the sense of “transform into”), the meaning is usually clear from the context. Since “change in” is not usually associated with putting on clothing, it seems odd to me to talk about “a pair of shoes to change in to”.

    The Cambridge Online Dictionaries website gives the example “I’ll just change into (= put on) something a little dressier” (see, and that sounds rights to me.

    So for me “change into some different clothes” and “turn into a parking lot” both sound correct, and in both cases I would figure out from the context that the subject is not “transforming” into clothing or a parking lot…

    Does that make sense?

    • says:

      Since change into (especially when speaking of clothing) is an idiomatic verb, it does make sense to write “change into some different clothes” and “a pair of shoes to change into.” We will adjust our December 9, 2011, response to Leslie accordingly. Thank you for writing.

  180. Andy N. says:

    You say: “In to is the adverb in followed by the preposition to.” Actually, the word “in” is also a preposition, not an adverb.

    • says:

      In is often an adverb in such sentences. However, in “He turned his paper in to the teacher,” in is part of the phrasal verb to turn [something] in.

  181. abby says:

    “They were formed ‘into/in to’ two groups”? Which would you use? I’m thinking ‘into’

    • says:

      We agree.

  182. dan says:

    “Copy the row of data into the report” “Copy the row of data in to the report”

    • says:

      “Copy the row of data into the report.”

  183. kross says:

    The patient was taken into to the ER or to the ER?

    • says:

      Both “taken into the ER” and “taken to the ER” are grammatically correct. We assume that “taken into to the ER” is a typo.

  184. David R says:

    I find it interesting how ‘into’ or ‘in to’ could both be correct in certain circumstances, but with different meanings.

    A. I turned the rabbit in to the magician.
    B. I turned the rabbit into the magician.

    As a native English speak, I would read sentence A as, “I returned the rabbit to the magician”, whereas sentence B implies, “I (magically?) changed the rabbit into a magician

    • says:

      Your observation is correct. We make a similar observation regarding “He turned his essay into/in to his teacher” at the end of the blog “Into vs. In To (Expanded).”

  185. Sean H says:

    I really enjoy these grammar tips. It is always nice to be reassured.

  186. Anamika says:

    Please give me an explanation as to why we say”he has brought transparency into the system “and not “in” the system?

    • says:

      In your example, the word into implies introduction, insertion, or inclusion. See guidance number 5 in our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded).

  187. Amber says:

    “You’re shooting the virus into me?” (referring to a flu vaccination) in to or into?

    • says:

      The word into is correct in your sentence, as it implies insertion.

  188. Olof says:

    I just got the English version of the electronic Christmas greeting card from the company I work for. There they use the slogan “For a fresh start into the new year!”. Is this correct? What about “For a fresh start in the new year!”?

    • says:

      “For a fresh start into the new year!” is clumsy. The preposition in or to would seem to be a better choice than into.

  189. Taro says:

    strapped into the car or strapped in to the car

    • says:

      Into implies insertion in your phrase. Therefore, write “strapped into the car.”

  190. Ralph Miller says:

    Does one “pound a square peg in a round hole” or does one “pound a square peg into a round hole”?

    • says:

      We recommend into.

  191. david says:

    …”Edward came into contact with Middle Eastern culture” or “Edward came in contact with Middle Eastern culture”

    • says:

      Either one is fine.

  192. Darlene says:

    Do you say, “jump into the car” or “jump in the car” ? Thanks,

    • says:

      “Jump into the car” is the grammatical option, but in these situations (“get in the car,” “get on your pony and ride”), the force of idiom is in play and can’t be ignored.

  193. Nidhi says:

    Arrange the letters of the word ‘wonderland’ into/in alphabetical order. Which is correct? I guess it should be into.

    • says:

      The preposition to is unnecessary. Therefore, the correct phrase is “in alphabetical order.”

  194. AddieJane says:

    “I appreciate the time your class put into making the cookies for our employees.”

    I was thinking in to, but someone else told me into…

    • says:

      It could be either in to or into. Some would see the verb as phrasal: to put in the time.

  195. Karen says:

    youths who had come in to / into trouble with the law?

    • says:

      Write “youths who had come into trouble with the law.” (In American English we usually say “had gotten into trouble.”)

