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The science of singing 歌唱背后的科学知识

Episode 171214 / 14 Dec 2017


The science of singing 歌唱背后的科学知识


有关“hearing 听力”的词汇


What is measured in Alex's brain to test if singing can benefit his mind?


This music and singing session for children with a hearing impairment experiments with volume, rhythm and the physical feeling of the way the children use their voices.

And with this computer programme they are able to see what their voices are doing, even if they are unable to hear them.

Professor Graham Welch has been studying how singing can help children with severe hearing issues for three years now and says singing can stimulate the brain.

Professor Graham Welch, University College London
“They’re all engaged in their singing but they’ve actually improved in their measurable singing skills and at the same time there is some evidence of impact on their hearing acuity as well, so that they are better able to discriminate sound.”

To understand how singing affects the brain, we’ve invited Alex Stobbs, a musician, to a neotherapy session.

Alex has cystic fibrosis; he undergoes physical therapy every day and long periods of treatment. Nadia Hristopher is a neuropsychologist. First, she measures the electrical activity in Alex's brain while he's resting, then she asks him to sing.

And rested Alex is assessed again. And the results are immediate.

Nadia Hristopher, neuropsychologist
“I mean that shows that theoretically within ten minutes of singing someone can improve clarity of their mind and also perhaps feel emotionally much more uplifted.”

Songs often speak or sing of the importance of music to the heart and to the soul, but it can also be of huge benefit to your brain.











hearing impairment


hearing acuity



Neuro- is the prefix used to describe anything to do with the brain, nerve or nervous system. For example: neuroscience, neurosurgeon, neuro-therapy.

Neuro- 是用来表达与大脑、神经或神经系统相关意思的前缀,例如:神经科学、神经外科医生和神经疗法。


A neuropsychologist measures the electrical activity in Alex's brain before and after singing to prove it can help his mind.

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    Episode 240104 / 04 Jan 2024

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  • Phone use is changing your brain 过度使用手机会影响大脑生理机能

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    Episode 231228 / 28 Dec 2023

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  • Bubble Barrier: A new way to fight plastic pollution in waterways 气泡屏障:应对运河水道塑料污染的新方法

    Bubble Barrier: A new way to fight plastic pollution in waterways 气泡屏障:应对运河水道塑料污染的新方法

    Episode 231221 / 21 Dec 2023

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  • Hotels in France turn to tech as bedbug outbreaks rise 法国酒店求助于科技应对臭虫危机

    Hotels in France turn to tech as bedbug outbreaks rise 法国酒店求助于科技应对臭虫危机

    Episode 231214 / 14 Dec 2023

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  • Guinness World Record: Nigerian sets record for longest wig 尼日利亚女子创造最长手工假发吉尼斯世界纪录

    Guinness World Record: Nigerian sets record for longest wig 尼日利亚女子创造最长手工假发吉尼斯世界纪录

    Episode 231207 / 07 Dec 2023

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  • Once-in-a-decade 'ice window' lake in Alaska 美国阿拉斯加州一湖泊冻结成十年一遇的 “冰窗”

    Once-in-a-decade 'ice window' lake in Alaska 美国阿拉斯加州一湖泊冻结成十年一遇的 “冰窗”

    Episode 231130 / 30 Nov 2023

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  • Could wood prove to be a greener alternative for the construction industry? 木头能否替代钢筋水泥成为更环保的建材?

    Could wood prove to be a greener alternative for the construction industry? 木头能否替代钢筋水泥成为更环保的建材?

    Episode 231123 / 23 Nov 2023

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  • Cats have nearly 300 facial expressions, study says 研究称猫有近300种面部表情

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    Episode 231116 / 16 Nov 2023

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  • Artist pleas to save his chewing gum works 艺术家恳求保留自己用地面上的口香糖作的画

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    Episode 231109 / 09 Nov 2023

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  • Could seaweed feed the world? 海藻能填补世界粮食短缺吗?

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    Episode 231102 / 02 Nov 2023

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  • Walt Disney was the first voice of Mickey Mouse 华特·迪士尼是第一个为米老鼠配音的人

    Walt Disney was the first voice of Mickey Mouse 华特·迪士尼是第一个为米老鼠配音的人

    Episode 231026 / 26 Oct 2023

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  • Report reveals one in six UK species is at risk of extinction 报告显示英国六分之一物种面临灭绝风险

    Report reveals one in six UK species is at risk of extinction 报告显示英国六分之一物种面临灭绝风险

    Episode 231019 / 19 Oct 2023

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  • Drone footage reveals sharks hidden just offshore in New York State 无人机影像显示有鲨鱼藏在美国纽约州近海区域

    Drone footage reveals sharks hidden just offshore in New York State 无人机影像显示有鲨鱼藏在美国纽约州近海区域

    Episode 231012 / 12 Oct 2023

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  • A cafe in London where dogs and their owners can share a meal 伦敦一咖啡馆允许狗和主人同桌共食

    A cafe in London where dogs and their owners can share a meal 伦敦一咖啡馆允许狗和主人同桌共食

    Episode 231005 / 05 Oct 2023

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  • The 'magical' bioluminescence that makes the sea glow blue at night “神奇的” 生物发光现象令海水在夜晚发出蓝光

    The 'magical' bioluminescence that makes the sea glow blue at night “神奇的” 生物发光现象令海水在夜晚发出蓝光

    Episode 230928 / 28 Sep 2023

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  • Why do we sleep? 我们为什么要睡觉?

    Why do we sleep? 我们为什么要睡觉?

    Episode 230921 / 21 Sep 2023

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  • French freediver breaks deep dive world record 法国自由潜水员打破深潜世界纪录

    French freediver breaks deep dive world record 法国自由潜水员打破深潜世界纪录

    Episode 230914 / 14 Sep 2023

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  • Six foods that can boost your brain power 六种食品有助于提高脑力

    Six foods that can boost your brain power 六种食品有助于提高脑力

    Episode 230907 / 07 Sep 2023

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  • How 'rewiggling' a river brought its fish back 环保工作者修复曲流使原生鱼类回归

    How 'rewiggling' a river brought its fish back 环保工作者修复曲流使原生鱼类回归

    Episode 230831 / 31 Aug 2023

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  • The man turning potholes into works of art 英国男子将路坑变为艺术品

    The man turning potholes into works of art 英国男子将路坑变为艺术品

    Episode 230824 / 24 Aug 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Is salt a health risk? 盐会危害健康吗?

    Is salt a health risk? 盐会危害健康吗?

    Episode 230817 / 17 Aug 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Cricket pasta divides opinion in Italy 意大利人对用蟋蟀做的意大利面各持己见

    Cricket pasta divides opinion in Italy 意大利人对用蟋蟀做的意大利面各持己见

    Episode 230810 / 10 Aug 2023

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  • Miniature donkey given new lease of life with pacemaker 植入心脏起搏器后迷你驴重获新生

    Miniature donkey given new lease of life with pacemaker 植入心脏起搏器后迷你驴重获新生

    Episode 230803 / 03 Aug 2023

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  • UK model goes to gym for the first time as an amputee 英国模特截肢后首次独自去健身房锻炼

    UK model goes to gym for the first time as an amputee 英国模特截肢后首次独自去健身房锻炼

    Episode 230727 / 27 Jul 2023

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  • What happens to your body in a heatwave? 高温热浪会对人的身体产生哪些影响?

    What happens to your body in a heatwave? 高温热浪会对人的身体产生哪些影响?

    Episode 230720 / 20 Jul 2023

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  • 'Deepest sleep in the world' – a Welsh hotel that's 419m underground “世界最深的地下住宿” —— 威尔士一旅馆开在地下419米处

    'Deepest sleep in the world' – a Welsh hotel that's 419m underground “世界最深的地下住宿” —— 威尔士一旅馆开在地下419米处

    Episode 230713 / 13 Jul 2023

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  • Antarctica penguins: How too much ice triggered population decline 坚冰过多导致南极企鹅数量剧减

    Antarctica penguins: How too much ice triggered population decline 坚冰过多导致南极企鹅数量剧减

    Episode 230706 / 06 Jul 2023

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  • World's largest body-scanning project to understand why diseases occur 世界规模最大人体扫描项目帮助了解疾病成因

    World's largest body-scanning project to understand why diseases occur 世界规模最大人体扫描项目帮助了解疾病成因

    Episode 230629 / 29 Jun 2023

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  • Hundreds of children are catching the 'bike bus' to school “自行车大巴” —— 护送儿童列队骑行上学的新方式

    Hundreds of children are catching the 'bike bus' to school “自行车大巴” —— 护送儿童列队骑行上学的新方式

    Episode 230622 / 22 Jun 2023

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  • First bison born in British woodland in thousands of years 数千年来第一头在英国林地出生的欧洲野牛

    First bison born in British woodland in thousands of years 数千年来第一头在英国林地出生的欧洲野牛

    Episode 230615 / 15 Jun 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Scaring off seagulls with an eagle kite 英国海滨小镇用老鹰风筝驱赶海鸥

    Scaring off seagulls with an eagle kite 英国海滨小镇用老鹰风筝驱赶海鸥

    Episode 230608 / 08 Jun 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Could honey provide a way of tackling resistance to antibiotics? 蜂蜜能否提供解决抗生素耐药性的方法?

    Could honey provide a way of tackling resistance to antibiotics? 蜂蜜能否提供解决抗生素耐药性的方法?

    Episode 230601 / 01 Jun 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • The capybaras taking over social media 水豚成为网红明星

    The capybaras taking over social media 水豚成为网红明星

    Episode 230525 / 25 May 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Environmental artists begin Dartmoor moss-growing project 英国环保艺术家启动达特穆尔苔藓栽植项目

    Environmental artists begin Dartmoor moss-growing project 英国环保艺术家启动达特穆尔苔藓栽植项目

    Episode 230518 / 18 May 2023

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  • The man spending millions trying to reverse ageing 美国企业家花数百万美元试图 “逆衰老”

    The man spending millions trying to reverse ageing 美国企业家花数百万美元试图 “逆衰老”

    Episode 230511 / 11 May 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Book vending machine unveiled at train station 自动售书机在英国火车站正式启用

    Book vending machine unveiled at train station 自动售书机在英国火车站正式启用

    Episode 230504 / 04 May 2023

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  • What does it sound like when you turn Nasa spacecraft data into music? 听一听用航天器数据创作的音乐作品

    What does it sound like when you turn Nasa spacecraft data into music? 听一听用航天器数据创作的音乐作品

    Episode 230427 / 27 Apr 2023

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  • Would you eat a 3D-printed cheesecake? 你会吃 3D 打印的奶酪蛋糕吗?

    Would you eat a 3D-printed cheesecake? 你会吃 3D 打印的奶酪蛋糕吗?

