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SON is the Lain root meaning "sound." Sonata, meaning a piece for one or two instruments, was originally an Italian verb meaning "sounded."And sonorous means full, loud, or rich in sound.


sonic   /ˈsɑːnɪk/


(1) Having to do with sound. (2) Having to do with the speed of sound in air (about 750 miles per hour).

(1) 与声音有关的。(2) 与空气中的声速有关(大约每小时750英里)。

A sonic depth finder can easily determine the depth of a lake by bouncing a sound signal off the bottom.


A sonic boom is an explosive sound created by a shock wave formed at the nose of an aircraft. In 1947 a plane piloted by Chuck Yeager burst the "sound barrier" and created the first sonic boom. Today sonic is often used by ambitious rock musicians to describe their experimental sounds.


dissonant   /'dɪsənənt/


(1) Clashing or discordant, especially in music. (2) Incompatible or disagreeing.

(1) 冲突的或不和谐的,尤指在音乐中。(2) 不相容的或令人不快的。

Critics of the health-care plan pointed to its two seemingly dissonant goals: cost containment, which would try to control spending, and universal coverage, which could increase spending.


Since dissonant includes the negative prefix dis-, what is dissonant sounds or feels unresolved, unharmonic, and clashing. Early in the 20th century, composers such as Arnold Schoenberg and his students developed the use of dissonance in music as a style in itself. But to many listeners, the sounds in such music are still unbearable, and most continue to prefer music based on traditional tonality. Dissonant is now often used without referring to sound at all. Cognitive dissonance, for example, is what happens when you believe two different things that can't actually both be true.


resonance   /ˈrezənəns/


(1) A continuing or echoing of sound. (2)A richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.

(1) 声音的持续或回声。(2) 深度的丰富性和多样性,声音的质量。

The resonance of James Earl Jones's vocal tones in such roles as Darth Vader made his voice one of the most recognizable of its time. 


Many of the finest musical instruments possess a high degree of resonance which, by producing additional vibrations and echoes of the original sound, enriches and amplifies it. Violins made by the Italian masters Stradivari and Guarneri possess a quality of resonance that later violinmakers have never precisely duplicated. And you may have noticed how a particular note will start something in a room buzzing, as one of the touching surfaces begins to resonate with the note. Because of that, resonance and resonate—along with the adjective resonant—aren’t always used to describe sound. For example, you may say that a novel resonates strongly with you because the author seems to be describing your own experiences and feelings.


ultrasonic   /ˌʌltrəˈsɑːnɪk/



Having a frequency higher than what can be heard by the human ear.


My grandfather's dog is always pricking up its ears at some ultrasonic signal, while he himself is so deaf he can't even hear a bird singing. 


Ultrasound, or ultrasonography, works on the principle that sound is reflected at different speeds by tissues or substances of different densities. Ultrasound technology has been used medically since the 1940s. Sonograms, the pictures produced by ultrasound, can reveal heart defects, tumors, and gallstones; since low-power ultrasonic waves don’t present any risks to a body, they’re most often used to display fetuses during pregnancy in order to make sure they’re healthy. Ultrasonics has many other uses, including underwater sonar sensing. High-power ultrasonics are so intense that they’re actually used for drilling and welding.



ERR, from the Latin verb errare, means "to wander" or "to stray.” The root is seen in the word error, meaning a wandering or straying from what is correct or true. Erratum (plural, errata) is Latin for "mistake"; so an errata page is a book page that lists mistakes found too late to correct before the book's publication.

ERR,来自拉丁语动词errare,意思是“徘徊”或“偏离”。词根出现在error一词中,意思是徘徊或偏离正确或真实的东西。Erratum(复数形式为errata)在拉丁语中是“错误”的意思;因此勘误表页面(errata page)是一个书页,列出了在出版前发现的太迟而无法纠正的错误。

errant   /ˈerənt/



(1) Wandering or moving about aimlessly. (2) Straying outside proper bounds, or away from an accepted pattern or standard.

(1) 漫无目的地闲逛或移动。(2) 偏离正确的界限,或偏离公认的模式或标准。

Modern-day cowboys have been known to use helicopters to spot errant calves.


Errant means both "wandering" and "mistaken." A knight-errant was a wandering knight who went about slaying dragons or rescuing damsels in distress. Arrant is a old-fashioned spelling of errant; an arrant knave (the phrase comes from Shakespeare) is an extremely untrustworthy individual. An errant sock might be one that's gotten lost; an errant politician might be one who's been caught cheating; and an errant cloud might be one that floats by all alone in a deep-blue sky on a summer day.

Errant既有“游荡”的意思,也有“犯错”的意思。游侠是一个四处游荡的骑士,他四处屠龙或营救遇险的少女。Arrant是一个过时的拼写错误;一个彻头彻尾的无赖(an arrant knave这个短语来自莎士比亚)是一个极其不值得信任的人。一只errant的袜子可能是丢失的;一个errant的政客可能是一个被抓到作弊的人,误入歧途;一朵飘忽不定的云可能是在夏天独自漂浮在深蓝色的天空中的云。

aberrant   /æˈberənt/


Straying or differing from the right, normal, or natural type.