  196. Quinn says:

    Spring into/in to savings

    • says:

      You are probably referring to advertising commonly seen at this time of the year. Write “spring into savings.”

  197. Anna says:

    Students’ negative attitudes toward mathematics will fester long into adulthood

    • says:

      Your sentence is correct with a period at the end.

  198. kavipriya says:

    “Copy and paste the link in your browser” or is it “Into your browser” ..? which is right?

    • says:

      Copy and paste the link into your browser.

  199. shady says:

    you really enlightened me. thank you a lot.
    but i have been confused for a second; you said it is the “main uses”, so does it mean there are another uses or exemptions maybe?

    thank you in advance.

    • says:

      Yes. For more information please see our blog Into vs. In To (Expanded).

  200. Leslie says:

    is it Depending on the call that comes in to 911 or into 911?

    • says:

      Make it “in to,” two words, since 911 is a phone number and not a physical place one can get inside of.

  201. Din says:

    is “Are you in to explore?” correct? or should i say “are you into exploring?”
    I want to emphasize at “Are you in?” and then adding “to explore” to clarify what i am talking about.

    thanks in advance

    • says:

      You would write “Are you into exploring?” if you are asking if a person is involved in exploring.
      Or, you could write “We are going exploring. Are you in?” to make it clear that you are asking if a person is interested in going exploring with you.

  202. Louise says:

    I’m glad this is information is available. I normally do a good job of using the correct option, but today I’m stuck. I have a blue book at home, but I’m at work writing an instruction guide and needed a refresher.

  203. Amber says:

    I called the rx in to the pharmacy or into the pharmacy?

    • says:

      Either one is grammatically correct.

  204. Henrique says:

    Can someone please tell me if by saying “input data into my computer” is redundant? Should I say “input data to my computer” instead?

    • says:

      Either phrase is acceptable.

  205. Dale says:

    I would like to know the proper way to say what people are into will i word it into or in to?

    • says:

      Our post Into vs. In To (Expanded) says, “Into can indicate occupation or involvement.” Therefore, use into.

  206. Louise says:

    to settle into a new routine. So are you sure it’s only into places and spaces etc.

    • says:

      It could be either in to or into. Some would see the verb as phrasal: to settle in.

  207. Nini says:

    How about, “The evil sister developed herself into/to the kindest sister after the teachings of her godmother.”

    • says:

      The word herself seems unnecessary. We recommend writing “The evil sister developed into the kindest sister after the teachings of her godmother.”

  208. Kendra says:

    THis is a fantastic post! Thanks for the help. I still have one tricky one that I’m unsure of:

    “You can check the status of your order anytime by logging in to your account”


    “You can check the status of your order anytime by logging in to your account”.

    There is no actual movement here, but there is an implied movement. Help!

    • says:

      We assume you’re asking about into vs. in to. Either logging into or logging in to is acceptable.

  209. Prof. Blanca Velez says:

    I have been an English teacher for many years. I have tried to teach grammar to the best of my ability. Lately surfing the net, I found your book, and I was totally impressed, in other words, in awe. Therefore, I was thinking if you could create a site in which teachers will have the opportunity to interact with you and our students it will be ideal.
    Thanks for all your help-God Bless.

    • says:

      Thank you for your kind words. We hope that our website’s rules, quizzes, blog posts, and the questions and answers beneath each post will answer most questions that people may have. If not, you may ask us questions by writing in using the blog post that most closely applies to your question.

  210. setrah says:

    into vs in to:

    I have arranged for him to come into/in to my sports injury clinic later today.

    Referral into/in to the back rehab class.

    i’m guessing both ‘come in to’ and ‘come into’ are acceptable in above examples

    is my guess right?

    thanks in advance

    • says:

      Your first example could use either into or in to. We cannot make sense of your second, incomplete example.

      • setrah says:

        Mother is requesting a referral into/in to the back rehab class.


        • says:

          We recommend writing “Mother is requesting a referral for the back rehab class.”

  211. Jaz says:

    Trying to revise a sentence, but I’m not quite sure which in to/into to use.

    “Choosing to allow immigrants in to the country [….][.]”

    • says:

      We recommend into.

  212. Allie says:

    “We’re in the business of making people’s dreams into experiences” is that grammatically correct?

