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I Have Lost My Way

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A powerful display of empathy and friendship from the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of If I Stay.

Around the time that Freya loses her voice while recording her debut album, Harun is making plans to run away from home to find the boy that he loves, and Nathaniel is arriving in New York City after a family tragedy leaves him isolated on the outskirts of Washington state. After the three of them collide in Central Park, they slowly reveal the parts of their past that they haven't been able to confront, and together, they find their way back to who they're supposed to be.

Told over the course of a single day from three different perspectives, Gayle Forman's newest novel about the power of friendship and being true to who you are is filled with the elegant prose that her fans have come to know and love.
    Genres Young Adult Contemporary Fiction Romance Realistic Fiction LGBT Audiobook

368 pages, Paperback

First published March 27, 2018

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April 2, 2018
They may be complete strangers, with different lives and different problems, but there in that examination room they are measuring sadness the same way. They are measuring it in loss.

I'm writing this review immediately after finishing because I am on such an emotional high right now. I thought this was such a beautiful, sad, sweet book.

To be honest, I requested an arc of I Have Lost My Way only because I've liked some books by Gayle Forman in the past. But that was it. The blurb hadn't particularly grabbed my interest and I was thinking I could just put it aside if it didn't work for me. Instead, I was completely captivated.

There's one big thing I didn't like and I'll get to that in a second. But first I'd like to talk about all the emotions this intricate character study made me feel. You can tell instantly that the book is written by an experienced author who knows how to craft a perfect scene and convey emotions through showing rather than telling. Forman uses an extremely compelling build-up to frame the strange and fateful meeting between three very different teens - Freya, Harun and Nathaniel - in NYC's Central Park.

The story takes place over the course of one day, but is broken up with flashbacks that paint in the backgrounds of the three characters. Each has, as the title suggests, lost their way, and the author explores how maybe, with the help of one another, they can get back on the right path. It is a novel told in quiet intimate details, and in moments between characters. Hope and uplifting sentiments battle it out with pain and loss, making for a bittersweet mix.

Three very interesting stories are woven together here.

Freya is an "almost famous" teen singer who - for reasons unknown - has lost her voice. She is the product of an Ethiopian father and a white Jewish mother, and we soon see how her relationship with her father has affected her life, goals and, especially, the relationship between her and her sister, Sabrina. I adored the complexity of their relationship and discovering what happened between them.

Harun is gay and Muslim, struggling to come out to his parents. His refusal to do so has led to his boyfriend, James (described as dark-skinned) breaking up with him. I was shipping these two so hard and it broke my heart again and again when obstacles tore them apart. There was also some interesting discussion of race and Islam in Harun's chapters, specifically being Muslim in post-9/11 New York City.

At first, I wondered if Nathaniel would be noticeably less interesting than the other two characters, but as his story is gradually revealed I realised that wasn't true at all. His background carries the most mystery and we are left to ponder what has left him with only one eye, hungry and out-of-sorts in New York City. The story of his strange childlike father, who always needed to be taken care of, is fascinating and sad. As is his father's insistence on it just being the two of them, like Frodo and Sam.
Was this how Frodo felt when Gollum finally fell into Mount Doom, destroying the ring, relieving him, once and for all, of the beautiful, terrible burden?

The one thing I didn't like was the one-day romance that developed. There's so much more to this book that I was able to overlook it, but it was completely unnecessary. It's not instalove, exactly, but their meeting is so overwritten and purple that one would be forgiven for calling it that.

But, you know, I just don't care that much. I thought this book was great. It was difficult to pull myself away from the characters' lives and return to reality. I Have Lost My Way is not easy or neat, but that's okay; it's a stronger book for being messy and complex. And I really appreciated the realistically diverse portrait of New York City.