    Episode 230420 / 20 Apr 2023

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  • Gigantic dinosaur skeleton on show in London 巨型恐龙骨架模型在伦敦展出

    Gigantic dinosaur skeleton on show in London 巨型恐龙骨架模型在伦敦展出

    Episode 230413 / 13 Apr 2023

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  • Updating London's Victorian sewage system 升级改造伦敦维多利亚时代的排水系统

    Updating London's Victorian sewage system 升级改造伦敦维多利亚时代的排水系统

    Episode 230406 / 06 Apr 2023

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  • French baguette gets Unesco heritage status 法棍面包被列入联合国非物质文化遗产名录

    French baguette gets Unesco heritage status 法棍面包被列入联合国非物质文化遗产名录

    Episode 230330 / 30 Mar 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • UK couple buy a tiny house to tackle crisis 一对英国年轻人为应对生活成本危机买下迷你住宅

    UK couple buy a tiny house to tackle crisis 一对英国年轻人为应对生活成本危机买下迷你住宅

    Episode 230323 / 23 Mar 2023

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  • UK zoo celebrates first 'dancing lemur' born in Europe 英国动物园庆祝第一只在欧洲出生的 “跳舞狐猴”

    UK zoo celebrates first 'dancing lemur' born in Europe 英国动物园庆祝第一只在欧洲出生的 “跳舞狐猴”

    Episode 230316 / 16 Mar 2023

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  • The little island with the darkest sky in Europe 威尔士小岛被评为欧洲首个 “黑暗天空保护带”

    The little island with the darkest sky in Europe 威尔士小岛被评为欧洲首个 “黑暗天空保护带”

    Episode 230309 / 09 Mar 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Mountain biking boosts the Australian economy 山地自行车运动推动澳大利亚经济增长

    Mountain biking boosts the Australian economy 山地自行车运动推动澳大利亚经济增长

    Episode 230302 / 02 Mar 2023

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  • Security camera captures moment missing cat comes home 监控摄像头捕捉到失踪猫咪回家的一刻

    Security camera captures moment missing cat comes home 监控摄像头捕捉到失踪猫咪回家的一刻

    Episode 230223 / 23 Feb 2023

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  • Rubik's Cube fans go head-to-head at 'speedcubing' event 魔方爱好者在 “魔方速拧赛” 中一决高下

    Rubik's Cube fans go head-to-head at 'speedcubing' event 魔方爱好者在 “魔方速拧赛” 中一决高下

    Episode 230216 / 16 Feb 2023

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  • Watch the signals great apes use to communicate 看一看猿类用来交流的手势

    Watch the signals great apes use to communicate 看一看猿类用来交流的手势

    Episode 230209 / 09 Feb 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • The oyster shells used to build a living flood barrier 牡蛎壳被用于建造 “活的” 防洪屏障

    The oyster shells used to build a living flood barrier 牡蛎壳被用于建造 “活的” 防洪屏障

    Episode 230202 / 02 Feb 2023

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  • Dogs can smell stress on their owner's breath 狗能嗅得出主人压力大

    Dogs can smell stress on their owner's breath 狗能嗅得出主人压力大

    Episode 230126 / 26 Jan 2023

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  • The dancer who performs in a wheelchair 轮椅上的舞者

    The dancer who performs in a wheelchair 轮椅上的舞者

    Episode 230119 / 19 Jan 2023

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  • UK family volunteers to raise guide dog  puppies 英国家庭自愿饲养导盲犬

    UK family volunteers to raise guide dog puppies 英国家庭自愿饲养导盲犬

    Episode 230112 / 12 Jan 2023

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • What is biodiversity and why is it important? 什么是生物多样性?保护它的意义何在?

    What is biodiversity and why is it important? 什么是生物多样性?保护它的意义何在?

    Episode 230105 / 05 Jan 2023

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  • The endangered monarch butterfly could be making a comeback in Mexico 濒危黑脉金斑蝶数量有望在墨西哥恢复

    The endangered monarch butterfly could be making a comeback in Mexico 濒危黑脉金斑蝶数量有望在墨西哥恢复

    Episode 221229 / 29 Dec 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Rare plesiosaur fossil found in Australian outback 澳大利亚内陆发现罕见蛇颈龙化石

    Rare plesiosaur fossil found in Australian outback 澳大利亚内陆发现罕见蛇颈龙化石

    Episode 221222 / 22 Dec 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • UK schoolgirl campaigns for more glasses-wearing emojis 英国女孩倡导添加戴眼镜的表情符号

    UK schoolgirl campaigns for more glasses-wearing emojis 英国女孩倡导添加戴眼镜的表情符号

    Episode 221215 / 15 Dec 2022

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  • Heartwarming moment: a chimp mum is reunited with her newborn baby 暖心一刻:黑猩猩母亲剖腹产两天后与宝宝团聚

    Heartwarming moment: a chimp mum is reunited with her newborn baby 暖心一刻:黑猩猩母亲剖腹产两天后与宝宝团聚

    Episode 221208 / 08 Dec 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • The influencer who cleans filthy homes for free 芬兰女子免费为他人打扫脏乱房间

    The influencer who cleans filthy homes for free 芬兰女子免费为他人打扫脏乱房间

    Episode 221201 / 01 Dec 2022

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  • World's largest four-legged exoskeleton 世界上最大四足机械外骨骼

    World's largest four-legged exoskeleton 世界上最大四足机械外骨骼

    Episode 221124 / 24 Nov 2022

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  • Chimps show off their 'signature' drum beats 黑猩猩敲打树根 “击鼓” 传讯

    Chimps show off their 'signature' drum beats 黑猩猩敲打树根 “击鼓” 传讯

    Episode 221117 / 17 Nov 2022

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  • Developing the first average female crash test dummy 瑞典科学家研制首个基于女性身体构造的汽车碰撞测试假人

    Developing the first average female crash test dummy 瑞典科学家研制首个基于女性身体构造的汽车碰撞测试假人

    Episode 221110 / 10 Nov 2022

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  • Meet Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of four sets of twins 来认识四对双胞胎幼崽的狐猴爸爸 “宙斯”

    Meet Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of four sets of twins 来认识四对双胞胎幼崽的狐猴爸爸 “宙斯”

    Episode 221103 / 03 Nov 2022

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  • Noise colours and the calming benefits of brown noise 噪声也有 “颜色”?褐色噪声真能帮你放松身心吗?

    Noise colours and the calming benefits of brown noise 噪声也有 “颜色”?褐色噪声真能帮你放松身心吗?

    Episode 221027 / 27 Oct 2022

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  • Dancers' moves help to power Glasgow music venue 舞者用舞步帮助英国格拉斯哥音乐场馆供电

    Dancers' moves help to power Glasgow music venue 舞者用舞步帮助英国格拉斯哥音乐场馆供电

    Episode 221020 / 20 Oct 2022

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  • Mr Doodle: UK artist covered his entire house with doodles 英国 “涂鸦先生” 画满自家整栋房屋

    Mr Doodle: UK artist covered his entire house with doodles 英国 “涂鸦先生” 画满自家整栋房屋

    Episode 221013 / 13 Oct 2022

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  • An unexpected friendship between a woman and a pigeon 英国女子和鸽子交朋友

    An unexpected friendship between a woman and a pigeon 英国女子和鸽子交朋友

    Episode 221006 / 06 Oct 2022

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  • Ig Nobel awards announced for quirky scientific work 2022年 “搞笑诺贝尔奖” 名单揭晓

    Ig Nobel awards announced for quirky scientific work 2022年 “搞笑诺贝尔奖” 名单揭晓

    Episode 220929 / 29 Sep 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • What does it take to make a dog cry 'happy tears'? 为什么狗与主人团聚时 “喜极而泣”?

    What does it take to make a dog cry 'happy tears'? 为什么狗与主人团聚时 “喜极而泣”?

    Episode 220922 / 22 Sep 2022

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  • Amateur artist goes viral for fore-edge painting 英国业余艺术家创作精美书口画

    Amateur artist goes viral for fore-edge painting 英国业余艺术家创作精美书口画

    Episode 220915 / 15 Sep 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Nasa says this is what a black hole 'sounds' like 美国国家航空航天局发布黑洞的 “声音”

    Nasa says this is what a black hole 'sounds' like 美国国家航空航天局发布黑洞的 “声音”

    Episode 220908 / 08 Sep 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Barbie launches new doll with hearing aids 芭比推出首款戴助听器的娃娃

    Barbie launches new doll with hearing aids 芭比推出首款戴助听器的娃娃

    Episode 220901 / 01 Sep 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Dive Chess World Championships: A battle of minds and lungs 水下国际象棋世锦赛:智力与肺活量的角逐

    Dive Chess World Championships: A battle of minds and lungs 水下国际象棋世锦赛:智力与肺活量的角逐

    Episode 220825 / 25 Aug 2022

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  • Iceland volcanic eruption creates spectacle for tourists 冰岛一座火山喷发 游客前来观赏

    Iceland volcanic eruption creates spectacle for tourists 冰岛一座火山喷发 游客前来观赏

    Episode 220818 / 18 Aug 2022

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  • 3D female anatomy model used to better treat women 新3D女性解剖模型帮助更好地诊疗女性

    3D female anatomy model used to better treat women 新3D女性解剖模型帮助更好地诊疗女性

    Episode 220811 / 11 Aug 2022

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  • First ever highline world championships 首届世界高空走扁带锦标赛

    First ever highline world championships 首届世界高空走扁带锦标赛

    Episode 220804 / 04 Aug 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像

    The hidden self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh discovered by X-ray X射线扫描发现隐藏的梵高自画像

    Episode 220728 / 28 Jul 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Scientists discover new giant water lily species 科学家发现世界最大巨型睡莲品种

    Scientists discover new giant water lily species 科学家发现世界最大巨型睡莲品种

    Episode 220721 / 21 Jul 2022

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  • Could the Large Hadron Collider help solve the mystery of dark matter? 宇宙奥秘:大型强子对撞机能否解开暗物质之谜?

    Could the Large Hadron Collider help solve the mystery of dark matter? 宇宙奥秘:大型强子对撞机能否解开暗物质之谜?

    Episode 220714 / 14 Jul 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • World's largest freshwater fish found in Mekong, scientists say 科学家称在湄公河发现世界上最大淡水鱼

    World's largest freshwater fish found in Mekong, scientists say 科学家称在湄公河发现世界上最大淡水鱼

    Episode 220707 / 07 Jul 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Wimbledon: The oldest tennis tournament explained 温网:历史最悠久的网球锦标赛

    Wimbledon: The oldest tennis tournament explained 温网:历史最悠久的网球锦标赛

    Episode 220630 / 30 Jun 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • What is a supermoon? 什么是 “超级月亮”?

    What is a supermoon? 什么是 “超级月亮”?

    Episode 220623 / 23 Jun 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Taylor Swift tells graduates to embrace 'cringe' 泰勒·斯威夫特纽约大学毕业演说:不惧 “尬” 活

    Taylor Swift tells graduates to embrace 'cringe' 泰勒·斯威夫特纽约大学毕业演说:不惧 “尬” 活

    Episode 220616 / 16 Jun 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Autism: How farming can help 农场工作给患自闭症的年轻人带来成就感

    Autism: How farming can help 农场工作给患自闭症的年轻人带来成就感

    Episode 220609 / 09 Jun 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Storm-orphaned seals 救助在风暴中失去母亲的小海豹

    Storm-orphaned seals 救助在风暴中失去母亲的小海豹

    Episode 220602 / 02 Jun 2022

    Practise your English listening skills with this story

  • Flying car 荷兰公司计划推出会飞的汽车

    Flying car 荷兰公司计划推出会飞的汽车

    Episode 220526 / 26 May 2022

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  • How tourism and science work together in Antarctica 南极洲旅游业与科学共荣

    How tourism and science work together in Antarctica 南极洲旅游业与科学共荣

    Episode 220519 / 19 Apr 2022

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  • Pigs on patrol 荷兰史基浦机场用猪驱赶鸟类

    Pigs on patrol 荷兰史基浦机场用猪驱赶鸟类

    Episode 220512 / 12 May 2022

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  • 'Extinct' fish returns to the wild “已灭绝” 鱼类物种重现生机

    'Extinct' fish returns to the wild “已灭绝” 鱼类物种重现生机

    Episode 220505 / 05 May 2022

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  • Endurance: Shackleton's lost ship is found in the Antarctic 英国探险家沙克尔顿南极沉船时隔百年被发现

    Endurance: Shackleton's lost ship is found in the Antarctic 英国探险家沙克尔顿南极沉船时隔百年被发现

    Episode 220428 / 28 Apr 2022

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  • How to make robots more likeable? 如何让机器人更招人喜爱?

    How to make robots more likeable? 如何让机器人更招人喜爱?

