Run On: Episode 2

As our protagonists get to know each other a little better, we learn that our hero may not be as dispassionate or aloof as he first seemed. When some upsetting truths come to light, our hero tries his best to serve his version of justice, but his actions might wind up having some serious consequences.


Sun-kyum and Mi-joo are reunited once more, but this time as client and interpreter. As Mi-joo tries to wrap her head around the quick turn of events, Dan-ah clocks their familiarity with each other and asks them with an air of amusement what their deal is. When neither one divulges any info about how they’ve met, Dan-ah says it’s fine as long as Sun-kyum doesn’t attract any media attention, like the police station incident.

She asks how that wrapped up, and at Mi-joo’s pleading glance, Sun-kyum simply states that justice was served. Mi-joo makes a hasty retreat so the two can talk. Dan-ah, in the most indifferent manner ever, says that she likes Mi-joo because Mi-joo “knows her place” as a gofer.

As Mi-joo rushes off, a newspaper with Sun-kyum’s name plastered across the front page catches her eye. It’s a piece on the budding romance between Sun-kyum and a major actress, Choi Tae-ri. Back at the cafe, Sun-kyum declines to reveal how he knows Mi-joo, so Dan-ah changes her tactic. She asks flirtatiously if his answer would change if she were asking as the woman he used to like. “Then you should have asked me about this back then, not now.” Ha.

Dan-ah asks about the dating report instead. We get a flashback of Choi Tae-ri (cameo by Kim Ye-won) running into Sun-kyum outside the gym. While she’s all smiles, Sun-kyum greets her with a blank face and asks who she is. Tae-ri’s dumbfounded by his response and assumes he’s joking since it’s only been a few days since they did a photoshoot together. She playfully punches him on the arm and that fleeting encounter was captured on camera, launching headlines.

Back in the present, Sun-kyum asks Dan-ah to make an official announcement that there’s no romance. Ever the businesswoman, Dan-ah refuses to do so until their photo shoot has been published, claiming that it will be great publicity. She evaluates him like a piece of merchandise and Sun-kyum says that if she’s done checking his face, he has to leave for training.

Mi-joo’s waiting for Sun-kyum outside the cafe and she stops him to ask how this is their fourth meeting. He’s reticent, so she switches subjects and asks for her lighter back. In response, he asks what happened later that night and after a discursive discussion, they agree he can return the lighter later.

Sun-kyum asks why she had claimed to be unemployed and Mi-joo says this interpreting job is more a side hustle, calling it charity as she isn’t even getting paid. He says she must like interpreting a lot to be doing it for charity. Barely holding back a smile, Mi-joo says that you usually do charity as penance.

As they walk, Mi-joo confesses that she had wanted to buy him a meal and ask for a favor: don’t tell Dan-ah that she’s the reason he ended up at the police station. To get on his good side, Mi-joo calls out the media for referring to Sun-kyum as just “Tae-ri’s boyfriend,” ignoring the fact that he’s a national athlete. Sun-kyum tells her that he’s okay; he’s used to being labelled and linked to others, like how he’s “Tae-ri’s boyfriend” to the reporters, and a “lunatic” to Mi-joo.

Sun-kyum promises to keep her secret and attempts to say goodbye, so Mi-joo stops him to ask why he’s in such a hurry. Can’t he even spare time for a meal? He tells her it’s almost like she wants to buy him a meal and be done with him. Slightly chastened, she asks him to send her a few dates and times so they can meet up later.

Back at her apartment, Mi-joo works on her translation, pausing only to read an email about Sun-kyum’s schedule.

In the office, Mi-joo smiles to herself when she gets a detailed text with dates and times from Sun-kyum. Mae-yi asks how Mi-joo is progressing with her “handsome fate.” Mi-joo claims they’re too different to have any progress.

Mae-yi gives a bit of dating advice, then a bit of news: Suk-won just won a major award for his film. Mi-joo veers between irritation (that Suk-won won) and happiness (it’s the first time one of her translated projects has won). She’s furiously scrolling through film festival photos when she sees Sun-kyum–with her beloved Yook Ji-woo. Mae-yi tut-tuts at Mi-joo for only now learning about Yook Ji-woo’s family, despite being such a big fangirl.

As the two friends talk, we see Sun-kyum having a great training session and outrunning his hoobaes. Mi-joo thinks back to when he spoke about being used to having his name linked to others. She muses that Sun-kyum’s life seems full of people but empty of him, whereas she only has herself.

