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Jack Reacher #28

The Secret

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The gripping new Jack Reacher thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling authors Lee Child and Andrew Child

1992. Eight respectable, upstanding people have been found dead across the US. These deaths look like accidents and don’t appear to be connected. Until one body – the victim of a fatal fall from a hospital window – generates some unexpected attention.

That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who promptly calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher is assigned as the Army's representative.

Reacher may be an exceptional soldier, but sweeping other people's secrets under the carpet isn't part of his skill set. As he races to discover the link between these victims, and who killed them, he must navigate around the ulterior motives of his new 'partners'. And all while moving into the sight line of some of the most dangerous people he has ever encountered.

His mission is to uncover the truth. The question will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . . or his way?
    Genres Thriller Fiction Mystery Crime Audiobook Mystery Thriller Action

323 pages, Hardcover

First published October 24, 2023

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December 1, 2023
November 1, 2023
November 29, 2023
November 12, 2023

Excited whenever Lee Chid has a new book to offer, I reached for the latest in the Jack Reacher series. Now a collaborative effort with brother, Andrew, the series has taken on a new flavour, which differs in both positive and negative ways. Working through the ever-elusive life of Jack Reacher, the authors develop a backstory of sorts for the nomad. This piece is from when Reacher was still in the military, serving as an MP. When respected scientists begin turning up dead, the military is highly concerned. They form a group, of which the recently demoted Reacher is one, seeking answers. While Reacher is gruff and uses fists before formulating theories, he gets results. Will he be ablele to crack this case open before someone works to defy the US military with news about one of its own projects? Another great piece in which the Child brothers keep the series moving.

It’s 1992 and the Cold War is still thawing. Eight respected scientists have been found dead across the United States, involved in unique accidents that the police have deemed non-issues. While many would find it hard to connect the dots, those deep within the Pentagon know these scientists and what they did for the Americans at the height of the Cold War.

Panic ensues and the Secretary of Defence calls for a joint task-force to investigate,. Recently demoted, Captain Jack Reacher is sent as the Army’s representative. Some would surmise that this is punitive and that he will soon die of boredom, forced to serve on the investigative team. Reacher is ready for whatever is thrown his way, eager to find a crumb of action and excitement to keep his brain active

While Reacher has had issues as a soldier, his passion for uncovering the truth will serve as a significant asset in this investigation. Ready to get out into the world and push for answers as he did within the Military Police, Reacher heads out to get the truth. In the background, the killers look to increase their bounty and strike again, but they do not know how Reacher works or his patience before making a move. With the US Military ready to dole out justice and hold people accountable, Reacher will have to act before too many more are killed. Problem is, Reacher’s own rules might mean he acts before he drags the killers before his superiors or team mates. Lee and Andrew Child work well at crafting a strong backstory with this piece.

There is always something about a Jack Reacher novel that gets me excited. While the reader is never sure what will happen or who he will encounter, Reacher is always one to find new and exciting things to keep him occupied. The narrative base here works well to entertain the reader, while building a back story on the nomads everyone seems to enjoy having around. His intuition keeps the momentum of the book and provides some great direction as the pieces fall into place.

Character development has always been huge in this series, perhaps because Jack Reacher chooses the nomadic life and prefers to share little. Flashback stories help weave a tapestry of the actions Reacher took in years past. This one offers strong characters who help shape the story and could, should the reader be highly attentive, have appeared in more modern books of the series, The authors work well within the parameters of the story to keep things moving and highly entertaining, no matter who Reacher encounters.

Twist and turns pepper the story, which has the added benefit of being set in the past, thereby keeping technology on a smaller scale. References in the book will make younger readers wonder who things worked in the early 1990s, while more seasoned folk such as myself are left to remember when things were simpler. I enjoyed these flashback stories, as they keep the reader engaged and in touch with all sides of Reacher,m even showing that he was just as gruff when working for the US Army. I cannot wait to see what’s to come!

Kudos, Messrs. Child, for crafting another strong Reacher novel.

Love/hate the review? An ever-growing collection of others appears at:
April 18, 2024
Army MP Reacher in a 1992 Prequel
Review of the Random House Audio audiobook edition (October 24, 2023) narrated by Scott Brick, released simultaneously with the Delacorte Press hardcover edition.

