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Sure, certain, definite 三个表示 “确定” 的形容词

Episode 191106 / 06 Nov 2019


听众半夏想知道 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 这三个词的区别,以及它们在什么情况下可以互换使用。怎样用英语表达 “确定一件事情肯定会发生”?形容词 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 都可以用在表示 “确信无疑” 的语句中。本期 “你问我答” 通过分析 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 在一个故事中的不同用法来辨析它们的区别,同时将介绍常与这三个词搭配的动词和介词。

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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是冯菲菲。这档节目回答大家在英语学习中遇到的各种难题和疑问。本期节目要回答的问题来自半夏,我们来听一下她的问题。

老师,您好,我发现 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 都有表示 “确定的、肯定的” 意思,它们之间可以互换吗?它们有哪些固定搭配?


谢谢半夏发来的问题。单词 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 都是形容词,都有 “确定的,肯定的” 意思。虽然它们的意思相近,但用法却不完全相同,也不能随意互换,这是因为能与 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 搭配使用的动词和介词是不一样的。

我们通过一段音频来对比分析它们之间的区别。音频中讲述了一个聚会策划人 “a party planner” 预订蛋糕的故事。

The party planner was certain that everything was ready. He had asked the bakery to deliver the cake at 1pm and had been very definite about its design and colour. The dancers would arrive at 3 – that was definite. The caterers had been told to make sure there was enough vegetarian and vegan food. He was sure that everything would go smoothly.


下面我们就通过分析 “sure、certain” 和 “definite” 在这段话中的用法来对比它们的共同点和区别。首先,如果一件事情 “a thing is sure/certain/definite”,那么这件事情就非常有可能发生。如果一个人对一件事情感到 “sure、certain” 或 “definite”,那么这个人则对这件事情会按照计划发展不抱有任何的疑问。这三个词的后面都可以接以 “that” 引导的从句,也都可以和介词 “about” 搭配使用。在下面这两句话中,“sure、certain” 和 “definite” 可以互换使用,句意不发生改变。

The party planner was certain/sure/definite that everything was ready.

He was sure/certain/definite that everything would go smoothly.

形容词 “sure” 和 “certain” 的后面都可以接介词 “of”—— be sure of/be certain of。来听一句话,在这句话中,“sure” 和 “certain” 可以互换使用,句意不发生改变,但不能用 “definite”。

The team had never been so certain/sure of winning before. They were very sure/certain of their coming victory.

所以说,“definite” 的后面只能跟 “about”—— definite about,或 “definite” 加 “that” 引导的从句,来表示对一件事情极其清楚、非常明确,毫无疑问。比如,故事中提到聚会策划人 “让面包房在下午一点送货,而且对蛋糕的样式和颜色的要求非常明确”。

He had asked the bakery to deliver the cake at 1pm and had been very definite about its design and colour.

下面,我们来介绍几个包含 “sure” 和 “certain” 的常用搭配。我们可以说 “make sure” 确保,确定,也可以说 “make certain” 确保。比如,上面的小故事里提到:“负责餐饮的工作人员被告知要确保有足够的素食和纯素食品”。

The caterers had been told to make sure/certain there was enough vegetarian and vegan food.

搭配 “be sure/certain of something” 也有 “保证,确认” 的意思;而 “be sure/ certain of someone” 的意思则是 “相信某人,对某人有信心”。来听两个用到了 “be sure of someone” 和 “be certain of someone” 的例句。

You can always be sure of your family. We will never let you down.

She's always very certain of herself. She doesn't get intimidated by difficult tasks.

除了上面的这几个搭配外,“be sure/certain to” 后面加上动词原形可以表达事情 “肯定,一定会发生”。这里,“sure” 和 “certain” 可以互换使用。

She's sure/certain to fall asleep as soon as she arrives home from work.

You should take part in the race! You're certain/sure to win!

在口头交流中,大家可能会常听到英语为母语的人说:“for sure” 和 “for certain”,这个表达方式通常是用来解释一件事情是 “极有可能,确定无疑地,肯定地”。“For sure” 和 “for certain” 的意思和用法都完全一样。请听两个例句。

One thing’s for sure, I'll never eat at this restaurant again!

I know for certain that I'm flying to America next week.

上面我们讲了 “sure、definite” 和 “certain” 都是形容词,意思非常相似,虽然 “sure” 和 “certain” 突出表达一个人对某件事情是非常 “确定的”,而 “definite” 则更多被用来强调对某件事情的细节是 “非常确定的、清楚的”。在很多情况下,这三个词语都可以相互替换使用,但具体能否替换还要根据与其搭配的动词和介词而定。“Sure” 和 “certain” 的动词和介词搭配用法几乎完全相同,所以基本上可以随意互换使用。

好了,如果你在英语学习中遇到了疑问,可以把问题发送到我们的邮箱,邮箱地址是,你也可以通过微博 “ BBC英语教学” 与我们取得联系。谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是冯菲菲。下次再见!

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  • 名词单复数的区别:'wall' and 'walls'

    名词单复数的区别:'wall' and 'walls'

    Episode 230405 / 05 Apr 2023

    Are all nouns plural?

  • 近义词辨析:cross, across, crosswise, intersect

    近义词辨析:cross, across, crosswise, intersect

    Episode 230329 / 29 Mar 2023

    What verb do we use for 'getting to the other side of a road'?

  • 单词 “being” 的用法

    单词 “being” 的用法

    Episode 230322 / 22 Mar 2023

    Learn ways to use the word ‘being’

  • If 从句的句型结构和时态规则

    If 从句的句型结构和时态规则

    Episode 230315 / 15 Mar 2023

    If you listen to this programme, you may learn a lot!

  • 辨析表示 “足够” 的单词:adequate、enough、sufficient

    辨析表示 “足够” 的单词:adequate、enough、sufficient

    Episode 230308 / 08 Mar 2023

    Do you have enough time for this programme?

  • 辨析表示 “变坏” 的动词:deteriorate, aggravate

    辨析表示 “变坏” 的动词:deteriorate, aggravate

    Episode 230301 / 01 Mar 2023

    Learn how to use these words to talk about things that are getting worse

  • 单词 gaze 和 stare 的区别

    单词 gaze 和 stare 的区别

    Episode 230222 / 22 Feb 2023

    Learn how to use 'gaze' and 'stare' correctly

  • 近义词辨析:recognise 和 identify

    近义词辨析:recognise 和 identify

    Episode 230215 / 15 Feb 2023

    Let's identify the key differences between these words

  • 区分表示 “复杂的” 形容词:complicated, complex, sophisticated

    区分表示 “复杂的” 形容词:complicated, complex, sophisticated

    Episode 230208 / 08 Feb 2023

    Is 'complicated' positive or negative?

  • 用法解析:intelligent, intellectual and intelligible

    用法解析:intelligent, intellectual and intelligible

    Episode 230201 / 01 Feb 2023

    Do you know the difference between these three words?

  • 近义词解析:concentrate, assemble, converge and focus

    近义词解析:concentrate, assemble, converge and focus

    Episode 230125 / 25 Jan 2023

    When do people concentrate?

  • 用法解析:单词词尾加 s 变新词

    用法解析:单词词尾加 s 变新词

    Episode 230118 / 18 Jan 2023

    What's the difference between 'wood' and 'woods'?

  • 区分表示 “避免” 的词:avoid, avert, prevent, refrain

    区分表示 “避免” 的词:avoid, avert, prevent, refrain

    Episode 230111 / 11 Jan 2023

    Do we 'avert' or 'avoid' somebody?

  • 英语音节划分和重读规则


    Episode 230104 / 04 Jan 2023

    How do syllables and word stress work in English?

  • 动词短语 light up 和 brighten up 一样吗?

    动词短语 light up 和 brighten up 一样吗?

    Episode 221228 / 28 Dec 2022

    We hope we brighten your day with this programme

  • 单词 surge 怎么用?

    单词 surge 怎么用?

    Episode 221221 / 21 Dec 2022

    When and how is the word 'surge' used?

  • 形容词辨析:interminable, unstoppable, ceaseless

    形容词辨析:interminable, unstoppable, ceaseless

    Episode 221214 / 14 Dec 2022

    After listening to this programme, you'll be unstoppable!

  • 用 wish, hope, may 表达祝福

    用 wish, hope, may 表达祝福

    Episode 221207 / 07 Dec 2022

    What are the differences between 'wish', 'hope' and 'may'?

  • Contribute, contribution, contributor 词根相同,词义不同

    Contribute, contribution, contributor 词根相同,词义不同

    Episode 221130 / 30 Nov 2022

    Learn words related to giving

  • 区分表示 “消毒” 的三个动词:disinfect, sterilise, sanitise

    区分表示 “消毒” 的三个动词:disinfect, sterilise, sanitise

    Episode 221123 / 23 Nov 2022

    Are your hands sanitised?

  • 表示 “使某人做某事” 的动词:seat, dress, convince

    表示 “使某人做某事” 的动词:seat, dress, convince

    Episode 221116 / 16 Nov 2022

    We hope to convince you that this lesson is useful!

  • Say, comment, remark, word 区分和 “言语” 有关的词

    Say, comment, remark, word 区分和 “言语” 有关的词

    Episode 221109 / 09 Nov 2022

    Leave us a comment

  • 情态动词 + have done 的用法

    情态动词 + have done 的用法

    Episode 221102 / 02 Nov 2022

    What’s the difference between 'would have' and 'should have'?

  • 单词 “seem” 的用法

    单词 “seem” 的用法

    Episode 221026 / 26 Oct 2022

    It seems that 'seem' can have different uses!

  • 辨析四个表示 “比赛” 的词:race, contest, competition, match

    辨析四个表示 “比赛” 的词:race, contest, competition, match

    Episode 221019 / 19 Oct 2022

    Do you know how to use ‘race’, ‘contest’, ‘competition’ and ‘match’ ?

  • 学习 develop 的多种用法

    学习 develop 的多种用法

    Episode 221012 / 12 Oct 2022

    How many uses of ‘develop’ are there?

  • 区分表示 “观众” 的名词:audience, viewer, spectator

    区分表示 “观众” 的名词:audience, viewer, spectator

    Episode 221005 / 05 Oct 2022

    Do you like watching films, sport and online videos?

  • 辨析量词搭配:a lot of, plenty of, amount, quantity, number

    辨析量词搭配:a lot of, plenty of, amount, quantity, number

    Episode 220928 / 28 Sep 2022

    There are a large number of things to learn from this lesson!

  • 辨析五个 “音乐” 词汇:tune, tone, note, pitch, notation

    辨析五个 “音乐” 词汇:tune, tone, note, pitch, notation

    Episode 220921 / 21 Sep 2022

    Learn how to use words related to music

  • 多义词 “appeal” 的常见用法

    多义词 “appeal” 的常见用法

    Episode 220914 / 14 Sep 2022

    We think this word has a wide appeal!

  • 学习 “wonder” 的多个用法

    学习 “wonder” 的多个用法

    Episode 220907 / 07 Sep 2022

    Are you wondering what ‘wonder’ means?