    • says:

      Yes, it is grammatically correct.

  213. Debbie says:

    which is correct

    Taking in to account the members that are leaving


    Taking into account the members that are leaving

    • says:

      “Taking into account the members that are leaving … “

  214. L.S.Brown says:

    Is it safe to say that “into” can be used if one is referring to a state of being or existence (conceptual), and “in to” can be used if one is referring to a physical location (actual)?

    Van Morrison took us “into the mystic”, he also asked us to drop all of the tea in China “in to the deep blue sea.”

    • says:

      We would not make those generalizations. The word into is often used when referring to an actual physical location. Context is the criterion. Please see our post Into vs. In To (Expanded).

  215. Paul says:

    Great site here, very helpful.

    My question:

    I think get the difference in usage of ‘into’ and ‘in to’ but, more specifically, the use of ‘on’ prior to this.

    I would mosey on into town or;

    I would mosey into town?

    Please excuse my ignorance if the answer is obvious.

    • says:

      There’s no right or wrong in this case. “Mosey on into town” is an amiable regionalism that has been around for a long time. Think of “mosey on” as a phrasal verb denoting a relaxed, unhurried walk.

  216. Megan says:

    “logged into the Internet” or “logged onto the Internet”?

    • says:

      Either into, onto, in to, or on to seems to be acceptable

  217. Mary says:

    For a website – looking for the right use at the right time for Login and Sign in:

    As a page title: Log In or Login or should it have a hyphen?
    As a button: Login or Log-in
    As a page title: Sign In or Sign in or should it have a hyphen?
    As a button: Sign in or Sign-in

    • says:

      These are the recommendations of two of our favorite reference books:

      AP Stylebooklogin, logon, logoff (n.) But use as two words in verb form: I log in to my computer.
      Chicago Manual of Style – The verb is log in; log-in or login is the noun.

      We recommend similar logic for sign in and sign-in.

      For capitalization, you will probably be safe defining your own system and being consistent.

  218. Ruby says:

    Do you credit ‘to’ an account or ‘into’ an account?

    • says:

      We more commonly hear the phrases “apply a credit to your account” or “credit the account.”

  219. Emilie says:

    She dived into the lake

    I handed the wallet into the lost and found box at work

    We are going into the movies

    When Klo found a jumper at the school oval she handed it in to reception

    • says:

      Properly punctuated, we recommend:
      She dived into the lake.
      I handed the wallet in to the lost-and-found box at work. (Note this sentence contains the verbal phrase handed in.)
      We are going into the movies. (In American English, this sentence is a bit awkward. we would more commonly say We are going to the movies or We are going into the movie theater.)
      When Klo found a jumper at the school oval she handed it in to reception. (As per the second sentence.)

  220. Joshua Thomas Wise says:

    Garage example was given, and that makes sense because the car is inside of the garage, but what about a driveway?
    Which is correct: “I just drove into/in to my driveway.”

    • says:

      Into implies entrance; therefore, write “I just drove into my driveway” in the same way that you would write “I just entered my driveway.”

  221. sanwan says:

    I sleep in bed…
    He is sleeping on bed…
    She crouched into her bed…
    She mounted upon her bed…
    either is wrong but how please explain me….

    • says:

      We’re not certain exactly what you are wanting to say. There are many possibilities, some of which are:
      I sleep in bed. I sleep in my bed. I sleep in a bed.
      He is sleeping on a bed. He is sleeping on his bed. He is sleeping in his bed.
      She was crouched on her bed. (Note: being in a crouched position on a bed sounds awkward.)
      She climbed into her bed. She climbed up the ladder and onto her bed.

  222. Larry says:

    I can get into the car, jump into the pool, bump into a friend. But I have had this nightmare of turning into a driveway or a street. The magician can turn lead into gold, so I’ve been told.

    So if I turn in at the next left, I am good but if I turn into the street at the next left, then it seems like everybody else can drive on me! If I stand here much longer, I will turn into a statue! (However, if, while driving, I “turn into a statue,” then I would have wrecked my car and damaged the statue?)

    What am I missing here? I have always thought that I would turn in to (or on to) a street and avoid the accident by not turning in to the statue.