    Episode 220421 / 21 Apr 2022

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  • Hope for people with diabetes 新装置给糖尿病患者带来希望

    Hope for people with diabetes 新装置给糖尿病患者带来希望

    Episode 220414 / 14 Apr 2022

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  • UK woman completes solo expedition to Antarctica 英国女性独自徒步1126公里到达南极

    UK woman completes solo expedition to Antarctica 英国女性独自徒步1126公里到达南极

    Episode 220407 / 07 Apr 2022

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  • Going for gold in e-waste 电子垃圾变黄金

    Going for gold in e-waste 电子垃圾变黄金

    Episode 220331 / 31 Mar 2022

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  • Restoring Scotland's saltmarsh 修复苏格兰盐沼

    Restoring Scotland's saltmarsh 修复苏格兰盐沼

    Episode 220324 / 24 Mar 2022

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  • A family’s hope of ending discrimination 英国家庭希望消除对白化病人的歧视

    A family’s hope of ending discrimination 英国家庭希望消除对白化病人的歧视

    Episode 220317 / 17 Mar 2022

    Learn English words and phrases from this story

  • Recycling food waste 从咖啡馆到农场:食物垃圾回收再利用

    Recycling food waste 从咖啡馆到农场:食物垃圾回收再利用

    Episode 220310 / 10 Mar 2022

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  • 5,000-year-old human bone found in the River Thames 英泰晤士河发现五千年前人类骨骼

    5,000-year-old human bone found in the River Thames 英泰晤士河发现五千年前人类骨骼

    Episode 220303 / 03 Mar 2022

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  • Britain’s lost Lego 被冲上海滩的乐高积木

    Britain’s lost Lego 被冲上海滩的乐高积木

    Episode 220224 / 24 Feb 2022

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  • Boxing to beat Parkinson's disease 用拳击对抗帕金森病

    Boxing to beat Parkinson's disease 用拳击对抗帕金森病

    Episode 220217 / 17 Feb 2022

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  • Out-of-hours work ban 比利时新规:员工下班可 “断联”

    Out-of-hours work ban 比利时新规:员工下班可 “断联”

    Episode 220210 / 10 Feb 2022

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  • Electric buses: greener public transport  电动公交车:更环保的公共交通

    Electric buses: greener public transport 电动公交车:更环保的公共交通

    Episode 220203 / 03 Feb 2022

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  • Reducing construction waste 减少施工浪费 循环利用托盘

    Reducing construction waste 减少施工浪费 循环利用托盘

    Episode 220127 / 27 Jan 2022

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  • Following whales round the Southern Ocean 跟踪南冰洋附近迁徙的鲸鱼

    Following whales round the Southern Ocean 跟踪南冰洋附近迁徙的鲸鱼

    Episode 220120 / 20 Jan 2022

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  • Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术

    Robotic surgery 机器人协助外科手术

    Episode 220113 / 13 Jan 2022

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  • Protecting seahorses 保护海马的生态环境

    Protecting seahorses 保护海马的生态环境

    Episode 220106 / 06 Jan 2022

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  • Walrus counting 利用卫星图像统计海象数量

    Walrus counting 利用卫星图像统计海象数量

    Episode 211230 / 30 Dec 2022

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  • Queen's Christmas pantomime costumes displayed 英国女王圣诞童话剧服装展出

    Queen's Christmas pantomime costumes displayed 英国女王圣诞童话剧服装展出

    Episode 211223 / 23 Dec 2021

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  • Most advanced polar ship heads for Antarctic 目前最先进的极地船驶向南极

    Most advanced polar ship heads for Antarctic 目前最先进的极地船驶向南极

    Episode 211216 / 16 Dec 2021

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  • The future of shopping 无人超市:未来购物主流?

    The future of shopping 无人超市:未来购物主流?

    Episode 211209 / 09 Dec 2021

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  • Dog rescue with a drone 无人机协助寻找走失宠物狗

    Dog rescue with a drone 无人机协助寻找走失宠物狗

    Episode 211202 / 02 Dec 2021

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  • Denmark’s green hydrogen 丹麦的绿色氢气

    Denmark’s green hydrogen 丹麦的绿色氢气

    Episode 211125 / 25 Nov 2021

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  • Alaska’s fading coastline 阿拉斯加逐渐消失的海岸线

    Alaska’s fading coastline 阿拉斯加逐渐消失的海岸线

    Episode 211118 / 18 Nov 2021

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  • Climate change: Islands at risk 气候变化:英国尤伊斯特群岛处境堪忧

    Climate change: Islands at risk 气候变化:英国尤伊斯特群岛处境堪忧

    Episode 211111 / 11 Nov 2021

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  • World’s oldest known cave art 世界上已知最古老的洞穴壁画

    World’s oldest known cave art 世界上已知最古老的洞穴壁画

    Episode 211104 / 04 Nov 2021

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  • New jobs in the ‘green’ industry 加入 “绿色行业” 的英国年轻人

    New jobs in the ‘green’ industry 加入 “绿色行业” 的英国年轻人

    Episode 211028 / 28 Oct 2021

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  • Healthcare robots 英国科学家研发医疗机器人

    Healthcare robots 英国科学家研发医疗机器人

    Episode 211021 / 21 Oct 2021

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  • Dying birds mystery 英国东岸鸟类大批死亡之谜

    Dying birds mystery 英国东岸鸟类大批死亡之谜

    Episode 211014 / 14 Oct 2021

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  • UK’s first ‘no heading’ adult football match 英国首场 “禁止头球” 的足球赛

    UK’s first ‘no heading’ adult football match 英国首场 “禁止头球” 的足球赛

    Episode 211007 / 07 Oct 2021

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  • Future-proofing Stonehenge 英国开展巨石阵修复工作

    Future-proofing Stonehenge 英国开展巨石阵修复工作

    Episode 210930 / 30 Sep 2021

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  • Cancer blood test trial 英国启动癌症血检临床测试

    Cancer blood test trial 英国启动癌症血检临床测试

    Episode 210923 / 23 Sep 2021

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  • Working on Big Ben 英国大本钟维修竣工倒计时

    Working on Big Ben 英国大本钟维修竣工倒计时

    Episode 210916 / 16 Sep 2021

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  • The world’s oldest hat shop 世界上历史最悠久的帽子店

    The world’s oldest hat shop 世界上历史最悠久的帽子店

    Episode 210909 / 09 Sep 2021

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  • ‘Paintings’ for people with visual impairment 为视力障碍者设计能摸的 “画”

    ‘Paintings’ for people with visual impairment 为视力障碍者设计能摸的 “画”

    Episode 210902 / 02 Sep 2021

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  • Meet the robot artist 来认识机器人艺术家

    Meet the robot artist 来认识机器人艺术家

    Episode 210826 / 26 Aug 2021

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  • The quantum revolution 量子革命

    The quantum revolution 量子革命

    Episode 210819 / 19 Aug 2021

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  • Piano artificial intelligence 当作曲家遇上人工智能钢琴

    Piano artificial intelligence 当作曲家遇上人工智能钢琴

    Episode 210812 / 12 Aug 2021

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  • Jurassic fossils found in the UK 英国发现侏罗纪时期海洋生物化石

    Jurassic fossils found in the UK 英国发现侏罗纪时期海洋生物化石

    Episode 210805 / 05 Aug 2021

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  • Could planting giant trees offset a lifetime’s carbon footprint? 种植大树能抵消人一生的碳足迹吗?

    Could planting giant trees offset a lifetime’s carbon footprint? 种植大树能抵消人一生的碳足迹吗?

    Episode 210729 / 29 Jul 2021

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  • ‘Foyeco’ – The Togolese stove 多哥节能炉灶变废为宝

    ‘Foyeco’ – The Togolese stove 多哥节能炉灶变废为宝

    Episode 210722 / 22 Jul 2021

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  • App-controlled cows help protect dunes “遥控牛” 保护沙丘生态平衡

    App-controlled cows help protect dunes “遥控牛” 保护沙丘生态平衡

    Episode 210715 / 15 Jul 2021

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  • UK wind turbines at sea 英国的海上风力发电机

    UK wind turbines at sea 英国的海上风力发电机

    Episode 210708 / 08 Jul 2021

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  • E-scooter rental trials 英国试行共享电动滑板车计划

    E-scooter rental trials 英国试行共享电动滑板车计划

    Episode 210701 / 01 Jul 2021

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  • Dark matter 探测神秘的 “暗物质”

    Dark matter 探测神秘的 “暗物质”

    Episode 210624 / 24 Jun 2021

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  • The cicada invasion 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出

    The cicada invasion 周期蝉蛰伏17年后破土而出

    Episode 210617 / 17 Jun 2021

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  • Stephen Hawking’s office 霍金办公室遗物将被公开展出

    Stephen Hawking’s office 霍金办公室遗物将被公开展出

    Episode 210610 / 10 Jun 2021

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  • Digital skills: “You’re never too old to  learn!” 数字技能:活到老学到老

    Digital skills: “You’re never too old to learn!” 数字技能:活到老学到老

    Episode 210603 / 03 Jun 2021

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  • What we've learned from the children of the 90s 英国90年代儿童健康研究的启示

    What we've learned from the children of the 90s 英国90年代儿童健康研究的启示

    Episode 210527 / 27 May 2021

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  • Dark sky reserves 英国黑暗天空保护区

    Dark sky reserves 英国黑暗天空保护区

    Episode 210520 / 20 May 2021

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  • The future of the office 办公场所的未来

    The future of the office 办公场所的未来

    Episode 210513 / 13 May 2021

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  • The whitest white paint 迄今为止最白的白色涂料

    The whitest white paint 迄今为止最白的白色涂料

    Episode 210506 / 06 May 2021

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  • The restoration of Notre Dame 修复巴黎圣母院

    The restoration of Notre Dame 修复巴黎圣母院

    Episode 210429 / 29 Apr 2021

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  • Decline in richness of marine life near equator 赤道附近海洋生物多样性有所下降

    Decline in richness of marine life near equator 赤道附近海洋生物多样性有所下降

    Episode 210422 / 22 Apr 2021

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  • Brexit: The effect on the flower industry 英国脱欧对花卉行业的影响

    Brexit: The effect on the flower industry 英国脱欧对花卉行业的影响

    Episode 210415 / 15 Apr 2021

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  • Africa’s endangered elephants 非洲象被列为濒危物种

    Africa’s endangered elephants 非洲象被列为濒危物种

    Episode 210408 / 08 Apr 2021

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  • Changing how we view the Universe 大型强子对撞机实验结果或改变宇宙认知

    Changing how we view the Universe 大型强子对撞机实验结果或改变宇宙认知

    Episode 210401 / 01 Apr 2021

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  • Discovering the Universe’s best kept secrets 水下望远镜探索宇宙奥秘

    Discovering the Universe’s best kept secrets 水下望远镜探索宇宙奥秘

    Episode 210325 / 25 Mar 2021

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  • Kenyan fishermen and women saving the planet 肯尼亚渔民试用电动渔船助环保

    Kenyan fishermen and women saving the planet 肯尼亚渔民试用电动渔船助环保

    Episode 210318 / 08 Mar 2021

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  • The dentist helping a koala to walk 牙医为一只考拉制作义肢

    The dentist helping a koala to walk 牙医为一只考拉制作义肢

    Episode 210311 / 11 Mar 2021

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  • Badger intruder 毛茸茸的不速之客

    Badger intruder 毛茸茸的不速之客

    Episode 210304 / 04 Mar 2021

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  • Hunting for the missing great white sharks 搜寻失踪的大白鲨

    Hunting for the missing great white sharks 搜寻失踪的大白鲨

    Episode 210225 / 25 Feb 2021

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  • Night walking in the UK 夜间行走的乐趣

    Night walking in the UK 夜间行走的乐趣

    Episode 210218 / 18 Feb 2021

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  • Roller-skating making a comeback 轮滑运动再度流行 掀起健身新风尚

    Roller-skating making a comeback 轮滑运动再度流行 掀起健身新风尚

    Episode 210211 / 11 Feb 2021

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  • The 100-year-old magic trick 经典魔术 “人体切割” 诞生一百年

    The 100-year-old magic trick 经典魔术 “人体切割” 诞生一百年

    Episode 210204 / 04 Feb 2021

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  • Dealing with Rome’s starling problem 罗马市政府为维护城市环境 用激光驱赶欧椋鸟

    Dealing with Rome’s starling problem 罗马市政府为维护城市环境 用激光驱赶欧椋鸟

    Episode 210128 / 28 Jan 2021

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  • Farming the sea for the future of food 发展海洋养殖业 未来食物有水可依

    Farming the sea for the future of food 发展海洋养殖业 未来食物有水可依

    Episode 210121 / 21 Jan 2021

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  • Extreme E: The new electric motorsports series 全新电动越野系列赛 Extreme E

    Extreme E: The new electric motorsports series 全新电动越野系列赛 Extreme E

    Episode 210114 / 14 Jan 2021

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  • Fruit fashion 用芒果核做衣服

    Fruit fashion 用芒果核做衣服

    Episode 210107 / 07 Jan 2021

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  • Bookshop in 'fairy-tale' tweet 一条推文给百年书店带来生机

    Bookshop in 'fairy-tale' tweet 一条推文给百年书店带来生机

    Episode 201231 / 31 Dec 2020

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  • Lighting up the railway for Christmas 圣诞炫彩灯光照亮英国铁路

    Lighting up the railway for Christmas 圣诞炫彩灯光照亮英国铁路

    Episode 201224 / 24 Dec 2020

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  • Tackling a tide of plastic 志愿者清理南非海滩塑料垃圾

    Tackling a tide of plastic 志愿者清理南非海滩塑料垃圾

    Episode 201217 / 17 Dec 2020

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  • New life for world’s loneliest elephant 世界上最孤独的大象重获新生