  • 辨析四个表示 “满足” 的名词

    辨析四个表示 “满足” 的名词

    Episode 220831 / 31 Aug 2022

    Will this be a pleasure?

  • 讲解与 “婚姻” 有关的英语说法

    讲解与 “婚姻” 有关的英语说法

    Episode 220824 / 24 Aug 2022

    Learn some words related to marriage!

  • 区分近义词:limit 和 curb

    区分近义词:limit 和 curb

    Episode 220817 / 17 Aug 2022

    This programme will make sure that there is no limit to your grammatical knowledge!

  • Interest, surprise and scare 分别怎么用?

    Interest, surprise and scare 分别怎么用?

    Episode 220810 / 10 Aug 2022

    Learn how to use these words

  • 辨析近义说法:testify, certify, verify, confirm and bear out

    辨析近义说法:testify, certify, verify, confirm and bear out

    Episode 220803 / 03 Aug 2022

    We can confirm this is useful

  • 英语口语中常见的连读现象


    Episode 220727 / 27 Jul 2022

    Speak like a native English speaker

  • 学习多义词 “hang” 的常见用法

    学习多义词 “hang” 的常见用法

    Episode 220720 / 20 Jul 2022

    Come and hang with us as we teach you all about this versatile word

  • 区分英语尊称 Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms

    区分英语尊称 Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms

    Episode 220713 / 13 Jul 2022

    Should you choose Mrs, Miss or Ms? Listen to find out!

  • 辨析表示 “预测” 的动词:predict 和 forecast

    辨析表示 “预测” 的动词:predict 和 forecast

    Episode 220706 / 06 Jul 2022

    Learn the difference between two closely-related verbs we use to make future estimations!

  • Linger 和 linger on 区别是什么?

    Linger 和 linger on 区别是什么?

    Episode 220629 / 29 Jun 2022

    Do you ever linger over the meanings of difficult words and expressions?

  • 浅谈英语中反身代词的用法


    Episode 220622 / 22 Jun 2022

    How are reflexive pronouns used?

  • Concession, sale, discount, off, deduction, rebate 六个和 “降价” 有关的词

    Concession, sale, discount, off, deduction, rebate 六个和 “降价” 有关的词

    Episode 220615 / 15 Jun 2022

    Six words about reduced prices

  • Stage, phase, spell, period 用法浅析

    Stage, phase, spell, period 用法浅析

    Episode 220608 / 08 Jun 2022

    Words for periods of time

  • 如何区分 shore、coast 和 bank

    如何区分 shore、coast 和 bank

    Episode 220601 / 01 Jun 2022

    Words for land that borders water

  • Composite, mixture, blend, synthetic 辨析有关 “混合物” 的单词

    Composite, mixture, blend, synthetic 辨析有关 “混合物” 的单词

    Episode 220525 / 25 May 2022

    Words to do with mixing things

  • Comprise, compose, incorporate, constitute, make up 区别是什么?

    Comprise, compose, incorporate, constitute, make up 区别是什么?

    Episode 220518 / 18 May 2022

    This is made up of some interesting points

  • 辨析情态动词:will, would, may, might

    辨析情态动词:will, would, may, might

    Episode 220511 / 11 May 2022

    You will want to listen to this

  • Certificate, credential, qualification, certification and licence 分别指哪种证书?

    Certificate, credential, qualification, certification and licence 分别指哪种证书?

    Episode 220504 / 04 May 2022

    Words that certify our studies or skills

  • Supervise, superintend, monitor, oversee 表示 “监督” 时的区别

    Supervise, superintend, monitor, oversee 表示 “监督” 时的区别

    Episode 220427 / 27 Apr 2022

    Words for monitoring exams

  • 表示 “渴望” 的五个词:desire, longing, yearn, dying, aspire

    表示 “渴望” 的五个词:desire, longing, yearn, dying, aspire

    Episode 220420 / 20 Apr 2022

    Here are some words you want

  • Retain, remain, maintain 区别是什么?

    Retain, remain, maintain 区别是什么?

    Episode 220413 / 13 Apr 2022

    Does ‘retain’, ‘remain’ and ‘maintain’ mean the same?

  • 区分表示 “放” 的动词:lay, place, put, set

    区分表示 “放” 的动词:lay, place, put, set

    Episode 220406 / 06 Apr 2022

    Words about positioning things

  • 英语中修饰动词的副词位置


    Episode 220330 / 30 Mar 2022

    Learn about the different positions of adverbs in English

  • 表示 “分数” 的词:point, score, mark

    表示 “分数” 的词:point, score, mark

    Episode 220323 / 23 Mar 2022

    We hope this episode gets a good mark

  • 表示 “超过” 的四个词:exceed, surpass, overtake, beyond

    表示 “超过” 的四个词:exceed, surpass, overtake, beyond

    Episode 220316 / 16 Mar 2022

    This lesson will exceed your expectations

  • 区分数学词汇:count, calculate, compute, reckon, work out

    区分数学词汇:count, calculate, compute, reckon, work out

    Episode 220309 / 09 Mar 2022

    Words for maths

  • 区分表示 “工资” 的词:wage, salary, pay

    区分表示 “工资” 的词:wage, salary, pay

    Episode 220302 / 02 Mar 2022

    Words for getting paid

  • 辨析近义词:abundant, ample, plentiful

    辨析近义词:abundant, ample, plentiful

    Episode 220223 / 23 Feb 2022

    An ample lesson – or is that abundant?

  • 辨析近义词:strategy, scheme, tactic

    辨析近义词:strategy, scheme, tactic

    Episode 220216 / 16 Feb 2022

    Learn words related to making a plan

  • 形容词辨析:emotional, sentimental, sensitive

    形容词辨析:emotional, sentimental, sensitive

    Episode 220209 / 09 Feb 2022

    How do we tell them apart?

  • Prosper, boom, thrive 区别是什么?

    Prosper, boom, thrive 区别是什么?

    Episode 220202 / 02 Feb 2022

    Your English will thrive after this lesson!

  • 区分 “吉利” 的形容词:lucky, fortunate, blessed, auspicious

    区分 “吉利” 的形容词:lucky, fortunate, blessed, auspicious

    Episode 220126 / 26 Jan 2022

    Learn the language of luck

  • 用 “lie, situated, located, be” 谈论位置

    用 “lie, situated, located, be” 谈论位置

    Episode 220119 / 19 Jan 2022

    Learn the language of location

  • 辨析和 “破坏” 有关的三个词:raze, ravage, ruin

    辨析和 “破坏” 有关的三个词:raze, ravage, ruin

    Episode 220112 / 12 Jan 2022

    Three ‘destructive’ words

  • 区分表示 “精致优雅” 的形容词: elegant, graceful, exquisite, refined

    区分表示 “精致优雅” 的形容词: elegant, graceful, exquisite, refined

    Episode 220105 / 05 Jan 2022

    Are you a graceful dancer?

  • 教你辨析: affirm, assert, allege, claim, declare

    教你辨析: affirm, assert, allege, claim, declare

    Episode 211229 / 29 Dec 2021

    Words related to announcing something

  • Sometime, some time, sometimes, some times 区别是什么?

    Sometime, some time, sometimes, some times 区别是什么?

    Episode 211222 / 22 Dec 2021

    Have you got some time to learn English with us?

  • 辨析表示 “脏” 的形容词:dirty, filthy, squalid

    辨析表示 “脏” 的形容词:dirty, filthy, squalid

    Episode 211215 / 15 Dec 2021

    Three 'dirty' words

  • 怎样用英语表示 “无奈”?

    怎样用英语表示 “无奈”?

    Episode 211208 / 08 Dec 2021

    Things you can say to describe having to accept an unpleasant situation

  • “水平” 用英语怎么说?

    “水平” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 211201 / 01 Dec 2021

    What are some other ways to talk about your capabilities?

  • 表示 “有毒的” 形容词:poisonous, toxic, noxious, virulent

    表示 “有毒的” 形容词:poisonous, toxic, noxious, virulent

    Episode 211124 / 24 Nov 2021

    What’s the difference between ‘toxic’, ‘poisonous’, ‘noxious’ and ‘virulent’?

  • 表示 “随意” 的近义词:casual, random, arbitrary

    表示 “随意” 的近义词:casual, random, arbitrary

    Episode 211117 / 17 Nov 2021

    Three very similar words, but are they used in the same way?

  • 辨析四个名词: diversity, variety, multiplicity, flexibility

    辨析四个名词: diversity, variety, multiplicity, flexibility

    Episode 211110 / 10 Nov 2021

    There are a variety of reasons why this programme is interesting!

  • Bloom,blossom 表示 “开花” 用哪个?

    Bloom,blossom 表示 “开花” 用哪个?

    Episode 211103 / 03 Nov 2021

    When to use ‘bloom’ and when to use ‘blossom’?

  • Promise、pledge 和 guarantee 有什么区别?

    Promise、pledge 和 guarantee 有什么区别?

    Episode 211027 / 27 Oct 2021

    What’s the difference between ‘promise’, ‘pledge’ and ‘guarantee’?

  • Subsidiary, affiliate, accessory 意思一样吗?

    Subsidiary, affiliate, accessory 意思一样吗?

    Episode 211020 / 20 Oct 2021

    Is a hat a fashion subsidiary, affiliate, or accessory?

  • Be going to, doing, be about to, mean to 区别是什么?

    Be going to, doing, be about to, mean to 区别是什么?

    Episode 211013 / 13 Oct 2021

    How do we talk about our intentions?

  • Make of, make from, make out of 用哪个?

    Make of, make from, make out of 用哪个?

    Episode 211006 / 06 Oct 2021

    Learn when to use ‘make of’, ‘make from’ and 'make out of'

  • 区分名词:shortcoming、drawback 和 demerit

    区分名词:shortcoming、drawback 和 demerit

    Episode 210929 / 29 Sep 2021

    Which word is the most formal?

  • Modify, revise, amend, alter 区别是什么?

    Modify, revise, amend, alter 区别是什么?

    Episode 210922 / 22 Sep 2021

    Learn when to use ‘revise’, ‘amend’, ‘modify’ and ‘alter’

  • Last, at last, lastly, finally 都可以表示 “最后” 吗?

    Last, at last, lastly, finally 都可以表示 “最后” 吗?

    Episode 210915 / 15 Sep 2021

    Can we use them in the same way?

  • 三个表示 “吃” 的动词:eat、have、take

    三个表示 “吃” 的动词:eat、have、take

    Episode 210908 / 08 Sep 2021

    Do we ‘eat lunch’ or ‘have lunch’?

  • 辨析表示 “稳定” 的形容词:stable 和 steady

    辨析表示 “稳定” 的形容词:stable 和 steady

    Episode 210901 / 01 Sep 2021

    Are the words ‘stable’ and ‘steady’ the same?

  • Inherent、intrinsic、innate 区别是什么?

    Inherent、intrinsic、innate 区别是什么?

    Episode 210825 / 25 Aug 2021

    Do you know the difference between ‘inherent’, ‘intrinsic’ and ‘innate’?

  • 如何使用 however、whereas 和 otherwise?

    如何使用 however、whereas 和 otherwise?

