专栏/【云顶之奕】补丁 11.22 注释,TEAMFIGHT TACTICS 赛季S6.(所有翻译皆为机器翻译)

【云顶之奕】补丁 11.22 注释,TEAMFIGHT TACTICS 赛季S6.(所有翻译皆为机器翻译)

2021年11月04日 05:47--浏览 · --点赞 · --评论

Welcome to Teamfight Tactics: Gizmos & Gadgets! A world of crazy experiments, magic run amok, and groundbreaking new technology. With machines to assemble, chemicals to concoct, and new strategies to discover, anything is possible. With the new set, we’ve got new champions, traits, Hextech Augments, Hyper Roll changes, and G&G themed rewards. There’s a lot to uncover, so let’s get to it! ” by RODGER "MINIONSRPEOPLE2" CAUDILL


欢迎使用 Teamfight Tactics:小玩意和小工具!一个充满疯狂实验、魔法横行和开创性新技术的世界。有了组装的机器、调制的化学品和发现的新策略,一切皆有可能。有了新套装,我们有了新的英雄、特质、海克斯科技强化、超级翻滚改动和 G&G 主题奖励。有很多东西要发现,所以让我们开始吧! 



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Ranked Rewards


  • Reckoning Ranked rewards will be given out on patch 11.23 (that’s next patch).

  • Players who reached Gold or higher at any point in Reckoning will receive Victorious Nixie!

  • Players who managed to reach Gold or higher in both halves of the set will receive the Reckoning-themed Triumphant Nixie as well! Nicely done.

  • Competitive play in Hyper Roll is also rewarded! Emotes for Blue, Purple, and Hyper players will drop alongside other rewards in patch 11.23.

  • 清算排名奖励将在补丁 11.23(即下一个补丁)中发放。

  • 在清算中的任何时候达到金牌或更高的玩家将获得胜利数码!

  • 在套装的两半中都达到金牌或更高的玩家也将获得以清算为主题的胜利数码!做得很好。

  • 在 Hyper Roll 中的竞技比赛也有奖励!蓝色、紫色和超级玩家的表情将在 11.23 补丁中与其他奖励一起掉落。

 We talked about changing the ranked climb almost a month ago in our Reckoning Learnings article. And now we’re implementing the first (but not last) of these quality of life changes. 

  • Players will no longer be demoted in rank for tiers Iron to Master.

  • Players will still be demoted in divisions, eg. Platinum I to Platinum II

  • Grandmaster and Challenger will still allow for demotion

  • When Gizmos & Gadgets goes live in your region, you’ll be able to start climbing the ladder in this set's first ranked stage.

  • Everyone will start G&G in Iron II.

  • You will get 5 provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top 4 placements in your first 5 ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain extra LP for finishing top 4, so best of luck!

  • Your Hyper rating will be reset to 500.


  • 新的排名赛季

  • 玩家将不再因铁到大师的等级而被降级。

  • 玩家仍然会在分区中被降级,例如。白金 I 至白金 II

  • 特级大师和挑战者仍将允许降级

  • 当 Gizmos & Gadgets 在您所在的地区上线时,您将能够开始在此系列的排名第一阶段攀登阶梯。

  • 每个人都会在 Iron II 中开始 G&G。

  • 重置后,您将获得5场临时比赛,这意味着您在新阶段的前5场排名赛中不会失去任何排名前4位的LP。您还将获得额外的 LP 以完成前 4 名,祝您好运!

  • 您的 Hyper 评分将重置为 500。


 Coming next patch (11.23) is TFT’s first cooperative mode, Double Up, where you can send units and items to your partner's board, and hop over to help out if they’re struggling. Our most talented writer has an article explaining everything you need to know to get started on Double Up! 


 下一个补丁 (11.23) 是 TFT 的第一个合作模式,Double Up,您可以在其中将单位和物品发送到您的合作伙伴的董事会,并在他们遇到困难时跳过去提供帮助。我们最有才华的作家有一篇文章解释了开始使用 Double Up 所需的一切! 


 You can get into the nitty gritty on the new set mechanic, Hextech Augments, in our mechanic overview article here. But if you want the TL;DR, continue reading below. 

Hextech Augments TL;DR

  • Mold your strategy around the three Hextech Augments chosen during the following stages: 1-4, 3-3, 4-5.Your Augments will appear on your Hexcore, visible to all players.

  • There are three tiers of Augments, ranging from least powerful to most powerful. Some Augments are unique to one tier, while others have multiple versions across different power tiers.

  • All players get access to Augments of equal power at the same time, although the specific Augments offered may vary.

