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Difference Between Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Last Updated : 02 Aug, 2023
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Past Perfect Tense is used with the action verbs, which emphasize the completion of the given event; whereas Past Perfect Continuous is used to show the event or action in the past but still continuing.


Past Perfect vs Past Perfect Continuous

Meaning of Past Perfect Tense

A Past Perfect Tense is used for referring to something that has already occurred before something. It refers to those activities that have already been completed sometime in the past before another past action happened.

Usage of Past Perfect Tense

  1. The Past Perfect works on the formula: had + [past participle].
  2. This formula applies in all cases whether the subject is singular or plural.
  3. To ask any question in the past perfect tense, use the formula: had + [subject] + [past participle]?

Examples of Past Perfect Tense

  1. I had taken a wrong turn.
  2. Rama made my birthday the worst day I had ever thought.
  3. The students had studied enough to score marks above 90.
  4. Had you eaten enough?
  5. Had they left the house as we are getting late?
  6. Had it rained?

Meaning of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The Past Perfect Continuous is used when any action/activity has begun at some time in the past and has continued till some other specific time in the past. In the case of Present Perfect Continuous, any action that has begun at some time in the past continues up to the present.

Usage of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The Past Perfect Continuous works on the formula: 

had been + verb’s present participle (root+ -ing)

Examples of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I had been working on my project when my boss came into the cabin.
  2. Roy had been walking before he got into an accident.
  3. I had been working in the company before the layoff.
  4. Had she been eating when her mom arrived?
  5. Had he been speaking English before he went to America?
  6. Had you been attending the classes?

Difference between Past Perfect Tense and Past Perfect Continuous Tense

 Past Perfect Tense  Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The action has already taken place in the past.

 Example: I met them after they had completed their task.

The action started in the past and continued until sometime in the past.

Example: I had been working here for 2 years.

The Past Perfect Tense lays stress on the result of the action in the past.

Example: I had been to Canada twice before I got a new job.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense lays stress on the duration of the action.

Example: Rama had been working hard for 3 months.

The Past Perfect Tense shows two actions that are linked to the past.
 Example: I couldn’t take my flight because I had been late.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense shows the cause of the past action.

Example: I had been traveling the entire day.


The Past Perfect Tense and the Past Perfect Continuous Tense are explained in detail to avoid any confusion. All in all, these tenses help you know facts and figures as well as help you describe your story using all these tenses.

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Difference Between Was and Had

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