    Episode 210818 / 18 Aug 2021

    Do you want to learn how to use ‘however’, ‘whereas’ and ‘otherwise’ in English?

  • 讲英语时如何听起来更客气?


    Episode 210811 / 11 Aug 2021

    How to sound less blunt in English?

  • 区分形容词:responsive, receptive, swift

    区分形容词:responsive, receptive, swift

    Episode 210804 / 04 Aug 2021

    Is a leopard a responsive, receptive, or swift runner?

  • 多义词 “hold” 的常见用法

    多义词 “hold” 的常见用法

    Episode 210728 / 28 Jul 2021

    Do you know how to use the word ‘hold’?

  • 如何使用多义词 “figure”?

    如何使用多义词 “figure”?

    Episode 210721 / 21 Jul 2021

    Learn how to use the word ‘figure’

  • 介绍英语中的可数和不可数名词


    Episode 210714 / 14 Jul 2021

    Do you know when to use countable and uncountable nouns?

  • Tap、click、press、touch 区别是什么?

    Tap、click、press、touch 区别是什么?

    Episode 210707 / 07 Jul 2021

    What are the differences between these four words?

  • 英语职业类名词的常见后缀


    Episode 210630 / 30 Jun 2021

    Do you want to learn about suffixes in job titles in English?

  • 英国人在生活中怎样表述时间?


    Episode 210623 / 23 Jun 2021

    Do you want to know how British people speak about the time?

  • Happy to do or happy doing? 形容词后的动词形式

    Happy to do or happy doing? 形容词后的动词形式

    Episode 210616 / 16 Jun 2021

    Do you know when to use the infinitive or gerund after an adjective?

  • 区分搭配: take care of、care for、look after

    区分搭配: take care of、care for、look after

    Episode 210609 / 09 Jun 2021

    Do you care about learning the differences between these three similar expressions?

  • 辨析形容词: sceptical、suspicious、doubtful

    辨析形容词: sceptical、suspicious、doubtful

    Episode 210602 / 02 Jun 2021

    There’s no doubt that you’ll learn how to use these words

  • 辨析 “basis” 和 “base” 的区别

    辨析 “basis” 和 “base” 的区别

    Episode 210526 / 26 May 2021

    Are ‘basis’ and ‘base’ the same?

  • 发音讲解:口语中 /t/ 的省略

    发音讲解:口语中 /t/ 的省略

    Episode 210519 / 19 May 2021

    Where has the /t/ sound gone?

  • 介词 “against” 的六个常见用法

    介词 “against” 的六个常见用法

    Episode 210512 / 12 May 2021

    Learn six common uses of the word ‘against’ with us

  • Above all, most of all, first of all 区别是什么?

    Above all, most of all, first of all 区别是什么?

    Episode 210505 / 05 May 2021

    Which phrase is ‘the most important one’?

  • 讲解介词 “with” 的五个主要用法

    讲解介词 “with” 的五个主要用法

    Episode 210428 / 28 Apr 2021

    5 uses of the preposition ‘with’

  • 用一般现在时谈论将来


    Episode 210421 / 21 Apr 2021

    How do we talk about the future with the present simple tense?

  • 短元音 /æ/ 和双元音 /eɪ/ 的发音区别

    短元音 /æ/ 和双元音 /eɪ/ 的发音区别

    Episode 210414 / 14 Apr 2021

    Does the word ‘cat’ have the same vowel as ‘Kate’?

  • 区分两个表示 “以前” 的词: before 和 ago

    区分两个表示 “以前” 的词: before 和 ago

    Episode 210407 / 07 Apr 2021

    When do we use ‘before’ and when do we use ‘ago’?

  • 浊辅音 /ʒ/ 的正确发音方式

    浊辅音 /ʒ/ 的正确发音方式

    Episode 210331 / 31 Mar 2021

    How do you pronounce the word ‘usual’?

  • 辨析四个表示 “分配” 的词:distribute、allocate、assign 和 apportion

    辨析四个表示 “分配” 的词:distribute、allocate、assign 和 apportion

    Episode 210324 / 24 Mar 2021

    Listen to this programme and find out the difference between these four verbs

  • Respected, respectable, respectful 都是形容词,区别是什么?

    Respected, respectable, respectful 都是形容词,区别是什么?

    Episode 210317 / 17 Mar 2021

    Three adjectives that start with ‘respect’ but end with different suffixes

  • 辨析高频介词 for 和 of

    辨析高频介词 for 和 of

    Episode 210310 / 10 Mar 2021

    Two prepositions used differently

  • Spot、find 和 discover 表 “发现” 时的区别

    Spot、find 和 discover 表 “发现” 时的区别

    Episode 210303 / 03 Mar 2021

    How do you tell these verbs apart?

  • 近义词辨析:thorough, complete, total, entire, whole

    近义词辨析:thorough, complete, total, entire, whole

    Episode 210224 / 24 Feb 2021

    Five easily confused words

  • 形似但意异的两个动词:adopt 和 adapt

    形似但意异的两个动词:adopt 和 adapt

    Episode 210217 / 17 Feb 2021

    Learn the difference between ’adopt’ and ‘adapt’

  • 多义词 “set” 的十个用法

    多义词 “set” 的十个用法

    Episode 210210 / 10 Feb 2021

    We introduce ten uses of the word ‘set’

  • Bull、cold、pool 英语中的模糊舌边音 /l/ 怎么读?

    Bull、cold、pool 英语中的模糊舌边音 /l/ 怎么读?

    Episode 210203 / 03 Feb 2021

    Learn how to pronounce the dark L sound in English

  • 学习如何区分动词 combine、consolidate 和 merge

    学习如何区分动词 combine、consolidate 和 merge

    Episode 210127 / 27 Jan 2021

    Three words related to putting things together

  • “21世纪头十年” 怎么说? 年代和世纪的英语表达方式

    “21世纪头十年” 怎么说? 年代和世纪的英语表达方式

    Episode 210120 / 20 Jan 2021

    Which decade does ‘the 1980s’ refer to?

  • 辨析和 “疾病” 有关的名词: infection、contagion 和 epidemic

    辨析和 “疾病” 有关的名词: infection、contagion 和 epidemic

    Episode 210113 / 13 Jan 2021

    How do you tell these three nouns apart?

  • 口语小词 “bit” 的主要用法

    口语小词 “bit” 的主要用法

    Episode 210106 / 06 Jan 2021

    Learn how to use the word ‘bit’ in this programme

  • 形容词 available 和 accessible 有什么区别?

    形容词 available 和 accessible 有什么区别?

    Episode 201230 / 30 Dec 2020

    How to distinguish the differences between ‘available’ and ‘accessible’?

  • 介词 “over” 的意思不只是 “在上方” 这样简单

    介词 “over” 的意思不只是 “在上方” 这样简单

    Episode 201223 / 23 Dec 2020

    Learn how to use the preposition ‘over’

  • “表情包”、“表情符号”、“贴图” 用英语怎么说?

    “表情包”、“表情符号”、“贴图” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 201216 / 16 Dec 2020

    Do you use these on social media?

  • 常用副词 actually、virtually 和 practically 的区别

    常用副词 actually、virtually 和 practically 的区别

    Episode 201209 / 09 Dec 2020

    Can you tell these three adverbs apart?

  • 辨析表示 “出现” 的动词: emerge、appear、loom 和 show

    辨析表示 “出现” 的动词: emerge、appear、loom 和 show

    Episode 201202 / 02 Dec 2020

    Four words associated with visibility

  • 如何分辨近义词 motionless 和 stationary

    如何分辨近义词 motionless 和 stationary

    Episode 201125 / 25 Nov 2020

    Both words mean ‘not moving’. What’s the difference?

  • 辨析表示 “到达” 的动词:get、arrive 和 reach

    辨析表示 “到达” 的动词:get、arrive 和 reach

    Episode 201118 / 18 Nov 2020

    Three verbs about reaching a destination

  • Prize、award、reward 这三种 “奖” 的区别是什么?

    Prize、award、reward 这三种 “奖” 的区别是什么?

    Episode 201111 / 11 Nov 2020

    You’ve won a competition – do you get a prize, an award or a reward?

  • Read, say, write, tell 哪个动词表示 “写着”?

    Read, say, write, tell 哪个动词表示 “写着”?

    Episode 201104 / 04 Nov 2020

    All four verbs can be used to give information

  • Should, ought to, be supposed to 都能表示 “应当”,区别是什么?

    Should, ought to, be supposed to 都能表示 “应当”,区别是什么?

    Episode 201028 / 28 Oct 2020

    What’s the difference? You ‘should’ know!

  • 辨析四个名词:gesture, signal, sign and symbol

    辨析四个名词:gesture, signal, sign and symbol

    Episode 201021 / 21 Oct 2020

    Learn how to use these four nouns through a short story

  • 辨析近义词:improve, enhance, promote

    辨析近义词:improve, enhance, promote

    Episode 201014 / 14 Oct 2020

    What is the difference between these three verbs?

  • Experiment, test, trial 分别指哪种 “试验”?

    Experiment, test, trial 分别指哪种 “试验”?

    Episode 201007 / 07 Oct 2020

    ‘Test’ out your knowledge of these three synonyms

  • “跟我来” 的英语说法:follow me、come along with me、come on

    “跟我来” 的英语说法:follow me、come along with me、come on

    Episode 200930 / 30 Sep 2020

    Come on! Join us in this Question and Answer of the Week

  • 辨析表示 “单独的” 词语:individual、standalone、sole

    辨析表示 “单独的” 词语:individual、standalone、sole

    Episode 200923 / 23 Sep 2020

    Three words, used to describe one thing

  • 全面解析多义词 “pitch”

    全面解析多义词 “pitch”

    Episode 200916 / 16 Sep 2020

    One word, multiple meanings

  • 如何区分 productive 和 prolific?

    如何区分 productive 和 prolific?

    Episode 200909 / 09 Sep 2020

    Find out how to distinguish these two adjectives

  • Competition words 半决赛、决赛、淘汰赛用英语怎么说?

    Competition words 半决赛、决赛、淘汰赛用英语怎么说?

    Episode 200902 / 02 Sep 2020

    How do you describe a tournament to your friends in English?

  • 辨析表示 “腐烂” 的动词:rot、decay、spoil

    辨析表示 “腐烂” 的动词:rot、decay、spoil

    Episode 200826 / 26 Aug 2020

    All three words can be used to talk about inedible food

  • 辨析两个表示 “金钱惩罚” 的词:penalty and fine

    辨析两个表示 “金钱惩罚” 的词:penalty and fine

    Episode 200819 / 19 Aug 2020

    Do they refer to the same kind of punishment?

  • 单词辨析:学术写作中的 quote, citation 和 reference

    单词辨析:学术写作中的 quote, citation 和 reference

    Episode 200812 / 12 Aug 2020

    Three ways to talk about other people’s words in academic writing

  • 英语发音技巧:元音与元音的连读现象


    Episode 200805 / 05 Aug 2020

    Where does the sound /j/ come from?