Sullivan's increasingly aberrant behavior was leading his friends to question his mental stability.


Something aberrant has wandered away from the usual path or form. The word is generally used in a negative way; aberrant behavior, for example, may be a symptom of other problems. But the discovery of an aberrant variety of a species can be exciting news to a biologist, and identifying an aberrant gene has led the way to new treatments for diseases.


erratic   /ɪˈrætɪk/



(1) Having no fixed course. (2) Lacking in consistency.

(1) 没有固定路线的。(2) 缺乏一致性。

In the 1993 World Series, the Phillies weren't helped by the erratic performance of their ace relief pitcher, "Wild Thing." 

在1993年的世界大赛中,费城人队的王牌救援投手“Wild Thing”的不稳定表现并没有帮助他们。

Erratic can refer to literal "wandering." A missile that loses its guidance system may follow an erratic path, and a river with lots of twists and bends is said to have an erratic course. Erratic can also mean "inconsistent" or "irregular." So a stock market that often changes direction is said to be acting erratically; an erratic heartbeat can be cause for concern; and if your car idles erratically it may mean that something's wrong with the spark-plug wiring.


erroneous   /ɪˈroʊniəs/


Mistaken, incorrect.


For years her parents had had an erroneous idea of her intelligence, because she didn’t begin to talk until the age of six.


Erroneous basically means "containing errors," and, since most of us are constantly suffering from mistaken notions, the word is often used in front of words such as "assumption" and "idea." It’s also used to describe the kind of mistaken information that can lead to erroneous theories, erroneous conclusions, and erroneous decisions.



CED comes from the Latin verb cedere, meaning "to proceed" or "to yield." Proceed itself employs the root, as does recede, and their related nouns procession and recession employ another form of the Latin verb.


cede   /siːd/


To give up, especially by treaty; yield.


Their 88-year-old father reluctantly ceded control over his finances to two of the children this year.


Cede is often a formal term used in discussing territory and rights, but is also used less formally. So, for example, Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the U.S. in 1898, following the Spanish-American War, and the U.S. ceded control of the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999. Citizens of one European country or another are always worrying that their own country is ceding too much power to the European Union. A tennis player doesn't have any choice when she cedes her no. 1 ranking to a rival.


concede   /kənˈsiːd/


To admit grudgingly; yield.


To his friends, Senator Beasley concedes that his reelection campaign was badly run and that he made several damaging errors.


After the votes have been counted, one candidate traditional concedes the election to his or her opponent by giving a concession speech. If you're lucky, your boss will concede that she was wrong the last time she criticized you. But in the middle of an argument, we're not all so good at conceding that the other guy might have a good point.


accede   /əkˈsiːd/


(1) To give in to a request or demand. (2) To give approval or consent.

(1) 屈服于要求。(2) 给予批准或同意。

This time Congress refused to accede to the demands of the president, and began cutting the funding for the war.


To accede usually means to yield, often under pressure and with some reluctance, to the needs or requests of others. Voters usually accede to a tax increase only when they're convinced it's the only real solution to a shortfall in government funding. A patient may accede to surgery only after the doctor assures him it's better than the alternatives. If you accede to your spouse's plea to watch the new reality show at 9:00, you may get to choose something better at 10:00.


precedent   /ˈpresɪdənt/



Something done or said that may be an example or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.


When Judy bought Christmas presents for all her relatives one year, she claimed that it set no precedent, but it did.


A precedent is something that precedes, or comes before. The Supreme Court relies on precedents—that is, earlier laws or decisions that provide some example or rule to guide them in the case they're actually deciding. When hostages are being held for ransom, a government may worry about setting a bad precedent if it gives in. And a company might "break with precedent" by naming a foreigner as its president for the first time.



VIS comes from a Latin verb meaning "see." Vision is what enables us to see, visual images are visible to our eyes, and a visitor is someone who comes to see something. The same verb actually gives us another root, vid-, as in Julius Caesar's famous statement about his military exploits. "Veni, vidi, vici" ("I came, I saw, I conquered"), and such common English words as video.


vista   /ˈvɪstə/


(1) A distant view. (2) An extensive mental view, as over a stretch of time.

(1) 远处的景色。(2) 在一段时间内广泛流行的心理观点。

The economic vista for the next two years looks excellent, according to a poll of business economists.


Vista is generally used today for broad sweeping views of the kind you might see from a mountaintop. But the word originally meant an avenue-like view, narrowed by a line of trees on either side. And vista has also long been used (like view and outlook) to mean a mental scan of the future—as if you were riding down a long grand avenue and what you could see a mile or so ahead of you was where you'd be in the very near future.


vis-à-vis   /ˌviːzɑːˈviː/





In relation to or compared with.


Many financial reporters worry about the loss of U.S. economic strength vis-à-vis our principal trading partners.