    New life for world’s loneliest elephant 世界上最孤独的大象重获新生

    Episode 201210 / 10 Dec 2020

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  • Trains powered by the Sun 太阳能火车

    Trains powered by the Sun 太阳能火车

    Episode 201203 / 03 Dec 2020

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  • Ban on new petrol and diesel cars in UK from 2030 英国宣布2030年起将禁止销售新的汽油和柴油汽车

    Ban on new petrol and diesel cars in UK from 2030 英国宣布2030年起将禁止销售新的汽油和柴油汽车

    Episode 201126 / 26 Nov 2020

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  • Polar bear moves house! 北极熊搬家

    Polar bear moves house! 北极熊搬家

    Episode 201119 / 19 Nov 2020

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  • Koalas return to the wild 澳大利亚林火获救考拉重归自然

    Koalas return to the wild 澳大利亚林火获救考拉重归自然

    Episode 201112 / 12 Nov 2020

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  • Restoring an English cathedral 修复索尔兹伯里大教堂

    Restoring an English cathedral 修复索尔兹伯里大教堂

    Episode 201105 / 05 Nov 2020

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  • Camping on a cliff edge 悬崖上的露营体验

    Camping on a cliff edge 悬崖上的露营体验

    Episode 201029 / 29 Oct 2020

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  • Plans to land first woman on the Moon 美国国家航空航天局计划送首位女性登月

    Plans to land first woman on the Moon 美国国家航空航天局计划送首位女性登月

    Episode 201022 / 22 Oct 2020

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  • The dogs sniffing out coronavirus 英国训练新冠肺炎检测犬

    The dogs sniffing out coronavirus 英国训练新冠肺炎检测犬

    Episode 201015 / 15 Oct 2020

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  • Jet pack medics to the rescue 英国测试能让医护人员 “飞” 向患者的喷气式飞行服

    Jet pack medics to the rescue 英国测试能让医护人员 “飞” 向患者的喷气式飞行服

    Episode 201008 / 08 Oct 2020

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  • Making ‘plastic’ from peas 豌豆变塑料

    Making ‘plastic’ from peas 豌豆变塑料

    Episode 201001 / 01 Oct 2020

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  • Melting glacier 南极冰川加速消融

    Melting glacier 南极冰川加速消融

    Episode 200924 / 24 Sep 2020

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  • Jon Bon Jovi helps food bank 摇滚歌手乔恩·邦·乔维为食物赈济站出资献力

    Jon Bon Jovi helps food bank 摇滚歌手乔恩·邦·乔维为食物赈济站出资献力

    Episode 200917 / 17 Sep 2020

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  • Surfing therapy 冲浪疗法

    Surfing therapy 冲浪疗法

    Episode 200910 / 10 Sep 2020

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  • Driverless cars to be on UK roads? 英国或将批准无人驾驶汽车上路

    Driverless cars to be on UK roads? 英国或将批准无人驾驶汽车上路

    Episode 200903 / 03 Sep 2020

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  • Free flowers to bring happiness 英国公益送花活动向陌生人传递快乐

    Free flowers to bring happiness 英国公益送花活动向陌生人传递快乐

    Episode 200827 / 27 Aug 2020

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  • Famous London museum reopens 英国自然历史博物馆重新开放

    Famous London museum reopens 英国自然历史博物馆重新开放

    Episode 200820 / 20 Aug 2020

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  • The worldwide plastic problem 遍及全球的塑料污染问题

    The worldwide plastic problem 遍及全球的塑料污染问题

    Episode 200813 / 13 Aug 2020

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  • Tourism trouble in Egypt 埃及旅游业因新冠肺炎疫情受创

    Tourism trouble in Egypt 埃及旅游业因新冠肺炎疫情受创

    Episode 200806 / 06 Aug 2020

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  • The woman leading UAE's Mars mission 负责阿联酋火星任务的女科学家

    The woman leading UAE's Mars mission 负责阿联酋火星任务的女科学家

    Episode 200730 / 30 Jul 2020

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  • London unlocked 伦敦放宽疫情封锁措施 各大场所重新开放

    London unlocked 伦敦放宽疫情封锁措施 各大场所重新开放

    Episode 200723 / 23 Jul 2020

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  • Mexico's 'underwater kingdom' 墨西哥的 “水下王国”

    Mexico's 'underwater kingdom' 墨西哥的 “水下王国”

    Episode 200716 / 16 Jul 2020

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  • Wildlife in lockdown 野生动物在新冠肺炎疫情封锁期间的生活

    Wildlife in lockdown 野生动物在新冠肺炎疫情封锁期间的生活

    Episode 200709 / 09 Jul 2020

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  • Prehistoric monument discovered 考古学家在巨石阵附近发现史前遗址

    Prehistoric monument discovered 考古学家在巨石阵附近发现史前遗址

    Episode 200702 / 02 Jul 2020

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  • Queen’s horses 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的马匹

    Queen’s horses 英国女王伊丽莎白二世的马匹

    Episode 200625 / 25 Jun 2020

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  • Virtual safari “云游” 非洲野生动物区

    Virtual safari “云游” 非洲野生动物区

    Episode 200618 / 18 Jun 2020

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  • Back to school 荷兰学生返校复课

    Back to school 荷兰学生返校复课

    Episode 200611 / 11 Jun 2020

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  • Defending ourselves from meteorites 保护地球免受太空陨石的侵害

    Defending ourselves from meteorites 保护地球免受太空陨石的侵害

    Episode 200604 / 04 Jun 2020

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  • Greenhouse dining 荷兰餐厅为防控疫情搭建 “温室包间”

    Greenhouse dining 荷兰餐厅为防控疫情搭建 “温室包间”

    Episode 200528 / 28 May 2020

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  • Recycling bikes for health workers 英国慈善团体为医疗工作者免费提供自行车

    Recycling bikes for health workers 英国慈善团体为医疗工作者免费提供自行车

    Episode 200521 / 21 May 2020

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  • Record levels of microplastics discovered on the ocean seabed 研究人员发现海底微塑料含量达有史以来最高值

    Record levels of microplastics discovered on the ocean seabed 研究人员发现海底微塑料含量达有史以来最高值

    Episode 200514 / 14 May 2020

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  • Prickles the sheep has been found! 绵羊 “隐居” 七年后重返农场

    Prickles the sheep has been found! 绵羊 “隐居” 七年后重返农场

    Episode 200507 / 07 May 2020

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  • Coronavirus: How to avoid back pain while working from home 新冠肺炎期间居家办公 如何防腰痛?

    Coronavirus: How to avoid back pain while working from home 新冠肺炎期间居家办公 如何防腰痛?

    Episode 200430 / 30 Apr 2020

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  • Coronavirus – help on two wheels 为抗击新冠肺炎出力 骑摩托车送爱心

    Coronavirus – help on two wheels 为抗击新冠肺炎出力 骑摩托车送爱心

    Episode 200423 / 23 Apr 2020

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  • Comics from Africa 来自非洲的漫画

    Comics from Africa 来自非洲的漫画

    Episode 200416 / 16 Apr 2020

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  • Marvel’s Spider-Man artist teaching children to draw online 漫威《蜘蛛侠》的漫画师在线教孩子们绘画

    Marvel’s Spider-Man artist teaching children to draw online 漫威《蜘蛛侠》的漫画师在线教孩子们绘画

    Episode 200409 / 09 Apr 2020

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  • Coronavirus - lessons from an ancient plague village 新冠病毒:从阻止瘟疫传播的英国村庄取经

    Coronavirus - lessons from an ancient plague village 新冠病毒:从阻止瘟疫传播的英国村庄取经

    Episode 200402 / 02 Apr 2020

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  • Can trees help climate change? 植树是否有助于应对气候变化?

    Can trees help climate change? 植树是否有助于应对气候变化?

    Episode 200326 / 26 Mar 2020

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  • Changing Antarctica 南极海洋生物与环境变化

    Changing Antarctica 南极海洋生物与环境变化

    Episode 200319 / 19 Mar 2026

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  • Recycling chopsticks 竹筷子回收再利用

    Recycling chopsticks 竹筷子回收再利用

    Episode 200312 / 12 Mar 2020

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  • Turning pineapples into bags 用菠萝叶子做包包

    Turning pineapples into bags 用菠萝叶子做包包

    Episode 200305 / 05 Mar 2020

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  • Turning moon dust into water 把月球尘埃变成水

    Turning moon dust into water 把月球尘埃变成水

    Episode 200227 / 27 Feb 2020

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  • New treatment for nut allergy 治疗坚果过敏的新疗法

    New treatment for nut allergy 治疗坚果过敏的新疗法

    Episode 200220 / 20 Feb 2020

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  • Female astronauts 女宇航员

    Female astronauts 女宇航员

    Episode 200213 / 13 Feb 2020

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  • Beating your fear of spiders 战胜你对蜘蛛的恐惧

    Beating your fear of spiders 战胜你对蜘蛛的恐惧

    Episode 200206 / 06 Feb 2020

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  • Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事

    Hot-air balloon legend 热气球飞行家的故事

    Episode 200130 / 30 Jan 2020

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  • The hungry swans 饥肠辘辘的天鹅

    The hungry swans 饥肠辘辘的天鹅

    Episode 200123 / 23 Jan 2020

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  • Australia fires: Farmers face losses 澳大利亚林火:农民面临损失

    Australia fires: Farmers face losses 澳大利亚林火:农民面临损失

    Episode 200116 / 16 Jan 2020

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  • Taking the stress out of surgery 虚拟现实技术帮助减轻病人手术中的焦虑

    Taking the stress out of surgery 虚拟现实技术帮助减轻病人手术中的焦虑

    Episode 200109 / 09 Jan 2020

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  • Dog garden 狗狗康复花园

    Dog garden 狗狗康复花园

    Episode 200102 / 02 Jan 2020

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  • Christmas toys for poor children 送给贫困儿童的圣诞玩具

    Christmas toys for poor children 送给贫困儿童的圣诞玩具

    Episode 191226 / 26 Dec 2019

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  • Deep-sea mining 深海采矿

    Deep-sea mining 深海采矿

    Episode 191219 / 19 Dec 2019

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  • Discovering the code of all life 探寻地球所有生命的密码

    Discovering the code of all life 探寻地球所有生命的密码

    Episode 191212 / 12 Dec 2019

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  • Victoria Falls: Is Zimbabwe drying up? 维多利亚瀑布今非昔比 津巴布韦遇严重干旱

    Victoria Falls: Is Zimbabwe drying up? 维多利亚瀑布今非昔比 津巴布韦遇严重干旱

    Episode 191205 / 05 Dec 2019

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  • Mapping the dead 为海格特公墓绘制电子地图

    Mapping the dead 为海格特公墓绘制电子地图

    Episode 191128 / 28 Nov 2019

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  • French restaurants fighting climate change 变废为宝:法国餐厅应对气候变化

    French restaurants fighting climate change 变废为宝:法国餐厅应对气候变化

    Episode 191121 / 21 Nov 2019

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  • Toy-free play trial 英国幼儿园试行 “无玩具月”

    Toy-free play trial 英国幼儿园试行 “无玩具月”

    Episode 191114 / 14 Nov 2019

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  • Oysters thrive in new home 牡蛎在新家茁壮成长

    Oysters thrive in new home 牡蛎在新家茁壮成长

    Episode 191107 / 07 Nov 2019

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  • VR: The secret of Mona Lisa's smile 虚拟现实体验:蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密

    VR: The secret of Mona Lisa's smile 虚拟现实体验:蒙娜丽莎微笑的秘密

    Episode 191031 / 31 Oct 2019

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  • Virtual Reality Therapy: helping old people remember 虚拟现实疗法帮助老年人回忆往昔

    Virtual Reality Therapy: helping old people remember 虚拟现实疗法帮助老年人回忆往昔

    Episode 191024 / 24 Oct 2019

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  • The woman who swims inside icebergs 在冰山里游泳的女潜水员

    The woman who swims inside icebergs 在冰山里游泳的女潜水员

    Episode 191017 / 17 Oct 2019

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  • Mind-reading machine helps man walk again 读脑机械装置让瘫痪者再次行走

    Mind-reading machine helps man walk again 读脑机械装置让瘫痪者再次行走

    Episode 191010 / 10 Oct 2019

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  • Electric car island 电动汽车岛

    Electric car island 电动汽车岛

    Episode 191003 / 03 Oct 2019

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  • Becoming a young farmer in the UK 在英国成为一名青年农民

    Becoming a young farmer in the UK 在英国成为一名青年农民

    Episode 190926 / 26 Sep 2019

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  • Rainbow recycling “彩虹色” 的垃圾回收体系

    Rainbow recycling “彩虹色” 的垃圾回收体系

    Episode 190919 / 19 Sep 2019

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  • Searching for the Loch Ness Monster 寻找尼斯湖水怪

    Searching for the Loch Ness Monster 寻找尼斯湖水怪

    Episode 190912 / 12 Sep 2019

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  • Baby elephant zoo trade banned 野生幼象禁止被卖给动物园

    Baby elephant zoo trade banned 野生幼象禁止被卖给动物园

    Episode 190905 / 05 Sep 2019

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  • The Amazon and climate change 亚马逊雨林砍伐与气候变化的关系

    The Amazon and climate change 亚马逊雨林砍伐与气候变化的关系

    Episode 190829 / 29 Aug 2019

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  • Can floating farms help us cope with climate change? 漂浮农场能帮助我们应对气候变化吗?