Back at the training center, Gyu-duk is doling out “discipline” to Woo-shik in the form of punches and insults. When Woo-shik recoils from a punch and inadvertently hits Gyu-duk in the face, the abuse get worse. When Woo-shik says that he’s always considered himself Sun-kyum’s stand-in, since Guy-duk’s too scared to face Sun-kyum, the beating intensifies.

Walking in the rain, Sun-kyum senses something’s wrong when he spots Gyu-duk and Ki-bum from afar and he finds a bloodied and battered Woo-shik. He softly mutters, “I’m sorry” before Sun-kyum helps him up and to a hospital.

Aw, when he comes to, Woo-shik’s first worry is about what to say to their coach. He says he’ll tell the coach everything later, and Sun-kyum pushes back. When? Later, after his tendons have ruptured? He asks if Woo-shik is really okay and Woo-shik pauses for a moment before bursting into tears and shaking his head no.

Sun-kyum tells him not to worry about the bills and to focus on getting better. When he stands to go, Woo-shik grabs his arm and begs him not to do anything. Woo-shik’s afraid because of how Gyu-duk might respond. Sun-kyum assures him that things will be fine. He continues calmly that they can say he’s the one who hit Gyu-duk, not Woo-shik, and says goodbye.

Sun-kyum wastes no time finding Gyu-duk and punches him on sight, telling him it’s for Woo-shik. Instead of showing remorse, Gyu-duk blames Sun-kyum being too indulgent as a reason he’s had to “discipline” Woo-shik.

The two of them grapple and Sun-kyum emerges from the fight with a bloody lip. His next stop is to see his coaches and he immediately tells them he’s assaulted someone. The head coach tries to give him an out by asking if he assaulted them or disciplined them. Sun-kyum states matter-of-factly that he doesn’t think it’s considered discipline if he hits someone just because he’s not happy with them.

There’s one more thing he needs to tell them–but the bullying is a surprise to no one. Head Coach tells him not to make a big deal out of the matter since these things happen all the time. Sun-kyum refuses to back down and says they can take it to the disciplinary committee then.

Head Coach loses his temper at that, shouting that Sun-kyum will destroy his future with his actions. Sun-kyum retorts that if this is the kind of flexibility that’s expected of him, he doesn’t think he has a future at all because he wanted to be a leader with principles.

Tae-woong’s back in Dan-ah’s office with a plant peace offering, but his sister’s not there. He calls her, annoyed by her absence and the remains of the destroyed pot. He tells her she should have cleaned it up, and Dan-ah responds by saying he should do it, and wonders without malice if he could cease to exist as well before hanging up.

He grumbles but actually starts cleaning and ends up cutting his finger while he’s at it. Dan-ah’s right hand man Jung Ji-hyun swoops in to the rescue with a vacuum cleaner. They have a moment of connection as they clean and when Mr. Jung tends to Tae-woong’s finger.

Dan-ah runs into Mi-joo at a small cafe, but instead of saying hello, Mi-joo feigns sleep. It doesn’t work (obviously) and Dan-ah takes the opportunity to ask how Mi-joo met Sun-kyum.

Unwilling to tell the truth, Mi-joo tries to play it cool asking if there’s anyone who doesn’t know who Sun-kyum is. Dan-ah reminds her that Mi-joo hadn’t even known his name, then oh-so-casually asks if they met at the police station. Mi-joo’s saved from answering thanks to Dan-ah’s coffee order coming out, heh.

Before leaving, Dan-ah stops to straighten a painting hanging on the cafe wall and gets fresh paint on her sleeve. The cafe owner apologize profusely but Dan-ah’s more interested in purchasing the painting. She offers double the original price and walks away with her latest acquisition, only just missing the artist behind the painting, Young-hwa.

He notices right away that one of his paintings is gone and the owner fibs that someone was so interested she gave it away. He’s extremely excited to hear that someone liked his painting that much, and he presses her for more information when Mi-joo pops out. They have a happy reunion, with Young-hwa congratulating her on successfully resolving her gun case.

Sun-kyum’s waiting for Dan-ah in her office and he’s there to tell her he’s going to be disciplined for assault. He apologizes and Dan-ah’s taken aback but says he must have had a good reason. She asks for details and Sun-kyum simply says he did it for revenge. She cracks up, saying he sounds ridiculous. She stops laughing when Sun-kyum asks if she thinks violence as discipline is funny–the victim was beaten so badly that he nearly needed a tendon implant.