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April 18, 2018
March 29, 2018
4 Stars!
(ARC provided by Penguin Random House)

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Freya is a 19 yr. old singer who is living in New York, and recording her debut album. She’s on the verge of being famous when she suddenly loses her singing voice. Her life goes from constantly working in the studio to endless doctor appointments. She was on her way to becoming a star, and now she wonders if the world will still love her if she can’t sing anymore. She feels like she’s lost her way, like the person she was no longer exists.

Harun was raised in a loving close family, but one that has strict beliefs & high expectations. He feels like a coward, and like he’s living a lie. He feels alone, and is planning to run away.

Nathaniel used to love his life, but now it’s hard to remember the person he used to be. He feels like nobody see’s him. Most days he feels invisible, like he hardly exists. He thinks he’s unlovable. He’s lost everything, and as a result lost himself.

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Nathaniel arrives in NYC and while in Central Park has an accident that causes him to cross paths with Freya and Harun. Circumstances have them spending the entire day together helping each other & getting to know one another. All three focus on each other instead of themselves. They give each other courage, and help each other to heal. Through their friendship they each begin to feel alive and believe in possibilities again.

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This was a unique story about three strangers told from three different POV’s. As the story is told we go into their pasts and get their secrets and back stories. This book was full of different cultures, and is about love, loss, life, death, relationships, family, romance, but most of all friendship and human kindness. Putting your own problems aside to care for another. They give each other strength. Three very diverse people have lost their way. They all fear being alone, but all get a sense of peace from helping each other.

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March 27, 2018
About three years ago I discovered the online book community. I devoured every popular YA author I had missed in my absence and Gayle Forman was one of them. I had, before this point, read largely thrillers and classics and had little-to-no knowledge of the young adult genre, beyond the names of Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth. I delved into this unknown realm of literature and sampled from all genres and authors without discrimination. Or, so I thought. But the discrimination was that each of these authors and books were all ridiculously hyped. I read every 'it book' I had missed out on and, looking back, seemed to form an affinity with most of them. Now this could be because every one of these books was wholly deserving of its hype, but I believe it was more of a case of me initially struggling to understand what books best suited my reading tastes, in this unknown genre, and becoming swept up in the enthusiastic adoration of much of what I discovered. Not to say I ever lied about loving a book I secretly hated, but that when some books worked less well for me I managed to preserver and find the positives using what others adored about it as a guide, rather than forming my entire, own opinions, first of all.

Looking back on past reviews I sometimes find it hard to trust my own opinions. I don't alter them as they are still reflective of who I was when I read them. Now, however, with a more solid knowledge of what works for me in a broader range of literature, I'm not sure all of my five-star rated reads would still appeal to me. Gayle Forman was one such author that fit into this category.

I rated her novel, If I Stay, five stars and waxed lyrical about my love for the deep emotional impact it had on me. Looking back, I'm not entirely sure if I would feel the same way about her writing, now. So, when I was given the chance to read her most recent release I was excited to find out.

I Have Lost my Way follows three lost souls battling the New York metropolis and their own crises of identity. A chance meeting sees their three worlds collide and proves that being lost with someone else is far less terrifying that wandering the unknown alone.

This novel was, for the most part, an intricate character study and I really appreciated how diverse the representation was. The three individuals chosen were dealing with disparate inflictions and came from opposing cultures, upbringings, and religions. For a relatively short read, this still managed to fully confront each of their immediate personal issues whilst also discoursing on the topics of mental illness, the detrimental effects of social media on teens, racial identity, familial troubles, authority and trust, gender stereotypes, racism, homophobia and so much more. This did not isolate the three individual's trial, but invited the reader to understand where they stemmed from and how easily it is for similar scenarios to play out, in the wider world.

The thrice-split perspective conveyed three individual characters and Forman did a terrific job of consistently separating their identities. I felt I understood each of them, with my empathy enlarging as their backstories were slowly and simultaneously revealed to the reader and the other two other points in this three-sided friendship. Flashbacks padded the story-line but also heightened my affinity with all three.

