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The Beta-Garmon star cluster balances on the edge of the Segmentum Solar; half a dozen star systems closely linked by stable warp routes and heavily fortified by the Imperium. Since the days of the great Ullanor Campaign, its worlds were a staging ground and munitions stockpile for the Emperor's armies setting out into the galactic north and east. Even before the rise of the Ruinstorm that clove the Imperium in two, the star cluster's place among the Imperium's domains singled it out as a vital choke point in the defence of the Segmentum Solar. During the bloody years of the Horus Heresy, it became a prize that was coveted jealously by both sides, and some of the most destructive battles of 

that age were waged upon its planets. 


The first humans to settle the star cluster came during the Age of Expansion; Mankind's great pilgrimage to conquer the stars. These first colonies spread out among the nearby star systems, and Imperial surveys suggest that, at its zenith, the Beta-Garmon star cluster spanned over thirty inhabited worlds. While few reliable records of these early millennia remain, it is known that the star cluster was a prosperous human empire, and was ruled over by lords who claimed lineage back to those first colony fleets. Unlike many of its neighbours, Beta-Garmon survived the Age of Strife mostly intact, and many of its cities and great machines date back to the Dark Age of Technology- even though the knowledge to repair or replicate them has long since been lost. 


In 811.M30, the Imperium brought the worlds of the BetaGarmon cluster into the Emperor's growing domain. By this time, only five systems in the cluster survived, and were designated by the Imperium: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Zeta, and Theta; Beta being the largest and most valuable, it subsequently became the common Imperial name for the collected stars. Imperial Seneschals and Mechanicum Domini were sent to enforce the Pax Imperium, though the Garmonites accepted the arrival of the Imperium willingly, and so most of their lords were allowed to keep their power-provided that they bent the knee to the Master of Mankind. These ancestor-lords would later become fertile ground for the agents of the Arch-traitor Horus to turn the systems of Beta-Garmon against the Emperor. 


Each of the cluster's major planets were swiftly exploited and fortified by the servants of the Emperor, and deep vaults found beneath Beta-Garmon II and III were used to stockpile vast supplies of munitions. Thus was the Beta-Garmon cluster turned into an armoury and staging ground for the armies and fleets of the Imperium. Mars too laid claim to several of the cluster's worlds; its agents overseeing Dark Age marvels like the protective hive-shields of Beta-Garmon Ill, the gigantic shipyards of ThetaGarmon V and the harvest domes of Delta-Garmon II.


Not long after the start of the Horus Heresy, the Ruinstorm, a massive barrier formed of warp storms that isolated thousands of worlds from the reach of the Emperor's armies, cut the systems of Beta-Garmon off from its surrounding sectors. While inaccessible to its allies, the servants of the Traitor Horus moved freely through the Ruinstorm and it was agents of the XX'h Legion that were the first to spread their lies among the Garmonite Lords. After the nearby Paramar system fell into civil war, the BetaGarmon cluster was quick to follow. 


The bitter conflicts that followed in the wake of the weakening of the Ruinstorm, and the great Titan battles that forever scarred the star cluster, were predicated upon its place as a crossroads point on the path to Terra. During this time, the cluster became the narrow of the passage, like a mountain pass, into which both sides poured men and war machines. Few battles in the history of humanity were as brutal or costly as those during the Beta-Garmon campaign - and, at the time, it was believed few would ever surpass it. 




 The long and savage Beta - Garmon campaign included hundreds of warzones across dozens of worlds. Even before the greater armies of the Warmaster reached the star cluster, the battle lines had long since been drawn, and fighting had been going on for many years. It was a cauldron of battle that would consume millions of lives before its end and see the demise of entire Titan Legions.


Presented here are some of the notable events from those bloody years of war. These selected battles and betrayals are intended to paint a picture of the great civil war as it unfolded, and also give an overview of the scale of conflict brought to Beta - Garmon, a theatre of war that saw Space Marine Legions, entire Imperial armies , Titan Legions and Primarchs all take to the battlefield.


634006.M31: War comes to Beta - Garmon 

634006.M31: 贝塔伽尔蒙战事初起

Even as the fires of Isstvan III are cooling , Alpha Legion attack cruisers enter the cluster. A campaign of assassination and sabotage by the XXh Legion paves the way for an Emperor's Children Millennial, seeking to win back the favour of Fulgrim by bringing the Garmonite lords of Beta - Garmon Il to heel. Meanwhile, the Traitor Titans of the Legio Mortis Reaper maniples sweep away the Loyalist Nemesis brigades defending Nyrcon City in a matter of days. After Nyrcon and the Anvil are taken,forces across the cluster declare for or against Horus and many of the cluster's worlds descend into civil war. 