    Can floating farms help us cope with climate change? 漂浮农场能帮助我们应对气候变化吗?

    Episode 190822 / 22 Aug 2019

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  • No-deal Brexit: What happens to British tourists?  “无协议脱欧” 将对英国游客带来哪些影响?

    No-deal Brexit: What happens to British tourists? “无协议脱欧” 将对英国游客带来哪些影响?

    Episode 190815 / 15 Aug 2019

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  • Meet the 'Asian Iceman' 来见见 “亚洲冰人”

    Meet the 'Asian Iceman' 来见见 “亚洲冰人”

    Episode 190808 / 08 Aug 2019

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  • Extreme weather and climate change 极端天气和气候变化

    Extreme weather and climate change 极端天气和气候变化

    Episode 190801 / 01 Aug 2019

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  • The end for London's oldest boats? 伦敦最古老船只的末日?

    The end for London's oldest boats? 伦敦最古老船只的末日?

    Episode 190725 / 25 Jul 2019

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  • Moon landing: Why was Neil Armstrong first? 为什么阿姆斯特朗是踏上月球的第一人?

    Moon landing: Why was Neil Armstrong first? 为什么阿姆斯特朗是踏上月球的第一人?

    Episode 190718 / 18 Jul 2019

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  • Britain’s largest female sculpture 英国最大的女性雕塑

    Britain’s largest female sculpture 英国最大的女性雕塑

    Episode 190711 / 11 Jul 2019

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  • AI recruitment 用人工智能招募人才

    AI recruitment 用人工智能招募人才

    Episode 190704 / 04 Jul 2019

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  • Rhinos taken back to Rwanda 送犀牛回卢旺达

    Rhinos taken back to Rwanda 送犀牛回卢旺达

    Episode 190627 / 27 Jun 2019

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  • Turning plastic waste into sportswear 把塑料垃圾变成运动服装

    Turning plastic waste into sportswear 把塑料垃圾变成运动服装

    Episode 190620 / 20 Jun 2019

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  • Robot recycling 垃圾分拣机器人

    Robot recycling 垃圾分拣机器人

    Episode 190613 / 13 Jun 2019

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  • Ultra-processed food health warning 对超加工食品的健康警示

    Ultra-processed food health warning 对超加工食品的健康警示

    Episode 190606 / 06 Jun 2019

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  • The 2019 Cricket World Cup 2019 板球世界杯

    The 2019 Cricket World Cup 2019 板球世界杯

    Episode 190530 / 30 May 2019

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  • Trees talking to trees 树与树之间的对话

    Trees talking to trees 树与树之间的对话

    Episode 190523 / 23 May 2019

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  • Love symbol hidden in masterpiece 藏在维米尔画下的爱神

    Love symbol hidden in masterpiece 藏在维米尔画下的爱神

    Episode 190516 / 16 May 2019

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  • Birth of a new royal baby 英王室添新成员

    Birth of a new royal baby 英王室添新成员

    Episode 190509 / 09 May 2019

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  • Using cow waste to fight climate change 利用牛粪对抗气候变化

    Using cow waste to fight climate change 利用牛粪对抗气候变化

    Episode 190502 / 02 May 2019

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  • Meet Britain's first trainee guide pony 来看看英国第一匹实习导盲马

    Meet Britain's first trainee guide pony 来看看英国第一匹实习导盲马

    Episode 190425 / 25 Apr 2019

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  • Harry Potter: Wizard banking! 《哈利·波特》影城新添魔法银行展区

    Harry Potter: Wizard banking! 《哈利·波特》影城新添魔法银行展区

    Episode 190418 / 18 Apr 2019

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  • Raw milk 生鲜奶

    Raw milk 生鲜奶

    Episode 190411 / 11 Apr 2019

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  • The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性

    The woman who feels no pain 一位从来感觉不到疼痛的女性

    Episode 190404 / 04 Apr 2019

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  • Robot grocery deliveries 机器人送货员

    Robot grocery deliveries 机器人送货员

    Episode 190328 / 28 Mar 2019

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  • Tackling food waste and obesity 解决食物浪费和肥胖问题

    Tackling food waste and obesity 解决食物浪费和肥胖问题

    Episode 190321 / 21 Mar 2019

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  • Electrifying Africa 让非洲全面通电

    Electrifying Africa 让非洲全面通电

    Episode 190314 / 14 Mar 2019

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  • Why are we ticklish? 人怕挠痒痒的原因

    Why are we ticklish? 人怕挠痒痒的原因

    Episode 190307 / 07 Mar 2019

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  • Maya Bay: Saving paradise 玛雅湾:拯救天堂般美丽的海滩

    Maya Bay: Saving paradise 玛雅湾:拯救天堂般美丽的海滩

    Episode 190228 / 28 Feb 2019

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  • The harpoon that clears space junk 清理太空垃圾的 “鱼叉” 捕捉器

    The harpoon that clears space junk 清理太空垃圾的 “鱼叉” 捕捉器

    Episode 190221 / 21 Feb 2019

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  • 3D printing human anatomy 用 3D 打印技术制作出的人体解剖模型

    3D printing human anatomy 用 3D 打印技术制作出的人体解剖模型

    Episode 190214 / 14 Feb 2019

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  • The changing sound of whale song 变化万千的鲸鱼之歌

    The changing sound of whale song 变化万千的鲸鱼之歌

    Episode 190207 / 07 Feb 2019

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  • The recycled-goods shopping mall 卖回收商品的购物中心

    The recycled-goods shopping mall 卖回收商品的购物中心

    Episode 190131 / 31 Jan 2019

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  • Bollywood bridal wear 宝莱坞新娘婚纱

    Bollywood bridal wear 宝莱坞新娘婚纱

    Episode 190124 / 24 Jan 2019

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  • Discovering London's history 发现伦敦的历史

    Discovering London's history 发现伦敦的历史

    Episode 190117 / 17 Jan 2019

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  • Is screen use really bad for kids? 专家称无需过度担忧看屏幕对儿童的危害

    Is screen use really bad for kids? 专家称无需过度担忧看屏幕对儿童的危害

    Episode 190110 / 10 Jan 2019

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  • Taking a look at eye yoga 来看看眼部瑜伽

    Taking a look at eye yoga 来看看眼部瑜伽

    Episode 190103 / 03 Jan 2019

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  • Clothing and the environment 时装产业对环境的影响

    Clothing and the environment 时装产业对环境的影响

    Episode 181227 / 27 Dec 2018

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  • South Korea's gaming addiction 韩国青少年沉迷网络游戏

    South Korea's gaming addiction 韩国青少年沉迷网络游戏

    Episode 181220 / 20 Dec 2018

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  • Using Buddy Benches to improve mental health 用 “好友长凳” 改善儿童心理健康

    Using Buddy Benches to improve mental health 用 “好友长凳” 改善儿童心理健康

    Episode 181213 / 13 Dec 2018

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  • Underwater sound pollution 水下噪音污染危及海洋生物的听力健康

    Underwater sound pollution 水下噪音污染危及海洋生物的听力健康

    Episode 181206 / 06 Dec 2018

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  • Moving London's dead 伦敦新建高铁站 公墓需迁址

    Moving London's dead 伦敦新建高铁站 公墓需迁址

    Episode 181129 / 29 Nov 2018

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  • The effects of pollution on London's schoolchildren 空气污染对伦敦中小学生的影响

    The effects of pollution on London's schoolchildren 空气污染对伦敦中小学生的影响

    Episode 181122 / 22 Nov 2018

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  • First woman Physics Nobel winner in 55 years 五十五年来首位女性获诺贝尔物理学奖

    First woman Physics Nobel winner in 55 years 五十五年来首位女性获诺贝尔物理学奖

    Episode 181115 / 15 Nov 2018

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  • Train of the future 未来的氢能火车

    Train of the future 未来的氢能火车

    Episode 181108 / 08 Nov 2018

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  • Dogs could help detect malaria 狗能从袜子里 “闻” 出人是否患有疟疾

    Dogs could help detect malaria 狗能从袜子里 “闻” 出人是否患有疟疾

    Episode 181101 / 01 Nov 2018

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  • Laboratory-grown meat 实验室里培养的肉类食品

    Laboratory-grown meat 实验室里培养的肉类食品

    Episode 181025 / 25 Oct 2018

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  • Cooking classes for elderly men 专为老年男性开设的烹饪班

    Cooking classes for elderly men 专为老年男性开设的烹饪班

    Episode 181018 / 18 Oct 2018

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  • New hope for brain cancer patients 脑肿瘤患者的新希望

    New hope for brain cancer patients 脑肿瘤患者的新希望

    Episode 181011 / 11 Oct 2018

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  • All-female anti-poaching rangers 津巴布韦全女子反偷猎巡逻队

    All-female anti-poaching rangers 津巴布韦全女子反偷猎巡逻队

    Episode 181004 / 04 Oct 2018

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  • Stonehenge wants your photos 在英国遗迹巨石阵前拍下的回忆

    Stonehenge wants your photos 在英国遗迹巨石阵前拍下的回忆

    Episode 180927 / 27 Sep 2018

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  • End of the line for the VW Beetle? 大众 “甲壳虫” 汽车可能停产

    End of the line for the VW Beetle? 大众 “甲壳虫” 汽车可能停产

    Episode 180920 / 20 Sep 2018

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  • Cycling for the elderly  伦敦老年人 “并肩骑车” 服务

    Cycling for the elderly 伦敦老年人 “并肩骑车” 服务

    Episode 180913 / 13 Sep 2018

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  • Gaspard the friendly fox 友好的小狐狸 “加斯帕德”

    Gaspard the friendly fox 友好的小狐狸 “加斯帕德”

    Episode 180906 / 06 Sep 2018

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  • Cambodia's tuk-tuk rivals 柬埔寨 “突突车” 遇竞争对手

    Cambodia's tuk-tuk rivals 柬埔寨 “突突车” 遇竞争对手

    Episode 180830 / 30 Aug 2018

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  • The secret recipe for ancient mummification 古埃及木乃伊的制作秘方

    The secret recipe for ancient mummification 古埃及木乃伊的制作秘方

    Episode 180823 / 23 Aug 2018

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  • The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病

    The AI that spots eye disease 用人工智能技术检测眼科疾病

    Episode 180816 / 16 Aug 2018

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  • Strandbeests 荷兰艺术家建造 “风力仿生兽”

    Strandbeests 荷兰艺术家建造 “风力仿生兽”

    Episode 180809 / 09 Aug 2018

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  • Child announcer on London Underground 伦敦地铁站里的儿童安全播报员

    Child announcer on London Underground 伦敦地铁站里的儿童安全播报员

    Episode 180802 / 02 Aug 2018

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  • Helping the puffin make a comeback 英海岛研究助濒危物种海鹦鹉数量增加

    Helping the puffin make a comeback 英海岛研究助濒危物种海鹦鹉数量增加

    Episode 180726 / 26 Jul 2018

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  • Wildfires in the UK 英国夏日野火烧遍荒野

    Wildfires in the UK 英国夏日野火烧遍荒野

    Episode 180719 / 19 Jul 2018

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  • Rooftop garden market 超市的屋顶农场

    Rooftop garden market 超市的屋顶农场

    Episode 180712 / 12 Jul 2018

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  • London's biggest air display 伦敦迎来最大规模飞行表演

    London's biggest air display 伦敦迎来最大规模飞行表演

    Episode 180705 / 05 Jul 2018

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  • Daimbars academy's World Cup four 迪亚姆巴斯足球学院四名毕业生参加世界杯

    Daimbars academy's World Cup four 迪亚姆巴斯足球学院四名毕业生参加世界杯

    Episode 180628 / 28 Jun 2018

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  • Saving the Mexican salamander 墨西哥蝾螈濒临灭绝

    Saving the Mexican salamander 墨西哥蝾螈濒临灭绝

    Episode 180621 / 21 Jun 2018

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  • Antarctica's plastic threat 科学家称塑料污染已威胁南极海域

    Antarctica's plastic threat 科学家称塑料污染已威胁南极海域

    Episode 180614 / 14 Jun 2018

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  • Using smart bin to tackle food waste 给智能垃圾桶称重 减少食物浪费

    Using smart bin to tackle food waste 给智能垃圾桶称重 减少食物浪费

    Episode 180607 / 07 Jun 2018

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  • Scientists study dolphins' 'happiness' 科学家研究圈养海豚的“幸福度”

    Scientists study dolphins' 'happiness' 科学家研究圈养海豚的“幸福度”

    Episode 180531 / 31 May 2018

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  • Amsterdam tackles child obesity 阿姆斯特丹解决儿童肥胖危机新倡议

    Amsterdam tackles child obesity 阿姆斯特丹解决儿童肥胖危机新倡议

    Episode 180524 / 24 May 2018

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  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's romance 哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的爱情之旅

    Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's romance 哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的爱情之旅

    Episode 180517 / 17 May 2018

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  • World's largest glasshouse reopens 世界上最大的温室重新开门迎客

    World's largest glasshouse reopens 世界上最大的温室重新开门迎客

    Episode 180510 / 10 May 2018

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  • Fishermen fear oil drilling in African lake 渔民担心石油开采对非洲湖泊的影响

    Fishermen fear oil drilling in African lake 渔民担心石油开采对非洲湖泊的影响

    Episode 180503 / 03 May 2018

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  • Can football make you happy? 足球能使你快乐吗?