  • 辨析表示 “危险” 的三个名词:danger、peril 和 hazard

    辨析表示 “危险” 的三个名词:danger、peril 和 hazard

    Episode 200729 / 29 Jul 2020

    Three words associated with harm and loss

  • Whether and if 辨析两个表示 “是否” 的引导词

    Whether and if 辨析两个表示 “是否” 的引导词

    Episode 200722 / 22 Jul 2020

    Whether to use ‘whether’ or ‘if’

  • 辨析与 “菜肴、饮食” 有关的名词:Dish, course, diet, cuisine

    辨析与 “菜肴、饮食” 有关的名词:Dish, course, diet, cuisine

    Episode 200715 / 15 Jul 2020

    It’s all about food!

  • 辨析表示 “当” 的连接词:when, as, while

    辨析表示 “当” 的连接词:when, as, while

    Episode 200708 / 08 Jul 2020

    We can use all of them to talk about time – but how?

  • 易混词语辨析:consistent, constant and persistent

    易混词语辨析:consistent, constant and persistent

    Episode 200701 / 01 Jul 2020

    Three words used to describe things that remain or behave the same

  • Months、cloths、clothes 发音难点解析

    Months、cloths、clothes 发音难点解析

    Episode 200624 / 24 Jun 2020

    Do you know how to pronounce the last two consonants in these three words?

  • Barbecue, grill, roast, broil, toast, bake 辨析表示 “烤” 的烹饪词语

    Barbecue, grill, roast, broil, toast, bake 辨析表示 “烤” 的烹饪词语

    Episode 200617 / 17 Jun 2020

    This programme explains how to use these cooking-related words

  • Top, summit, peak 辨析表示 “顶端” 的名词

    Top, summit, peak 辨析表示 “顶端” 的名词

    Episode 200610 / 10 Jun 2020

    How do you tell these three words apart?

  • Deny, reject, refuse 表 “拒绝” 的三个动词

    Deny, reject, refuse 表 “拒绝” 的三个动词

    Episode 200603 / 03 Jun 2020

    All three words can be used to mean ‘not accept’ something

  • “话费、流量、套餐” 用英语怎么说?

    “话费、流量、套餐” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 200527 / 27 May 2020

    Language related to using your mobile phone

  • 多义词 “charge” 的四个用法

    多义词 “charge” 的四个用法

    Episode 200520 / 20 May 2020

    Take charge of your English learning!

  •  辨析四个表示 “比率” 的近义词:proportion, rate, ratio, percentage

    辨析四个表示 “比率” 的近义词:proportion, rate, ratio, percentage

    Episode 200513 / 13 May 2020

    Learn how to distinguish these four nouns

  • 区分表 “无聊” 的四个常用词:tedious, boring, drab, mundane

    区分表 “无聊” 的四个常用词:tedious, boring, drab, mundane

    Episode 200506 / 06 May 2020

    Four interesting words used to talk about uninteresting things

  • 多义词 “term” 的用法

    多义词 “term” 的用法

    Episode 200429 / 29 Apr 2020

    What does 'term' mean?

  • Cherish, treasure, value 分别表示怎样的 “珍惜”?

    Cherish, treasure, value 分别表示怎样的 “珍惜”?

    Episode 200422 / 22 Apr 2020

    Learn the different connotations of these three words

  • Whisk, beat or whip  “打” 鸡蛋的 “打” 用英语怎么说?

    Whisk, beat or whip “打” 鸡蛋的 “打” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 200415 / 15 Apr 2020

    Do you like cooking?

  • Preserve, conserve, reserve 辨析表示 “保护、保留” 的词语

    Preserve, conserve, reserve 辨析表示 “保护、保留” 的词语

    Episode 200408 / 08 Apr 2020

    Learn the difference between ‘preserve’, ‘conserve’ and ‘conserve’ in this programme

  • Bother, disturb and trouble 三个表示 “打扰” 的词语

    Bother, disturb and trouble 三个表示 “打扰” 的词语

    Episode 200401 / 01 Apr 2020

    Q&A of the Week explains the difference between ‘bother’, ‘disturb’ and ‘trouble’

  • Everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere 王子 “到处” 寻找灰姑娘——“到处” 应该用哪个副词?

    Everywhere, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere 王子 “到处” 寻找灰姑娘——“到处” 应该用哪个副词?

    Episode 200325 / 25 Mar 2020

    Will there be a happy ending in this programme?

  • 英语中常见的连接词和转折词


    Episode 200318 / 18 Mar 2020

    When do we use ‘with respect to’ and when do we use ‘about’ or ‘as for’?

  • 怎样用英语说 “生某人的气”? Annoyed at or annoyed with

    怎样用英语说 “生某人的气”? Annoyed at or annoyed with

    Episode 200311 / 11 Mar 2020

    Learn the language to describe anger and annoyance

  • 同义词辨析:shut 和 close

    同义词辨析:shut 和 close

    Episode 200304 / 04 Mar 2020

    Do we shut or close a window? Q&A has the answer

  • 名词辨析:tourist, holidaymaker 和 visitor

    名词辨析:tourist, holidaymaker 和 visitor

    Episode 200226 / 26 Feb 2020

    When is someone a tourist and when is someone a holidaymaker or a visitor?

  • 区分表示 “让人感兴趣” 的动词:interest、fascinate 和 engage

    区分表示 “让人感兴趣” 的动词:interest、fascinate 和 engage

    Episode 200219 / 19 Feb 2020

    Hopefully this Q&A is interesting, fascinating and engaging

  • ‘There be’ or ‘there has’? 用英语说 “有”

    ‘There be’ or ‘there has’? 用英语说 “有”

    Episode 200212 / 12 Feb 2020

    ‘There is a boy.’ or ‘there has a boy’?

  • Ordinary, normal, common 区分表示 “普通的” 三个词语

    Ordinary, normal, common 区分表示 “普通的” 三个词语

    Episode 200205 / 05 Feb 2020

    What’s the difference between these three ‘usual’ words?

  • Reading large numbers and years 数字和年份的英语读法

    Reading large numbers and years 数字和年份的英语读法

    Episode 200129 / 29 Jan 2020

    How do I say 1,000,000,000,000?

  • Incentive, bonus, perk and benefits 这些表示 “福利” 的词语,区别是什么?

    Incentive, bonus, perk and benefits 这些表示 “福利” 的词语,区别是什么?

    Episode 200122 / 22 Jan 2020

    What type of benefits do these words refer to?

  • Brave, valiant, courage 辨析三个表 “勇敢” 的词

    Brave, valiant, courage 辨析三个表 “勇敢” 的词

    Episode 200115 / 15 Jan 2020

    Learn the difference between ‘brave', ‘valiant’ and ‘courage’ in Q&A

  • Inheritance, legacy, heritage 辨析:三个表示 “遗产” 的名词

    Inheritance, legacy, heritage 辨析:三个表示 “遗产” 的名词

    Episode 200108 / 08 Jan 2020

    Learn the difference in usage between ‘inheritance’, ‘legacy’ and ‘heritage’

  •  “钟不准,需要校对” 用英语怎么说?

    “钟不准,需要校对” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 200101 / 01 Jan 2020

    Learn the expressions you can use when your clock doesn’t keep good time

  • 单词辨析:Other, others, the others, any other, another

    单词辨析:Other, others, the others, any other, another

    Episode 191225 / 25 Dec 2019

    Here's another great Q&A of the Week

  • Try, attempt, endeavour 表示 “尝试” 的三个动词

    Try, attempt, endeavour 表示 “尝试” 的三个动词

    Episode 191218 / 18 Dec 2019

    Try it! Learn the difference between these three words

  • Street, avenue, road, lane, boulevard “街道” 的五种说法

    Street, avenue, road, lane, boulevard “街道” 的五种说法

    Episode 191211 / 11 Dec 2019

    Street, road, or lane? - find out the difference in this Q&A of the Week

  • Remind, alert, warn 三个表示 “提醒” 的词语

    Remind, alert, warn 三个表示 “提醒” 的词语

    Episode 191204 / 04 Dec 2019

    ‘Remind’, ‘alert’ or ‘warn’ - find out the difference in this Q&A of the Week

  • Language, lingo, tongue 三个表 “语言” 的名词之间的区别

    Language, lingo, tongue 三个表 “语言” 的名词之间的区别

    Episode 191127 / 27 Nov 2019

    What language is 'language'?

  • Jeer, taunt, flout 三个表示行为态度 “不屑” 的动词

    Jeer, taunt, flout 三个表示行为态度 “不屑” 的动词

    Episode 191120 / 20 Nov 2019

    People say the rudest things

  • Vague, ambiguous, obscure 用三个形容词说 “模糊不清”

    Vague, ambiguous, obscure 用三个形容词说 “模糊不清”

    Episode 191113 / 13 Nov 2019

    Let us clarify these useful words!

  • Sure, certain, definite 三个表示 “确定” 的形容词

    Sure, certain, definite 三个表示 “确定” 的形容词

    Episode 191106 / 06 Nov 2019

    Are you sure about these words?

  • Silent, mute, reticent 三个表示 “无声” 的形容词

    Silent, mute, reticent 三个表示 “无声” 的形容词

    Episode 191030 / 30 Oct 2019

    Learn vocabulary about being quiet

  • 区分表示 “欺骗” 的动词 deceive, con and dupe

    区分表示 “欺骗” 的动词 deceive, con and dupe

    Episode 191023 / 23 Oct 2019

    Learn three useful words about trickery and dishonesty

  • Fill in and fill out 区分表示 “填写” 的两个动词短语

    Fill in and fill out 区分表示 “填写” 的两个动词短语

    Episode 191016 / 16 Oct 2019

    Fill in or fill out?

  • 常用的从句引导词:who, which, that, whoever, whichever

    常用的从句引导词:who, which, that, whoever, whichever

    Episode 191009 / 09 Oct 2019

    Do you know how to make noun clauses?

  • Sparkle, glitter, twinkle, radiate 四个表示 “发光、闪烁” 的词语

    Sparkle, glitter, twinkle, radiate 四个表示 “发光、闪烁” 的词语

    Episode 191002 / 02 Oct 2019

    Q&A of the Week looks at four bright words

  • Angle and perspective 一对表示 “角度” 的词语

    Angle and perspective 一对表示 “角度” 的词语

    Episode 190925 / 25 Sep 2019

    Learn two useful words about seeing and understanding

  • Sleep in, sleep over, turn in 三个和 “睡觉” 有关的动词搭配

    Sleep in, sleep over, turn in 三个和 “睡觉” 有关的动词搭配

    Episode 190918 / 18 Sep 2019

    Learn three useful sleep verbs in this Q&A of the Week

  • Human, humankind, people, humanity 用英语说 “人”

    Human, humankind, people, humanity 用英语说 “人”

    Episode 190911 / 11 Sep 2019

    What are we? Humans, people, humankind or all of them?

  • Prominent and outstanding 表示人和事物 “突出的,卓越的” 形容词

    Prominent and outstanding 表示人和事物 “突出的,卓越的” 形容词

    Episode 190904 / 04 Sep 2019

    What are the differences between these two adjectives?

  • Tall and high 两者都可以表示“高的”,区别是什么?

    Tall and high 两者都可以表示“高的”,区别是什么?