The wheels in Dan-ah’s business brain start turning: companies don’t want to be associated with a violent athlete so that will mean contract cancellations. But Sun-kyum lashed out to avenge his hoobae…so they’ll sue in response to any discipline and turn him into a hero. Sun-kyum asks in disbelief if she means it, questioning how she could think of heroes when he assaulted someone.

Dan-ah ends the conversation by asking Mr. Jung to book Sun-kyum a dermatologist’s appointment. Sun-kyum tells her to find someone else she can manage better, since he’s only with her agency because Dan-ah wanted his sister Eun-bi as a client. Sun-kyum bitterly says he had forgotten that the company was merely a way for Dan-ah to play dress-up, telling her he couldn’t care less what happened to her. He sweeps out of the room when she tries to reprimand him.

Sun-kyum runs his worries away at the gym, but afterwards when he checks his phone he sees a string of messages from Mi-joo. He accidentally stood her up. Mi-joo walks by herself, grumbling that you shouldn’t treat people you’re working with this way, and tells herself to forgive him since she is pretty and kind-hearted.

From a distance, she sees someone sprinting towards her. It’s Sun-kyum, and Mi-joo’s eyes widen at the sight of him. We get a glorious slow-mo of Sun-kyum as he gets closer–but he runs on, straight past her. Mi-joo wonders what’s happening and marvels at his speed. She calls him and he breathlessly answers, asking her where she is. She replies that he just ran past her lol. He dashes back, a touch slower this time around.

Sun-kyum explains he gave her the wrong dates when setting their appointment, but Mi-joo’s quick to move past that. She says they should rehearse, but Sun-kyum asks if they can skip work today. She asks if he wants to watch her movie, saying today might be the only chance to see it in a theater since it’s an indie film.

They take their seats and the lights dim. Mi-joo whispers that she likes theaters because she feels safe inside, but Sun-kyum says that it seems more dangerous since it’s dark and scary. Mi-joo tells him that would be the case if you were alone, then reassures him that everyone is in the dark together. The movie ends, but Mi-joo stays seated while the credits roll. At the very end, Mi-joo’s name appears, listing her as the translator.

Outside, Sun-kyum tells her that the movie was boring, and she hadn’t even been in it. Mi-joo says that she was there in the closing credits, but that most people don’t notice since they don’t stay till the end. Sun-kyum says, “So in order to see you, people have to wait until the end.” (How is that so romantic?)

He asks if she drinks before suggesting they have a few drinks next. Mi-joo asks if he knows what people call a movie and drinks. He thinks for a moment: a date. She playfully shakes her head and calls it a business dinner instead, leading the way out.

They share drinks and food at a pojangmacha as they talk films and translations. Sun-kyum asks if it was her love of movies that made her want to be a translator. Mi-joo shares that she became a translator because a line in a movie had once consoled her, and she wouldn’t have known what it meant without subtitles. It made her want to become a bridge between languages and share the same experience with others.

She then asks why Sun-kyum wanted to get drinks when he seems like a lightweight, and Sun-kyum confesses that it’s because the man in the movie seemed happy after drinking.

Mi-joo asks another question: What does it feel like to run for a living? He adorably replies that he just feels out of breath. He says that when running, only the finish line matters, and today, she was his finish line. He laughs, a little tipsy, as he says he might have broken a record in running to her, if he had bothered to measure it. Mi-joo watches him laugh, looking utterly smitten.

Sun-kyum really wasn’t kidding about not being much of a drinker. He stumbles along as Mi-joo frets at him. She calls him an acronym for alcohol lightweight that he mistakes to mean a lousy woman instead, ha.

She tells him to sober up and make his way home, explaining that if he keeps making her heart flutter with his smiles, she might end up making a mistake. He wonders what she means by a mistake, and Mi-joo steps up close to him, “Something like this.”

They gaze at each other silently for a beat until Mi-joo breaks the tension by stepping away. She informs him that she has to control herself since they’ll be meeting again. Mi-joo says goodbye and walks away.

Sun-kyum sits on a curb, attracting stares from passers-by. He’s not alone for long, though–Mi-joo comes back to help him home and he beams at her. She offers a hand to help him up, and Sun-kyum asks what was the line from the movie that had consoled her.

“Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” With that, she helps him to his feet and they head to where Sun-kyum left his car.

It turns out his car is at the gym where Sun-kyum and Tae-ri were snapped, and the reporters are waiting for her again. Tae-ri spots the reporters but she doubts that anybody in their right mind would still appear at the gym after a scandal. She turns and sees Sun-kyum right in front of her, leaning against her car.

She assumes he’s looking for attention and starts to tell him off when her agency president runs up to them, convinced he’s caught them red-handed and dating. Mi-joo appears just in time for him to jump to the conclusion Tae-ri’s been two-timed.

As Tae-ri and her president continue to bicker, Sun-kyum solemnly asks Mi-joo if he can be the one to make the mistake instead. Sun-kyum pulls her close, and then leans in for a kiss. His actions shock Tae-ri and her president into silence, and they pause their argument to stare. Sun-kyum grabs Mi-joo’s hand and announces that she’s his girlfriend. Mi-joo whisper-screams at him, asking if he’s crazy. “Seriously?”

Still holding her hand, he smiles and replies, “Seriously.”


Whew. I feel like we got to know Sun-kyum so much better in this episode. Sun-kyum cares nothing about societal niceties, and finds no meaning in mincing his words just to fit in. He is blunt and probably comes across as antisocial, or even obnoxious, but we see from his interactions with Woo-shik that he can be warm and caring.

On the other hand, it seems as though Sun-kyum has been repressing what he really wants for a long time, which isn’t surprising given his family background. With his whole family in the spotlight, I can imagine how Sun-kyum must have had to restrain himself from doing anything that could attract too much negative attention. I can’t help but wonder what it does to someone to always be know as part of someone else, rather than a whole you. He’s not just Ki Sun-kyum, he’s Yook Ji-woo’s son, Assemblyman Ki Jung-do’s son, and Ki Eun-bi’s little brother. It’s no wonder that Mi-joo said it seems like his life is full of people but not him. Could always being linked to others have resulted in Sun-kyum struggling to find a way to be his own person? Are his social habits a way to keep other people at a distance?

Woo-shik’s scenes felt especially difficult to watch this episode, more so because we realized that the coaches had been allowing the bullying to happen under the guise of discipline. I feel as though Sun-kyum had already known, but that he’d been giving Woo-shik space to set forward on his own terms. I think he found an extremely smart way to bring the matter to light. He did to Gyu-du exactly what the latter had been doing to Woo-shik: calling out assault disguised as discipline. If he gets punished for doing this, there is no way Gyu-duk could get off the hook.

We’re only two episodes in, but we’ve already gotten a deeper insight into some of the characters’ insecurities and how these insecurities have manifested in their behaviors. Dan-ah struggles to hold onto her place in her family’s company, all while being belittled for her company choices and gender. It may be that her situation has molded her thinking into a cold, sterile, business-only perspective. Tae-woong seems to be hiding his hurt over his birth with a false cheery exterior, though we have seen in the previous episode how mercurial his moods can be. We haven’t seen much of Young-hwa yet, but he’s being set up as an interesting contrast to Dan-ah. Dan-ah seems to think and calculate her way through life and business whereas everything we’ve seen of Young-hwa says he’s a sweet-natured artist at heart.

Now that we’ve had a peek into Sun-kyum’s interior, I’m looking forward to getting to know more about Mi-joo and what makes her tick. She mentioned that she was envious of Sun-kyum having a family and that she only has herself, so I’m guessing there may be a sad history there. I’m also really keeping my fingers crossed that Woo-shik gets the justice he deserves.


  • Premiere Watch: Run On, Sweet Home
  • Romance begins for Im Shi-wan and Shin Se-kyung in JTBC’s Run On
  • Im Shi-wan, Shin Se-kyung toast to romance in new teaser for Run On
  • A new teaser for Shin Se-kyung and Im Shi-wan’s romance drama Run On
  • First look at Im Shi-wan, Shin Se-kyung in JTBC’s Run On
  • Shin Se-kyung, Im Shi-wan to star in new JTBC drama

Tags: Im Shi-wan, Kang Tae-oh, Run On, Shin Se-kyung, Sooyoung


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It was hard watching the bullying. What was worse is that the coach knew all along and just turned a blind eye. This is not even mild. That kid could get killed. So brutal. Made me rage.