376007-779010.M31: Strife engulfs Beta - Garmon 


Traitor forces plague the star cluster with constant attacks, while rebel armies spring up like brush fires , eroding the Imperium's defence on many worlds. During these years, the worlds and systems of Beta-Garmon fight among themselves——sometimes aided by the actions of Space Marine Legions, Titan Legions or other outside forces as they move to warzones in the galactic north and east, or retreat back towards Terra. Events such as the Great Starvation, the Soul Plague of Theta-Garmon and the Rain of Plasma are all wrought during these years of strife.


521007.M31: Trapped by the Ruinstorm 

521007.M31: 毁灭风暴之困

Many Imperial fleets and armies, as well as Loyalist Titan Legions and elements of Loyalist Space Marine Legions become trapped in the Beta - Garmon cluster by the Ruinstorm - the vast warp storm raised by Lorgar's ritual in Ultramar. These trapped forces lend their strength to the Loyalist forces holding out against a steady supply of Traitor reinforcements.


780010.M31: The First Battle of Nyrcon 

780010.M31: 第一次Nyrcon之战

Rogal Dorn orders sizable detachments of Imperial Fists and Salamanders Space Marines to engage the Emperor's Children Millennial garrisoning Nyrcon City, while Solar Auxilia regiments, supported by newly raised Garmonite Theta-Battalions , lay siege to the equatorial fortress cities of Beta - Garmon II. On Beta - Garmon III , the Warp Runners send their Verdis maniples against the Death's Heads Legio defending Caldrea Primus. Months of fighting sees thousands dead and dozens of Titans fall, though for now the Traitors'hold on Beta - Garmon II and III is broken.

在罗格 多恩的命令下,帝国之拳与火蜥蜴星际战士们组成了一支规模可观的分遣队,前去讨伐驻守在Nyrcon城的帝皇之子千人队;同时在新组建的伽尔蒙西塔战斗军的支援下,(多个)太阳军步兵团们向贝塔伽尔蒙二号的轨道要塞城市群发动了攻城战。在贝塔伽尔蒙三号上,虚空行者军团派出自己的维尔迪斯中队们去对抗守卫主火山口的死颅军团。在数个月的战斗中,数千人死亡,数十台泰坦陨落,但叛军对于贝塔伽尔蒙二号与三号的掌控目前已被打破。


277012.M31: Vanguard Fleets 

277012.M31: 先锋舰队

Raider wolf packs and vanguard fleets are the harbingers of the Warmaster's armada. These agile strike groups attack the outlying worlds of the star cluster — sparing Beta-Garmon II and III from the initial assault, and forcing Imperial commanders at Nyrcon City to divide their forces—diminishing the defences of these core worlds. 


31702.M31:Hammer of the Legio 


With the Imperial armies and fleets spread out across the cluster, Horus unleashes the full measure of his Titan Legions against key targets. On Delta-Garmon II and Theta-Garmon V, sieges that have lasted years are brought to a sudden and brutal tipping point. Titans of the Death's Heads Legio lead the way against the harvest domes of Delta-Garmon II, the airless wastes growing thick with the twisted wreckage of Loyalist tanks,On Theta-Gannon V, Tiger Eyes and Death Stalkers maniples march across the great Garmonite shipyards, their guns tearing open the fortress docks and leaving clouds of frozen corpses in their wake. Only the swift arrival of Warp Runners and Imperial Hunters maniples prevents both systems falling completely into the Warmaster's hands, though both Loyalist Legios find themselves hard-pressed by the vast number of enemies arrayed against them. 



361012.M31: Beneath a Blood Red Star 


The God Breakers come to Alpha-Garmon IX with orders to level the world and rob the star cluster of its harvested energy. Anticipating the arrival of the Traitor Titans, the planet's Martian Domini called out to the Firebrands and Warp Runners Legios for aid, while massing their own regiments of Mechanicum Knight Houses. The resulting conflict turns the black plains of Alpha-Garmon IX to glass with the fury of battle, while Dark Mechanicum war-servitor clades and mutant levies clash in the tunnels below with the defenders. During the battle, many of the world's tesla-spines are felled — their kilometres-long spires crashing down among the fighting Titans. 