    Episode 190828 / 28 Aug 2019

    Tall and high – what’s the difference?

  • Spin, whirl, rotate and revolve 四个表示 “旋转” 的近义词

    Spin, whirl, rotate and revolve 四个表示 “旋转” 的近义词

    Episode 190821 / 21 Aug 2019

    Four types of circular movements

  • Decide, determine and resolve 三个表示 “决定” 的动词

    Decide, determine and resolve 三个表示 “决定” 的动词

    Episode 190814 / 14 Aug 2019

    This Q&A will help you make up your mind about these three words

  • Sophisticated, experienced and skilled 三个词形容人 “经验丰富”

    Sophisticated, experienced and skilled 三个词形容人 “经验丰富”

    Episode 190807 / 07 Aug 2020

    Describing someone with a good knowledge of something

  • Disappear, vanish and extinguish 表示 “消失” 的三个动词

    Disappear, vanish and extinguish 表示 “消失” 的三个动词

    Episode 190731 / 31 Jul 2019

    To stop or cease to exist

  • Referee, umpire, judge, official 四个表 “裁判” 的近义词

    Referee, umpire, judge, official 四个表 “裁判” 的近义词

    Episode 190724 / 24 Jul 2019

    We talk sports in this Q&A of the week

  • Stay and keep 表示 “保持” 的高频动词

    Stay and keep 表示 “保持” 的高频动词

    Episode 190717 / 17 Jul 2019

    Both verbs mean to continue a state or an action

  • Little, a little, few, a few 区分形容 “量少” 的四个说法

    Little, a little, few, a few 区分形容 “量少” 的四个说法

    Episode 190710 / 10 Jul 2019

    Two pairs of very tricky but useful quantifiers

  • Live, dwell and inhabit 三个表示 “居住” 的近义词

    Live, dwell and inhabit 三个表示 “居住” 的近义词

    Episode 190703 / 03 Jul 2019

    Which word should we use to ask someone where their home is?

  • Fellow, companion and partner 三个表示 “同伴” 的近义词

    Fellow, companion and partner 三个表示 “同伴” 的近义词

    Episode 190626 / 26 Jun 2019

    Which one would you rather have – a fellow, a companion or a partner?

  • Debunk, disclose and reveal “揭秘” 三个动词的区别

    Debunk, disclose and reveal “揭秘” 三个动词的区别

    Episode 190619 / 19 Jun 2019

    Three synonyms about showing what was hidden

  • Way, method and means 表 “方式” 的近义词

    Way, method and means 表 “方式” 的近义词

    Episode 190612 / 12 Jun 2019

    Learn the difference between ‘way’, ‘method’ and ‘means’

  • Assume and presume 表示 “假定” 的两个词

    Assume and presume 表示 “假定” 的两个词

    Episode 190605 / 05 Jun 2019

    Learn the difference between ‘assume’ and ‘presume’

  • Scope and range 一对表示 “范围” 的名词

    Scope and range 一对表示 “范围” 的名词

    Episode 190529 / 29 May 2019

    Learn the difference between ‘scope’ and ‘range’

  • 用三个英语搭配说 “不速之客”

    用三个英语搭配说 “不速之客”

    Episode 190522 / 22 May 2019

    Learn the difference between these three phrases

  • Leisure and pleasure 用一对近义词说 “乐事”

    Leisure and pleasure 用一对近义词说 “乐事”

    Episode 190515 / 15 May 2019

    What do you enjoy doing the most?

  • 比较 acquire 和 achieve 表 “获得” 时的区别

    比较 acquire 和 achieve 表 “获得” 时的区别

    Episode 190508 / 08 May 2019

    What do you ‘acquire’ and what do you ‘achieve’?

  • Loop, repeat and replay “单曲循环” 用哪个词?

    Loop, repeat and replay “单曲循环” 用哪个词?

    Episode 190501 / 01 May 2019

    How do you say ‘to listen to a piece of music again and again’?

  • Supply and provide 两个表示 “提供” 的动词

    Supply and provide 两个表示 “提供” 的动词

    Episode 190424 / 24 Apr 2019

    Do you know how to tell these two verbs apart?

  • 用英语说 “得罪” 和 “冒犯”

    用英语说 “得罪” 和 “冒犯”

    Episode 190417 / 17 Apr 2019

    No offence, but it’s time to learn some English phrases

  • 多义词 “power” 的八个用法

    多义词 “power” 的八个用法

    Episode 190410 / 10 Apr 2019

    A word that has multiple meanings

  • Sick and ill 辨析两个表示 “生病” 的近义词

    Sick and ill 辨析两个表示 “生病” 的近义词

    Episode 190403 / 03 Apr 2019

    Two adjectives that could both mean feeling ‘unwell’

  • Shattered, chipped and cracked 三个表示 “碎裂” 的形容词

    Shattered, chipped and cracked 三个表示 “碎裂” 的形容词

    Episode 190327 / 27 Mar 2019

    Three verbs that describe a very similar type of movement

  • Shake, shiver and shudder 三个表示 “颤抖” 的动词

    Shake, shiver and shudder 三个表示 “颤抖” 的动词

    Episode 190320 / 20 Mar 2019

    Three verbs that describe a very similar type of movement

  • Put on, wear, dress and be dressed in 用英语说 “穿”

    Put on, wear, dress and be dressed in 用英语说 “穿”

    Episode 190313 / 13 Mar 2019

    What is the difference between ‘wear’, ‘put on’ and ‘dress’?

  • Fault, flaw and weakness 三个表示性格 “缺陷” 的词

    Fault, flaw and weakness 三个表示性格 “缺陷” 的词

    Episode 190306 / 06 Mar 2019

    Which words do we use to describe the negative aspects of someone’s personality?

  • Pop in, pop out, and pop round 用这些搭配表示 “去某处”

    Pop in, pop out, and pop round 用这些搭配表示 “去某处”

    Episode 190227 / 27 Feb 2019

    Learn how to use ‘pop in’, ‘pop out’, and ‘pop round’

  • Thaw and melt 表示 “融化” 的一对近义词

    Thaw and melt 表示 “融化” 的一对近义词

    Episode 190220 / 20 Feb 2019

    Learn how to distinguish between ‘thaw’ and ‘melt’

  • Friendly and informal addresses  介绍一些英国人常用的友好称呼

    Friendly and informal addresses 介绍一些英国人常用的友好称呼

    Episode 190213 / 13 Feb 2019

    Learn when and how to use some friendly terms for addressing people

  • Stop, pause and halt 用三个近义词说 “停”

    Stop, pause and halt 用三个近义词说 “停”

    Episode 190130 / 30 Jan 2019

    Learn three synonyms that can all be used to describe the end of an action

  • Tiny, little and small 三个表示 “小” 的词语

    Tiny, little and small 三个表示 “小” 的词语

    Episode 190123 / 23 Jan 2019

    Learn three synonyms that can be used to describe the size of things

  • Never 和 ever:区分两个易混副词

    Never 和 ever:区分两个易混副词

    Episode 190116 / 16 Jan 2019

    Never ever!

  • Password, PIN and code “密码” 用英语怎么说?

    Password, PIN and code “密码” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 190109 / 09 Jan 2019

    Three ‘secret’ words

  • 多义词 “credit” 的几种用法

    多义词 “credit” 的几种用法

    Episode 190102 / 02 Jan 2019

    Learn how to use the word ‘credit’ in different ways

  • Neglect, omit and ignore 三个表示 “疏忽” 的单词

    Neglect, omit and ignore 三个表示 “疏忽” 的单词

    Episode 181226 / 26 Dec 2018

    Attention, please!

  • Conductor, attendant and inspector 交通工具上 “服务员” 的各类英语说法

    Conductor, attendant and inspector 交通工具上 “服务员” 的各类英语说法

    Episode 181219 / 19 Dec 2018

    Learn the job titles of people who work in transport

  • Oral, spoken and verbal 三个和 “说” 有关的词语

    Oral, spoken and verbal 三个和 “说” 有关的词语

    Episode 181212 / 12 Dec 2018

    Learn three words related to words and speech

  • Translation, adaptation and version 和 “版本” 有关的英语词汇

    Translation, adaptation and version 和 “版本” 有关的英语词汇

    Episode 181205 / 05 Dec 2018

    Learn three words about different forms of the same thing

  • Appointment, engagement and date 表示 “约会” 的单词

    Appointment, engagement and date 表示 “约会” 的单词

    Episode 181128 / 28 Nov 2018

    Learn three words about meetings

  • 用英语描述比分和赛况


    Episode 181121 / 21 Nov 2018

    Learn how to say match scores in English

  • Protect, shield and guard 三个表示 “保护” 的词语

    Protect, shield and guard 三个表示 “保护” 的词语

    Episode 181114 / 14 Nov 2018

    Learn how to use three similar verbs

  • 用英语问候生病的朋友


    Episode 181107 / 07 Nov 2018

    Learn some English expressions you can use to show support to a sick friend

  • 单词 “off” 作介词的用法

    单词 “off” 作介词的用法

    Episode 181031 / 31 Oct 2018

    Learn the meanings of the word ‘off’ when it’s used as a preposition

  • 表示 “登录” 和 “注册” 的词语

    表示 “登录” 和 “注册” 的词语

    Episode 181024 / 24 Oct 2018

    Learn a few commonly seen terms about computers and the internet

  • Mood, emotion and temper 和 “情绪、心情” 有关的三个词

    Mood, emotion and temper 和 “情绪、心情” 有关的三个词

    Episode 181017 / 17 Oct 2018

    Learn which words to use when you want to express your feelings

  • 形容词 “effective” 和 “efficient” 的区别

    形容词 “effective” 和 “efficient” 的区别

    Episode 181010 / 10 Oct 2018

    Learn how to distinguish between these two adjectives!

  • Survey, research and investigate 三个表示 “调查” 的英语词汇

    Survey, research and investigate 三个表示 “调查” 的英语词汇

    Episode 181003 / 03 Oct 2018

    Find out how to distinguish these three words related to academic activities

  • Writing addresses in English 怎样用英语写地址?

    Writing addresses in English 怎样用英语写地址?

    Episode 180926 / 26 Sep 2018

    Find out how to write an address correctly in English

  • Simulate and imitate 表示 “模仿” 的英语词汇

    Simulate and imitate 表示 “模仿” 的英语词汇

    Episode 180919 / 19 Sep 2018

    Stop copying what others do!

  • Check with, check in with, touch base 办公室里常用的商务英语词汇

    Check with, check in with, touch base 办公室里常用的商务英语词汇

    Episode 180912 / 12 Sep 2018

    Can you tell the difference between these collocations?

  • “文艺” 用英语怎么说?

    “文艺” 用英语怎么说?

    Episode 180905 / 05 Sep 2018

    Are you a hipster?

  • “卫生间” 是 toilet、bathroom 还是 WC?

    “卫生间” 是 toilet、bathroom 还是 WC?

    Episode 180829 / 29 Aug 2018

    How do we ask for directions if we need to go to the loo?