  • There are a lot of Augments to get excited about, so read the Augmented Strategies section for some examples.

  • Augments will be adjusted for Hyper Roll and Double Up!


 你可以进入的新的一组机械师,Hextech增强了细节问题,在我们的机械师概述文章在这里。但是如果你想要 TL;DR,请继续阅读下面的内容。 

Hextech 增强 TL;DR

  • 围绕在以下阶段选择的三个 Hextech 扩充件制定您的策略:1-4、3-3、4-5。您的扩充件将出现在您的 Hexcore 上,对所有玩家可见。

  • 有三级增强,从最弱到最强大。一些增强是某一层独有的,而另一些增强则在不同的能量层中有多个版本。

  • 所有玩家都可以同时获得同等力量的增强,尽管提供的具体增强可能会有所不同。

  • 有很多令人兴奋的增强,因此请阅读增强策略部分以获取一些示例。

  • 将调整 Hyper Roll 和 Double Up 的增强功能!


Loot Orbs

 Neeko has been offering her help a bit too often in Dawn of Heroes, and with Hextech Augments providing more opportunities to get help from our favorite chameleon-gal, we're reducing her presence in PVE orb drops. 
  • Slightly reduced the drop rate of Neeko’s Help from Blue and Gold Orbs

Item Changes

 With Gizmos & Gadgets we have an opportunity to update our existing items with learnings from the item-heavy mechanics of TFT: Reckoning. Some items are getting a new look, while one we think so FONdly of is getting a new look and name. Finally, some items have been given new functionality to meet the modern setting of Gizmos & Gadgets! Interested in checking out the why behind the changes? Then click href="https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/items-regadgetized/">here! 
  • Archangel’s Staff REWORKED: During combat, the holder gains 25 Ability Power every 4 seconds.

  • Banshee’s Claw REWORKED: When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 1 hex in the same row gain a shield that blocks the damage and effects of the first enemy ability, up to 600 damage.

  • Banshee’s Claw: Stacking Banshee’s Claw will increase the damage it blocks but won’t increase the number of shields.

  • Bramble Vest NEW: Now grants 80 Armor (including components).

  • Bramble Vest AOE Damage: 80/100/150  60/80/120

  • Deathblade REWORKED: Now grants 50/75/100 bonus Attack Damage (including components)

  • Dragon’s Claw: Fireball cooldown: 1  0.5 seconds

  • Dragon’s Claw: Fireball max Health percentage damage: 30%  18%

  • Giant Slayer bonus damage Health Threshold: 1600  1800

  • Hand of Justice Bonus AP/AD or Omnivamp: 35  30

  • Hextech Gunblade: No longer grants a shield for overhealing

  • Hextech Gunblade NEW: Now additionally heals the lowest health ally

  • Jeweled Gauntlet NEW: Now additionally grants 10 AP

  • Jeweled Gauntlet bonus critical strike damage: 40%  30%

  • Quicksilver NEW: Now additionally grants 20% Attack Speed

  • Rapid Firecannon total Attack Speed: 40%  50%

  • Runaan’s Hurricane NEW: Now additionally grants +10 AD

  • Runaan’s Hurricane REMOVED: No longer triggers on-hit effects

  • Statikk Shiv NEW: Now additionally grants 15% Attack Speed



     Neeko 在《英雄黎明》中过于频繁地提供帮助,并且随着海克斯科技增强提供了更多机会从我们最喜欢的变色龙女孩那里获得帮助,我们正在减少她在 PVE 球掉落中的存在。 



     通过 Gizmos & Gadgets,我们有机会通过从 TFT: Reckoning 的重物品机制中学到的知识来更新我们现有的物品。有些项目正在焕然一新,而我们认为非常喜欢的项目正在获得新外观和名称。最后,一些物品被赋予了新功能,以满足 Gizmos & Gadgets 的现代设置!有兴趣了解变化背后的原因吗?然后点击 href="https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/items-regadgetized/">这里! 