This begun as an enjoyable contemporary story but enlarged into so much more. Whilst I initially enjoyed this for the interesting story-line it was, it was the latter half that secured my love. And it was the emotional depth of the narrative that honed it.

Despite discoursing on some heavily dark topics, this is a novel that left me with some measure of hope. It was a bitter-sweet feeling as there was so much left to discover about these characters, but I also appreciated how Forman gave less to ultimately deliver more. The potential that this novel closed on cemented my feelings and alleviated my prior sorrow and tinged it with faith. So, the roundabout answer to my initial query, over whether I can still enjoy this author, is a resounding and absolute yes!
April 4, 2018
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

Have you ever lost your way? I have. I don't mean those times when I needed to stop and ask for directions when I was trying to find a location although I have certainly been that kind of lost. I am referring to the kind of lost where your life has hit a point and you can't think of what to do next. Those times that you have no idea where you can even go from where you are. I have lost my way. More than once. I am happy to say that each time I have been lost, I have been able to eventually find a new direction to go.

I have very little in common with the characters in this book but I was still able to relate to them. I understood Harun's need to please his family and his fear of losing their love if he shows them who he really is. I also understood Freya's fear of losing the one thing that is such an important part of her identity. I understood Nathaniel's need to not be a bother to anyone while living his life under the radar because "it's all good" anyway. I haven't been in the situations that Freya, Harun, and Nathaniel find themselves in during this story but I found each of their characters very easy to like and I really wanted to see them find what they needed in life.

I really did enjoy reading this book. This is the first of Gayle Forman's books that I have had the chance to read so I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started. I have to tell you that I loved her writing style. I sat down to read just a chapter of this book because I had things around the house and the next thing I knew it was 200 pages later. I was drawn in by the words and the images that they painted of these characters.

I really liked that the story was hopeful. These three characters are all at a low point in their lives and meet through a chance encounter. It turns out that meeting each other is exactly what they needed. I enjoyed watching them come alive and reach out to each other. Their bond developed very quickly but it felt completely authentic. I knew that they would be able to find their way together.

I would recommend this book to others. This is a pretty quick read that packs a punch. I wanted to know exactly what brought them to the point where they feel lost and cheered them as they started to connect with each other. I can't wait to read more of this talented author's work in the future.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Viking Books for Young Readers via Bookish First.

Initial Thoughts
This was the first book by Gayle Forman that I have read. I really enjoyed her style of writing and found myself not wanting to set this book aside. The characters were great and I loved seeing their bond grow. I really enjoyed this story.
April 13, 2018
(Borderline 3 stars)

T/W- Suicide, Homophobia

I do credit If I Stay (written by the same author) as one of the main books that got me into blogging and reviewing books. I really enjoyed reading that book first as a fourteen year old and then again at sixteen. In 2015, I read another novel I Was Here which I found overall to be slightly underwhelming and so, worried that maybe I wasn't going to enjoy any other books written by Gayle. I am happy that I did have the opportunity to read it through a present from my boyfriend but here are my overall thoughts.

I just wanted more, the character connections lacked with some of the pacing I found to be quite choppy. It does take place over the course of like a day (or two) with lots of flashbacks. The amount of backstory was definitely hard to follow at times. I did like the New York City setting, three characters who all meet due to an accident and then, spend time together. Freya is a famous singer and used to be part of a double act with her sister but their relationship is strained. Harun is in love with James but has hidden his sexuality away from family and Nathaniel has no family to turn to and struggles with depressive thoughts. There was moments of insta-love which I found distracting, I really wanted to see more about all three characters personal journey together rather than love at first sight moments. The ending also seemed abrupt, and left me with unanswered questions.

For someone who was really looking forward to a new adventure by the author, I was left feeling rather letdown. I did like the diversity featured as well as a M/M relationship. I just wanted more.
March 17, 2018
Trigger Warnings for mental health, abandonment, suicide, and homophobia.