  • Entrance and access 两个表示 “入口” 的词语

    Entrance and access 两个表示 “入口” 的词语

    Episode 180822 / 22 Aug 2018

    Entrance vs access – can you tell the difference?

  • Course, subject, discipline and speciality  区分四个表示 “专业” 的词语

    Course, subject, discipline and speciality 区分四个表示 “专业” 的词语

    Episode 180815 / 15 Aug 2018

    What subjects did you do at school?

  • 辨析 “I get it” 和 “I’ve got it” 的区别

    辨析 “I get it” 和 “I’ve got it” 的区别

    Episode 180808 / 08 Aug 2018

    Do you get it?

  •  Equipment、 device 和 appliance 区分三个表示“设备”的词语

    Equipment、 device 和 appliance 区分三个表示“设备”的词语

    Episode 180801 / 01 Aug 2018

    Find out the difference between these three words

  • Tradition, custom and convention 三个和“传统”有关的单词

    Tradition, custom and convention 三个和“传统”有关的单词

    Episode 180725 / 25 Jul 2018

    Learn the difference between these three words

  • Argue, quarrel, debate 三个表示“争论、争吵”的单词

    Argue, quarrel, debate 三个表示“争论、争吵”的单词

    Episode 180718 / 18 Jul 2018

    Learn the difference between these three ‘angry’ words

  • Panic, panicky, panicked 三个与“恐慌”有关的单词

    Panic, panicky, panicked 三个与“恐慌”有关的单词

    Episode 180704 / 04 Jul 2018

    A few words related to ‘panic’

  • Entertainment, amusement, recreation 和 pastime 四个表示“娱乐”的名词

    Entertainment, amusement, recreation 和 pastime 四个表示“娱乐”的名词

    Episode 180627 / 27 Jun 2018

    How do you spend your spare time?

  • State, condition, situation and status 表示“状态、情况”的词语

    State, condition, situation and status 表示“状态、情况”的词语

    Episode 180620 / 20 Jun 2018

    Learn the difference between these four words

  • Odd, weird and strange 三个“奇怪的”形容词

    Odd, weird and strange 三个“奇怪的”形容词

    Episode 180613 / 13 Jun 2018

    Learn how to use three ‘bizarre’ words

  • Negative prefixes 英语中的否定前缀

    Negative prefixes 英语中的否定前缀

    Episode 180606 / 06 Jun 2018

    Learn all about negative prefixes!

  • Fragile and brittle 表示“脆弱”的形容词

    Fragile and brittle 表示“脆弱”的形容词

    Episode 180530 / 30 May 2018

    Handle with care!

  • Conference 和 convention 的区别

    Conference 和 convention 的区别

    Episode 180523 / 23 May 2018

    Learn the difference between these meeting-related words

  • Fake, counterfeit and bogus 三个表示“假”的形容词

    Fake, counterfeit and bogus 三个表示“假”的形容词

    Episode 180516 / 16 May 2018

    Not real

  • Wave, current and tide 三个表示“浪潮”的词语

    Wave, current and tide 三个表示“浪潮”的词语

    Episode 180509 / 09 May 2018

    Learn to distinguish three water-related words

  • As 小词多义

    As 小词多义

    Episode 180502 / 02 May 2018

    How well do you know the word ‘as’?

  • Clip, clamp and clasp 三个表示“抓住、夹住”的单词

    Clip, clamp and clasp 三个表示“抓住、夹住”的单词

    Episode 180425 / 25 Apr 2018

    Which action is the strongest?

  • Project 和 programme 的区别

    Project 和 programme 的区别

    Episode 180418 / 18 Apr 2018

    Learn the difference between these two work-related words

  • Inflate, swell and bloat 三个表示“膨胀”的单词

    Inflate, swell and bloat 三个表示“膨胀”的单词

    Episode 180411 / 11 Apr 2018

    How do you distinguish these three synonyms?

  • Exercise 的多种含义和用法

    Exercise 的多种含义和用法

    Episode 180404 / 04 Apr 2018

    Exercise can make you stronger - both physically and mentally

  • Table, diagram, graph and chart 表示“图表”的四个英语单词

    Table, diagram, graph and chart 表示“图表”的四个英语单词

    Episode 180328 / 28 Mar 2018

    Can you tell the difference between these words?

  • Except, except for, apart from, besides 四种表示“除了”的说法

    Except, except for, apart from, besides 四种表示“除了”的说法

    Episode 180321 / 21 Mar 2018

    Except, except for, apart from and besides – which one should we use?

  • Inverted,upside down 和 reverse 三个表示“颠倒”的单词

    Inverted,upside down 和 reverse 三个表示“颠倒”的单词

    Episode 180314 / 14 Mar 2018

    What is the difference between these three words?

  • Rival, opponent, competitor and contestant 表示“对手、竞争者”的近义词辨析

    Rival, opponent, competitor and contestant 表示“对手、竞争者”的近义词辨析

    Episode 180307 / 07 Mar 2018

    Which word would you use to call your longstanding competitor?

  • 单词 overlook、oversee 和 oversight 的不同

    单词 overlook、oversee 和 oversight 的不同

    Episode 180228 / 28 Feb 2018

    What is the difference between these three similar-looking words?

  • 单词 update 和 upgrade 的区别

    单词 update 和 upgrade 的区别

    Episode 180207 / 07 Feb 2018

    Learn the difference between these computer-related words

  • 酒店里 “double room” 和 “twin room” 的区别

    酒店里 “double room” 和 “twin room” 的区别

    Episode 180131 / 31 Jan 2018

    Learn to book the room you want in English

  • Castigate, accuse and reprimand 三个和“批评,谴责”有关的单词

    Castigate, accuse and reprimand 三个和“批评,谴责”有关的单词

    Episode 180124 / 24 Jan 2018

    Learn three words related to ‘strong criticism’

  • Feature, trait and characteristics 三个和“特征”有关的单词

    Feature, trait and characteristics 三个和“特征”有关的单词

    Episode 180117 / 17 Jan 2018

    These three words can all mean the particular or special quality of someone or something

  • Project、protrude 和 jut 三个表示“伸出、突出”的动词

    Project、protrude 和 jut 三个表示“伸出、突出”的动词

    Episode 180110 / 10 Jan 2018

    A few alternatives to ‘stick out’

  • Trail, track and trace 和“追踪、踪迹”有关的三个词

    Trail, track and trace 和“追踪、踪迹”有关的三个词

    Episode 180103 / 03 Jan 2018

    Learn three words that look similar and can mean similar things

  • Therapy, treatment and remedy 三个与“治疗”有关的单词

    Therapy, treatment and remedy 三个与“治疗”有关的单词

    Episode 171227 / 27 Dec 2017

    Learn three synonyms related to curing illnesses

  • Appendix、annex 和 attachment 三个表示“附件”的单词

    Appendix、annex 和 attachment 三个表示“附件”的单词

    Episode 171220 / 20 Dec 2017

    Extra information you add at the end of a piece of written work

  • Gold and golden 两个表示“金”的单词

    Gold and golden 两个表示“金”的单词

    Episode 171213 / 13 Dec 2017

    Learn two ‘shiny’ words

  • Ornament and decoration 两个表示“装饰”的词语

    Ornament and decoration 两个表示“装饰”的词语

    Episode 171206 / 06 Dec 2017

    Both look nice, but what is the difference between them?

  • Set off 和 set out 的区别

    Set off 和 set out 的区别

    Episode 171129 / 29 Nov 2017

    What’s the difference between set off and set out?

  • 表示“副职”、“第二位”等的英语表达


    Episode 171122 / 22 Nov 2017

    Learn words about being second-in-command

  • Illness, disease and ailment 三个表示“病痛”的单词

    Illness, disease and ailment 三个表示“病痛”的单词

    Episode 171115 / 15 Nov 2017

    Learn three words about being unwell

  • Firm, company 和 enterprise 的区别

    Firm, company 和 enterprise 的区别

    Episode 171108 / 08 Nov 2017

    Learn three words related to setting up a business

  • “I dreamt a dream.” 英语中的同源动词和宾语现象

    “I dreamt a dream.” 英语中的同源动词和宾语现象

    Episode 171101 / 01 Nov 2017

    What is a cognate object, and how do we understand it in a sentence?

  • Remittance, payment 和 pay 的区别

    Remittance, payment 和 pay 的区别

    Episode 171025 / 25 Oct 2017

    Learn three words related to financial transactions

  • 单词 due 的用法

    单词 due 的用法

    Episode 171018 / 18 Oct 2017

    When is the programme due?

  • Sector、department、division 三个表示“部门”的单词

    Sector、department、division 三个表示“部门”的单词

    Episode 171011 / 11 Oct 2017

    Find out the differences between ‘sector’, ‘department’ and ‘division’!

  • Value、worth 和 merit 的区别

    Value、worth 和 merit 的区别

    Episode 171004 / 04 Oct 2017

    Three words with similar meanings

  • Shabby、beat-up、scruffy、ropey 表示“破旧的”同义词

    Shabby、beat-up、scruffy、ropey 表示“破旧的”同义词

    Episode 170927 / 27 Sep 2017

    In poor condition

  • Set up, install and fix 三个表示“安装”的说法

    Set up, install and fix 三个表示“安装”的说法

    Episode 170920 / 20 Sep 2017

    Should we ‘set up’, ‘install’ or ‘fix’ a kitchen?

  • Estimate、assess 和 evaluate 三个和“评估”有关的单词

    Estimate、assess 和 evaluate 三个和“评估”有关的单词

    Episode 170913 / 13 Sep 2017

    Learn three very similar words about making a guess or a judgement.

  • Start 和 begin 两个表示“开始”的高频词汇

    Start 和 begin 两个表示“开始”的高频词汇

    Episode 170906 / 06 Sep 2017

    Learn two very similar words – ‘start’ and ‘begin’

  • Spread、expand 和 extend 三个表示“延展”的动词

    Spread、expand 和 extend 三个表示“延展”的动词

    Episode 170830 / 30 Aug 2017

    Spread, expand, and extend – which word to use?

  • Corridor、hallway 和 gallery 三个和“走廊”有关的单词

    Corridor、hallway 和 gallery 三个和“走廊”有关的单词

    Episode 170823 / 23 Aug 2017

    Room connections

  • Negative questions 否定疑问句的用法归纳

    Negative questions 否定疑问句的用法归纳

    Episode 170816 / 16 Aug 2017

    Learn to understand and answer a negative question

  • Verge, fringe, brink and border 四个表示“边缘”的名词

    Verge, fringe, brink and border 四个表示“边缘”的名词

    Episode 170809 / 09 Aug 2017

    Be at the cutting edge of learning English

  • Delay、postpone 和 put off 的区别

    Delay、postpone 和 put off 的区别

    Episode 170802 / 02 Aug 2017

    Dealing with uncertainties

  • Commitment, devotion and dedication 三个和“奉献”有关的单词

    Commitment, devotion and dedication 三个和“奉献”有关的单词

    Episode 170726 / 26 Jul 2017

    Put your heart and soul into learning English

  • Option, selection, alternative and choice 四个表示“选择”的单词

    Option, selection, alternative and choice 四个表示“选择”的单词

    Episode 170719 / 19 Jul 2017

    Have you chosen the right words to use?