    大天使法杖重做:在战斗中,持有者每 4 秒获得 25 点法术强度。

    女妖之爪重做:战斗开始时,持有者和同一排 1 格内的所有盟友获得一个盾牌,可以阻挡第一个敌人技能的伤害和效果,最多 600 点伤害。


    荆棘背心新:现在提供 80 点护甲(包括组件)。

    荆棘背心 AOE 伤害:80/100/150  60/80/120

    死亡之刃重做:现在提供 50/75/100 额外攻击伤害(包括组件)

    龙爪:火球冷却时间:1  0.5 秒

    龙爪:火球最大生命值百分比伤害:30%  18%

    巨人杀手额外伤害生命值阈值:1600  1800

    正义之手加成 AP/AD 或 Omnivamp:35  30

    Hextech Gunblade:不再为过度治疗提供护盾

    Hextech Gunblade 新:现在额外治疗最低生命值的盟友

    宝石护手新:现在额外提供 10 AP

    宝石护手额外爆击伤害:40%  30%

    Quicksilver 新:现在额外提供 20% 攻击速度

    快速火炮总攻击速度:40%  50%

    鲁南飓风新:现在额外提供 +10 AD

    Runaan's Hurricane REMOVED:不再触发击中效果

    Statikk Shiv 新:现在额外提供 15% 攻击速度


 Hyper Roll is getting a number of adjustments in response to the new set’s changes. One such adjustment is it’s movement from Lab status to game mode—Hyper Roll will stick around for the foreseeable future. 

Gizmos & Gadgets Hyper Roll Adjustments

  • The Radiant Item Armory has been removed.

  • The Augment Armory will now appear at the following rounds: 3-1, 5-2, 7-2

  • Some Augments will be disabled in Hyper Roll for gameplay fluidity and balance purposes.

Hype Level Adjustments

 This should allow for more precise control of your Tactician while maintaining the hype required to ride play Hyper Roll. 
  • Tactician movement speed decreased from 200% to 175%.

Item Armory Timings

 We’ve adjusted when players see the Armory to avoid overlap with Hextech Augment timings. 
  • Expect the component Armory to appear at the following stages: 3-2, 4-2 ,6-2

  • Expect the completed item Armory to appear at the following stages: 8-2, 9-2

Item Armory Adjustments

 Expect to see the occasional Neeko’s Help, Loaded Dice, and Spatula in the component Armory. We’ve also increased the chance of getting emblems in the completed item Armory to compliment those harder-to-hit reach traits in G&G. 
  • Component Armory: 70% chance of 3 components.

  • Component Armory: 20% chance of 3 components + Neeko’s Help or Loaded Dice

  • Component Armory: 10% chance of 3 components + 1 Golden Spatula.

  • Completed Item Armory: 75% chance of 4 items (1 offensive, 1 defensive, 1 utility, 1 random)

  • Completed Item Armory: 15% chance of 3 items (1 offensive, 1 defensive, 1 utility) + 1 tailored emblem.

  • Completed Item Armory: 10% chance of 2 items (2 random) + 2 tailored emblems.

Economy Adjustments

 You’ll earn less gold in the very early game, but more gold starting at 3-1, continuing into the late game.Total gold has been increased from 85 to 107. 
  • Starting Gold: 8 ⇒2

  • 1-1: +0 ⇒+0

  • 1-2: +0 ⇒+0

  • 2-1: +2 ⇒+4

  • 3-1: +3 ⇒+8 (Minimum gold by 3-1 is now 14 instead of 13).

  • 3-1: +3 ⇒+2

  • 4-1: +4 ⇒+6

  • 4-2: +4 ⇒+3

  • 5-1: +5 ⇒+7

  • 5-2: +5 ⇒+4

  • 6-1: +6 ⇒+12

  • 6-2: +6 ⇒+5

  • 6-3: +6 ⇒+5

  • 7-1: +8 ⇒+16

  • 7-2: +8 ⇒+8

  • 7-3: +8 ⇒+8

  • 8-1: +9 ⇒+17

  • 8-2 (and subsequent rounds): +9 ⇒+9

Round Time Adjustments

 We’re adjusting the length of the planning phase for when you need that big brain moment to be more than a moment. 
  • Reduced the planning phase for no-Armory combats from 30 to 25 seconds.

  • Added 5 seconds to the first round of each stage starting at 3-1.

  • Added 10 seconds to 8-1 to better support late-game roll downs.

Hyper Roll Gameplay Adjustments

  • Yordles: The Yordle (3) trait gives two bonus Yordles while standard TFT gives one.

  • Mercenaries: The luck of your Mercenary dice is based on your Tactician’s remaining health rather than the length of your loss streak. The lower your health, the better the dice.

  • Tahm Kench gains twice as many stats from eating units.