    • says:

      One of the many meanings of the word into is “in the direction of.” Whether you choose to write “I turned into the driveway” or “I turned in to the driveway,” people will understand from the context what you are trying to express.

  223. Sealgirl says:

    Calling into a meeting


    Calling in to a meeting

    Which is the correct form?

    • says:

      Either way could be considered correct. Since call in is a phrasal verb, using in to would be fine. At the same time, calling to join a conference call implies inclusion or insertion, in which case into could be acceptable.

  224. Rose says:

    Do you recommend “into” or “in to” if one is describing the action of uploading a document? For example, the student plans to turn their assignment (into/in to) Google Classroom.

    Thank you!

    • says:

      Use the adverb in followed by the preposition to.

  225. Ubaidu Rabiu says:

    I really appreciate this. It helps a lot.

  226. Teri says:

    Flying in to Seattle from Texas, I took this picture.

    • says:

      We recommend into.

  227. Kat says:

    Without going in to or into great detail…

    • says:

      The phrase “going into detail” is an idiom. Into is used.

  228. asther says:

    Please copy him in to/into this letter.
    Can you also copy in to/into Karen the summary from yesterday.
    I will book him in to/into clinic.
    He will need referral in to/into the services at his local hospital.
    The risk of coming in to/into hospital does…

    Both sound okay to me but not sure if both are grammatically correct especially with the phrasal verb ‘copy in.’

    Belated happy holidays and thanks in advance!

    • says:

      Your example sentences do not represent standard English. We recommend the following as possible alternatives in formal writing:
      Please copy him on this letter.
      Can you also send Karen a copy of the summary from yesterday?
      I will book (make) him an appointment at the clinic.
      He will need a referral for the services at his local hospital.
      The risk of coming into the hospital does …

  229. avcheme says:

    “It’s a culture I’m not plugged in to.”
    “It’s a culture I’m not plugged into.”

    • says:

      We recommend It’s a culture I’m not plugged into.

  230. Nicole says:

    Which is grammatically correct? The kids have settled into their new school. The kids have settled in to their new school.

    • says:

      It could be either in to or into. Some would see the verb as phrasal: to settle in.

  231. molly mcfurr says:

    I’m still not sure about into or in to. Which do I use in the following sentence?

    I finally talked my mother into/in to letting me go to the movies.

    • says:

      Write “into” when using the idiom “talk into.”

  232. Kate says:

    Which is correct please,
    “we may look in to some training”
    “we may look into some training”

    • says:

      Please see our August 5, 2010, reply to Tim and our June 5, 2011, response to Laurie for information on “look into.”

  233. Stuart says:

    Is it either “Put some effort into it” or “Put some effort in to it”?

    • says:

      It could be either in to or into. Some would see the verb as phrasal: to put in some effort.

  234. Stuart says:

    “Breathe into the mask” or “Breathe in to the mask”?

    • says:

      Use “into” (to the inside of).

  235. Stuart says:

    It’s wild how insecure you’d have to be to invite this much drama into/in to your life.

    • says:

      Use into meaning “toward” or “in the direction of.”

  236. Cathy says:

    I understand the different usage of into vs. in to, but what about into vs in?
    e.g., “in the bath I go” vs. “into the bath I go”
    To me, into sounds right, but I am not sure why or even if I am right.

    • says:

      Either into or in is grammatically correct in your example. Use into if you think it sounds better.

  237. Al says:

    Which one is correct?
    Into coming year or in to coming year?

    • says:

      We recommend writing “…into the coming year.”

  238. Scott MacKinnon says:

    Which is correct: I will go into the city today, or I will go in to the city today? Is “go in” a phrasal verb?

    • says:

      Locations with “into” suggest movement from the outside to the inside; therefore, we would use “go into” in this context. “Go in” can be a phrasal verb in some instances, such as the example sentences under “In to” in this article.

  239. Stuart says:

    “I prefer not to dive deep into/in to such discussions”?

    • says:

      “Dive into” is an idiom meaning “to start doing (something) with enthusiasm.” Therefore, we recommend “into.”

  240. Stuart says:

    Is it “She had it written into her contract” or “She had it written in to her contract”? My instinct says the former is correct.

    • says:

      Your instinct is correct. “She had it written into her contract.”

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