[3.5 rounded up to 4]

Reacher Statistics
'Reacher said nothing.' count = 10. I was getting concerned when there had been only 2 of these in the first half of the book, but the count went up significantly in the 2nd half.

Toothbrush mentions = 1. Reacher notices his hotel room has been searched because his toothbrush is not standing exactly on the vertical in the bathroom drinking glass.

The Secret is the 4th & final collaboration of brothers Lee and Andrew Child in a phased-in retirement and handover of the franchise between them. Andrew Child is currently contracted to continue the series alone for at least 4 more additional books. Readers have various methods to monitor how well younger brother Andrew has taken over the reins from original writer Lee. For me, the measure is whether the laconic tagline 'Reacher said nothing' is getting sufficient play and whether there are enough toothbrush jokes in the mix. For the former the count is medium in this outing. For the latter, there is only a single mention. There weren't any lines to top my all time favourite: "Reacher was already packed and ready to go. His toothbrush was in his pocket." (from Blue Moon (Reacher #24, 2019)).

Andrew and Lee Child (pennames for Andrew and James Grant) photographed by Tasha Alexander. Image sourced from Parade Magazine (link below).

The Secret is one of the occasional prequel novels that show the later transient wanderer Reacher when he was still serving in the U.S. Army in the Military Police. There is a short introductory section where Reacher solves a case of missing weapons, but he is soon enlisted in a greater manhunt. A series of scientists are being murdered across the country for an unknown reason i.e. 'The Secret' of the title. A group of elite investigators from the military, the FBI, the CIA etc. are called in to try to connect the murders, establish a motive and catch the perpetrators. The reader actually knows who the perpetrators are right away, but the motive remains unknown for the longest time. Of course Reacher & allies solve the case in the end with a few twists along the way.

This was maybe a so-so Reacher as he was not always centre stage in the narrative. It did at least make a change from the standard drifter Reacher template where he stumbles into some dastardly criminal conspiracy and has to rescue various innocents or even entire towns with his vigilante ways and means.

The narration by veteran reader Scott Brick in all voices for the audiobook edition was excellent as always.

Trivia and Links
There is a very short book trailer for The Secret by Random House which you can watch on YouTube here.

There is an October 23, 2023 interview with Andrew Child about The Secret by Barbara Peters at the Poisoned Pen Bookstore's YouTube channel which you can watch here.

Both Andrew and Lee Child are interviewed about The Secret and their other collaborations and the future of Reacher at Parade Magazine by Elizabeth Held, October 27, 2023.
February 14, 2024
October 24, 2023
Jack Reacher is just as exciting as ever in this 28th installment of the Jack Reacher series.

1992. Eight respectable, upstanding people have been found dead across the US. These deaths look like accidents and don’t appear to be connected. Until one body – the victim of a fatal fall from a hospital window – generates some unexpected attention.

That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who promptly calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher is assigned as the Army's representative.

Reacher may be an exceptional soldier, but sweeping other people's secrets under the carpet isn't part of his skill set. As he races to discover the link between these victims, and who killed them, he must navigate around the ulterior motives of his new 'partners'. And all while moving into the sight line of some of the most dangerous people he has ever encountered.

His mission is to uncover the truth. The question will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . . or his way?

My Thoughts:
I can always count on Lee Child to create a thrilling adventure that is fast-moving and heroic. Yes, Jack Reacher is always a hero and I like that he sticks by his morals to do the right thing - no matter who is involved. In this one he unravels a mess that occurred at a lab in India in 1969. It is set in the 1990s and Jack Reacher is still a captain in the military police, so it's taking him back quite a bit in time. He is thrown together with several others under a lot of pressure to find a killer who is methodically killing scientists related to a project at the lab in India. The murders are happening quickly and they all are made to look like possble suicides or accidents. What is really happening? An absorbing investigation, a relentless pace, and a complex plot make this a great adventure.

