英文翻译 食谱


中国食谱 = Chinese food
terminology in Chinese recipes (中国菜谱中的一些词汇)

spring onion 葱
garlic(clove) 大蒜(瓣)
green onion(stalk) 青葱(茎)
rice wine 黄酒
red date 红枣
pitted 去核的
soy sauce 酱油
cooking wine
cooking oil
white pepper 白胡椒粉
ginger(slices) 生姜(片)
leek 韭菜
tummy 腹
chicken breast 鸡胸
drain out the chicken 把鸡滤干
oyster sauce(tablespoon) 蚝油(大汤匙)
chicken stock 鸡精
corn starch 淀粉
sesame oil(drops) 麻油(滴)
very good dish 佳肴
herbs shop 中药铺
tap water 自来水
distilled water 蒸馏水
simmer 炖
stitch up 缝
yarn 纱线
crunchy adj.脆
soak 浸
stuff 填入
stir-fry 用旺火炒
pork fascia(thin strips) 猪蹄筋(细条)
slice v. 切片
crush v. 碾碎
chop v.垛碎
marinade n.腌制的调料
marinate v.腌制
pour v.倒入
sprinkle v.撒
peel off v.去皮
steam v.蒸
saute v.炒
roast v.烤
put pork into marinade for 20 minutes
mushroom (button) 蘑菇(颗)
pack 包
frying pan 煎锅
wok 锅
stir fry the pork quickly to half cook,
set aside
stir fry the pork in high heat
dipping sauce 调料
peanut oil 花生油
paste 糊
jasmine rice 泰国香米
lime juice 橙汁
chili 辣椒
lemongrass (stalk) 柠檬香草(茎)
sticking adj.粘的
unshelled shrimp 未去皮的虾
pea 豌豆
shell v. 去皮
devein v.去掉血管
pat the shrimp dry with paper towels
dice v.切成方块
beat the eggs lightly with chopsticks
a dash of salt 少量盐
in/over/on medium heat 用中火
serve the rice with green onion as garnish

香妃鸡(Steamed chicken with saltedsauce)

糖醋鸡块(Chicken in sweet and sour sauce)
三杯鸡翼(Chicken wings in three cups sauce)
赛海蜇拌火鸭丝(Shredded roast deck with wnow fungus)
镬仔叉烧(Roast pork in wok)
菜薳滑肉片(Sliced pork with vegetable shoots)
中式午餐(Chinese Lunch)
hot pot火锅
roast duck烤鸭
sea cucumber海参
cashew chicken腰果鸡丁
shark fin soup鱼翅汤
rice wine米酒
sautéed prawns炸明虾
steamed rice饭
fish balls鱼丸
roast suckling pig烤乳猪
Chinese mushroom香菇
hair vegetable发菜
lotus root莲藕
sweet and sour pork糖醋排骨
中式晚餐(Chinese Dinner)

almond junket杏仁豆腐
barbecued pork buns叉烧包
bean vermicelli粉丝
chilli sauce辣酱
oyster sauce蚝油
won ton云吞/馄饨
shrimp omelet虾仁炒蛋
red bean dessert红豆汤
Chinese ham中国火腿
steamed open dumplings烧卖
Chinese sausage腊肠
1000 year old egg皮蛋
custard tart蛋塔
glutinous rice糯米
spring rolls春卷
sweet soup balls汤圆
stuffed dumplings饺子
spare ribs排骨

Cola chicken wings production of materials:
Ingredients: chicken wings, coke, onion, ginger, salt, chicken and so on.
Wash chicken wings. A little salt and cooking wine will be marinated chicken wings, for about 1 hour;
Hot pan, to into the edible oil, cut into large segment of the Cong Jiangsuan with soy pan, saute chicken wings after the entry, with the fire stir fry;
Stir fry chicken wings until golden brown, add salt, then stir about, please note that the entire process of making coke chicken wings to be with the fire;
Pour Coke, Coke just right so that did not have wings, if you eat a little sweet taste, can be a little bit more cola;
Add a little soy sauce, to mention color, but note that salty because salt had been added before
Sauce. Do not cover the lid, it would be comparatively thick sauce, the sauce should pay attention to the process of constantly stir fry about chicken wings, because the high sugar content of cola, and always use the fire, so little attention it is easy to pot.
Juice is about to close so dry, sprinkle Xianla powder, green onion, parsley spread the bottom, remove and put the chicken wings disk, and then the remaining sauce on the wings can be irrigated to

Laver 2 package
Cucumber 2 the
Crab willow 1 pack
Egg 3 only
Rice large
2 TBSPS white vinegar
Turnip 1 the
1) first the cucumber, crab willow, turnip clean cut
2) scrambled egg, put white vinegar add rice make mix
3) of rice in flat cover, put on cucumber chunks, crab, rock radish
4) the laver volume growth chart the cylindrical, then the average piece

Ingredients: 2 bags of cucumber 2 nori crab rice 1 package large egg 3 tablespoons white vinegar 2 carrots 1 1) first cucumber, crab sticks,