How adorable is drunk Sun Kyum. It was nice to see him smile. Finally.

I really enjoy the interactions between the leads and Dan CEO. I love how blunt and unfiltered they are.

I was swooning when he came running towards her and laughed so hard when he ran past her. This show does humor well and it cracks me up. I also like how the leads are drawn towards each other and it makes their interactions more interesting.

Excited for the next episodes.


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Really can't wrap my head on the coach's attitude, is he deliberately using Woo-shik as a fodder for Gyu-duk? Woo-shik is part of the team and he actually performs better than his bullies. Any logical person would cut Gyu-duk off the team instead, what a joke of a coach. A joke of an adult, even. Ugh.


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Haven't you noticed how pervasive this is previously? SKDrama is a system of 'punching down' and the turning a blind eye is part of the system...actually it is demanded/rewarded.

I will never not be repulsed by these scenes, but this level of corruption and victimisation is so SK Drama. Part of the true horror of "Memories of Murder" is not that it occurred but everything that followed is destined to occur because this is baked in.

P.S Lookup "wang- ta".


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Yes I felt so sick watching the bullying and more than that the coaches attitude. Ugh!!
And drunk sun kyum is so adorable and how cute is he when he is smiling and exclaiming that he is a lousy woman. I cracked up so much.


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I'm in love with this drama,it really gives me butterflies!I like so much the dialogues among our characters,i could listen to them for many days...Sun-kyum really is a charming man,the more you see him the more i like him,with all his weird quirks if i can even name them that(don't know how to really explain it but he has this stiff by the book approch that makes him look weird in front of others that really comes out when u hear his clean cut,logical answers with no regards of social norms).Love the chemistry among all the actors...I also like Mi-joo a lot,she is no naive Candy and Shin Se-Kyung is very likable here...Gonna bet we'll soon see articles about Im Si-Wan & Shin Se-Kyung as their chemistry is ON...


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I love it. I honestly thought he didn't understand when she got up close to his face, bit he did, he did indeed. I love how weird they both are. I like their banter and general kindness toward others. I am really hopeful for this drama. Please, don't do me like a certain drama about a piano.


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All those "mistake" moves gave me flutters!


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So far it's much brighter than the piano drama with a lot more humor.


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The piano drama was cute at the beginning but you could feel the angst also from the beginning.
Here, I’m just getting butterflies, and Into the Ring vibes in the weirdly adorable leads and Be Melodramatic vibes about the weird adorable dialogues.


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He didn’t understand at all what “making a mistake” she was referring to, and that makes him even more adorable.


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No, he understood, it was why he made the mistake at the end of the episode. Unless you are referring to something else.


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Hi! What is this drama about a piano?? Do tell! I'm so curious.


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Do You Like Brahms?
It started out like it was going to be really cute but ended up being so angsty and painful (still loved it)


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I didn't think I was going to be interested in this drama, but I'm obsessed with Sun-kyum and Mi-joo and them as a couple (Im Shi Wan and Shin Se Kyung just look adorable together!!). I also really like the calculating Dan-ah, whose got a quirky sense of humor and mischievousness (I love how she got Tae-ri's manager's car towed and how Sun-kyum stalled to let it happen). I also like Dan-ah's scenes with Mi-joo. She needles Mi-joo, but Mi-joo isn't intimidated or disadvantaged. I think Sun-kyum's issue is really interesting, and something that gets explored in dramas. I do wonder how it's like to just go through life without being seen as an individual and just an appendage to more famous people.

I'm really into Sun-kyum and Mi-joo's minor height difference. I tend to like that better than having the male lead be like over a foot taller than the female lead. I like how she can get close and stare into his eyes.

The bullying scenes in korean dramas always make my blood rise. Seems like the bullies have been bullying Woo-shik since they were schoolmates.


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With Dan-ah's attitude, she's so easy to dislike yet somehow there's this feeling of only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Maybe it's the script or it's Sooyoung, but am just super curious about her backstory. And yeah for Mi-joo not backing down, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful freenemy-ship.
Love the height difference too, it makes making mistake(s) easier ><


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Ooohhh you guys are right about the height difference. I generaly like when the guy is tall and the girl is small but they used the height difference correctly and is really smart. And yes to the heights making mistakes easier


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Dan-ah would be a perfect dislikable second lead but I love her, she’s sassy and blunt and I too want to learn more of her background and the reason why she is so harsh on his little brother. Sure the guy is quite inestable but he seems really fond of her while she only ignores him.