Thanks to Random House Publishing – Ballentine through Netgalley for an advance copy.
October 15, 2023
November 1, 2023
It used to be that time of year when Lee Child would publish his annual outing with one of my favorite fictional heroes, Jack Reacher. Those days are gone and the transition from big brother to younger brother is in full process. Andrew Child, Lee’s brother, is the writer while Lee provides editorial feedback and support. It is also my understanding based on an article I read right before reading this book last weekend, this is Lee’s last book in an editor role. Moving forward, Andrew will be flying solo starting with next year’s Reacher book… That will be interesting…

The transition of Andrew taking the lead, some things have remained the same while other things have changed. Andrew was definitely not Lee and his changes were weren’t always subtle to the millions of Reacher fans. In my personal opinion, it’s taken Andrew several books to develop his own rhythm with the character and his behaviors. The result is that Andrew’s version Reacher is not necessarily Lee’s Reacher. As a reader, you can choose to like that or not. It’s just the reality of the situation.

This year, Andrew has delivered his fourth Reacher novel, “The Secret”, which continues much of the same approach, style, and plotting as his last novel, “No Plan B”. For me personally, there seems to be some more incremental improvement. Reacher is not talking near as much as he did in Andrew’s first book. In addition, the plotting is continuing to improve, strengthening the overall story.

“The Secret” as another one of the flashback stories from when Reacher was serving in the military back in 1992. It starts off with Reacher investigating an inventory problem but gets pulled off to represent the Army on an interagency task force pulled together by the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

The purpose of the task force is to find out who is killing a group of ex-military scientists who are retired from service for years and appear to have nothing in common. However, they are showing up dead in what appears to be strange and unique accidents that raise questions.

The bad news for Reacher, recently demoted from Major to Captain due to insubordination, is that he and the rest of the task force members have been chosen for a reason. They are on the outs with their government organizations, and if they fail, they will become convenient fall guys who will be forced to take the blame…

Once he understands the rules of this forced assignment, Reacher decides its time to find a connection between the victims and who’s hunting them down, as well as rallying his fellow task force members to figure out why this is all happening. And to make matters worse, Reacher is getting the sense that someone in the government above their level is somehow involved and hiding key information… Information that could get them killed…

Like the last book, this was an easy and fast read. In some ways too fast. Most of that is because this book is only 296 pages in length, which I think is one of the shortest, if not the shortest, Reacher novel in the series. I am not for adding fluff to get to a higher word count, but it would be nice to have a longer read in the 300-to-400-page range.

The plotting and pacing were good most of the time. Andrew captures much of the same plot development style and flow as his brother, Lee. Although it felt a bit too clinical at moments, the storyline revealed itself scene by scene as Reacher played the role of investigator. One thing that I noticed and appreciated was that the fight sequences flowed more organically and were not so over-choreographed.

Another area of strengthening was the overall plotting. The mystery was multi-layered and the various pieces were revealed throughout the book at different point along the way, providing more tension and surprise along the way. Although I have to say that I figured out the last big reveal at the end, which means a lot of other readers will most likely have done the same.

The villains were also more worthier opponents for Reacher than Andrew’s first two books. The good news is that Andrew’s adding more perspectives from the villain’s points of view added more tension and depth to the mystery and adversarial elements. It also helped Reacher come across as multi-dimensional and intelligent rather than just a strong brute. At the same time, I have noticed that there are some readers that felt this diminished the amount of screen time that Reacher had in the book, and I must admit that there is definitely some truth to that. Especially with the lower page count, this choice to focus more on other characters in the story did take away from Reacher’s screen time. For me, that’s a tough call as a writer, and I can see both sides of that argument.

Now, for the elephant in the room. Andrew writes Reacher differently than Lee. That is reality and it isn’t going to change anytime soon (per his interviews). Andrew’s Reacher is focused more on his physical skills and instinctual strengths. I especially appreciated in this book how Reacher used his analytical skills more, which reminded me more of Lee Child’s writing, and I really enjoyed getting the “smart” Reacher back.

I also felt like the ending did not fully deliver on the buildup as well as it could have. It wasn’t a bad ending, and improved over the previous two, but it seems like Andrew struggles some with putting it all together at the end. Mechanically he got all of the pieces connected, but emotionally, it still felt a little bit lacking when it came to experiencing closure. By the time you got to the climax, the villains have all been turned into weak hackneyed versions of their former stronger selves in the first half of the book and pretty much laid down for Reacher without a proper fight.

Overall, it felt like to me that “The Secret” showed that Andrew Child is continuing to get better in his writing of Reacher. His understanding of what works with the character is getting better. His plotlines and mystery elements are improving.