    Can football make you happy? 足球能使你快乐吗?

    Episode 180426 / 26 Apr 2018

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  • An app to calm you down 聊天机器人为你提供心理咨询服务

    An app to calm you down 聊天机器人为你提供心理咨询服务

    Episode 180419 / 19 Apr 2018

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  • Unknown bad habit causes tooth decay 导致蛀牙的坏习惯

    Unknown bad habit causes tooth decay 导致蛀牙的坏习惯

    Episode 180412 / 12 Apr 2018

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  • Turning bread into beer to fight food waste 奥地利人为打击食物浪费用面包造啤酒

    Turning bread into beer to fight food waste 奥地利人为打击食物浪费用面包造啤酒

    Episode 180405 / 05 Apr 2018

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  • Cross-border sugar fix 挪威糖税上涨:甜食爱好者跨国境买糖

    Cross-border sugar fix 挪威糖税上涨:甜食爱好者跨国境买糖

    Episode 180329 / 29 Mar 2018

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  • Sao Paulo's high-flying commute 在巴西圣保罗“打飞的”上下班

    Sao Paulo's high-flying commute 在巴西圣保罗“打飞的”上下班

    Episode 180322 / 22 Mar 2018

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  • Rescue mission for Paris landmark 巴黎圣母院为修缮寻求捐助

    Rescue mission for Paris landmark 巴黎圣母院为修缮寻求捐助

    Episode 180315 / 15 Mar 2018

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  • Turning chewing gum into useful objects 嚼过的口香糖“变废为宝”

    Turning chewing gum into useful objects 嚼过的口香糖“变废为宝”

    Episode 180308 / 08 Mar 2018

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  • Wearable tech aids stroke patients 可穿戴“电子皮肤”助中风病人康复

    Wearable tech aids stroke patients 可穿戴“电子皮肤”助中风病人康复

    Episode 180301 / 01 Feb 2018

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  • A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍

    A new scheme to encourage old play 新倡议鼓励儿童重新出门玩耍

    Episode 180222 / 22 Feb 2018

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  • Nigeria: world’s biggest yam producer 尼日利亚山药产量居世界第一位

    Nigeria: world’s biggest yam producer 尼日利亚山药产量居世界第一位

    Episode 180208 / 08 Feb 2018

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  • Hyperloop: the train of the future? “超级高铁”:未来的交通工具?

    Hyperloop: the train of the future? “超级高铁”:未来的交通工具?

    Episode 180201 / 01 Feb 2018

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  • Antarctic discoveries 科学家发现南极海洋中的生态系统

    Antarctic discoveries 科学家发现南极海洋中的生态系统

    Episode 180125 / 25 Jan 2018

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  • Seal pup accommodation crisis 英国海豹幼崽的收容危机

    Seal pup accommodation crisis 英国海豹幼崽的收容危机

    Episode 180118 / 18 Jan 2018

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  • Technology of the future on show 未来科技展

    Technology of the future on show 未来科技展

    Episode 180111 / 11 Jan 2018

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  • Bookshop holiday “书店主人”体验之旅

    Bookshop holiday “书店主人”体验之旅

    Episode 180104 / 04 Jan 2018

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  • Haemophilia breakthrough 血友病治疗方法的重大突破

    Haemophilia breakthrough 血友病治疗方法的重大突破

    Episode 171228 / 28 Dec 2017

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  • World’s steepest railway line 世界上最陡峭的缆索铁路

    World’s steepest railway line 世界上最陡峭的缆索铁路

    Episode 171221 / 21 Dec 2017

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  • The science of singing 歌唱背后的科学知识

    The science of singing 歌唱背后的科学知识

    Episode 171214 / 14 Dec 2017

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  • Acidic oceans will reduce sea life, says study 研究说酸性化海洋会导致海洋生物减少

    Acidic oceans will reduce sea life, says study 研究说酸性化海洋会导致海洋生物减少

    Episode 171207 / 07 Dec 2017

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  • Monitoring a deadly volcano 科学家监控极其危险的尼拉贡戈火山

    Monitoring a deadly volcano 科学家监控极其危险的尼拉贡戈火山

    Episode 171130 / 30 Nov 2017

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  • Britain's food waste problem 英国的食物浪费问题

    Britain's food waste problem 英国的食物浪费问题

    Episode 171123 / 23 Nov 2017

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  • Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

    Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

    Episode 171116 / 16 Nov 2017

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  • New ape species discovered 科学家发现类人猿新物种

    New ape species discovered 科学家发现类人猿新物种

    Episode 171109 / 09 Nov 2017

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  • Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

    Heart surgery and your body clock 心脏手术和人体生物钟之间的联系

    Episode 171102 / 02 Nov 2017

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  • The risks of meat consumption 食肉的风险

    The risks of meat consumption 食肉的风险

    Episode 171026 / 26 Oct 2017

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  • Shark-detecting drones 可探测鲨鱼的无人机

    Shark-detecting drones 可探测鲨鱼的无人机

    Episode 171019 / 19 Oct 2017

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  • Tackling the sea of plastic 应对海洋塑料污染

    Tackling the sea of plastic 应对海洋塑料污染

    Episode 171012 / 12 Oct 2017

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  • Africa's Great Green Wall 非洲的“绿色长城”

    Africa's Great Green Wall 非洲的“绿色长城”

    Episode 171005 / 05 Oct 2017

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  • 'Online' bees 科技蜜蜂已“上线”

    'Online' bees 科技蜜蜂已“上线”

    Episode 170928 / 28 Sep 2017

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  • Extinct giant tortoise returns 已灭绝的巨型陆龟“起死回生”了

    Extinct giant tortoise returns 已灭绝的巨型陆龟“起死回生”了

    Episode 170921 / 21 Sep 2017

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  • Using sun and sea to beat depression 阳光和大海能缓解抑郁症

    Using sun and sea to beat depression 阳光和大海能缓解抑郁症

    Episode 170914 / 14 Sep 2017

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  • 'Grand finale' for Cassini space mission 土星探测器卡西尼号任务将“隆重收场”

    'Grand finale' for Cassini space mission 土星探测器卡西尼号任务将“隆重收场”

    Episode 170907 / 07 Sep 2017

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  • Eating reindeer, shark attacks 阿拉斯加驯鹿成珍馐、鲨鱼袭击事件影响留尼旺旅游业

    Eating reindeer, shark attacks 阿拉斯加驯鹿成珍馐、鲨鱼袭击事件影响留尼旺旅游业

    Episode 170831 / 31 Aug 2017

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  • Owls, Toe wrestling 印尼兴起饲养猫头鹰的热潮, 世界掰脚趾大赛

    Owls, Toe wrestling 印尼兴起饲养猫头鹰的热潮, 世界掰脚趾大赛

    Episode 170824 / 24 Aug 2017

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  • North Pole expedition, spoilt babies 北极探险考察, 婴儿用品市场的兴起

    North Pole expedition, spoilt babies 北极探险考察, 婴儿用品市场的兴起

    Episode 170817 / 17 Aug 2017

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  • Baby opera, surfing dogs 为婴儿表演的歌剧,冲浪狗比赛

    Baby opera, surfing dogs 为婴儿表演的歌剧,冲浪狗比赛

    Episode 170810 / 10 Aug 2017

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  • Better batteries, car ban 研究者尝试给电池“减重增容”,英国将禁止销售汽油和柴油车

    Better batteries, car ban 研究者尝试给电池“减重增容”,英国将禁止销售汽油和柴油车

    Episode 170727 / 27 Jul 2017

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  • Sapphires v lemurs, cow emissions 蓝宝石开采威胁狐猴的生存、帮助奶牛减少甲烷排放量

    Sapphires v lemurs, cow emissions 蓝宝石开采威胁狐猴的生存、帮助奶牛减少甲烷排放量

    Episode 170720 / 20 Jul 2017

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  • Good coffee, happy cows 喝咖啡可能延长寿命、养牛户关注动物福祉

    Good coffee, happy cows 喝咖啡可能延长寿命、养牛户关注动物福祉

    Episode 170713 / 13 Jul 2017

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  • Anti-tobacco plan, Tate Modern's new director 印度限制烟草生产的计划、泰特现代艺术馆新任馆长

    Anti-tobacco plan, Tate Modern's new director 印度限制烟草生产的计划、泰特现代艺术馆新任馆长

    Episode 170706 / 06 Jul 2017

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  • Study on sleep, world's ugliest dog 睡眠不足对大脑影响的研究、世界最丑的狗狗

    Study on sleep, world's ugliest dog 睡眠不足对大脑影响的研究、世界最丑的狗狗

    Episode 170629 / 29 Jun 2017

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  • Cholesterol treatment, heatwave in Britain 科学家测试降胆固醇的新疗法、英国夏日酷暑

    Cholesterol treatment, heatwave in Britain 科学家测试降胆固醇的新疗法、英国夏日酷暑

    Episode 170622 / 22 Jun 2017

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  • Rescued turtle and moving with no van 救助被困海龟,不动用车辆给书“搬家”

    Rescued turtle and moving with no van 救助被困海龟,不动用车辆给书“搬家”

    Episode 170615 / 15 Jun 2017

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  • Ovarian cancer drug, fish skin to treat burns 治疗卵巢癌的新药物测试、罗非鱼皮被用于治疗烧伤

    Ovarian cancer drug, fish skin to treat burns 治疗卵巢癌的新药物测试、罗非鱼皮被用于治疗烧伤

    Episode 170608 / 08 Jun 2017

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  • Antibiotic breakthrough, pizza for the homeless 抗生素研究获新突破、比萨店做慈善

    Antibiotic breakthrough, pizza for the homeless 抗生素研究获新突破、比萨店做慈善

    Episode 170601 / 01 Jun 2017

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  • Depression study, air traffic control 抑郁症研究、英国首个远程空中交通管制系统

    Depression study, air traffic control 抑郁症研究、英国首个远程空中交通管制系统

    Episode 170525 / 25 May 2017

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  • Obese not healthy and turning rubbish into art 肥胖又健康不现实、津巴布韦家庭变废为宝

    Obese not healthy and turning rubbish into art 肥胖又健康不现实、津巴布韦家庭变废为宝

    Episode 170518 / 18 May 2017

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  • Statins and 105-year-old worker 他汀类药物测试、仍坚持工作的105岁老人

    Statins and 105-year-old worker 他汀类药物测试、仍坚持工作的105岁老人

    Episode 170511 / 11 May 2017

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  • Primates at risk and noodle art 灵长类动物灭绝危险,由方便面制成的艺术品

    Primates at risk and noodle art 灵长类动物灭绝危险,由方便面制成的艺术品

    Episode 170504 / 04 May 2017

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  • Artificial sun and hedgehogs saved 人造太阳,英国村庄帮刺猬恢复健康