I Have Lost My Way is one of those books you need to savour. At the beginning of this book I didn’t know any of the characters, just as Freya, Nathaniel and Harun didn’t know one another. Yet as their stories unfolded I saw myself in each of them and began to feel like one of their people. I don’t think it matters with this book if you can relate personally to any of the character’s specific circumstances and why they find their lives colliding that day.

What matters is that all three have lost their way. I want to tell you all about their individual stories but it’s best you gradually get to know each character as you read. Told from all three perspectives, this is a story of love, friendship and discovering who you really are.

They each feel invisible in their own way. They all feel alone in their lives, whether they’re surrounded by adoring fans, a large family or no one at all. Their stories shine a light on the lengths we can go to in order to try to fit into the mould that others have created for us when we know deep down our shape looks nothing like that of the mould. Freya, Nathaniel and Harun share one fear: ‘if people knew the truth about me I would truly be alone’ so they hide parts of themselves from the world. I don’t know about you but this aching loneliness resonated with me.

I’m sure they and I aren’t the only ones who have ever felt this way, and that’s one of the strengths of a Gayle Forman novel. You feel. You feel for her characters and ultimately your glance turns inward and you examine yourself. There’s a feeling of inclusion in Gayle’s novels and as her characters slowly let others in and in doing so expand their lives, you feel a corresponding expansion of your own. You may begin reading with little or no understanding of where a specific character is coming from, and you may even find yourself judging them preemptively, yet as they bare their soul your heart opens.

There are some things I’ve noticed in all of Gayle’s novels. Regardless of the overall theme I get sucked into the story almost immediately, generally by the end of the first page. There’s at once a simplicity and complexity to her writing; easy to read yet with a depth you fall into without realising. I fall in love with her characters, idiosyncrasies and all, and find myself thinking about them long after I finish reading their stories. They have the ability to change me from the inside out.

Favourite Passage (of many!): “To be the holder of other people’s loss is to be the keeper of their love. To share your loss with people is another way of giving your love.”

Best Description of Books Ever: “little empathy-delivery devices”. 💕

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster (Australia) for reminding me why I love everything Gayle writes and reigniting the need to devour her entire back catalogue while I wait for her next empathy-delivery device to imprint itself on my heart.
July 31, 2018
3.5 stars

I loved Gayle Forman's books as a teen, so of course I had to check this one out - and it did not disappoint. I Have Lost My Way follows three teens: Freya, an up-and-coming celebrity singer who has lost her voice, Harun, a closeted gay Pakistani-American, and Nathaniel, who ran away to New York with a misguided plan. At first three strangers, their paths cross and their lives intertwine in a way that will change each of their individual trajectories forever.

Forman shines when she writes about genuine emotions and challenging interpersonal dynamics. I most loved how she described these three characters' backstories. Freya's nuanced connections with her father, sister, and mother, Harun's complicated ideas surrounding courage in relation to his family and James, and Nathaniel's difficulty with his father all resonated with me. I liked how Forman showed friendship's power to disrupt our old, restricted ways of being in and interacting with the world.

I give this novel a lower star rating because the romance between Freya and Nathaniel felt unnecessary and overwritten. I also wish there had been a bit more unpacking of some of the psychological effects of these characters' relationships with their families. However, I understand that plotting a story that spans over one day limits how much you can accomplish looking forward into characters' lives.

Overall, a good read I would recommend to fans of Gayle Forman or those who like books that occur across the span of a day. I Have Lost My Way carries compelling themes of hope, change, growth, and acceptance, all of which emerge in her former work too. Curious to see what she will write next.
June 14, 2020
Este fue un libro lleno de increíbles personajes... Freya se encuentra con Nathaniel después de caer de un puente y aterrizar encima de él... Harun es un testigo de la caída y así comienza la amistad entre los tres... Esto parece una forma poco probable de encontrarte, pero realmente funcionó en este libro...