403012.M32: Second Battle of Nyrcon City 


The war finally comes to Beta-Garmon II in full force. Having bled the Loyalists in the outer systems, the Warmaster unleashes his maniples of Death's Heads, Tiger Eyes and Death Stalkers into the wastes surrounding Nyrcon City, while his fleet attacks the planet from above and hundreds of Traitor army regiments storm the hives themselves. In what would become known as the Second Battle of Nyrcon, Titans break through the hundred-kilometre deep defences of the PanCrypta Dust Clans, Solar Auxilia and Nemesis Brigades. Warp Runners maniples lead the Loyalist Titans to make a stand in the shadow of Nyrcon's gate, but ultimately fall, opening the way for the Traitors to flood into the city. With the city under their control, the Traitors move swiftly to conquer or destroy the rest of Beta-Garrnon II. 


643012.M31: Hive War on Beta-Garrnon III 

643012.M31: 贝塔伽尔蒙三号上的巢都战争

While Beta-Gannon II has all but fallen to the Traitors, Beta-Gannon III remains loyal to the Imperium, though its hive are under constant assault by Sons of Horus and Iron Warriors siege battalions. Nova Guard Titans muster around its hives, defending against ground assault, while other Legios patrol the storm-covered wastes repelling battlegroups sent across the void from Beta-Gannon II. On the shores of the Chymist's Sea, Imperial Hunters Titans oppose landings by neuro-slave armies of captured Garmonite soldiers, the Loyalists forced to annihilate their former allies and drive their formations into the caustic ocean. 



705012M31:Among the Omega Dead 


On a special directive from the Warmaster, a maniple of Death's Heads Titans are sent to Omega-Garmon at the head of an army. There they find Firebrands Warhounds waiting for them among the ruins of a dead planet. Few records remain of the confrontation, and those Firebrands Princeps to survive swear oaths of silence, vowing to never speak of events on the graveyard world. 



859012.M31: War for the Outer Worlds 

859012.M31: 外围世界争夺战

Fresh Traitor forces continue to pour into the star cluster, while the astropathic choirs of the Cathega Telepathica send out an almost constant cry to the Emperor's armies for aid. Across the outer systems of the cluster, the Loyalists abandon any pretence at strategy and hurl their reinforcements into the fray as they arrive. Heavily damaged Titans of the Warp Runners, Nova Guard and a dozen smaller Titan Legions continue to hold the line on Alpha-Gannon IX around the last-remaining Mechanicum citadels, their exhausted crews facing the God Breakers over barricades built from fallen God-machines.


919012.M31: To Control the Void 

919012.M31: 掌控虚空

The first great battles of the Sea of Fire begin. The void between Beta-Gannon II and III is filled with warring ships, while missiles are hurled across the dark, seeking out enemy ships or far-off cities and mustering grounds. Elsewhere in the cluster, the arrival of fresh fleets from Segmentum Solar signals that the Emperor will not let Beta-Garmon fall easily. 


084013.M31: Arrival of the Primarchs 


Jaghatai Khan and Sanguinius arrive at the cluster and commence pulling together the vast resources gathered there at Dorn's command. Sanguinius assumes overall command of the Imperial war effort, but owing to the multitudes of different assets, the lack of a clear command structure and the huge scope of the warzone, effective control cannot be imposed.


193013.M31: Fortress Beta-Garmon 

193013.M31: 贝塔伽尔蒙要塞

Traitor forces are quick to fortify their gains, and with frightening coordination, the Warmaster restores recently Conquered defences. On Delta-Gannon II, Dark Mechanicurn hereteks bring crippled Titans back to a semblance of life as massive gun emplacements, while the hundred-metre high nemesis cannon of Nyrcon are restored and turned against the Emperor's forces. Newly arrived Loyalists find themselves walking into brutal killing grounds or facing ordnance still bearing the Aquila of the Imperium. 


193013.M31:March of the Dark Sentry


The Dark Sentry enters the Beta-Garmon system, Traitor fleet hiding in its shadow. In the midst of the fleet battle, Imperial forces make a landing on the planet to deny it to the enemy. Among their forces are Titan maniples that are soon opposed by their own kind. In the shadowy landscape, victory often goes to the side that can use the strange physiology of the Dark Sentry to their advantage. 


286013.M31: On the edge of the Void. 

286013.M31: 虚空的边缘

A Loyalist fleet attacks the shipyards at Theta-Garmon V, the Firebrands Legio leading the ground assault. Titans fight across the skin of the orbital shipyards as ships battle above their heads. Though the initial Loyalist assault captures key fortress docks, the Dark Mechanicum trigger a solar event that bombards the gas giant and blinds the unprepared Loyalist Titans and void craft. Tiger Eyes Titans inflict a heavy toll upon the Firebrands and their allies, though the blinded Titans fight on bravely to the end. 