  • Collaboration 和 cooperation 的区别

    Collaboration 和 cooperation 的区别

    Episode 170712 / 12 Jul 2017

    Two useful words describing ways of working together

  • Match、suit 和 fit 三个试衣服时会用到的动词

    Match、suit 和 fit 三个试衣服时会用到的动词

    Episode 170705 / 05 Jul 2017

    What types of clothes make you look attractive?

  • Excite、energise 和 stimulate 的区别

    Excite、energise 和 stimulate 的区别

    Episode 170628 / 28 Jun 2017

    How do you recharge your batteries?

  • Tender 和 bid 的区别

    Tender 和 bid 的区别

    Episode 170621 / 21 Jun 2017

    It’s important to get your offer right

  • Old,elder,elderly 和 senior 的区别

    Old,elder,elderly 和 senior 的区别

    Episode 170614 / 14 Jun 2017

    Who might be old in your family?

  • Jump, hop skip and leap 四个表示“跳”的单词

    Jump, hop skip and leap 四个表示“跳”的单词

    Episode 170607 / 07 Jun 2017

    Four words meaning a particular type of movement

  • Say, speak, talk, tell “说”不同

    Say, speak, talk, tell “说”不同

    Episode 170531 / 31 May 2017

    Which verb is the best?

  • Ex、former 和 previous 三个单词的区别

    Ex、former 和 previous 三个单词的区别

    Episode 170524 / 24 May 2017

    Three words meaning someone or something of an earlier time

  • 英语里“pink 粉红色”的含义

    英语里“pink 粉红色”的含义

    Episode 170517 / 17 May 2017

    Are you a fan of the colour pink?

  • Perpendicular 和 vertical 的区别

    Perpendicular 和 vertical 的区别

    Episode 170510 / 10 May 2017

    Two words meaning ’90 degrees’

  • In which, with which, of which, by which 几个以 which 做为关系代词的用法

    In which, with which, of which, by which 几个以 which 做为关系代词的用法

    Episode 170503 / 03 May 2017

    The house in which I grew up

  • Compress,contract 与 condense 的区别

    Compress,contract 与 condense 的区别

    Episode 170426 / 26 Apr 2017

    Three words involve making things smaller

  • Determine、detect 和 measure 三个词的区别

    Determine、detect 和 measure 三个词的区别

    Episode 170419 / 19 Apr 2017

    Three useful words for information gathering, but are they the same?

  • Accomplishment 和 achievement 之间的区别

    Accomplishment 和 achievement 之间的区别

    Episode 170412 / 12 Apr 2017

    What is your greatest achievement?

  • Related 和 relevant 两个词的区别

    Related 和 relevant 两个词的区别

    Episode 170405 / 05 Apr 2017

    Learn the main difference between these words

  • Cheers and toast 两个庆祝场合常听到的单词

    Cheers and toast 两个庆祝场合常听到的单词

    Episode 170329 / 29 Mar 2017

    Learn two of the most common words heard at parties

  • Promote,press ahead 和 strive for 三个表达的运用

    Promote,press ahead 和 strive for 三个表达的运用

    Episode 170322 / 22 Mar 2017

    Sometimes we need a little push to get things done in life

  • 几个表示 “immediately 马上”的短语

    几个表示 “immediately 马上”的短语

    Episode 170315 / 15 Mar 2017

    Learn how to use these phrases ‘in no time’!

  • Dessert, confectionery, sweet and patisserie 四个与“甜食”有关的单词

    Dessert, confectionery, sweet and patisserie 四个与“甜食”有关的单词

    Episode 170308 / 08 Mar 2017

    Here are four sweet words for sweet lovers

  • Intelligent, smart and wise “聪明的”多种说法

    Intelligent, smart and wise “聪明的”多种说法

    Episode 170301 / 01 Mar 2017

    Which one are you?

  • About、over 和 concerning 之间的区别

    About、over 和 concerning 之间的区别

    Episode 170222 / 22 Feb 2017

    Don’t argue ‘over’ grammar, learn more ‘about’ it with us!

  • Career, occupation, vocation, job 和“工作”有关的几个近义词的区别

    Career, occupation, vocation, job 和“工作”有关的几个近义词的区别

    Episode 170215 / 15 Feb 2017

    What’s the difference between a new job and a new career?

  • Family, house and home 和家有关的三个词

    Family, house and home 和家有关的三个词

    Episode 170208 / 08 Feb 2017

    Learn how to use these three related words effectively

  • Here you go 和 there you go 两个常用口语表达的运用

    Here you go 和 there you go 两个常用口语表达的运用

    Episode 170201 / 01 Feb 2017

    Learn two of the most common phrases in spoken English

  • Garbage, rubbish, trash and waste 四个表示“垃圾”单词的区别

    Garbage, rubbish, trash and waste 四个表示“垃圾”单词的区别

    Episode 170125 / 25 Jan 2017

    Learn the difference between four similar words

  • Traffic, transport, transportation & transit 和“交通”有关的四个近义词区别

    Traffic, transport, transportation & transit 和“交通”有关的四个近义词区别

    Episode 170118 / 18 Jan 2017

    Traffic trouble? Learn with us

  • Individual 与 personal 的区别

    Individual 与 personal 的区别

    Episode 170111 / 11 Jan 2017

    Learn the difference between two similar words

  • Metonymy and synecdoche 修辞法:转喻和提喻

    Metonymy and synecdoche 修辞法:转喻和提喻

    Episode 170104 / 04 Jan 2017

    Learn these two useful figures of speech

  • Convey, convert, transform 和 divert 四个含有“转换”意思的单词

    Convey, convert, transform 和 divert 四个含有“转换”意思的单词

    Episode 161228 / 28 Dec 2016

    Do all these words mean 'change'?

  • Interfere、meddle 和 intervene 三个表示“干涉、干预”近义词的区别

    Interfere、meddle 和 intervene 三个表示“干涉、干预”近义词的区别

    Episode 161221 / 21 Dec 2016

    Learn the difference between three similar words

  • 区分五个和“教”有关的近义词


    Episode 161214 / 14 Dec 2016

    Learn the difference between four related words

  • 近义词 reduce 和 decrease 的区别

    近义词 reduce 和 decrease 的区别

    Episode 161207 / 07 Dec 2016

    Which word is best?

  • Compulsory, mandatory 与 compulsive 三个单词的区别

    Compulsory, mandatory 与 compulsive 三个单词的区别

    Episode 161130 / 30 Nov 2016

    Three words expressing 'must do'

  • Embarrassed、embarrassing 与 awkward 三个表示“尴尬的”单词的区别

    Embarrassed、embarrassing 与 awkward 三个表示“尴尬的”单词的区别

    Episode 161123 / 23 Nov 2016

    Three words to express embarrassment

  • Remove, eliminate, delete 和 cancel 的区别

    Remove, eliminate, delete 和 cancel 的区别

    Episode 161116 / 16 Nov 2016

    Please remove your shoes

  • 英语交流中作答的方式


    Episode 161109 / 09 Nov 2016

    Are you a good listener?

  • Exchange and swap 两个表示“交换”的单词区别

    Exchange and swap 两个表示“交换”的单词区别

    Episode 161102 / 02 Nov 2016

    One of these words is more informal than the other one

  • Charge, fee, fare, cost 四个与“价格、费用”相关的单词

    Charge, fee, fare, cost 四个与“价格、费用”相关的单词

    Episode 161026 / 26 Oct 2016

    Four words related to price

  • Creativity、innovation 和 originality 的区别

    Creativity、innovation 和 originality 的区别

    Episode 161019 / 19 Oct 2016

    Three useful words for the brain

  • Ditch 和 abandon 之间的区别

    Ditch 和 abandon 之间的区别

    Episode 161012 / 12 Oct 2016

    Formal and informal expressions for throwing something away

  • Clash 和 crash 之间的区别

    Clash 和 crash 之间的区别

    Episode 161005 / 05 Oct 2016

    These two words have big differences in their usage

  • Commend 和 recommend 的区别

    Commend 和 recommend 的区别

    Episode 160928 / 28 Sep 2016

    One is more formal than the other

  • Connection and link 两个表示“关系”的单词

    Connection and link 两个表示“关系”的单词

    Episode 160921 / 21 Sep 2016

    Learn how these two words are used

  • Simple, innocent, naive, pure 四个近义词的区别

    Simple, innocent, naive, pure 四个近义词的区别

    Episode 160914 / 14 Sep 2016

    Four words that could be used to describe an angel

  • Appreciate 和 recognise 之间的区别

    Appreciate 和 recognise 之间的区别

    Episode 160907 / 07 Sep 2016

    There is a subtle difference between these two words

  • Distinguished 和 distinguishable 之间的区别

    Distinguished 和 distinguishable 之间的区别

    Episode 160831 / 31 Aug 2016

    There are subtle differences between these two words

  • Restrain 和 constrain 的区别

    Restrain 和 constrain 的区别

    Episode 160824 / 24 Aug 2016

    Learn two words that mean control and limit something

  • Distinct 和 distinctive 之间的区别

    Distinct 和 distinctive 之间的区别

    Episode 160817 / 17 Aug 2016

    There are subtle differences in these two words

  • Include, consist of and contain	 三个有“包括”含义的单词的区别

    Include, consist of and contain 三个有“包括”含义的单词的区别

    Episode 160810 / 10 Aug 2016

    Contents of a box

  • Acknowledge and admit  两个表示“承认”单词的区别

    Acknowledge and admit 两个表示“承认”单词的区别

    Episode 160803 / 03 Aug 2016

    There is a subtle difference between these two words

  • Take part in, join in, participate, attend	四个表示“参加”的单词或短语

    Take part in, join in, participate, attend 四个表示“参加”的单词或短语

    Episode 160727 / 27 Jul 2016

    Different ways of getting involved

  • Teenager, adolescent, kid and child 英语中“孩子”的几种说法

    Teenager, adolescent, kid and child 英语中“孩子”的几种说法

    Episode 160720 / 20 Jul 2016

    Learn the usage of these words with similar meanings

  • Solve and settle 两个表示“解决”的单词区别

    Solve and settle 两个表示“解决”的单词区别

    Episode 160714 / 14 Jul 2016

    Two similar action words

  • Barrier, hurdle, impediment, hindrance 四个表示“障碍”单词的区别

    Barrier, hurdle, impediment, hindrance 四个表示“障碍”单词的区别

    Episode 160707 / 07 Jul 2016

    Different kinds of obstacles

  • Greetings after a short break  小别后的问候

    Greetings after a short break 小别后的问候

    Episode 160630 / 30 Jun 2016

    Learn how to greet someone after the weekend

  • Travel, trip, tour and journey 旅途还是旅行

    Travel, trip, tour and journey 旅途还是旅行

    Episode 160623 / 23 Jun 2016

    Learn the meaning and usage of these similar words

  • Shade or shadow?  “阴”和“影”的区别

    Shade or shadow? “阴”和“影”的区别

    Episode 160616 / 16 Jun 2016

    Two words about blocking light

  • Double, treble, triple, quadruple  英语中表示倍数的单词

    Double, treble, triple, quadruple 英语中表示倍数的单词

    Episode 160609 / 09 Jun 2016

    Learn the different usage of these words

  • Limit 和 restrict 的区别

    Limit 和 restrict 的区别

    Episode 160602 / 02 Jun 2016

    Learn the different usage of these words

  • Different types of hats 各种帽子的英文说法

    Different types of hats 各种帽子的英文说法

    Episode 160526 / 26 May 2016

    Different styles of hats

  • Emperor/empress 和 king/queen 的区别

    Emperor/empress 和 king/queen 的区别

    Episode 160519 / 19 May 2016

    Learn the different usage of these words

  • Practical and pragmatic  “实用的”两个词的区别

    Practical and pragmatic “实用的”两个词的区别

    Episode 160512 / 12 May 2016

    One is more widely used than the other

  • Almost, nearly, more or less “差不多”的三个近义词

    Almost, nearly, more or less “差不多”的三个近义词

    Episode 160505 / 05 May 2016

    Do these phrases have exactly the same meaning?

