小词详解 | stale


小词详解 | stale
stale 英 [steɪl] 美 [steɪl]



  • With such high  churn the basket of goods monitored by official statisticians would quickly go stale.
  • The game is  rife with stale, retrograde gender stereotypes — elements that were perhaps expected in 1985, when the first Super Mario Bros. was released in the United States, but that today are just embarrassing.


[adjective] (of food) no longer fresh and pleasant to eat; hard, musty, or dry
[形容词] (指食物)不再新鲜可口的;硬的、发霉的或干的


Stale 是一个与  staple 十分形似的单词,源自古法语 estale (安定的、清澈的),可能是由于放久了就会变清澈,所以14世纪进入英语后就被用来指麦芽酒、葡萄酒等“无渣滓的”。

食物放久了除了渣滓沉淀以外,往往还会变得不新鲜,而 stale 最早记录于15世纪末期就用来指面包、糕点、啤酒等食物“不新鲜的、走味的、走气的”,进而也引申指空气、气味等“不新鲜的、污浊的”,比如:

  • 在我们恋爱的日子里,他在荒野中度过了40天。他的日常饮食包括一块不新鲜的面包、一碗米饭和变味的水。
    He  abided in the wilderness for forty days during our  courting days. His daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water.
  • 一层烟雾低悬在污浊的空气中。还有一股刺鼻的烟味从他的衣服上飘出。
    A layer of smoke hung low in the stale air. And an  acrid scent of smoke wafted from his clothes.

不新鲜的食物吃不得,而像  小词详解 | refrain 这种一再重复说的不新鲜的话听不得。其中后者也可以用 stale 来表示“陈腐的、没有新意的、过时的、老掉牙的”,多用于形容地方、活动或观点等“令人厌倦的,缺乏新鲜感的”,比如:

  • 听厌了的闲话
    stale gossip
  • 她和马克之间已经没有新鲜感了。他们拒绝承受恋爱过程中爱情的起起伏伏。
    Her relationship with Mark has become stale. They refuse to accept the  ebb and flow of love in a relationship.

长期面对这类乏味的事物,人不免感到厌烦,而这也可以用 stale 引申指人因持续做某事时间太长而“厌倦的、腻烦的”,比如:

  • 在那个岗位干了十年之后,她觉得腻了,需要换换工作。这就是为什么她一直在大街上四处奔走寻找新工作。
    After ten years in the job, she felt stale and needed a change. That's why she's been  tramping the streets looking for a job.

当 stale 用作动词时,自然表示“使不新鲜、使陈旧”,比如:

  • 不再钦佩某人
    stale one's admiration for sb

不过 stale 的动词含义并不止于此。它还同小站之前推送过的  grouse, staunch,  steep,  cue,  trump,  secrete 等一样,也是个同形异义词,有一个词源不同的动词含义指“(牛、马等)撒尿”,在这个概念下也可以作名词表示“(牛、马等的)尿”,比如:

  • 那匹正在厩栏上擦着身子的马在他骑的时候尿了。
    The horse which is  chafing against his stall staled while he was riding.

另外,当 stale 出现在金融或者法律领域时,则表示“因为过期而失效的”,比如:

  • 过期提单
    a stale bill of lading


There will always be something fresh about him to love; so our marriage just can't go stale.

出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight's Children)。《午夜之子》被视为萨尔曼·鲁西迪的代表作,获得当年的布克奖(Booker Prize),并且在2008年被评为“布克奖40周年最佳作品”。


  • rancid: (of foods containing fat or oil) smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale
  • decayed: having rotted or decomposed
  • mouldy: covered with a fungal growth which causes decay, due to age or damp conditions