356013.M31: The Titandeath 

356013.M31: 泰坦之死

More than twenty Legios and hundreds of Titans converge on Beta-Gannon II as the Loyalists seek to strike a decisive blow to reclaim Nyrcon City and clear the system of Traitors. Shoulder to shoulder, the Loyalists meet their enemies in battle like infantry formations facing off, only on a much grander scale, Knight Banners racing around their feet like hunting hounds. Many Titan Legions are extinguished forever in the days of battle that follow, and even legendary formations such as the Warp Runners and Tiger Eyes are reduced to a fraction of their initial size. By the time that the Loyalists reach the shattered walls of Nyrcon, both sides are staggering over fields of fallen god-machines, while the light from Beta-Gatmon ll's burning hives is visible from space.


559013.M31:A Hole in the Sky.


While the war on Beta-Gannon II unfolds, the Warniaster launches his fleets and reserve Titan Legions against Beta-Gannon III. Detonating a vortex warhead in the upper atmosphere, the Traitors create a hole in the caustic storms surrounding Caldrea Primus, and for the first time in millennia, the sun touches its spires. Without the constant toxic storm assailing it, the hive's ancient and esoteric void shields fall dormant. In the vacuum created by the warhead, Nova Guard and God Breakers Titans fight for the fate of the hive as the boiling storm closes back in around them. 

就在贝塔伽尔蒙二号上展开激战的同时,战帅派舰队和后备泰坦军团进犯了贝塔伽尔蒙三号。叛军在星球上层大气中引爆了一枚漩涡弹头,在Caldrea Primus巢都周围的腐蚀性风暴中创造出一道(亚空间)孔洞;在数千年的时间中,阳光第一次照耀在了巢城的塔尖上。没有了持续性有毒风暴的侵袭,巢都那古老且玄奥的虚空盾陷入休眠。在弹头创造出的真空环境中,新星守卫和破神者的泰坦们为巢都的命运而展开激战,同时猛烈的风暴再次逼近了它们。


637013.M31: No Price too High 

637013.M31: 不惜一切代价

Without orders or doctrine changed, the war shifts inevitably from one of conquest to one of slaughter. Exhausted armies bomb their own cities or trigger the destruction of hives and fortresses rather than see them fall into enemy hands. What little restraints were placed upon the Titan Legions are cast aside and the god-machines unleash their weaponry upon the ancient structures of Beta-Garmon's worlds. Many of the harvest domes of Delta-Gannon II are fractured, geysers of fire bringing daylight to the dark world for a time — while the heavily damaged shipyards of Theta-Garmon V are shrouded in a debris field that stretches out for millions of kilometres into the void. 


012012.M31—740013.M31: The Great Slaughter 

012012.M31—740013.M31: 大屠杀

In months of battle, millions have perished in the hives and fortresses of Beta-Garmon II and III, the subterranean tunnels of Delta-Garmon II, the void-cities of Theta-Gannon V and hundreds of other warzones across the cluster. The astropathic choirs of Terra receive a constant stream of Imperial dispatches from the Beta-Garmon cluster, each one bearing the name of another regiment, brigade or battalion of the Imperial Army obliterated in the fighting — though Horus makes no such accounting of the forces that fall in his name. Such is the scale of the destruction, and the radioactive wastelands left behind by the Titan battles, it is doubtful if any will ever know for sure the full tally of the fallen. 


788013.M31: The Needle Breaks 

788013.M31: 曲终魂断

The tipping point of the Beta-Garmon campaign comes in the shadow of the Carthega Telepathica on Beta-Gannon III, its astropaths still screaming out for aid from Terra. Having pinned the bulk of the Loyalist forces against the defences of Caldera Hive, only a handful of Loyalist Titans drawn from different Legios defend the Diviner's Needle along with their Knight allies, among them Nova Guard, Warp Runners, Firebrands and Imperial Hunters — some reduced to a single maniple of undamaged war machines. Unbroken by months of fighting, the Death's Heads Legio leads a massive host of Traitor Legios against the tower's defences, the Titans and Traitor Knights marching up through the toxic storm to battle on the mountain top, and ultimately bring the spire down. As it falls, a psychic scream reaches out across the cluster and beyond, spreading dismay and horror to all Loyalists it reaches.Though the fighting at Beta-Garmon will continue until Horus stands at the gates of Terra, and long after, history will record this as the point when the fate of the cluster was sealed, and the Warmaster's armies began their final march toward the heart of the Imperium. 



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