Freya es una cantante emergente que ha perdido su voz... Harun es gay y tiene un poco de miedo de hablar con sus padres sobre su sexualidad... Nathaniel es solo un niño perdido que romperá tu corazón (hablo en serio, te duele el corazón al saber su historia)... A mi realmente me atrajo cada uno de estos personajes, los encontré a todos tan crudos y reales... También encontré el vínculo y la amistad que se formaron en tan poco tiempo siendo bastante realistas... dadas las circunstancias y el hecho de que todos realmente se necesitaban...

El único problema que tuve con este libro fue que era muy corto (la trama del presente sucede en un día) ... era casi como una broma ... te dan estos personajes asombrosos, que están muy bien desarrollados, y eso fue todo... Sentí que había mucho que discutir y mucho espacio para el crecimiento, y aún así no pudimos ver esa parte... sin embargo, tengo que decir que me gusta cómo se resolvió una de las situaciones, fue muy dulce.

Aunque tengo un problema con ese final TAN abierto... sera que habrá una segunda parte? No lo se, pero si es así quiero leerla ¡ahora!.
Recomiendo encarecidamente a los fanáticos de los libros con algunos personajes increíblemente increíbles.
May 16, 2018
This is my first Gayle Forman book since Just One Day that I read...five years ago! I had no idea what to expect because that book didn't make any impressions on me at all, but this? I loved it!

The three perspectives were balanced perfectly, and no character felt more prominent than the others. They each had a conflict in the present timeline, but the thing they had 'lost' acted as the foundation of their backstory, so even though you're only with these characters for less than 300 pages, it feels like you've read a 300 page book about each of them!

Personally, I loved Freya's narrative the most, because washed up YouTube musician is pretty similar to the YA novel that Bee and I are currently writing, so it was interesting to see how another author handled that, haha! But there was a sister relationship going on too that was a real rollercoaster, and another of my buzzwords.

Harun's narrative was my second favourite. I love when religion and sexuality make a Venn diagram of emotions, and he was the character I wanted to read about even more.

Nathaniel...my least favourite. His character had a lot of question marks that made him interesting, but he was also a catalyst for insta-love, in a girlfriend-as-saviour way, so I wasn't paying as close attention to him, and is the only reason I held back from giving this five stars.

It's my favourite story of it's kind because although the plot felt spontaneous, the characters were each achieving something or learning about themselves, so even the more frivolous things they did didn't feel useless. If you love stories that take place over a really short period of time, or thrown-together friendships, then I couldn't recommend this one more.
August 29, 2018
3.5, but maybe 4?

What I didn't like:
-We're inundated with background for all 3 characters before the story gets going, and before I knew them well enough to care yet.
-Forman switched from first person to third person pretty often. I was listening to the audio so I'm not sure if the print book would enlighten me as to why certain chapters were 1st vs 3rd, but it seemed very random on audio and was kind of jolting.
-There are 3 narrators for the audiobook and they also seemed to jump in randomly. Not at chapter breaks or POV switches, but just anytime their respective character was mentioned. I suppose this wasn't awful, but I just didn't get the narrative choices.

What I liked:
-The exploration of sisterhood, family, loss.
-This story takes place in one day, and I loved watching the trio progress from strangers to friends. They all helped each other through difficult times and I was so invested by the end.
-It was short and to the point.

What I'm unsure about:
-The characters are a diverse group (biracial Ethiopian/Jewish MC, gay & Muslim Pakistani-American MC, MC who's lost an eye) and while the writing made me relate to each of them, they aren't ownvoices characters so I need to seek out some ownvoices reviews when I'm able to.

Potential triggers: homophobia, suicide, injury (eye trauma, concussion), discussion of death & hospice care, child neglect, pressure from significant other to come out as gay.