Material: laver 2 package cucumber 2 the crab willow 1 pack of white vinegar rice only egg 3 2 TBSPS turnip 1 the 1) first the cucumber, crab, rock Question adds: Material: Laver 2 package Cucumber 2 the Crab willow 1 pack Egg 3 only Rice large 2 TBSPS white vinegar Turnip 1 the 1) first the cucumber, crab willow, turnip clean cut 2) scrambled egg, put white vinegar add rice make mix 3) of rice in flat cover, put on cucumber chunks, crab, rock radish 4) the laver volume growth chart the cylindrical, then the average piece

Laver 2 package
Cucumber 2 the
Crab willow 1 pack
Egg 3 only
Rice large
2 TBSPS white vinegar
Turnip 1 the

问: cookbook是什么意思
计昏晶17531274233:食谱的英文翻译 1.a recipe (book); a cookbook; a cookery book 食谱的中文解释 基本解释 1. [cookbook;recipe]∶介绍做菜、做点心方法的书 大众食谱 2. [menu]∶根据不同需要制定的饭菜的单子 一周食谱

问: 食谱用英语怎么说
计昏晶17531274233:食谱的英文是: recipes或者cookbook。相关短语 1、大众\/家常食谱popular\/everyday recipe.2、减肥食谱fat depletion diet.3、按照新的食谱做菜cook with a new recipe.4、一周食谱menu of the week.食谱介绍 食谱,又称菜谱,是一种教人料理食物的文件或书籍,语出清代吴炽昌《客窗闲话续集,一技养生...

问: 食谱cookbook recipe 哪个翻译好
计昏晶17531274233:食谱翻译为 cooking recipe 比较好。

问: 请将这些食谱内容翻译成英文。。要专业点的哦。。。
计昏晶17531274233:回答:风味排骨 芥菜鸭丝 腊肉蕨菜 鲜椒鸡 鲜炒黄喉 仔姜兔 藤椒君花 金牌仔鸡 泡椒牛娃 泡椒牛柳 水煮牛柳 干煸肥肠 黄辣丁 丁桂 鲢鱼 江团 土凤 黔鱼 炝锅鲫鱼 风味豆瓣鱼 酸菜鱼 水煮鱼 家常鲫鱼 荤三鲜汤 素三鲜汤 榨菜肉丝汤 紫菜蛋花汤 豆腐汤 酸菜粉丝汤 番茄蛋花汤 韭黄酸汤 肉片汤 Ap-...

问: 帮忙翻译下食谱: 急用,请尽量准确,挥泪感谢各位大虾!
计昏晶17531274233:食谱译文 一、中华美食 Fine Chinese Cuisine 1、 豆腐鱼头煲 Fish head stew with Tofu(Bean curd) in clay pot 2、 铁板家乡豆腐 Tofu Fajita 3、 冬菇蒸滑鸡 Steamed chicken with Chinese Mushroom 4、 土鱿蒸肉饼 Steamed minced meat with squid 5、 杂菇上素 Season vegetables ...

问: 英语a recipe for chicken soup怎么翻译?
计昏晶17531274233:(这个周末我要尝试一份新的鸡汤食谱。) - My grandmother's recipe for chicken soup is the best. (我奶奶的鸡汤食谱是最好的。) 这句英语是一个简单句,用来描述制作鸡汤的配方或指南。在翻译时,需要理解句子的基本结构和语境,同时注意单词的含义和语法用法,以确保翻译的准确性和流畅性。 翻译技巧和步骤: 1...

问: 用英语翻译一份素食食谱
计昏晶17531274233:4. Heat the wok over medium-high to high heat. Add 2 tablespoons oil to the heated wok.5. When the oil is hot, add the carrots. Stir-fry for 1 minute, and add the dried mushrooms and lily buds. Stir-fry for 1 minute, and add the water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, snow...

问: 麻烦翻译食谱一个
计昏晶17531274233:longan egg soup Ingredients : 500 grams of longan .Condiment : two eggs.modus operandi : access to clean-burning wave ceramics, by adding a small amount of water placed Guangbolu fire within 30 minutes of soaking, break out again after adding eggs, stirring, one minute into ...

问: 急求一份健康营养的英语菜单(用英文写)。(普通一点健康的。,特殊条件...
计昏晶17531274233:你好!我给你多点的吧,下面是这份菜单的英语翻译:早餐:馒头和草莓酱、牛奶或豆奶、煮荷包蛋1个、酱黄瓜。 水果:夏橙或白萝卜1个。 中餐:荞麦大米饭、香菇菜心、糖醋带鱼、豆腐血旺丝瓜汤。 晚餐:绿豆粥、白菜猪肉包子、虾皮冬瓜。Breakfast: bread and butter, strawberry milk or soy milk, poached egg 1, cuc...

问: 英文食谱中文怎么翻译
计昏晶17531274233:dog红肠面包~Frank Dog 法兰克香肠 Chill Cheese Dog 冷奶酪(起司)香肠 Caesar Dog 凯撒香肠 Slaw Dog 卷心菜沙拉香肠 Cobb Dog 科布香肠 Reuben Dog 鲁宾香肠(...我知道鲁宾三明治~这个东东不清楚哎)



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