That being said, we, as readers, must come to terms with understanding that Andrew is not Lee and cannot be Lee. He is his own writer. For example, nobody will ever be James Bond in my mind, but Sean Connery. He was the first, the best, and the model every other Bond is compared to. Most cannot come close to his greatness. However, everything considered, Daniel Craig did pretty dang good in his own version and I am enjoying his take on the character. He’s not Connery, but he’s much better than the others.

I fully understand that some Reacher fans will learn to enjoy Andrew’s version of Reacher and others will never be satisfied with Andrew, choosing rather to pick it apart. Although it probably doesn’t feel that way after reading my review, I am probably somewhere in the middle. Lee was certainly burning out on writing Reacher. That was clear in his later interviews, so it was time to move on.

In the same way, it isn’t fair to judge Andrew Child with the expectation of being a Lee Child clone or copycat. We owe him the right to deliver Reacher using his own style, which means that we may have to accept his version of Reacher with different nuances than that which his creator instilled. At that point, we can choose to stick with him or leave, and that’s a personal choice readers can make on their own.

For me, Andrew is getting better. We’ll see how his solo outing goes in 2024, but until then, “The Secret” is a gracious and optimistic 4-stars for me.
November 1, 2023
June 15, 2024
The Jack Reacher series continues to roll on at pace and, yes, there has been a notable change in the style of the books since the commencement of the collaboration, but there’s still enough there to warrant my attention. Not quite as analytically correct as the past, The Secret is an attention grabber from the first page.

This episode of Jack Reacher steps back in time to the days when he was still Military Police, although at this moment in time, he had been busted from Major down to Captain. Another sign that he’s on the outs with the powers that be is his assignment to a joint agency task force to try to determine who’s killing the members of an old scientific research team who had been working in India.

The Secret is a person’s name and a pair of killers are hellbent on finding out the identity of that person. Time and again they prove just how desperate they are to winkle it out and their process provides a macabre ticking clock as the list of possibles is gradually whittled down.

The methods of murder used by the killers are imaginative, to say the least, and their relentless progress remains an insidious presence while Reacher and his cohorts from the FBI, CIA and Treasury make little or no progress. But in his usual style, Reacher starts to pull ideas from way out of leftfield and the drama of an inevitable confrontation is set in motion.

You feel the misdirection coming from a mile off as Reacher arrows in on the killers and prepares for one almighty showdown. It was clear that the scenario we were being led to believe was false. But figuring out the true nature of the crimes that were covered up years before and the person responsible was nicely hidden and part of a big twist in the final wash up.

Reacher is as relentless and ruthless as ever, the case is brought to a conclusion in large part because of him, but history shows that his days in the Military Police are numbered and he’s soon to become the nomadic loner we all know and love.

There’s a lot to like about The Secret and, funnily enough, the parts I enjoyed the most were found to be while in the presence of the killers who maintained a strong, focused determination. They were no-nonsense and relentless, making them the most dangerous of adversaries for Reacher to have come up against.

Any hints of the over the top lethal force that had started to creep into recent Reacher books was absent here. Perhaps that’s due to the fact that we returned to his MP days, but it allowed some impressive deductive reasoning to take over and felt more like a police procedural than an out and out action thriller. I think it played better for the change of pace.
October 25, 2023
December 31, 2023
March 4, 2024
I've been a fan of Child's Reacher series for several years and have read all of the books written solely by Lee Child. I also read the first couple of books that he is now writing with his brother, Andrew Child. I was disappointed in one of the later solo books, BLUE MOON, and I also didn't care for BETTER OFF DEAD which was written by Lee and Andrew. So I decided to pretty much give up on the series and thought it had run its course. However, I happened to see their latest available at a visit to the library and decided to give Reacher another chance.

THE SECRET seemed to be written more in line with the Reacher of the earlier novels that I came to consider one of the best thriller series out there. This is one of the throw back novels where Reacher is still in the military. It takes place in 1992 while Reacher is working on a case of stolen M-16 rifles. Then he is called in to Washington as part of a group put together by the Secretary of Defense to look into the deaths of some scientists who were involved in a secret project related to chemical warfare at a lab in India back in 1969. The deaths are made to look like suicide but too much coincidence there. So it looks like the scientists are being murdered but why? And who is responsible for the deaths?