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This drama is so random even in the conversations the main leads will have, that I'm even more sold on it. I love Siwan and Se Kyung's chemistry so far (his goofy drunk smile, be still my beating heart!) I can't wait to see how their budding relationship affects their goals, personally and careerwise.

I'm still not 100% sold on Dan-ah. I just don't feel anything from her yet even though we got more scenes of her interacting with Sun Kyum and even Mi Joo, but I still don't see a passionate and cold businesswoman yet. The only time I see a shade of that attitude is when she brushes off her stepbrother - who by the way kind of scares me?

There was that one scene of him clenching his fists when Dan-ah was shrugging him off and it made me wonder where they might take his character.

I just really love the blunt tone this show has so far, it has comedic beats, aww moments, and leads with convincing chemistry. The only thing in the air right now is the plot, but I hope we are set in a more concrete story with ep. 3/4


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First episode made me think our leads are weirdos, but the second one told me how quirky and lovable they are all!

Dan-ah is so prickly and doomed are those who displease her, but for those she considers "hers", I think she will be fiercely protective. It's cute to see her and Sun-kyum biting each other's heads off then proceed to stand up for each other behind each other's back.
There must be a reason why Tae-woong adores his big sis so much, and am super curious to know why she is so dismissive to him instead. The half-sibling thing means either remarriage or affair, wonder if that's the thing that messed up Dan-ah's life. Am also wondering whether Sun-kyun family is somehow involved in either...

Mi-joo and Sun-kyum continues to be all kind of adorable. And yes, @lezah, the "wait until the end to see you" line is indeed romantic... Love how Mi-joo realized she is attracted to him and is not shy to show it.

Mi-joo summed it up beautifully when she said "Sun-kyum’s life seems full of people but empty of him, whereas she only has herself". Might be cliche, but love how our leads are positioned as extremes, can't wait to see how they met in the middle or when they realized that they are really not that different inside.


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Also,love that Mijoo knows she is attracted to Sun-kyum and says it as it is without being shy and not the usual insta love that so many dramas give that i usually don't buy(maybe because i don't believe at love at first sight),like dramas come on,let your heroine or hero state he is attracted to the other without trowing "love is the moment" at us the first 30 sec they meet...


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I'm so smitten by this drama and the leads and my dear sooyoung. This drama has my catnip that is leads being attracted/interested in each other on meeting the first time and being self aware of it and having interesting and meaningful conversations without being boring. And sum kyung running towards mi joo. I kept rewinding that scene in my brain for the last week. That was so romantic, him running so fast that he missed her. And saying that he ran at a record setting speed made my heart flutter. I can go on and on about the leads and their awesome chemistry. And I'm so happy that many beanies are here to swoon with me is very exciting.
And is Im shi wan always this attractive/swoony? This is the first time I'm seeing him in a romance(my other drama of him is misaeng). Seriously he is killing it as a romantic lead.


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I'm loving the offbeat and randomness of the OTP. Some of the convo is vaguely echoing the ping-ponging of The West Wing or Gilmore Girls. It's funny! Mi-joo definitely feels like a fresh take on a FL (no candy here), and Sun-kyum is a different kind of ML, too.

I actually like Dan-ah, in that I think the character has real potential. She and Mi-joo actually seem somewhat alike to me. In fact, I really like most of the women in this drama so far - Mae-yi and Eun-bi are also strong women doing their thing, owning who they are and what they want, and even Sun-kyum's mom the Queen of Cannes seems like a force (if perhaps not the world's greatest mother). So far, the side characters don't feel super tropey.

As others have pointed out, the chemistry between SSK and ISW is solid. This is a far better match (at least thus far) for SSK than in Rookie Historian.


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Yes, the conversation between the leads has a fast paced banter feel to it and I love that. It also actually feels like it is letting them get to know each other.


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Now that you mentioned Gilmore Girls, I can totally see the similarity. And YES the women in this drama are so powerful and admirable. Even in the scene where the mom says she's the Queen of Cannes in response to the terrible mom comment from the terrible dad, I saw it as her being sarcastic or being fed up about the dad's lack of self-reflection because actually dad is the one who's terrible. Sun kyum actually turned out decent. The mom's response is very so-what-are-you-going-to-about-it. It's very satisfying to watch. Anyway, unlike with the dad, I haven't seen the evidence of her being a terrible mom yet. All I saw was her being an accomplished woman. I wonder whether the show's going to equate that to being a terrible mom.