  • Accountability, liability and responsibility 的区别

    Accountability, liability and responsibility 的区别

    Episode 160428 / 28 Apr 2016

    Learn the different usage of these words

  • Parcel, sack, box 包裹类词语

    Parcel, sack, box 包裹类词语

    Episode 160421 / 21 Apr 2016

    Three words relating to 'wrapping'

  • Labour, labourer, workforce, worker 与“工作”相关的四个单词

    Labour, labourer, workforce, worker 与“工作”相关的四个单词

    Episode 160414 / 14 Apr 2016

    Similar words all relating to ‘work’

  • Revise and review 的区别

    Revise and review 的区别

    Episode 160407 / 07 Apr 2016

    Learn how to distinguish between these two words

  • Retailer, wholesaler, distributor, outlet 几个词的区别和用法

    Retailer, wholesaler, distributor, outlet 几个词的区别和用法

    Episode 160331 / 31 Mar 2016

    Learn the differences between these words in this programme

  • Shopping for ‘shoes’ 不同种类的“鞋”

    Shopping for ‘shoes’ 不同种类的“鞋”

    Episode 160324 / 24 Mar 2016

    Shoes, shoes, shoes... Learn the vocab you need!

  • Different types of ‘tissue’ 不同种类的“纸巾”

    Different types of ‘tissue’ 不同种类的“纸巾”

    Episode 160317 / 17 Mar 2016

    Do you know the difference between tissue and paper?

  • Objective and purpose 目标和目的

    Objective and purpose 目标和目的

    Episode 160310 / 10 Mar 2016

    Find out the ‘purpose’ of this programme

  • Spectacle, view, sight, vision, scene, scenery 几个词的区别

    Spectacle, view, sight, vision, scene, scenery 几个词的区别

    Episode 160303 / 03 Mar 2016

    Learn the different usage of these words

  • A sense of belonging 归属感

    A sense of belonging 归属感

    Episode 160225 / 25 Feb 2016

    A phrase to describe the place you feel at home

  • Improving your vocabulary 增加词汇量

    Improving your vocabulary 增加词汇量

    Episode 160218 / 18 Feb 2016

    Learn ways to improve your vocabulary

  • Been to vs gone to 语法辨析

    Been to vs gone to 语法辨析

    Episode 160211 / 11 Feb 2016

    What is the difference between 'been to' and 'gone to'?

  • Football and soccer 两个词的区别

    Football and soccer 两个词的区别

    Episode 160204 / 04 Feb 2016

    Learn the difference between and usage of these two words

  • Infer vs conclude 两个易混词

    Infer vs conclude 两个易混词

    Episode 160128 / 28 Jan 2016

    What is it that makes these two words different?

  • So far 的用法

    So far 的用法

    Episode 160121 / 21 Jan 2016

    A phrase to indicate to a specific point or to a certain degree

  • Passion and enthusiasm 两个词的区别

    Passion and enthusiasm 两个词的区别

    Episode 160114 / 14 Jan 2016

    Learn these two words and their differences

  • Dictionary and other words 与“词典”相关的近义词

    Dictionary and other words 与“词典”相关的近义词

    Episode 160107 / 07 Jan 2016

    These words refer to a reference book

  • 三个表达“连续的”近义词区别


    Episode 151231 / 31 Dec 2015

    Learn the differences between successive, continuous and consecutive

  • Painting, drawing and picture 三个关于“画”的近义词

    Painting, drawing and picture 三个关于“画”的近义词

    Episode 151224 / 24 Dec 2015

    Three similar words often used to describe art

  • Pricey, expensive and dear 三个表达“贵”的词

    Pricey, expensive and dear 三个表达“贵”的词

    Episode 151217 / 17 Dec 2015

    There are several ways of talking about things that cost a lot of money. Check out these three

  • Drop 和 fall 之间的区别

    Drop 和 fall 之间的区别

    Episode 151210 / 10 Dec 2015

    A programme to explain the difference between ‘drop’ and ‘fall’

  • Glitch, mistake and fault  三个易混词

    Glitch, mistake and fault 三个易混词

    Episode 151203 / 03 Dec 2015

    You’ll probably use one of these words when something goes wrong. But do you know their differences? Find out in this programme

  • Four words with prefix trans- 含有前缀 trans- 的四个名词

    Four words with prefix trans- 含有前缀 trans- 的四个名词

    Episode 151126 / 26 Nov 2015

    Whether you are thinking about changing your look or moving house, you can use words that starts with ‘trans-‘

  • Genuine and original 两个词的区别

    Genuine and original 两个词的区别

    Episode 151119 / 19 Nov 2015

    Learn the difference between these two words

  • Furniture and household items 家具和居家物品的英语表达

    Furniture and household items 家具和居家物品的英语表达

    Episode 151112 / 12 Nov 2015

    Learn the English names for some commonly-used household furniture

  • Primary, main, prime and major 英语中表示“主要的、首要的”的近义词

    Primary, main, prime and major 英语中表示“主要的、首要的”的近义词

    Episode 151105 / 05 Nov 2015

    The primary objective of this Q and A session is to help you understand the main differences between these words

  • Table manners 英国餐桌礼仪(下)

    Table manners 英国餐桌礼仪(下)

    Episode 151029 / 29 Oct 2015

    What is the etiquette for formal dinners? Listen to our expert and learn some useful tips

  • Real, authentic and true 三个表达“真实的”近义词区别

    Real, authentic and true 三个表达“真实的”近义词区别

    Episode 151022 / 22 Oct 2015

    These three words share similar meanings, but also have differences in usage. Which one do you think is the most commonly used?

  • Conversational English when using services 英国购物消费用语

    Conversational English when using services 英国购物消费用语

    Episode 151015 / 15 Oct 2015

    Learn a few practical phrases to help you get started in a new country

  • Table manners 英国餐桌礼仪 (上)

    Table manners 英国餐桌礼仪 (上)

    Episode 151008 / 08 Oct 2015

    There is a lot to learn about English table manners. Let's begin with how to use cutlery

  • Chicken words “鸡”词“鸡”语

    Chicken words “鸡”词“鸡”语

    Episode 151001 / 01 Oct 2015

    There are different words that you can use to refer to the same animal. Let's start with chicken

  • “Enjoyful” 是单词吗?

    “Enjoyful” 是单词吗?

    Episode 150924 / 24 Sep 2015

    We hear new words all the time in English, but is 'enjoyful' one of them? Find out in Question and Answer of the Week

  • 英语里“一个半 one and a half”算单数还是复数?

    英语里“一个半 one and a half”算单数还是复数?

    Episode 150917 / 17 Sep 2015

    Are you good at English grammar? How should you match the verb to the noun when it is 'one and a half'?

  • Explore vs search 两词用法详解

    Explore vs search 两词用法详解

    Episode 150910 / 10 Sep 2015

    Do you want to know the recipe for cooking crispy duck? It's easy, just search online

  • Five confusing words 五个表示“特殊”的易混单词

    Five confusing words 五个表示“特殊”的易混单词

    Episode 150903 / 03 Sep 2015

    Special, especial, particular, specific and peculiar are frequently used in everyday life. What are their differences? How to use them correctly? Find out in this programme

  • Like a duck to water “如鱼得水”的英文表达

    Like a duck to water “如鱼得水”的英文表达

    Episode 150827 / 27 Aug 2015

    This phrase is used to describe someone who can learn quickly. Can we substitute 'duck' with 'fish'?

  • Why 'bigger'? 为何用 bigger?

    Why 'bigger'? 为何用 bigger?

    Episode 150820 / 20 Aug 2015

    You may know the meanings of all the adjectives in this programme but can you decide what form to use?

  • Demolish vs destroy 拆毁还是毁灭?

    Demolish vs destroy 拆毁还是毁灭?

    Episode 150813 / 13 Aug 2015

    Are you puzzled by the meaning of these two words? Their differences should become clear after you listen to the programme

  • 和单词 back 搭配使用的短语

    和单词 back 搭配使用的短语

    Episode 150806 / 06 Aug 2015

    What does it mean if traffic is 'backed up'? Learn how to use 'back up' and 'back out'

  • Four unrelated phrases 四个名词短语详解

    Four unrelated phrases 四个名词短语详解

    Episode 150730 / 30 Jul 2015

    Each of these phrases has a different meaning. Learn how they are used in real life situations

  • 单词back你会用吗?


    Episode 150723 / 23 Jul 2015

    This frequently used word may have more meanings than you know. Learn how to use the word 'back' as an adverb, a verb, an adjective and a noun

  • Cheers 表示“谢谢”的用法

    Cheers 表示“谢谢”的用法

    Episode 150716 / 16 Jul 2015

    When you want to thank someone for their help, try another word to show your appreciation

  • Imply, suggest and hint 含有“暗示”意思的三个词

    Imply, suggest and hint 含有“暗示”意思的三个词

    Episode 150709 / 09 Jul 2015

    When you want to suggest something indirectly you can use one of three words. But which one would you choose?

  • 英国人说的dozen到底什么个意思?


    Episode 150702 / 02 Jul 2015

    A word that means 'twelve'. Its plural form can be used in informal spoken language to mean 'lots of'

  • Inasmuch 如何使用?

    Inasmuch 如何使用?

    Episode 150625 / 25 Jun 2015

    "It's a good school inasmuch as all the teachers are qualified." Find out what this means in the programme

  • 'Salutary' pronunciation Salutary的读音

    'Salutary' pronunciation Salutary的读音

    Episode 150219 / 19 Feb 2015

    Learn how to pronounce the sound /j/

  • Exhibition and exposition 展览会和博览会

    Exhibition and exposition 展览会和博览会

    Episode 150212 / 12 Feb 2015

    One of them is on a bigger scale than the other

  • Drink too much “喝醉酒”的地道表达

    Drink too much “喝醉酒”的地道表达

    Episode 150205 / 05 Feb 2015

    Learn the different ways of describing drunkenness

  • Association, college and society 协会、学院和社团

    Association, college and society 协会、学院和社团

    Episode 150129 / 29 Jan 2015

    Find out the differences between these three words in organisation's naming strategy

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