 Hyper Roll 正在根据新系列的变化进行一些调整。其中一项调整是从实验室状态到游戏模式的转变——Hyper Roll 将在可预见的未来持续存在。 

小玩意和小工具 Hyper Roll 调整

  • 辐射物品军械库已被移除。

  • 扩充军械库现在将出现在以下回合:3-1、5-2、7-2

  • 出于游戏流畅性和平衡目的,Hyper Roll 中的某些增强将被禁用。


 这应该允许更精确地控制您的战术家,同时保持骑玩 Hyper Roll 所需的炒作。 
  • 战术家的移动速度从 200% 降低到 175%。


  • 期望组件军械库出现在以下阶段:3-2、4-2、6-2

  • 预计完成的物品军械库将出现在以下阶段:8-2、9-2


 希望偶尔会在组件军械库中看到 Neeko's Help、Loaded Dice 和 Spatula。我们还增加了在已完成的物品军械库中获得徽章的几率,以赞美 G&G 中那些难以击中的特性。 
  • 组件军械库:3 个组件的几率为 70%。

  • 组件军械库:20% 几率 3 个组件 + Neeko's Help 或 Loaded Dice

  • 组件军械库:10% 几率 3 个组件 + 1 个金铲。

  • 已完成的物品军械库:75% 的几率获得 4 件物品(1 件进攻、1 件防御、1 件实用物品、1 件随机物品)

  • 已完成的物品军械库:15% 的几率获得 3 个物品(1 个进攻性、1 个防御性、1 个实用性)+ 1 个定制徽章。

  • 已完成的物品军械库:10% 几率获得 2 个物品(2 个随机)+ 2 个定制徽章。


 您在游戏初期获得的金币会减少,但从 3-1 开始会获得更多金币,一直持续到游戏后期。总金币已从 85 增加到 107。 
  • 起始金币:8 ⇒ 2

  • 1-1:+0 ⇒+0

  • 1-2:+0 ⇒+0

  • 2-1:+2 ⇒+4

  • 3-1:+3 ⇒+8(3-1 的最低金币现在是 14 而不是 13)。

  • 3-1:+3 ⇒+2

  • 4-1:+4 ⇒+6

  • 4-2:+4 ⇒+3

  • 5-1:+5 ⇒+7

  • 5-2:+5 ⇒+4

  • 6-1:+6 ⇒+12

  • 6-2:+6 ⇒+5

  • 6-3:+6 ⇒+5

  • 7-1:+8 ⇒+16

  • 7-2:+8 ⇒+8

  • 7-3:+8 ⇒+8

  • 8-1:+9 ⇒+17

  • 8-2(及后续回合):+9 ⇒+9


  • 将无军械库战斗的计划阶段从 30 秒减少到 25 秒。

  • 从 3-1 开始,每个阶段的第一轮增加了 5 秒。

  • 为 8-1 增加了 10 秒,以更好地支持后期游戏滚动。

Hyper Roll 游戏调整

  • 约德尔人:约德尔人 (3) 特性提供两个额外的约德尔人,而标准 TFT 提供一个。

  • 雇佣兵:雇佣兵骰子的运气取决于战术家的剩余生命值,而不是连续亏损的时间长短。你的健康越低,骰子越好。

  • 塔姆肯奇从吃单位中获得两倍的统计数据。


 我们做到了!我们很高兴看到你们都是如何修补和理论化自己的方式获得第一名(每场比赛)!我们一直在努力创造迄今为止最具创意的系列,但预计在 Gizmos & Gadgets 的早期,平衡性会经常变化。通过返回最新的补丁说明或我们的社交活动来了解所有更改的最新信息。我们希望您对 TFT: Gizmos & Gadgets 玩得开心,我们将在 Convergence 上见到您! 


玻璃钢生产厂家美陈玻璃钢卡通雕塑厂家现货泰安广场玻璃钢雕塑生产厂家石家庄工业玻璃钢雕塑生产基地玻璃钢雕塑为什么这么火小型玻璃钢花盆怎么样广东季节性商场美陈销售江门透光玻璃钢雕塑造型幼儿园玻璃钢雕塑玻璃钢雕塑烤鸭子亳州玻璃钢雕塑公司价格东莞透明玻璃钢雕塑生产商轻质钢材玻璃钢雕塑玻璃钢人物雕塑设计报价知名商场美陈方案成都玻璃钢小品雕塑雕塑玻璃钢卡通代加工淮北个性化玻璃钢雕塑哪家便宜玻璃钢雕塑怕日晒吗深圳走廊商场美陈玻璃钢雕塑定制产品修补乐山市玻璃钢雕塑玻璃钢动物马雕塑厂商销售表情玻璃钢雕塑汕头玻璃钢雕塑哪家便宜许昌公园玻璃钢仿铜雕塑衢州学校玻璃钢雕塑销售厂家党建文化玻璃钢卡通雕塑出厂价格红河玻璃钢仿铜雕塑加工广西玻璃钢海豚雕塑定制佳木斯校园玻璃钢雕塑安装香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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