    Artificial sun and hedgehogs saved 人造太阳,英国村庄帮刺猬恢复健康

    Episode 170427 / 27 Apr 2017

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  • London sewage and pets in the office 伦敦修建“超级下水道”,英国公司欢迎员工携宠物上班

    London sewage and pets in the office 伦敦修建“超级下水道”,英国公司欢迎员工携宠物上班

    Episode 170420 / 20 Apr 2017

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  • Welsh parks and Hirst's exhibition 威尔士公家公园未来规划,达米恩·赫斯特新个展

    Welsh parks and Hirst's exhibition 威尔士公家公园未来规划,达米恩·赫斯特新个展

    Episode 170413 / 13 Apr 2017

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  • Filtering sea water and bike scheme in China 过滤海水、中国自行车租赁计划

    Filtering sea water and bike scheme in China 过滤海水、中国自行车租赁计划

    Episode 170406 / 06 Apr 2017

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  • Brexit and new pound coin 英国“脱欧”后进程、新版1英镑硬币

    Brexit and new pound coin 英国“脱欧”后进程、新版1英镑硬币

    Episode 170330 / 30 Mar 2017

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  • Women workers in their 70s, female football coach 英国工作到70岁以上的女性、意大利足球女教练

    Women workers in their 70s, female football coach 英国工作到70岁以上的女性、意大利足球女教练

    Episode 170323 / 23 Mar 2017

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  • Rescued chimp, Professor's viral fame 黑猩猩幼崽重获新生、意外成名的教授家庭

    Rescued chimp, Professor's viral fame 黑猩猩幼崽重获新生、意外成名的教授家庭

    Episode 170316 / 16 Mar 2017

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  • London's taxi test, pollution-fighting pigeons 伦敦新出租送极地测试、人们利用鸽子对抗环境污染

    London's taxi test, pollution-fighting pigeons 伦敦新出租送极地测试、人们利用鸽子对抗环境污染

    Episode 170309 / 09 Mar 2017

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  • Farming in a bunker and corporate wellness 地下农场、企业员工的身心健康

    Farming in a bunker and corporate wellness 地下农场、企业员工的身心健康

    Episode 170302 / 02 Mar 2017

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  • Slippery bottle and women on South Pole trek 科学家研发 “不粘瓶”,女性探险队远涉南极

    Slippery bottle and women on South Pole trek 科学家研发 “不粘瓶”,女性探险队远涉南极

    Episode 170223 / 23 Feb 2017

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  • Fake art and vegetable orchestra 艺术仿造品交易,蔬菜交响乐团

    Fake art and vegetable orchestra 艺术仿造品交易,蔬菜交响乐团

    Episode 170216 / 16 Feb 2017

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  • Hockney's exhibition and disabled cast's play  大卫·霍克尼作品回顾展、残障人士表演戏剧

    Hockney's exhibition and disabled cast's play 大卫·霍克尼作品回顾展、残障人士表演戏剧

    Episode 170210 / 10 Feb 2017

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  • Zika virus and unusual job in Austria 感染寨卡病毒的婴儿数量,奥地利城镇征召隐士

    Zika virus and unusual job in Austria 感染寨卡病毒的婴儿数量,奥地利城镇征召隐士

    Episode 170203 / 03 Feb 2017

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  • Bird-watchers in Uganda and happy kids 乌干达湿地观鸟、荷兰儿童快乐的秘密

    Bird-watchers in Uganda and happy kids 乌干达湿地观鸟、荷兰儿童快乐的秘密

    Episode 170127 / 27 Jan 2017

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  • Giraffes' decline; female bullfighter  长颈鹿数量骤减,西班牙女斗牛士

    Giraffes' decline; female bullfighter 长颈鹿数量骤减,西班牙女斗牛士

    Episode 170120 / 20 Jan 2017

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  • Risk of dementia and red pandas 失智症患病风险、小熊猫幼崽戏雪

    Risk of dementia and red pandas 失智症患病风险、小熊猫幼崽戏雪

    Episode 170112 / 12 Jan 2017

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  • Sharing waste food and steepest street 剩余食材再利用、最陡的街道

    Sharing waste food and steepest street 剩余食材再利用、最陡的街道

    Episode 170105 / 05 Jan 2017

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  • Ebola vaccine and Native American dance 埃博拉试验性疫苗、印第安青少年表演圈舞

    Ebola vaccine and Native American dance 埃博拉试验性疫苗、印第安青少年表演圈舞

    Episode 161229 / 29 Dec 2016

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  • Volcanic power and a virtual wife 冰岛火山能源、日本公司研发“虚拟妻子”

    Volcanic power and a virtual wife 冰岛火山能源、日本公司研发“虚拟妻子”

    Episode 161222 / 22 Dec 2016

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  • Bus for homeless, urban bees 流浪者入住公共汽车、蜜蜂的城市庇护所

    Bus for homeless, urban bees 流浪者入住公共汽车、蜜蜂的城市庇护所

    Episode 161215 / 15 Dec 2016

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  • UK ranked 15th for school science education, study about seals 英国中学自然科学教育排世界第十五、研究海豹的水中生活

    UK ranked 15th for school science education, study about seals 英国中学自然科学教育排世界第十五、研究海豹的水中生活

    Episode 161208 / 08 Dec 2016

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  • Great Barrier Reef destruction, mission to clean space 澳洲大堡礁珊瑚大规模死亡、清理太空垃圾

    Great Barrier Reef destruction, mission to clean space 澳洲大堡礁珊瑚大规模死亡、清理太空垃圾

    Episode 161201 / 01 Dec 2016

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  • Health tourism and wind farms 海外访客使用英国医疗系统需缴费,风力发电厂

    Health tourism and wind farms 海外访客使用英国医疗系统需缴费,风力发电厂

    Episode 161124 / 24 Nov 2016

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  • Rupee withdrawal, molecules on your phone 印度撤除旧版卢比、 手机上的分子信息

    Rupee withdrawal, molecules on your phone 印度撤除旧版卢比、 手机上的分子信息

    Episode 161117 / 17 Nov 2016

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  • Cinema for the homeless and  poetry in a box  流浪者的电影院,匣子里的诗

    Cinema for the homeless and poetry in a box 流浪者的电影院,匣子里的诗

    Episode 161110 / 10 Nov 2016

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  • Everest lake and turtles in Peru 珠峰附近湖泊排水工程, 秘鲁放生乌龟

    Everest lake and turtles in Peru 珠峰附近湖泊排水工程, 秘鲁放生乌龟

    Episode 161103 / 03 Nov 2016

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  • Heathrow expansion and dog lifeguard training 希思罗机场扩建, 救生犬的训练

    Heathrow expansion and dog lifeguard training 希思罗机场扩建, 救生犬的训练

    Episode 161027 / 27 Oct 2016

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  • Sweet potato and malnutrition, British polar research ship 红薯改善营养不良, 英极地科考船

    Sweet potato and malnutrition, British polar research ship 红薯改善营养不良, 英极地科考船

    Episode 161020 / 20 Oct 2016

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  • Samsung smartphone problem, zoo chimps feeling wild 三星智能手机问题,动物园的黑猩猩野性十足

    Samsung smartphone problem, zoo chimps feeling wild 三星智能手机问题,动物园的黑猩猩野性十足

    Episode 161013 / 13 Oct 2016

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  • Machu Picchu and David Bowie's collection 马丘比丘垃圾泛滥,大卫·鲍伊的艺术收藏

    Machu Picchu and David Bowie's collection 马丘比丘垃圾泛滥,大卫·鲍伊的艺术收藏

    Episode 161006 / 06 Oct 2016

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  • Battery risk, Farmer anti-theft solution 纽扣电池的潜在危险,牧场主防盗有术

    Battery risk, Farmer anti-theft solution 纽扣电池的潜在危险,牧场主防盗有术

    Episode 160929 / 29 Sep 2016

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  • Angelina Jolie to divorce, Karaoke star at 80 安吉丽娜·朱莉提出离婚申请,八十岁老人出唱片

    Angelina Jolie to divorce, Karaoke star at 80 安吉丽娜·朱莉提出离婚申请,八十岁老人出唱片

    Episode 160922 / 22 Sep 2016

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  • EU after Brexit, human ancestor mystery 英脱欧公投后的欧盟,人类祖先之谜新发现

    EU after Brexit, human ancestor mystery 英脱欧公投后的欧盟,人类祖先之谜新发现

    Episode 160915 / 15 Sep 2016

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  • Zika virus, Rare whale filmed in Australia 寨卡病毒传播风险,澳大利亚拍到罕见鲸鱼影像

    Zika virus, Rare whale filmed in Australia 寨卡病毒传播风险,澳大利亚拍到罕见鲸鱼影像

    Episode 160908 / 08 Sep 2016

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  • Earth-like planet, Pink cockatoo dies at 83 类地行星,83岁风头鹦鹉逝世

    Earth-like planet, Pink cockatoo dies at 83 类地行星,83岁风头鹦鹉逝世

    Episode 160901 / 01 Sep 2016

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  • Glass-bottomed bridge, cancer risk for HRT and 120-year-old man 世界最长玻璃桥开放,荷尔蒙替代疗法增患癌风险,印度教120岁僧人

    Glass-bottomed bridge, cancer risk for HRT and 120-year-old man 世界最长玻璃桥开放,荷尔蒙替代疗法增患癌风险,印度教120岁僧人

    Episode 160825 / 25 Aug 2016

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  • Cyclists make Olympic history, 400-year-old shark 英国自行车运动员创英奥运历史,400岁格陵兰鲨鱼

    Cyclists make Olympic history, 400-year-old shark 英国自行车运动员创英奥运历史,400岁格陵兰鲨鱼

    Episode 160818 / 18 Aug 2016

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  • Phelps makes history and marine species 菲尔普斯创造历史,海洋新物种

    Phelps makes history and marine species 菲尔普斯创造历史,海洋新物种

    Episode 160811 / 11 Aug 2016

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  • Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育

    Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育

    Episode 160804 / 04 Aug 2016

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  • California wildfires and cloned animals 加利福尼亚州野火,克隆动物衰老过程正常

    California wildfires and cloned animals 加利福尼亚州野火,克隆动物衰老过程正常

    Episode 160728 / 28 Jul 2016

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  • IOC on Russian doping and hot June 奥委会就涉俄兴奋剂事件报告进展,六月高温破纪录

    IOC on Russian doping and hot June 奥委会就涉俄兴奋剂事件报告进展,六月高温破纪录

    Episode 160721 / 21 Jul 2016

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  • Indian state introduces 'fat tax' 印度一省拟征收“脂肪税”

    Indian state introduces 'fat tax' 印度一省拟征收“脂肪税”

    Episode 160713 / 13 Jul 2016

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  • The cost of protecting the environment, Juno space probe 保护环境付出的代价,“朱诺”木星探测器

    The cost of protecting the environment, Juno space probe 保护环境付出的代价,“朱诺”木星探测器

    Episode 160706 / 06 Jul 2016

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  • Brexit and Hockney's art 英国脱欧公投后进展,大卫·霍克尼艺术展

    Brexit and Hockney's art 英国脱欧公投后进展,大卫·霍克尼艺术展

    Episode 160629 / 29 Jun 2016

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  • India's sewer workers and British school standards 印度下水道工人施工安全,英国在校生学习成绩下降

    India's sewer workers and British school standards 印度下水道工人施工安全,英国在校生学习成绩下降

    Episode 160622 / 22 Jun 2016

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  • Alligator takes boy and Tate Modern extension 鳄鱼拖走小男孩,泰特现代美术馆扩建完工

    Alligator takes boy and Tate Modern extension 鳄鱼拖走小男孩,泰特现代美术馆扩建完工

    Episode 160615 / 15 Jun 2016

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  • Chelsea doctor and surfing in Australia 切尔西队医与球队和解,澳大利亚冲浪

    Chelsea doctor and surfing in Australia 切尔西队医与球队和解,澳大利亚冲浪

    Episode 160608 / 08 Jun 2016

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  • World's longest tunnel and a strange kind of race 世界最长铁路隧道,扛羊毛袋比赛

    World's longest tunnel and a strange kind of race 世界最长铁路隧道,扛羊毛袋比赛

    Episode 160601 / 01 Jun 2016

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  • Russian athletes and friendly robots 俄罗斯运动员服用兴奋剂,“合作机器人”