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Hm, for me it was more like I wanted her to stand up for her son while he was being berated at the dinner table. I don't equate her being an accomplished woman with being a terrible mom at all! I was just disappointed that she sat there while her husband abused his kid. I get that may be my cultural lens, too. That and the fact that the kid didn't really grow up with his family just sat a bit uneasily with me - but it's early days and maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit with Mom.


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I was surprised she didn't stand up for Sun-kyum either after the glass cut his face, since she does seem to love him and dote on him. I guess this sort of thing is normalized in that household and that the best way to get it over with is to let the dad vent his anger.


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Good point. I did appreciate the pointed way the camera showed Eun-bi moving his water glass away from him after the wine glass went flying.


I was just telling a friend that the dialogue in this show gives me Gilmore Girls vibes in the way that it's so fast, random, tangential, and weird. I love it.


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I agree about Dan Ah. I see her and Mi Joo as evenly matched (slightly hoping for a strong friendship in the making).


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That smile! I sigh, I swoon!


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I melted.


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I paused this episode (and the next ones) to just stare at Siwan an embarrassing amount of times. He is just so handsome.

One thing I really like about this drama is how Mi-joo is fully aware that she's attracted to Sun Kyum's looks and she isn't weird about it or fawning over him. Makes her seem more real.


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Right!!!!! I love how aware mi joo is that she is attracted to sun kyum's looks and I totally dig it.
And I spent the whole episode wondering when did Im Shiwan became this handsome or was he always like this and I did'nt notice it.


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Same regarding Im Shi Wan. I knew he was objectively handsome, but now I'm like "whoa!!! You're hot!" I feel like one of those female characters who suddenly realized the boy they've been looking at for years is actually a man.


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I sometimes think, when I watch dramas, if bullying is this hard in real life in South Korea, and considering that dramas mirror society, it must be so. The fact that a national athlete can “discipline” a junior because he has no connections and because he’s better than you is really scary. I also know that this was shown as a way to explain why SeonGyeom is changing his life, yet it was really hard to watch.

I just adore the interactions among the leads (not only MiJoo and SeonGyeon, which are specially adorable), love the weirdly weird conversations.


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It was so painful to hear the bully imply that it was ok since he has no parents or connections. As if his life’s value is tied to his family or connections. And his life don’t matter since he is an orphan. I can’t imagine what life is for the poor and powerless in Korea based on what dramas show us.


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My exact thoughts. It can be exaggerated but when it’s shown it’s because it’s there. It happens the same with South American telenovelas, when you’ve seen some and then you’ve visited some countries, you know some reactions and opinions you see are real.


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Yeah it pisses me off how kdrama characters treat orphans and even those who grew up with one parent because the other died too young. Like it's a moral failing.


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It is actually deeper than a moral failing.


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I love how each of these characters are blunt but not spiteful blunt. I could also watch our OTP banter with each other all day long!

Bullying in dramas have always been hard to watch esp when we think it could happen in real life.


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That's a good way to put it - they are blunt because they want to be exact and direct. It feels like a form of respect, both for themselves and for the other. And neither takes it "personally" but more as just receiving information. I love the way the convos are going.


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Yeeeess!! I applaud the writer for making these characters and of course, the cast for giving them life!


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Yes! They are just unfiltered. And equally ok with being at the receiving end of these remarks. No one is getting offended or holding grudges. So refreshing.


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I'm loving these characters Blue! I want to binge it but also I want to take my time with them xD


Enjoying this thus far - in a way, the leads kind of remind me of It's Okay to not be Okay but with the genders reversed


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Just saying.... While watching it just occured to me that wooshik & sun kyum knew that gyu dook had severly hurted wooshik . Cant they just for once plan & make a video of gyu dook beating wooshik & then posting it on social media ... This way gyu dook carrier as an atlete would be in more danger & he wouldnt try to hurt anyone again....


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Hi, did someone know, song Min Joo listened to when she was walking? Right before she saw Seon Gyeom running?


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movie - junny


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Hi does anyone know what type of earbuds Mi-joo is using when Sun-kyum runs past her? Thanks!


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