Vis-à-vis comes from Latin by way of French, where it means literally "face-to-face." In English it was first used to mean a little horse-drawn carriage in which two people sat opposite each other. From there it acquired various other meanings, such as "dancing partner." Today it no longer refers to actual physical faces and bodies, but its modern meaning comes from the fact that things that are face-to-face can easily be compared or contrasted. So, for example, a greyhound is very tall vis-à-vis a Scottie, and the Red Sox have often fared badly vis-à-vis the Yankees.


visionary   /ˈvɪʒəneri/



(1) A person with foresight and imagination. (2) A dreamer whose ideas are often impractical.

(1) 有远见和想象力的人。(2) 一个梦想家,他的想法往往不切实际。

His followers regarded him as an inspired visionary; his opponents saw him as either a con man or a lunatic.


A visionary is someone with a strong vision of the future. Since such visions aren't always accurate, a visionary's ideas may either work brilliantly or fail miserably. Even so, visionary is usually a positive word. Martin Luther King, Jr., for instance, was a visionary in his hopes and ideas for a just society. The word is also an adjective; thus, for example, we may speak of a visionary project, a visionary leader, a visionary painter, or a visionary company.


envisage   /ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ/


To have a mental picture of; visualize.


A mere three weeks after they had started dating, the two were already arguing, and none of us could envisage the relationship lasting for long.


One of the imagination's most valuable uses is its ability to see something in the "mind's eye"—that is, to visualize, envision, or envisage something. Envisaging a possibility may be one of the chief abilities that separate human beings from the other animals. What we envisage may be physical (such as a completed piece of furniture) or nonphysical (such as finishing college). Envisaging life with a puppy might lead us down to the pound to buy one, and envisaging the sinking of an island nation may focus our minds on climate change.



SPECT comes from the Latin verb specere, meaning "to look at," and produces several familiar English words. Spectacles can be glasses that you look through; but a spectacle can also be a remarkable sight-in Roman times, perhaps a spectacular chariot race or a spectacularly bloody battle between gladiators and wild beasts, mounted for the pleasure of its spectators.


aspect   /ˈæspekt/


(1) A part of something. (2) A certain way in which something appears or may be regarded.

(1) 某物的一部分。(2) 事物出现或可能被认为的某种方式。

Many experts believe the mental aspect of distance racing is more important than the physical aspect.


Since aspectus in Latin means "looked at," an aspect of something is basically the direction from which it’s looked at. So we may say that travel is your favorite aspect of your job, or that eating well is one aspect of a healthy life. If you look at a stage set from the front, it looks completely different than from behind, where all the mechanisms are visible, and both aspects are important. The word can be very useful when you’re analyzing something, and it’s used a great deal in the writings of scholars.


prospect   /ˈprɑːspekt/



(1) The possibility that something will happen in the future. (2) An opportunity for something to happen. 

(1) 将来会发生什么事情的可能性。(2) 发生某事的机会。

There was little prospect of a breakthrough in the negotiations before the elections.


Since the Latin prefix pro- often means "forward", prospect refers to looking forward. The prospect of a recession may lead investors to pull their money out of the stock market. Graduates of a good law school usually have excellent prospects for finding employment. Prospective students roam campuses with their parents in the year before they plan to enter college.


perspective   /pərˈspektɪv/



(1) Point of view; the angle, direction, or standpoint from which a person looks at something. (2) The art or technique of painting or drawing a scene so that objects in it seem to have depth and distance.

(1) 观点;一个人看某事的角度、方向或立场。(2) 一种绘画或绘制场景的艺术或技巧,使其中的物体看起来有深度和距离。

From the perspective of the lowly soldier, the war looked very different.


To the modern mind, it's hard to believe that perspective had to be "discovered," but before the 1400s paintings simply lacked accurate perspective. Instead, important people and objects were simply shown larger than less important ones; and although distant objects were sometimes shown smaller than near ones, this wasn't done in a regular and accurate way. Just as odd, many paintings didn’t represent the other meaning of perspective either—that is, a scene might not be shown as if it were being seen from one single place. Today, perspective is used much like standpoint. Just as standpoint once used to mean simply the physical place where you stand but today also means the way you "see" things as a result of who you are and what you do, the same could be said about perspective.


prospectus   /prəˈspektəs/

n.介绍说明文件;(学校的)简章,简介;(企业的)招股章程, 募股章程

A printed statement that describes something (such as a new business or a stock offering) and is sent out to people who may be interested in buying or investing.


The prospectus for the mutual fund says nothing about how its profit forecasts were calculated.


Like prospect, prospectus looks forward. Thus, a prospectus originally outlined something that didn't yet exist, describing what it would become. This might even be a book; the great dictionary of Noah Webster, like that of Samuel Johnson, was first announced in the form of a prospectus, so that well-to-do people might actually subscribe to it—that is, pay for it in advance so that Webster would have money to live on while writing it. Soon, prospectus was being used to mean a description of a private school or college, intended to attract new students. Today the word very often means a description of a stock offering or mutual fund, whether new or not.



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