    Russian athletes and friendly robots 俄罗斯运动员服用兴奋剂,“合作机器人”

    Episode 160525 / 25 May 2016

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  • Art and football 海底发现文物,莱斯特城足球俱乐部曼谷庆功

    Art and football 海底发现文物,莱斯特城足球俱乐部曼谷庆功

    Episode 160518 / 18 May 2016

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  • Canada wildfire and NASA discovery 加拿大林火,美国国家航空航天局发现系外行星

    Canada wildfire and NASA discovery 加拿大林火,美国国家航空航天局发现系外行星

    Episode 160511 / 11 May 2016

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  • Antibiotics and escalator etiquette 美国人过多使用抗生素,伦敦地铁扶梯礼仪

    Antibiotics and escalator etiquette 美国人过多使用抗生素,伦敦地铁扶梯礼仪

    Episode 160504 / 04 May 2016

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  • Big Ben and gorilla surprise 维修大本钟,大猩猩生子

    Big Ben and gorilla surprise 维修大本钟,大猩猩生子

    Episode 160427 / 27 Apr 2016

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  • Diabetes warning and Queen at 90 糖尿病激增引忧, 英国女王90岁生日

    Diabetes warning and Queen at 90 糖尿病激增引忧, 英国女王90岁生日

    Episode 160420 / 20 Apr 2016

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  • Cosmonaut anniversary and wallaby internet star 宇航员周年纪念日,小袋鼠轰动互联网

    Cosmonaut anniversary and wallaby internet star 宇航员周年纪念日,小袋鼠轰动互联网

    Episode 160413 / 13 Apr 2016

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  • Artefacts in Sydney and dog gets medal 悉尼出土文物,英雄狗获奖章

    Artefacts in Sydney and dog gets medal 悉尼出土文物,英雄狗获奖章

    Episode 160406 / 06 Apr 2016

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  • Delhi's pollution and South Africa's  solar power 新德里环境污染,南非发展太阳能

    Delhi's pollution and South Africa's solar power 新德里环境污染,南非发展太阳能

    Episode 160330 / 30 Mar 2016

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  • Zika virus and the A4 waist challenge 寨卡病毒,“A4腰挑战”

    Zika virus and the A4 waist challenge 寨卡病毒,“A4腰挑战”

    Episode 160323 / 23 Mar 2016

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  • Drought in Ethiopia and MS treatment 埃塞俄比亚干旱,多发性硬化治疗手段新进展

    Drought in Ethiopia and MS treatment 埃塞俄比亚干旱,多发性硬化治疗手段新进展

    Episode 160316 / 16 Mar 2016

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  • Darkness over Indonesia and  the 'fifth Beatle' dies 印度尼西亚日全食,“第五位披头士”去世

    Darkness over Indonesia and the 'fifth Beatle' dies 印度尼西亚日全食,“第五位披头士”去世

    Episode 160309 / 09 Mar 2016

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  • Zika threat and back from space  寨卡病毒威胁美国,国际空间站宇航员返回地球

    Zika threat and back from space 寨卡病毒威胁美国,国际空间站宇航员返回地球

    Episode 160302 / 02 Mar 2016

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  • Mars bars and baby gorilla 火星巧克力棒和大猩猩产幼子

    Mars bars and baby gorilla 火星巧克力棒和大猩猩产幼子

    Episode 160224 / 24 Feb 2016

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  • US-Cuba flights and male cosmetic surgery 美国-古巴复航和男性整容手术

    US-Cuba flights and male cosmetic surgery 美国-古巴复航和男性整容手术

    Episode 160217 / 17 Feb 2016

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  • Zuma in court and stressed horses  南非总统受审和马的精神压力

    Zuma in court and stressed horses 南非总统受审和马的精神压力

    Episode 160210 / 10 Feb 2016

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  • China getaway delays and Groundhog Day 中国春运延误和土拔鼠日预测天气

    China getaway delays and Groundhog Day 中国春运延误和土拔鼠日预测天气

    Episode 160203 / 03 Feb 2016

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  • Ebola outbreak and brain injuries 埃博拉疫情,脑部创伤

    Ebola outbreak and brain injuries 埃博拉疫情,脑部创伤

    Episode 160127 / 27 Jan 2016

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  • Dangerous heartbeat,  Spike Lee and the Oscars 危险的心跳,斯派克·李抵制奥斯卡

    Dangerous heartbeat, Spike Lee and the Oscars 危险的心跳,斯派克·李抵制奥斯卡

    Episode 160120 / 20 Jan 2016

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  • Counting elephants,  Australian Elvis 空中数大象,澳大利亚“猫王节”

    Counting elephants, Australian Elvis 空中数大象,澳大利亚“猫王节”

    Episode 160113 / 13 Jan 2016

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  • North Korea, Fifa boss, eyesight recovery 朝鲜氢弹试验,足联秘书长被禁足和失明者重见光明

    North Korea, Fifa boss, eyesight recovery 朝鲜氢弹试验,足联秘书长被禁足和失明者重见光明

    Episode 160106 / 06 Jan 2016

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  • UN female, New flag and Apollo 11 倡议提名女秘书长,新西兰换国旗和阿波罗11号再创历史

    UN female, New flag and Apollo 11 倡议提名女秘书长,新西兰换国旗和阿波罗11号再创历史

    Episode 151230 / 30 Dec 2015

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  • Afghanistan, cancer and athletics boss 英美支持阿富汗政府军,癌症发病原因, 国际田联官员停职

    Afghanistan, cancer and athletics boss 英美支持阿富汗政府军,癌症发病原因, 国际田联官员停职

    Episode 151223 / 23 Dec 2015

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  • Solar superpower, female commander and hospital demolished 太阳能超级大国,女海军司令官和著名医院化为废墟

    Solar superpower, female commander and hospital demolished 太阳能超级大国,女海军司令官和著名医院化为废墟

    Episode 151216 / 16 Dec 2015

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  • Syrian rebels, Paris attacker and lions poisoned 叙利亚反政府武装,巴黎袭击主谋,狮群被下毒

    Syrian rebels, Paris attacker and lions poisoned 叙利亚反政府武装,巴黎袭击主谋,狮群被下毒

    Episode 151209 / 09 Dec 2015

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  • UK Syria,US force and fortune giveaway 叙利亚空袭投票,美国特种部队,脸书捐股份

    UK Syria,US force and fortune giveaway 叙利亚空袭投票,美国特种部队,脸书捐股份

    Episode 151202 / 02 Dec 2015

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  • Climate change, artificial intelligence and being disabled 气候变化,人工智能和残疾舞蹈演员

    Climate change, artificial intelligence and being disabled 气候变化,人工智能和残疾舞蹈演员

    Episode 151125 / 24 Nov 2015

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  • Paris investigations and tributes, and Manila gridlock 巴黎袭击调查、悼念受害者,马尼拉交通拥堵

    Paris investigations and tributes, and Manila gridlock 巴黎袭击调查、悼念受害者,马尼拉交通拥堵

    Episode 151118 / 18 Nov 2015

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  • Summit, weapons threat and rare diamond 欧非峰会,俄武威胁,罕见钻石高价成交

    Summit, weapons threat and rare diamond 欧非峰会,俄武威胁,罕见钻石高价成交

    Episode 151111 / 11 Nov 2015

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  • Plane crash, Fifa crisis and Roman fountain 西奈坠机,国际足联危机,罗马喷泉修复竣工

    Plane crash, Fifa crisis and Roman fountain 西奈坠机,国际足联危机,罗马喷泉修复竣工

    Episode 151104 / 04 Nov 2015

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  • Indian workers, online crime and  e-cigarettes 印度家政工人保障政策、  打击网络犯罪和电子香烟

    Indian workers, online crime and e-cigarettes 印度家政工人保障政策、 打击网络犯罪和电子香烟

    Episode 151028 / 28 Oct 2015

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  • President Xi Jinping in the UK,  Syrian conflict and Tutankhamun's beard 习近平主席访英、  叙利亚冲突和图坦卡蒙的胡须

    President Xi Jinping in the UK, Syrian conflict and Tutankhamun's beard 习近平主席访英、 叙利亚冲突和图坦卡蒙的胡须

    Episode 151021 / 21 Oct 2015

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  • Jerusalem attacks, wolves in France and  Man Booker winner 耶城袭击,法国狼战和布克奖赢家

    Jerusalem attacks, wolves in France and Man Booker winner 耶城袭击,法国狼战和布克奖赢家

    Episode 151014 / 14 Oct 2015

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  • Smugglers' boats, Iraqi drama and a miracle operation 贩运移民船,孤儿演话剧和奇迹手术

    Smugglers' boats, Iraqi drama and a miracle operation 贩运移民船,孤儿演话剧和奇迹手术

    Episode 151007 / 07 Oct 2015

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  • Fever, drugs and womb transplants 登革热,毒品和子宫移植

    Fever, drugs and womb transplants 登革热,毒品和子宫移植

    Episode 150930 / 30 Sep 2015

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  • Cars, migrants and Pele  汽车,移民和球王贝利

    Cars, migrants and Pele 汽车,移民和球王贝利

    Episode 150923 / 23 Sep 2015

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  • Wildfires in California 美国加利福尼亚洲森林大火

    Wildfires in California 美国加利福尼亚洲森林大火

    Episode 150916 / 16 Sep 2015

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玻璃钢生产厂家包头玻璃钢雕塑制作厂家上海玻璃钢卡通牛雕塑设计嘉禾玻璃钢造型雕塑广东大型商场创意商业美陈步骤美陈玻璃钢卡通雕塑供应商家商场美陈时尚女郎雕塑南充玻璃钢人物雕塑大型玻璃钢雕塑好不好乐山玻璃钢雕塑黄冈玻璃钢花盆绍兴个性化玻璃钢雕塑市场商场中庭吊装灯光美陈珠海玻璃钢透光雕塑加工海口玻璃钢雕塑厂家来电咨询十周年商场美陈布置方案南城玻璃钢花盆花器大理玻璃钢雕塑供应商晋中动物玻璃钢雕塑定做玻璃钢运动雕塑批发广东主题商场美陈销售厂家博罗玻璃钢花盆花器玻璃钢蛋壳雕塑玻璃钢电影动漫雕塑哪里买黑龙江抽象玻璃钢雕塑定做价格玻璃钢动画形象雕塑广东中庭商场美陈多少钱梅河口玻璃钢花盆花器人物玻璃钢雕塑品牌湖南动漫玻璃钢雕塑造型贴金商场天井森系美陈香港通过《维护国家安全条例》两大学生合买彩票中奖一人不认账让美丽中国“从细节出发”19岁小伙救下5人后溺亡 多方发声单亲妈妈陷入热恋 14岁儿子报警汪小菲曝离婚始末遭遇山火的松茸之乡雅江山火三名扑火人员牺牲系谣言何赛飞追着代拍打萧美琴窜访捷克 外交部回应卫健委通报少年有偿捐血浆16次猝死手机成瘾是影响睡眠质量重要因素高校汽车撞人致3死16伤 司机系学生315晚会后胖东来又人满为患了小米汽车超级工厂正式揭幕中国拥有亿元资产的家庭达13.3万户周杰伦一审败诉网易男孩8年未见母亲被告知被遗忘许家印被限制高消费饲养员用铁锨驱打大熊猫被辞退男子被猫抓伤后确诊“猫抓病”特朗普无法缴纳4.54亿美元罚金倪萍分享减重40斤方法联合利华开始重组张家界的山上“长”满了韩国人?张立群任西安交通大学校长杨倩无缘巴黎奥运“重生之我在北大当嫡校长”黑马情侣提车了专访95后高颜值猪保姆考生莫言也上北大硕士复试名单了网友洛杉矶偶遇贾玲专家建议不必谈骨泥色变沉迷短剧的人就像掉进了杀猪盘奥巴马现身唐宁街 黑色着装引猜测七年后宇文玥被薅头发捞上岸事业单位女子向同事水杯投不明物质凯特王妃现身!外出购物视频曝光河南驻马店通报西平中学跳楼事件王树国卸任西安交大校长 师生送别恒大被罚41.75亿到底怎么缴男子被流浪猫绊倒 投喂者赔24万房客欠租失踪 房东直发愁西双版纳热带植物园回应蜉蝣大爆发钱人豪晒法院裁定实锤抄袭外国人感慨凌晨的中国很安全胖东来员工每周单休无小长假白宫:哈马斯三号人物被杀测试车高速逃费 小米:已补缴老人退休金被冒领16年 金额超20万

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