*A copy of the print book was provided to me by the publisher for review consideration. All thoughts are my own.*
August 15, 2018
4,5 stars

I read this one on the Eurostar the day before meeting Gayle Forman at YALC London. It was a bad idea as I ended crying on the train and my teenage daughter thinking “What the Hell mom! I SO don’t know you!”

The day after, at the discussion panel about friendship in YA books Gayle was extremely pleased to learn that I cried because she is an evil woman! Or rather because she loves crying while writing and think a day without crying is a lost day.




But I digress because ….what’s this story about????


This is not a romance it’s a friendship story. An unlikely friendship.

It’s about ties being created between three strangers whose path was never meant to cross.
They are all lonely. They have all lost their way.
Freya born singing has lost her voice.
Harun has lost the love of his life.
Nathaniel has lost everything.

With short sentences, showing rather than telling Gayle Forman brushed a realistic and moving portrait of these three young people all desperate in their own way.

In barely the span of 24 hours they will become a unit, stronger together than apart each a piece of their life puzzle.

Told in 3 POV with back and forth between the present day and their past each character's path is painted till this fateful collision day.

Lovers of diversity in books will be in heaven with this one! The set of characters was flawless, diverse and very relatable. To the point where you don’t just want but need to be their friends, part of their unit.

Freya is semi Ethiopian and a young singer, the next best thing happening in the music world. She has lost her dad and later has lost her sister. It was the price to pay to get the famous Shark as a producer. But was it worth it? Now she has lost her voice but without her voice, will people still love her? Who is she anymore?

Harun is from Pakistani descend. He is a loving son, doting on his family, a good boy and …gay but still under cover. It’s not easy to own his sexuality when your family is very traditional and your religion is against homosexuality. Trapped in his lies and pretense he has lost the love of his life.
“None of these people are James, and for that, Harun hates them. He hates everything and everyone in this world. If Allah made the world, why did he make Harun wrong? If Allah is love, then why isn’t James the one walking through the tunnel instead of some white boy?”


Nathaniel was my favorite. The raw and wild young man whose dad was a kid. Brought up by his dad they were “us against the world”. Having a big kid as a dad may seem fun until you have to play the adult.
“You’re all right, aren’t you?” “Later, Nathaniel figured out it wasn’t really a question. People wanted reassurances, they wanted to be left off the hook, so even though he wasn’t all right or okay, even though he was a frog boiling in a pot, even though he was being swallowed up by the ground beneath him, he answered: “It’s all good.””

Nathaniel had a purity and innocence that will bring all your protective instincts out.

The whole book is about personal journey and finding people to help you find your way when you are lost. The day their lives literally collided was their turning point. It set in motion a series of event helping them to find the right path. Maybe not the path they planned at the beginning of the story but the one they needed.


Gayle Forman’s writing is efficient. To the point. Her sentences cut through your soul like a surgeon’s scalpel cuts through flesh. With smooth strokes, little details here and there, she really showed how difficult it was for Harun to grow up “different” and to have to hide it.

I told you that I cried on the train, well my favorite scene is a very emotional one.

No, people are note dying.

No, a puppy has not been kicked.

No, a mother hasn’t abandoned her kids.

What made me cry was an act of kindness.

When Freya and Harun, realizing Nathaniel has not eaten for days will order a huge serving just to give their meal to Nathaniel who was too shy and too humble to ask for anything.


I really want to share some of that scene with you so, sorry if it’s long…

“When the food comes, Nathaniel is overcome by the force of his appetite. (…) He is nearly undone by the taste of the food. (...) .

It’s only when he looks up and sees Freya and Harun staring at him with similarly peculiar expressions that he understands he has done something wrong, revealed the wild man within him. He looks down at his barren plate. He’s devoured everything: the sandwich, the fries, the pickle, even the wilted lettuce that he realizes was meant for garnish. Meanwhile, neither Freya nor Harun has eaten even half of their sandwiches.

He’s mortified. He’s been too long out of this world. He’s become uncivilized.

