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Difference Between Humble and Humility

Last Updated : 17 Jan, 2024
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Difference Between Humble and Humility: When we talk about the difference between Humble and Humility, then Due to their similar means, the words frequently cause misunderstandings. Both the terms “humility” and “humble” are very important. So let us understand what makes humble and humility different from one another. 

As we all know Humility is a noun, whereas humble is an adjective. This is the main difference between humble and humility. Sometimes the words humble and humility make you confused. In this article, we will learn the difference between humble and humility and how to use them in sentences. 


Humble vs Humility

What Does Humility Mean?

The Quality or state of being humble is the main definition of humility. It also shows that a person is free from pride or arrogance. Thus, humility is the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people. So, humility is a virtue that contributes to one’s strength. Though it is not simple, it is possible to display humility. These are some examples of different ways to demonstrate humility: 

  • Those in positions of leadership over others can demonstrate humility by treating their subordinates equally. In this situation, the leader would demonstrate that he or she treats those under him as if they are equals and possibly even more important than himself, despite possessing a higher status or title.
  • A leader displaying humility would be one who is concerned about the needs of those who report to him or her. This implies that the leader would be modest enough to care about individuals who report to him and their needs as well as their feelings.
    The noun “humility” is used. It always alludes to the trait of modesty or a low sense of one’s own importance. It cannot, however, be used to directly describe a person who possesses this quality.

What Does Humble Mean?

Having or displaying a low perspective of one’s importance is another definition of humility. This, however, is an adjective, not a noun like humility. Hence, how they are employed in a phrase distinguishes between humble and humility. A person or his opinions can always be directly described as humble. You can get an idea of how to use this adjective in a sentence by reading the examples that follow.

  • Despite all of her accomplishments, she maintained her modesty and humility.
  • He apologised humbly to her.

There are two other, connected definitions of humble:

  • To decrease one’s objectives for anything, typically due to another person’s higher goals, is to humble oneself. This is done out of respect for another person.
  • To bring or induce humility; to crush; to make humble.

What is the difference between Humble and Humility?

Define Being humble is having or displaying a modest opinion of one’s significance.  The trait of having a modest opinion of one’s importance is referred to as humility.
Strength Humble can be termed as an adjective.
Humility can be termed as a noun.
Use A person can be simply described as humble.
Having humility is a trait.
Other meaning Low social, administrative, or political rank is another definition of humble. The word “humility” has only one meaning.

Summary – Humble vs Humility

Both the adjectives humble and humility mean having a low or modest opinion of oneself. This is the antithesis of pride and arrogance. The primary distinction between humble and humility is that one is an adjective while the other is a noun. Hence, humility always denotes a characteristic, while humility denotes an object or somebody who is being modest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do people admire humble people in general?

Being modest is frequently regarded as a positive quality in people. It frequently connotes kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness. Because they are approachable and down to earth, humble people are often well-liked.

What are some methods to humble yourself?

Here are some pointers: Show others compassion and kindness. Try to be compassionate rather than irate or defensive, even if someone has wronged you or injured you.

Why is humility such a vital component of life success?

You will be able to hear criticism without becoming upset or taking it personally as you develop your ability to take it. This facilitates your ability to learn from your errors.

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