Okay, I gave Reacher another chance and was not disappointed. I thought this one was on par with some of the earlier novels. It takes place in the past when Reacher was a Captain in the Army which Child used in a few of the earlier novels. I admit I prefer the stories where Reacher is on his own traveling the country with his toothbrush, but overall I would recommend this one. Lots of action and some well-written characters. I'll probably read the next book when it comes out.
October 31, 2023
January 19, 2024
October 17, 2023
This book, the 28th in the Jack Reacher series, is set in the late 1990s and takes readers back to his days in the military. As might be expected, he's a little less the maverick and loner we've come to know and love; even his physical prowess is toned down a bit. What we do see, though, is some of what shaped what he became in more recent books as told in an enjoyable, engrossing story.

Actually, there are two threads; as part of his regular assignment as Military Police Officer at the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois, Reacher is dealing with stolen gun parts and trying to track down not only who's behind the theft but where they're ending up. Just as he's making progress, though, he gets pulled off to serve as the Army's representative on a task force looking into the presumed murder of a man who was involved in a top-secret government research project in India 20-plus years ago. Prior to that, eight other people related to that project have bitten the dust, although in ways that didn't attract suspicion till now. Since the task force was formed at the behest of the U.S. Secretary of Defense, time is of the essence and failure isn't an option.

The trick, if there is one, is to explore the connections among all the victims, determine whether there could be more victims to come (and if so, find ways to protect them), and, ultimately, find out who's doing the killing. Given all the secrecy surrounding the project and all the years that have intervened, that's no small job. It gets even more complicated as the task force's worst fears come to fruition. Readers meanwhile get treated to a behind-the-scenes look at everyone involved, so they know more than Reacher does almost every step of the way except near the end, when Reacher beats us all to it (well, almost - I correctly guessed it fairly early on). Needless to say, there's no shortage of Reacher tough-guy action, though as I mentioned earlier, it's not as full-on as in later books.

All told, it's another attention-holding adventure that's easy to read (good thing, since I really wanted to get through it in one sitting; didn't quite make it). Many thanks to the publisher, via NetGalley, for allowing me to read and review a pre-release copy.
January 15, 2024
বইটির কাহিনী ��৯৯২ সালের। সিআইএ এর নজরে আসে সারা আমেরিকা জুড়ে ৬জন প্রাক্তন বিজ্ঞানীর মৃতদেহ পাওয়া গেছে যাদের মৃত্যু অস্বাভাবিক হলেও হত্যার কোন প্রমাণ নেই, বড়জোর আত্মহত্যা হতে পারে। সিআইএ এর নজরে আসার কারণ বর্তমান সেক্রেটারি অফ ডিফেন্সের সাথে এরা সবাই একটি বিশেষ মিশনে যুক্ত ছিলেন অনেক বছর আগে। খুনির কাছে এই একজনেরই সম্পর্কে কোন তথ্য জানা নেই কিন্তু সে জানে কিভাবে এই তথ্য বের করতে হবে।

জ্যাক রিচার সহ আরো তিন জনকে দায়িত্ব দেয়া হয়েছে খুনির সম্ভাব্য পরিচয় উদঘাটনে; জ্যাক রিচার'কে মিলিটারি পুলিশ, এ্যাম্বার স্মিথ'কে এফবিআই, গ্যারি ওয়াল্স'কে ট্রেজারি ডিপার্টমেন্ট এবং কেন্ট নিলসন'কে সিআইএ থেকে বাছাই করা হয়েছে। তাদেরকে খুব কম সময়ের মধ্যে খুনের রহস্য উন্মোচন করতে হবে এবং তা বড় ধরনের সংকট সৃষ্টির আগেই।

কেঁচো খুঁড়তে সাপ পাবার অবস্থা; বিজ্ঞানীদের খুনের রহস্য উদঘাটনের চেষ্টায় বেড়িয়ে আসে সিআইএ এর মধ্যে দুর্নীতির চিত্র। তবে কি খুনি/রা অর্থের লোভে একটার পর একটা খুন  করে যাচ্ছে!! নাকি অন্য কিছু?? কেন্ট নিলসনের উপর হামলা পরিস্থিতি আরো ঘোলাটে করে তোলে; রিচার সহ অন্যরাও কি এখন টার্গেট?

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