Wordlessly, Harun takes half of his sandwich and puts it on Nathaniel’s plate. Freya does the same.

Nathaniel protests, but they cut him off.

“I’m not hungry, “Harun says.

“Neither am I,” Freya admits.

Nathaniel stares at his magically replenished plate. “If you weren’t hungry, why did you order this food?” he asks.

There’s a pause as Freya and Harun glance at each other. Then they look at him. “Because you were,” they say”

Do you get now why I loved this book so much and why I found myself crying on the Eurostar while my daughter pretended not knowing me?


Recommend it? Of course!

Have you read it? Or any Gayle Forman's book? And do you cry reading books?
Thanks for reading!

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May 4, 2019
- Hardcover
- 304 pages
- Published on March 27th, 2018
- Viking Books for Young Readers

my rating: ★★★/★★★★★ (3.5 stars)

I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

**if any, spoilers WILL be hidden**

p.s. there's a lot of great representation in here!
- lgbt+ muslim pov
- mixed pov mc
- sc pov with depression?


“They may be complete strangers, with different lives and different problems, but there in that examination room, they are measuring sadness the same way. They are measuring it with loss.”

I Have Lost My Way by Gayle Forman follows three POVs: Freya, Harun, and Nathaniel. Freya is our main character who’s lost her voice while recording her debut album in order to build from her internet fame. Nathaniel is struggling personally and has just arrived in New York City with only a backpack and a map. Harun, a New Yorker, struggling with his identity and coming out to his family. Whenever one of them ends up literally falling on the other and one of them is a bystander, they become close in a span of a day and help each other understand the loss they’re all facing and how to cope with it.

Gayle Forman is well-known, rightfully so, for If I Stay and it’s sequel. I was first introduced to her writing whenever I read If I Stay and nothing about it was memorable to me. I felt different about her writing while reading this book. It was incredibly detailed but the writing was beautiful. When writing about such heavy topics like she covers in this book, it’s perfect that she was able to side it with such a smooth and elegant writing style.

I definitely have to say this book is perfect for binge reading. If you have a night where you can just get cozy in bed and read a book, you should pick this one. It’s short and it takes place across one single day but it’s never boring. Each character is so interesting and uniquely different that there wasn’t really a POV that I preferred. Somehow, the reader gets an in-depth background into each character so you actually end up knowing them by the middle of the book which is astounding for it’s pace. I actually did read this all in one sitting and I ended up staying up until like 2am in order to finish it. I’ve read a few books that take place throughout a day but this one was fantastically done.

There was a lot going on within this book but it wasn’t too much. There was Freya’s POV and her music career, her relationship with her sister and her father. There was Harun’s POV with dealing with his sexuality, his boyfriend, and his family. Then there was Nathaniel’s point of view dealing with his concussion, his relationship with his father and his future. Alongside all of that, we get their relationship and their stories together. It felt like the perfect drama but it was also so thought-provoking and heartwarming. The ending was so beautifully done and this honestly feels like some of Gayle Forman’s best work.

What I Didn't Like: I had one problem that I noticed very early on within this book that didn’t really affect my reading experience but I did realize it early on and was kind of worried. It’s definitely something someone else might bring to attention due to how important #ownvoices is now in the Young Adult genre. I believe it’s okay to write a character different from you as long as you’re not writing their struggles. For example, a straight man can’t write a book about a lesbian struggling to come out. In I Have Lost My Way, Feyre comes from a partially Ethiopian family and it’s very prevalent in the book due to her dad’s position. But, personally, I feel like her character and family dynamic seemed very well researched, appropriate, and respected. As for Harun, I feel like Gayle Forman walked the line. While it’s very clear she did research and is knowledgeable about Islam (from my understanding), I was uncomfortable reading her write about his struggles being a gay Muslim in a very religious family because it isn’t truly authentic. Here’s a few of the lines that I consider “walking the line” when it comes to writing the struggles of a POC character.

“His older brother Saif started middle school on the day 9/11 happened, and after that he began calling himself steve and refusing to attend mosque.”

But she doesn’t expand on this or use it as a plot point which is why I don’t think this book is bad. Continuing on, while talking about himself, Harun says:

“And anyway, it’s not like any American carrier would be eager to hire a pilot named Harun Siddiqui.”

which makes me refer back to why I believe a POC should write about their struggles before anyone else should. It just seems wrong and unnecessary???

Like I mentioned before, I feel like Gayle Forman did this in the best way that she possibly could. Harun's character was actually the most fleshed out within the book and every scene with his family was great. This is just a personal preference of mine. Other than that, this is by far my favorite book by her.
April 5, 2018
3.5 stars
I Have Lost My Way is the latest YA novel by award winning author Gayle Forman.        It was a quick read and one I enjoyed a great deal although  I readily admit I have a soft spot for this genre.

The story alternated between Freya, Harun and Nathaniel, three wildly different characters with one thing in common - they each feel bereft at recent life shattering events and can't help feeling they've lost their way in life.    Freya has been on the fast track to musical fame but her voice has abandoned her and she fears the failure and annonymity that must surely result.     Harun has lost his first and only love because he didn't have the courage to come out to his muslim family, whilst Nathaniel's family has suffered a mortal wound and he's feeling completely alone in the world.    All three were highly likeable characters and they each piqued a strong sense of compassion within me.   

The book touched upon an array of issues including mental health, broken families, the fickle nature of fame and the sacrifices required to achieve it, homosexuality, the challenges associated with being a Muslim American.     Despite these tough topics it was not all doom and gloom.    These young people only met by chance but in the space of one eventful day they supported  each other in unexpected ways.    In doing so they discovered the magic of friendship, the healing powers of sharing each others losses, and began finding their way back to more hopeful and positive futures.

Thanks to Gayle Forman, Simon and Schuster (Australia) publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity of reading this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
April 4, 2018
April 10, 2018
Freya, Harun, and Nathaniel. Three very different individuals whose paths are about to collide in New York City. Freya is an aspiring singer who has just lost her voice. Harun is running away-literally-from his loving, yet overbearing family. And Nathaniel is coming to New York following a misguided plan. Soon Freya will fall off a bridge and fatefully bring the three together. Each feels lost and alone in this giant city. Will accidentally finding each other change that?

I very much love Gayle Forman and am always excited when she has a new novel. This one almost felt like a novella, with my hardcopy clocking in at a little over 250 pages. It was a fast, easy read, as I quickly became immersed in the lives of these three different and diverse characters.. The book is told over the course of one day--the day these three individuals meet, but we get flashbacks into their pasts, as well. Each character gets a chance to tell things from their point of view.

Forman is a lovely storyteller, and it's easy to get lost in this book. If anything, the day--and the book--is over too quickly. I found myself drawn to each character for different reasons. They are each vulnerable in their own way, and it's easy to get lost in their stories. I loved how the characters had diverse backgrounds and ethnic origins, as well. It's a beautiful novel, really, with gorgeous writing. The storylines are often touching and heartbreaking, yet the book felt light and airy--buoyed by the unlikely trio's friendship.

The book seems brief and is over very quickly; it left me wanting to know more about all three individuals. It flies by, especially since you skip from one narrator to the next, limiting what you learn about each, and getting snippets doled out over the course of the story. It all comes together by the end, but at that point, I found myself still wanting to learn more about each of our three characters, or have more time in their lives. It's easy to get invested when the characters are so well-formed.

Overall, this is a very easy-to-read book as it flawlessly draws you in with its diverse characters and excellent writing. It often reminded me of another beautiful tale, The Sun Is Also a Star. It's over all too quickly, but is quite enjoyable while it lasts. Definitely a worthy read.

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March 14, 2018

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